Election “Deniers”

Election “Deniers”

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/30/2022

I am happy to say that I voted for Donald Trump in 2020. I voted for Trump because, although he did some things I didn’t like, he did many more that I did appreciate. I knew a ‘Biden’ presidency would be a demonstration of debauchery as well. While Joe Biden has not disappointed my expectations, I still have questions about the integrity of the 2020 election which makes me, according to the absolutely braindead scumbags that write articles for ABC (and others) an election “denier.”

I don’t deny that there was an election, so ABC ‘News’ got this label completely wrong. What I am curious about is why there are so many people so dead set against conducting an audit of their precincts vote for the 2020 election. But, as always, the puke stains at ABC ‘News’ found a way to raise an alarm about the midterm election. Soo Rin Kim, Laura Romero, Patrick Linehan, and Kate Holland managed to combine to write With 10 weeks until midterms, election deniers are hampering some election preparations.

These four bottom feeders are pissed off about what they perceive as harassment, threats of violence, and misinformation. Filing FOIA requests has been deemed harassment as reported by ABC News. I’m not kidding either. Election officials are complaining about people sending in FOIA requests because they don’t believe the 2020 election results. Sounds peaceful and fair to me. The main problem that these election officials have is that some people are providing information about how to file FOIA requests to the general public. They have gotten quite a few FOIA requests because of the efforts of those who wanted to see an audit but had their requests denied.

Dane County, Wisconsin never completed an audit. They did recount the votes; however, that falls far short of conducting an audit. Florida never conducted an audit. The state of Michigan claims to have completed an audit; however, Michigan audited itself and results were communicated verbally which doesn’t really mean any audit even occurred. Washoe County, Nevada doesn’t seem to have audited its election. What is the common link here? We wanted an audit, not a recount. Are those ballots legal? Who knows, the way these states and many others, conducted their ‘elections’ was largely through mail in and drop-off ballots. Once the envelope was opened, there was no way to tell where the ballot came from. Even if these people tried to audit their elections, the results would be meaningless because their procedure invited fraud. That fraud was widespread. Watch 2,000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza for more details on this.

ABC noted two incidents of threats of violence. Stating “Traitors will be dealt with,” should only really bother traitors. This was taken as a threat in Washoe County, Nevada. It makes me think that if this is a threat (even traitors get their day in court) then whoever reported it as such should probably not been involved in traitorous activities.

“By mid-June, shortly after the Nevada primaries, [Washoe County Commissioner spokeswoman, Bethany] Drysdale says the harassment had become so severe that the Washoe County voter registrar resigned their position, prompting the Washoe County Commission to propose a support plan to help county employees that ‘are unfairly publicly attacked, harassed, or disparaged by members of the public or by political organizations.’”

Here I am shrugging at Drysdale. Define unfair, attack, harassment, and disparagement. After reading her proposed ‘solutions’ to gestapoize the county clerks in Washoe County from any accountability whatsoever by silencing free speech completely deserved the response they received. “That effort was assailed by members of the Republican Women of Reno, who in an online post asked, ‘Is it 1984 in Washoe County?’” Well Drysdale, is it? After all you did not conduct a fair and honest election, did not try to accurately distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate voters, and returned with a statement promising some sort of sanction for anyone brave enough to call a turd a turd. Are you going to fine me and try to throw me in prison if I decide to call you a replica of that bitch Eva Braun?

The other instance of threats cited by these four geniuses at ABC ‘News’ came from an Doña Ana, New Mexico county clerk, Amanda Askin, who stated she had reported several “death threats” to the FBI. Was she threatened with death? I don’t know. I do know I don’t have any trust in Askin though.

An Otero County man by the name of David Clements has repeatedly asked for audits around the country, especially in New Mexico. Instead of responding to cries for audits, they kick him out of commission meetings and claim, “‘This has been brought up multiple times and there's just no fact to it,’ a [Doña Ana County, NM] commissioner told Clements.” Of course, they won’t do the audit because first off, they can’t, and second, they don’t want to have to admit they can’t. So they just kick people out who ask.

Before he was thrown out of the Doña Ana commission meeting, Clements asked for Askin to resign. Her response is very telling and shows how much these people hate anyone asking questions. ABC reported:

“‘It was almost a joke to me,’ Askin told ABC News. ‘I'm serving my community, and then you have 50,000 people that voted for me. All he does is feed my determination.’”

“‘It's disheartening, and the thing that they don't realize is, I'm a fellow New Mexican,’ she said. ‘I was born and raised here, and I'm more against voter fraud than anyone.’”

Oh, the race card. What difference does your race make when you have no morals and laugh at people with legitimate concerns? It makes you another pile of crap who shouldn’t be in office. Not only does she laugh at Clements’ efforts, she actually claims that she has the moral high ground and is on the hunt for fraudulent votes. It’s really easy to not find things when you won’t look for them. It’s even easier to not find them when it’s actually impossible to determine the validity. What is disgusting is that people like Askin will lie right to everyone’s face and say there is not issue with election integrity.

And that gets me to the last issue all of these liars note. They see questions about election integrity coming from republicans as misinformation. Well, where were the claims of misinformation when Al Gore’s stupid ass decided Florida needed to hand count millions of ballots. It happened, and he still lost. Where was the media at when Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 and she claimed that there was voter fraud all over the place and that was the only reason Trump won? They were nodding their heads behind the camera. Of course no investigation was ever called for because it would have landed a lot of democrats in jail for voter fraud. It’s only ‘misinformation’ now that the democrat won and republicans are calling for audits. It is suppression of our First Amendment right to redress grievances, a demonization of speech in an effort to criminalize said speech, and a denial of free, fair, and transparent elections.

The entire idea of calling anyone an election “denier” is evidence of the absolutely absurd level these media whores will go to. Of course, these media whores, like the four who wrote this ‘article,’ are most likely told to use that phrase. I denied an election? I didn’t deny anyone of anything. If anyone denied an election it was the media – they are the true election “deniers.” They sat on their hands while they knew there was an orgy of ballots being stuffed into thousands of drop boxes by DNC-paid individuals. They saw no need to report about any of that. Hell, some of these same ‘journalists’ and ‘reporters’ may have been ballot stuffers themselves, D’Souza calls them mules. I call them traitors to the REPUBLIC because they helped rig an election by staying silent – denying the entire US population (democrats and US citizens alike) a free, fair, and transparent election.

What this article really is; however, is really, really dark. It is telling the reader that there will be violence towards election officials and/or elected officials. ABC should know, it is the democrat party that plans on committing the violence in the next two and a half months so they can blame it on what they call election “deniers” for it. Don’t fall into their trap. Keep asking for audits and force these county commissioners and clerks to have to say we can’t do an audit outloud. Keep filing FOIA requests. Keep showing up to county commission sessions and demanding answers. Bring lawsuits with evidence even though we all know the suit will get thrown out. Those are all legal and peaceful methods towards the truth. DO NOT COMMIT VIOLENT ACTS OR MAKE THREATS OF VIOLENT ACTS – that is what they would absolutely love to have happen. Let them go commit their false flags and have to burn a few of their own in the process. Just make sure you are aware of their intentions, to not fall into the trap, and to call it for what it really is when it does occur.


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