The Trend of Eating People Is Better Off Never Starting

The Trend of Eating People Is Better Off Never Starting

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/2/2023

Cannibalism has been around almost as long as people have been on earth. The depraved act of people eating other people is the stuff of nightmares. Cannibalism was ritualized in many cultures throughout history. And in some settings, mostly tribal groups who have long sought to be left alone by the whole world, cannibalism is still ritualized and practiced. It is not a mainstream activity; however, lunatics amongst us are doing their best to bring cannibalism to the mainstream.

Most of us immediately recall the horrific crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer, a homosexual who would eat his murdered victims so that they would always be near to him. The Donner party is also a real life tale of a group of people who made bad decisions, found themselves stuck in the snowy Sierra Nevada Mountains during winter and resorted to eating the dead, even committing murder in order to obtain human flesh. These examples serve to show that cannibalism is not a common practice and it is still frowned upon. Dahmer was a serial murderer and the Donner party ran out of food and was starving to death. Certain individuals are seeking to break down the moral barriers of cannibalism; however, and the trend is growing more mainstream.

In 2017 Ben Thomas wrote a paper titled Eating People Is Wrong—But It’s Also Widespread and Sacred: Can transcendence be attained by embracing the strongest taboo of all? Thomas argues that it may be possible to use cannibalism to gain transcendence, all we need to do is to accept anthropologist’s definition of taboo. To me the word taboo means way out of bounds, unlawful, and socially reprehensible. “[A]nthropologists,” according to Thomas, “often define taboo as an act deemed too sacred to perform under ordinary circumstances, an act that invites the greatest peril while invoking the most tremendous power. Cannibalism is one of the strongest taboos of all, and that might be the very reason why it’s been considered one of the most holy rituals around the world and far back into the depths of prehistory.”

Redefining words seems to be how really bad trends start. Redefining the word taboo seems to be a really good way to get people who are already living amoral lives to become reprobate – meaning they are incapable of finding favor in God’s eyes even if they wanted to. And God makes it more than evident that cannibalism is not something which should be entertained in the Bible. Even in cases of starvation, cannibalism is absolutely not to be considered a viable option. It violates the Law of God any way one looks at it. It violates the idea of not eating the flesh of a beast which dies on its own (Deuteronomy 14:21 – Law 156) and not to commit murder (Exodus 20:13 – Law 278). In order to engage in cannibalism for any reason, one must set their heart against God.

That is something which is more and more common in the degenerate societies we find ourselves living in. Basically there are two paths to convince a person that eating other people is permissible – necessity to not starve to death and ritualistic purposes. As our ‘modern’ society continues it’s path towards complete degeneracy and debauchery, arguments like Thomas’ should be expected to proliferate. Cannibalism should start popping up in the news as something to be considered acceptable. And, because there is so much degeneracy in our societies (degeneracy meaning distance from Torah which was lived through Jesus Christ), these ideas are starting to appear in mainstream venues.

Yesterday MSN reported that a Brazilian man who resides in the Netherlands, Begoleã Mendes Fernandes, was arrested in Portugal when he was discovered to be in possession of meat. Officials and police suspect the meat is of human origin. A day prior MSN reported on Hunter Chase Nance who is now in a North Carolina jail awaiting trial on a $1.5 million bond. Nance is accused of stabbing a woman with the intent to kill her for fun and expressed and interest in cannibalism according to the victim. In 2019 Mark Latunski murdered his Grindr date and ate his testicles. Armie Hammer has a professed desire to mix sexual relations and blood drinking.

In January 2022, Medical News Today’s Tim Newman (author) and Jessica Beake, PhD. (fact-checker) entered the cannibalism debate under the ruse of medical advice. More and more I have less and less faith in the medical establishment, and for good reason. After openly advocating for cannibalism, the article, which is mostly about making sure cannibals skip eating other human’s brains for health reasons, offers, “Although it may seem “wrong,” the good news is that consuming cooked human flesh is no more dangerous than eating the cooked flesh of other animals. This is true for the majority of the human body — the health implications are similar to that of eating any large omnivore.”

Degenerates Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly drink each others blood. CNN gave them press coverage to clear up misconceptions about their cannibalism – “It’s just a few drops, but yes, we do consume each other’s blood on occasion for ritual purposes only.” Sick. Degenerate. I can only try to guess which is worse – CNN for lying all the time or these two scumbags cannibalizing one another. Live Science suggests that drinking small amounts of blood is okay and advises, “If you're thinking of sampling human blood, make sure there's a doctor handy — for you, not your victim.” In 2015 the BBC produced a piece titled The People Who Drink Human Blood. The byline reads, “In most major cities around the world, communities of ordinary people – nurses, bar staff, secretaries – are drinking human blood on a regular basis. The question is, why?” The answer is they are degenerates and hate God but the BBC chalks it up to “renewed vitality.”

There is still a Cannibal Club somewhere in the United States (I believe it is in California). This club serves human meat prepared by chefs. According to the website, the meat is procured from businesses and institutions which would rather not be exposed for their donations. Individual donations generally involve offsetting funeral costs and for life insurance purposes. Some donate themselves to be eaten by their family and friends. In a really odd twist casting doubt over the honesty of where these reprobates get their meat from they state, “We take considerable care to ensure that all our meat is produced legally and ethically, and derived only from young, healthy bodies.” When presented with the fact that cannibalism is wrong, Cannibal Club doubles down by stating anyone holding that belief is stupid:

“Cannibalism, as traditionally practiced, usually shows respect to the deceased, who is desired to be reborn into the living, or offered as a worthy sacrifice to some deity. It is never our practice to debase or objectify human life. Arguments against cannibalism are typically grounded in ignorance, cultural prejudice, and nonsensical spiritual beliefs.”

Mashable presented an article which discusses the reasons why so many recent pop-culture productions contain cannibalism. They note Bones and All (2022), Fresh (2022), Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story (miniseries airing in 2022), House of Hammer (miniseries airing in 2022), and Yellowjackets (TV series starting in 2021). Again, the answer as to why there is so much cannibalism in pop-culture all of a sudden is based in predictive programming and breaking down the walls of society’s acceptance of the practice and eventual participation in the practice. Mashable disagrees and, after using cannibalism featured in film and on television to portray those against the institution as fascists for not wanting to see that filth, the article states:

“Cannibalism in film and TV is proving to be a nourishing narrative tool to embrace and exemplify the disenfranchised. As well as forcing readers and viewers to negotiate their own awareness and sensitives to morally-challenging stories that don’t serve up clear answers on a platter.”

“And that’s the power of this storytelling tool. By using cannibalism to ask questions of societal power structures, the patriarchy as well as the shame and fear associated with marginalised identity, it forces the audience to seek answers inside themselves. Is cannibalism the problem – or are we? Food for thought.”

Mashable has apparently never thought about cannibalism being absolutely lawless as defined in the Bible because – they hate God – you guessed correctly. It is an issue as black and white as the type is on the pages of the Bible condemning cannibalism. The only story these producers are telling is that they want to normalize cannibalism. For this opinion, these same self-serving degenerate producers and this publication are deciding to dub me and anyone sharing my opinion a fascist.

What have we learned thus far? If we don’t accept cannibalism and voice those opinions we are ignorant, prejudiced, have nonsensical spiritual beliefs, and are fascists. These so-called liberals have decided there is no God and they will make things up as they see fit including bestowing those they disagree with as anything they decide we are. Wait until these degenerates are granted the wishes on their progressive checklist – some of which has already been granted. I am an enemy to their entire checklist. Normalize and legalize sexual immorality – check; non-traditional marriages – check; transsexualism – almost checked; pedophilia – normalization is in progress; abortion – check (even with Roe v Wade overturned, most states still permit the barbaric murders and some have expanded the allowance of baby murder); cannibalism – normalization is in progress; human sacrifice – normalization is in progress. While I am not immune from having committed sexual immorality which I now understand as sex outside of marriage but in the past failed to recognize, I’m certainly against everything else on this checklist as well as sexual immorality. Lawlessness will abound and people will not seek repentance – it is promised in the Bible. The day is coming when repentance will not be possible….

That day may arrive sooner than we think. In 2012 a bill was put forward in the Oklahoma Senate. SB 1814 of the 2012 session of the legislature was titled Food; prohibiting the sale or manufacture of food or products which contain aborted human fetuses. Effective date. The bill went nowhere – it was referred to Agriculture and Rural Development and never left. We are living in a real life version of Soylent Green. There are chemicals derived from cloned fetal tissue already in our foods and drinks. As recently as January 2023, a bill was introduced in Texas that would make it illegal to sell food, medical, or cosmetic products containing or manufactured by using human fetal tissue or “is otherwise derived from using human fetal tissue” without a label. It was referred to Health & Human Services on February 15. Hopefully SB 314 is more successful than the 2012 attempt in Oklahoma.

Sam Harris suggested that it shouldn’t be that big of a deal to eat babies. Harris’ defenders claim that the clip was taken out of context by Alex Jones. Maybe the clip Jones used was taken out of context and I don’t really care if it was or not – Sam Harris even pretending to argue in favor of it is absolutely degenerate. Sam Harris isn’t helping himself by having this conversation with The Young Turks Cenk Uygur either. Uygur has claimed the thing he would do if he was the leader of the world – to make it better – would be to legalize sexually gratifying animals.

Putting the clip Jones played into context, Harris is trying really hard to justify torture and Ungar is very interested in demanding that “torture is torture,” and it is always bad. Uygur is only saying that because in 2014, when the discussion took place, Islamic militants were being abused in US military prisons. He isn’t worries about torture unless it happens to Moslems and it is apparent – the media outlet is named after a genocide Moslems committed and refuse to acknowledge. “I’m not sanguine about the torture,” Harris says at 2:51:35, “being a benign thing, that we should just do cavalierly. I think it should be illegal. I think if somebody does it in a circumstance that isn’t in absolute extremity, where any decent person would be tempted to use force in the circumstance, then these people should be prosecuted and go to jail for decades. But there are circumstances where you would have to be a monster not to lay hands on the bad guy. You’re just not imagining those circumstances.”

Uygur interrupts, “No, no, no, no, no, let me clarify ‘cuz this is important right? So, I’m not saying that torture has never worked and will never work under any circumstance. What I am saying is that number one that it is unlikely to work, not that it never works, that it is unlikely to work, and I’ll tell you why in a second, and that number two it has such terrible consequences, both in terms of what we are doing to our captives and what we are doing to our own morality and the message we are sending to the rest of the world about whether we are good guys or bad guys that I wouldn’t do it – I might not do it even if I thought it was absolutely going to work, but I don’t think it is, it is unlikely. Why is it unlikely to work? We waterboarded Khalid Sheikh 183 times. If it worked, why did we have to do it 183 times? It doesn’t work. By 182 times we should have gotten the sense, it’s not working.”

Without missing a beat Harris responds, “We are not going to resolve this conversation here. I should say that my position on torture is exactly the position on torture that you find in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. One think that’s happening to me now in conversations like this and in many topics, is that much of my discussions have not to do with policy but have been an effort to get at ethical bedrock. I write and think as a philosopher. And in the context of having a philosophical discussion about ethics, and right and wrong, you can say many things that seem crazy outside of a philosophy seminar but at a philosophy seminar are totally legitimate. At a philosophy seminar you can say ‘you know, why can’t we eat babies? What’s wrong with eating babies? We’ve got extra babies around that nobody wants, why can’t we eat them? Right?’

Harris continues That is a completely insane thing to say in the world, seemingly. That’s the kind of thing that if quoted out of context, if Glen Greenwald decides to tweet out, ‘Sam Harris can’t figure out why we can’t eat babies,’ right, it makes me look like an asshole. But the reality is if you’re talking about, if you’re trying to get to the bedrock, about the ethics of good and evil and the use of force, then starting the conversation with why can’t we eat babies? Give me an ethical argument why this is really, really wrong – why intuitions of it’s wrongness can be conserved that is a totally legitimate thing to do and there is not a philosopher on earth who thinks you are a weirdo for having that conversation. So, much of my discussion, so, I don’t tend to write down to my readers, and much of my discussion of things like nuclear deterrence and torture and al of these very inflammatory issues – the biggest one is the link between belief and action and killing people for their beliefs. Those are had in the context of a very extensive conversation in philosophical terms about how we get to ethical bedrock. What makes it right to kill Osama bin Laden? How is it right? Is it right by virtue of all of the people he’s killed? Well no because we aren;t even sure he personally killed anyone, right…”

Why did he go there in the first place. Even in 2014 it seems that these thoughts of cannibalism – specifically child sacrifice and the consumption of the human remains of the murder victim – were being preprogrammed into us. Sam Harris can call himself an intellectual, a philosopher, and anything else he wants to but in reality he is a God-hating fool. With the Bible there are no ethical bedrocks which need to be searched for, expounded upon, and altered as time goes on. The morality of the Bible is, was, and will always remain the same.

In my opinion times are going to get far worse before they get better. It is a fact that people starving to death often cannibalize those weaker than themselves in desperation. With God; however, all things are possible. Ask and you shall receive in these times. Get ready to be able to feed yourself with no grocery stores or restaurants for several months. I strongly encourage you, myself as well, to make those preparations for food as well as water, medications and first-aid, ammunition, and energy.

I suggest you read your Bible and understand the morals God gave us instead of always looking for a loophole in useless, amendable, easily reinterpreted man-made ethics. The truth is not in these sets of ethics. The truth was written in the first five books of the Old Testament and came in the flesh in the first four books of the New Testament. Believing that God is judging the world right now, cannibalism will only grow more prevalent in the ways of the world – the ethics of the world. I adamantly refuse to partake in it. I hope you share my utter disgust with anyone even suggesting that cannibalism is acceptable. I also hope if you are in dire straights or being coerced into eating human flesh your resolve is God-inspired to not participate.

Bless God and God bless.


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