The Suicide Notes of COVID Vaxxer’s

The Suicide Notes of COVID Vaxxer’s

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/5/2023

Imagine walking into a room and there is a loved one with a suicide note. Instead of the “I couldn’t take it anymore” and “I’m sorry” the note reads more like “You should have done the same things I did to lead me to the moment just before I committed the act.” That is exactly what the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ demanders have decided to do to all of humanity.

They know these vaccines are not vaccines, first of all. Well, the responsible parties know – like the governments, public health experts, scientists, bioethicists, some doctors, and the manufacturers and developers of the ‘vaccines.’ Increasingly the populace are becoming aware of the fact that what has been labeled a ‘vaccine’ is really a xenogenic gene therapy which turns human beings into chimeras, contains graphene oxide, and has this really interesting ability to grow blood clots (which contain no blood) which are measured in feet. Informed consent was never given by the medical ‘professionals’ and coercive tactics were, and are, being widely heralded – making everyone and anyone who has so engaged the public susceptible to hanging as a verdict of a badly needed Nuremberg Trial 2.0.

The vaccines, of course, are the result of another fascinating feature of genetics – the release of a man-made weaponized biological agent. Who created it? Reprobate scumbags from the US and other western nations in partnership with the Chinese government. What was done? It6 was purposefully spread around the world as swiftly as possible almost as if 12 Monkeys was used as an operational manual to make sure it spread as far and wide as possible. We were told that we were useless and forced to get used to a world of masks, exclusion form markets, and complying with the edicts of murderers.

When the gene therapies were released upon the earth, the companies didn’t do the tests like normal. The ones they had completed prior killed everything the mRNA concoctions were injected into. Still they were authorized for human use, proclaimed to be safe, and proclaimed to be effective. Encouraging people to avoid the shots and put their faith in God instead of Moderna and Pfizer went unheeded. Two days after taking one of these gene therapies, my father died. A year and a half later, all cause death rates rose by over 10% around the vaccinated world and Died Suddenly was created and released.

I wouldn’t wear a mask at work. The Chicom scumbag who was my supervisor at work, John Olerich, walked up to me when I was dozens of feet away from any other human being, while I was putting 63 pound boxes onto a pallet in 100 degree heat and yelled over and over again “put your fucking mask on.” I smiled and said “no.” After I was suspended for insubordination and the Teamsters union told me they would let me be fired for not masking up like their good slave, I left the company and moved to a different state that wasn’t insane. Before I left I went to a Costco. The people I went with all had masks on – actually I was the only one in a packed Costco that didn’t wear a mask. I walked around and smiled at everyone because they all looked like they need to remember what it looked like to see a smile. The employees harassed me multiple times anywhere I went even after I told them I had a preexisting condition.

The number of sick were exaggerated. The number of deaths from COVID-19 were made up. Flu disappeared to pad COVID-19 stats and traffic fatalities and firearm deaths were added into the mix as well. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx acted as health presidents and demanded our compliance to their narrative. If we failed to adhere the states would fine us and potentially arrest us. If we rallied against their decrees on social media we were banned and censored.

People in other countries were treated even worse. Checkpoints were set up where COVID-19 test results and vaccine statuses were checked by armed police. Quarantine camps were quickly erected or opened to be filled. International travel became a huge problem. People lost fortunes because officials remanded travelers to hotels for weeks at a time until they submitted to whatever decrees their territory decreed.

We were lied to and treated like dirt to appease the global government’s insatiable appetite for lying and forcing us to believe it. The mitigation efforts were all kabuki theater. And the shots were in this same vein. They were never safe and they were never effective and they never will be. The responsible parties knew this and they hid it and they are still hiding it. They are still censoring information, still demanding that their unapproved medications are ineffective, and still demanding compliance to their narrative. Instead of facing the truth of the disasterous results of their best efforts, everyone from Donald Trump to Anthony Fauci, Tedros to our local public health experts, Bill Gates to Neil deGrasse Tyson have demanded that we take them. Governments have attempted to mandate them and are now in the business of claiming a legal right to kidnap us because they know what is best for us.

There was a piece in The Atlantic a couple months ago demanding that the abuse we have taken from the drooling narrative-creators and knuckle-dragging retards blindly following that narrative be forgotten. The piece argued that the criminals in this situations – the masking-social-distancing-stay-at-home-vaccine-compliant be given amnesty for their crimes against the rest of the world. Many of us said no to the proposition. Even more people are oblivious to the fact that the proposition was even suggested.

The Atlantic has continuously offered evidence for why amnesty should not be given to these criminals both before and after their demand for amnesty. On February 3, 2023 the Atlantic published absolute filth from a narrative-compliant ‘scientist.’ Daniel Engber wrote, “No crunching of the numbers can excuse the spread of vaccine misinformation, or suggest that those who peddle it are anything but a hateful scourge on individuals and a threat to public health.” While Engber thinks millions of people and thousands of medical professionals are a hateful scourge, all he is really saying is come commit suicide with the rest of us. He wrote his suicide note and the notes of his entire family, sadly:

“When it came time to get my children COVID shots, I learned everything I could about potential risks and benefits. I looked at data on the incidence of myocarditis, I considered very rare but deadly outcomes, and I weighed the efficacy of different shots against their measured side effects. These investigations did not arise from distrust of authority, podcast propaganda, or a belief in microchips so small they fit inside of a syringe. I wasn’t fearful; I was curious. I had questions, and I got answers—and now every member of my family has gotten their shots.”

20 million people are dead from the shots. The tests in ferrets revealed that 100% die within a short time of receiving the shots. Ingredient lists are not widely available and what is know about the contents has been discovered by outside labs having to break down and isolate each component. mRNA is not a safe technology, it is a gene therapy with unknown side effects, and it was labeled as a vaccine in order to treat gain-of-function chimeras created by the same vaccine makers. What research did he do? None. He did no research, has no faith in anything but science and his own demonic thought patterns, and has written a suicide note for his entire family because of his arrogance and stupidity.

When he calls those like me a hateful scourge, Engber is referring to the widow of Grant Wahl, the gay-rights activist who was covering the World Cup where he died suddenly. Celine Gounder, a Kaiser Institute and public health mercenary and Wahl’s widow, is exactly why COVID-19 narrative-whores deserve neither respect nor trust. She might as well have held a Desert Eagle and fired it into Grant’s skull – the result would have been absolutely the same. Instead of blaming herself and others like her for Grant’s murder, she wrote a piece in The New York Times insisting that the vaccine couldn’t possibly have caused her husband’s death. Anyone who thinks it may have is not qualified to make the determination according to her. She demands that we all be silenced by force because, like all serial murderers, they don’t want to be prevented from perpetrating more crimes until they have satiated their murderous intentions. She wrote:

“When disinformation profiteers leverage tragedies like Grant’s and Mr. Hamlin’s for their personal gain, they retraumatize families, compromise our ability to interpret information and distinguish truth from lies and put all of us at risk. The results of allowing this to continue will be disastrous.”

Grant Wahl died from his xenogenic injection. Those injections are still being pushed by the likes of Gounder. She chose her job over her husband’s life which is tragic but confirms her reprobate attitude. Her job, of course, is to promote suicide by injection. But she doesn’t stop there – she blames those of us who question medical interventions for discouraging uptake for other vaccines such as polio and measles, just like Engber’s article does. Polio outbreaks are wholly attributed to vaccine campaigns these days. Measles used to be treated just like chickenpox and parties were had to make sure the kids got it and recovered, giving them natural immunity. Anyone doing a little bit of research will run into the studies linking the MMR vaccine to autism. A little bit more research will show exactly how the naysayers and those wishing to exercise extreme caution regarding medical procedures are treated by the medical community. They are blacklisted, have their funding sources destroyed, silenced, and forgotten. Gounder’s position is to serve as one of the murderers of truth in order to murder people. Her job is to pretend that others in her mass-murder cult like Bill Gates never suggested that vaccine campaigns will be used to depopulate and sterilize people.

It’s arrogant little pricks like Gounder and Engber who make me angry. It’s this same group of people – demanding trust in their institutions as something sacrosanct – who have lied to us over and over again, censored information, silenced speech, shut down debate, demanded compliance and sanctions, and have murdered millions of people who are demanding that we trust them and their version of science. They are all mass-murderers.

Early on in the pandemic, before the CNN’s and The Atlantic even knew there was a Chinavirus out there – Alex Jones was talking about it suggesting it looked bad – in December of 2019, possibly earlier. As the CNN’s got hold of the story and it became apparent that whatever was about to happen was going to be unnecessarily unpleasant and people were starting to freak out I noticed that I was starting to be frightened as well. I asked myself after about a week of the CNN death ticker, am I going to trust God or am I going to trust the global government pushing the likes of Engber’s and Gounder’s on the world? I chose God and went forward without fear. Gounder chose to be reprobate and has doubled down on her love of global government and the adversary which stand behind it. Engber has done the same.

These types of people exist to convince others to commit suicide through injection in order to make money. In the meantime they are writing suicide notes for their victims as well. Their notes get published daily by the lying Beast press – the mouthpieces of Satan. The notes read ‘I didn’t know that kicking the chair out from under my feet while I had a noose around my neck would do that – I thought it was safe’. ‘I didn’t think that jumping off this building would kill me.’ They are writing the notes posthumously and they are unrepentant of the harm they have caused to all of us. These murderers need a day in court. When they are found guilty they need to be hung themselves so that they can serve as examples of the justice meted out to murderers. In a way they are writing their own suicide notes because they are openly bragging about the murders, maiming, and sterilizations they are committing through coercion and deception. If they get their way, they will torture, maim, and murder anyone asking questions about their activities at all, me included. They will claim this website is my suicide note even though I have no intention of committing suicide at all.

We are in a perilous time and thirst for truth. The truth, too, is found in trusting God, following his rules, and loving Yeshua. Reprobates have made their decision to reject this truth and are trying to decide for everyone else as well – our job is to not allow the reprobate murderers to succeed in their mission to destroy God’s creations, us included, by spreading the truth of God and the exposing the crimes of those destroying humanity.

Bless God and God bless.


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