You Want Peace? Dissolve the United Nations.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/26/2024

You Want Peace? Dissolve the United Nations.

Peace, the elusive state of affairs which happens in the absence of conflict, is something mankind has only been able to dream of since being expelled from the Garden of Eden. Havah (Eve) experienced great pains in childbirth and Adam encountered lands which were fickle in which he was to tend to produce food. These lower-level conflicts; man versus nature, disease, starvation, and other men; were of the first conflicts outside of the Garden of Eden. Just as the first Biblical account of conflict, which arose after Adam and Havah hid themselves from G-d to hide their nakedness, was inspired by the lying serpent that invaded the Garden, so too were these outside-of-the-Garden-conflicts exacerbated by the same spirit.

These the first conflicts led to the first fruits of Adam and Havah, Cain and Abel, having their own conflict. Cain, as we are all familiar with, murdered his brother. This was the first armed conflict related in the Biblical account. The armament was likely a rock, and the blood spilled by Cain cried out to G-d. This is revealed because conflict, even armed conflict, begins in the hearts of men. The serpent in the Garden tempted Havah to eat the fruit just as surely as this same spirit prompted the envy and rage against G-d and Abel to boil over in Cain’s heart. Outside of the number of men holding similar hates in their heart and allowing that hatred to motivate them, today’s state of affairs is no different than it was when Cain slaughtered his brother.

Genesis 4 relates Cain’s mens rea, or state of mind. G-d rejected Cain’s offerings in favor of his brother’s offering. Dejected and grieved, Cain’s jealousy overtook him and drove him to murder his brother. Abel didn’t lord Cain’s shortcoming over his head according to scripture. Cain decided that instead of trying to do better in the future he would eliminate the competition completely. Cain saw himself as disfavored by G-d so he murdered the one G-d cherished more than himself. Murderers usually only need to entertain the evil within their own hearts while taking no heed of what their actions will mean for anyone else, including G-d. Cain’s feelings of inadequacy were not the working of Abel, nor of G-d, but the work of the evil spirit, that ancient serpent, magnifying the desires in Cain’s heart.

Cain was angry with G-d for having rejected his offering. Despite G-d telling Cain that Cain has the power to rule over his evil inclination Cain decided that he would give into the sin which ultimately existed in his heart. G-d was not upset with Cain and had not rejected Cain, only his offering. G-d even told Cain to go and do good so as to restore his demeanor. From here we may derive the phrase ‘misery loves company’ as well as the concept of ‘if I cannot have it than no one can.’ Cain sought to make Abel as unhappy as he was himself by depriving him of life and also decided that if G-d would not have his offering then G-d would be offered nothing by either himself or his brother. If Cain could not have G-d’s favor, then no one could, especially Abel. This is the first manifestation and primary example, of all of the selfish acts man commits himself to.

This selfishness has not ebbed one bit save for the time when it greatly contributed to the events which occurred during the flood of Noach and the entire world was purged. Yet, even in Noach and his sons, who found grace in the eyes of G-d, this evil inclination existed in their hearts. Unlike Cain they heeded G-d’s word, sought to do good (meaning as G-d commanded), and ruled over these inclinations in their hearts. Yet, the inclination still persisted. And, despite the flood, the evil spirit of the same serpent from the Garden survived.

This is the basis of free will. Havah showed this free will when she was convinced to eat the fruit. Adam followed Havah’s recommendation that the fruit was good despite the warning of G-d. This led to increased distance between the man and His creator. Cain, having never existed in the presence of G-d in the Garden, used his free will to murder his brother. Violence came upon the earth. The flood washed away the unmitigated violence which spread across the earth. Noach and his sons, while having found grace in the eyes of G-d, carried forth free will but also the evil inclination in our hearts G-d charges every man to rule over. Thus, over time, as man repopulated the earth in the postdeluvian world (the world after the flood), others fell to the same temptations of Cain.

If Cain were alive today, he would no doubt find a pleasant home and make many friends wandering through the halls of the United Nations headquarters in New York City. It seems that in order for an individual to be involved with the United Nations in any manner seen as positive by the United Nations or the world it states it serves, one must abandon any belief they may have in G-d at the door to do the same work that Cain committed himself to when he and Abel were in the field. Like Cain, members of the United Nations refuse to recognize that they have a mandate to rule over the evil inclinations in their hearts and, thus, the manifestation of the evil actions their evil intentions inspire.

Recent events at the United Nations undeniably bear this truth. The United Nations has been in the news frequently in the last several months to decide upon how a terrorist group which mass-murdered, systematically raped, psychologically tortured, and kidnapped thousands should have their actions seen as virtuous while the victim of these most recent attacks are lambasted and degraded. There is the side of Cain and the side of Noach apparent in these UN affairs. The terrorist group and their allies around the world have no qualms in seeking out any and every person who even remotely seeks to do good and rule over the evil inclinations in their hearts for extermination while at the same time claiming that their orgy of blood letting is of no concern. Meanwhile the Noach’s, seeking to alleviate themselves of the great evils lurking in the hearts of these modern day Cain’s, meant for their destruction, are condemned by the likes of the UN. The United Nations is an ally of Cain and flees from those who seek to be more like Noach.

Repeated demands have resounded from Hamas and their allies (the neo-Cainsians) demanding an immediate ceasefire from Israel (the pseudo neo-Noachians) while offering Israel only an assurance that Hamas would restock its arsenal to attack Israel again. The United States, Israel’s primary ally in the matter, is proving itself more of an ally of the neo-Cainsians partucularly in the fact that the US allowed a major funding source of Hamas’ to once more access funds it used to pay terrorists. While the United States has vetoed several of these kinds of demands from the neo-Cainsians the intentions of the United States government is becoming more and more clear.

The US has indicated it’s own desires to denigrate Israel in an effort to force the nation to kowtow to the way the world thinks Israel should be behaving. The desire to win domestic elections is a motivating factor in the US administration’s more hostile stance towards Israel as too is the desire to be accepted by the world. On March 22 a vote was taken by the UN Security Council about whether or not a US proposal to enforce an immediate temporary ceasefire – in reality a six-week pause in armed conflict – in exchange for the hostages Hamas still has (whether they still live or not is a different matter). Hamas would get to rearm, Israel would have to allow so-called humanitarian aid into Hamas controlled regions (which will allow Hamas to rearm itself as well as to re-entrench itself in tunnels under hospitals, schools, orphanages, etc.). It would seem that all of the parties would gain something they see as valuable. During this time a truce would be attempted between the parties so that hostilities would not flare up once more.

In my opinion it is promised that unless Israel completely dismantles Hamas they will lose more civilians in future terrorist attacks from Hamas. This has been the case since Hamas took over a leadership role in Gaza in 2006. Hamas sees Israel as an oppressive force and themselves as freedom fighters who refuse to acknowledge the state of Israel. Their foundational documents demand that Israel be entirely eradicated, as a matter of fact. In my opinion it was a mistake that Israel permitted this terrorist group to act autonomously whatsoever for even 10 seconds, yet that is what was attempted. Hamas has provided the evidence that any larger agreement to a two-state solution is untenable and represents a mortal danger to the existence of Israel. Despite Hamas’ manifestations of the evil which lurks in their hearts, the rest of the world sees Israel more like Hamas does – and that’s a problem. It’s a problem because the rest of the world is, by allying themselves with Hamas and their supporters, displaying their own hatreds lurking in their own hearts.

The desires of the members of the United Nations are to not only allow Hamas to annihilate Israel but to destroy the reputation of the United States. And this evil has been overwhelmingly apparent throughout the events in Gaza and Israel since October 7, 2023. The documents which were voted on March 22 are still not available for public consumption. The only information about the draft the United States proposed tot he UN Security Council are through media outlets who do not deserve an ounce of trust from anyone. Yet, the headlines from the United Nations betray their secrecy.

On February 20 a draft demanding a permanent immediate ceasefire with Hamas having to do absolutely nothing to remedy the wrongs they have committed (save for releasing the still living kidnapped victims) was proposed by Algeria. The US vetoed this because Israel would be held liable if they retaliated against Hamas even if Hamas committed 50 more October 7 attacks which would have been guaranteed if they had not vetoed Algeria’s resolution. Thus, the United States proposed it’s own ceasefire resolution (another affront to Israel) with the only real difference being a condemnation of Hamas (oh no, not a condemnation) and the potential for Israel to re-engage militarily in the future.

The United Nations is not making any of these proposals available to the public. They do report on the votes of these clandestine documents however. In February when the US vetoed the overwhelmingly murderous Algerian proposal the Security Council press headline read “Security Council Again Fails to Adopt Resolution Demanding Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza on Account of Veto by United States.” The March proposal by the US, vetoed by China and Russia as mentioned in other press releases at the UN, reads, “Security Council Fails to Adopt Resolution on Gaza” from the Security Council’s press corps which omitted the mention of either Russia or China altogether.

The UN did this because they desire a world where Israel no longer exists but realizes that for as long as the United States acts as an ally of Israel it isn’t going anywhere. According to UN News (not the Security Council’s press) China, “With a view to safeguarding the UN Charter and the “dignity” of the Council, together with the view of Arab States, China therefore voted against the US draft.” According to the same source, Russia claimed that the US proposal contained no provisions at all for a ceasefire. Why? Both nations favor an unconditional ceasefire meaning that Israel will get nothing it is seeking while Hamas will immediately begin launching attacks aimed at exterminating Jews.

There is another resolution circulating (its contents are also unknown) drafted by the 10 ‘elected’ members of the Security Council – most of whom are incredibly hostile to Israel in particular and Judaism as a general rule. Should this proposal, which assuredly demands that Israel merely lay its weapons down to be slaughtered by Hamas, be vetoed by the United States we should expect a condemnation from the Security Council once more. Likewise, expect the Security Council to condemn the US should France go forward with it’s plans and they are vetoed by the United States, “France remains opposed to an Israeli incursion in Rafah and emphasized the urgent need to delivery ample much-needed aid into the enclave. Underlining the importance of realizing a two-State solution to the conflict, he said France will propose an initiative to the Council in this regard.” France is demanding Hamas has a right to exist and that Israel needs to lay down and die at their hands in a two-state arrangement.

Peace, in the United Nation’s vision, will only be able to exist once all of the Abel’s in the world are exterminated by the hoards of Cainsian’s upset at their brother’s righteousness. Peace, in this world, is a state achieved by knowing G-d. Sadly, the government of Israel is secular; however, they do have individual leaders who are willing to commit the nation to righteousness in G-d’s eyes. Nations such as France, China, Russia, the United States, and Algeria seem to have a severe shortage of righteousness in the ranks of leaders. France, China, and Algeria, for instance could rightly be seen as completely reprobate. One day these leaders, righteous and reprobate alike, will be judged. Cain was sent to Nod for murdering his brother, but, unlike Cain who lamented over his exile, these leaders seem to be welcoming of their separation from G-d for eternity.

In another recent UN document, “The United Nations Committee on Information — concluding its forty-fifth session today — approved two resolutions detailing Member States’ priorities for the Department of Global Communications, from combating disinformation, misinformation and information manipulation to reducing disparities in information flows by enhancing assistance for developing countries.”

In other words the UN has decided that in the “service of humanity”, they are going to be the Ministry of Truth. In this press release the UN noted that they recognize some bizarre version of free speech, freedom of the press, and the right for individuals to hold opinions as long as those asserting these rights are not engaging in dis- or misinformation. The United Nations has taken it upon itself to determine what is truthful and what is not. In addition, the United Nations has demanded that the so-called digital divide be shrunk so that more people are more inundated with UN-approved talking points.

Of particular concern to the UN is the narrative surrounding climate-change and the way we should all think about the Ukraine-Russia war. If we have skepticism about the reliability of windmills producing electricity or doubt the validity of spending trillions of dollars to rescue island nations from themselves then we are to be prevented from holding opinions. Yet, the idea that electric vehicles are going to save the world from climate change or that being forced to inject poison into our bodies or that Russia is one-hundred percent wrong and Ukraine is 100-percent right even though it’s last 80 years of existence has been how best to manifest it’s huge Nazi influence throughout society is what the United Nations demands be shoveled into the heads of every person on earth. When I’m using the term Ministry of Truth and applying it to the United Nations I am not mincing words – this body wants to be the singular source when it comes to any belief we may hold.

Thus, the story of the UN grows in it’s comparison the lesson G-d taught us through Cain. Not only is the UN jealous of the righteous in this world; not only is there murder in their hearts they are doing nothing to rule over; not only is the UN rejecting G-d’s instructions – the UN is also asking the same question Cain asked G-d as He inquired of Abel’s whereabouts: “I don’t know; am I my brother’s guardian?” The UN knows that they have led humanity down an incredibly destructive path and have caused the unneeded suffering of billions and deaths of hundreds of millions. Yet they persist in this mission. As the heinous crimes of the UN become more well-known they have recognized the need to control the narrative to minimize the potential hazards to their plans. This is precisely what Cain attempted to do when G-d asked him where his brother is.

Cain wondered around Nod, a land cut off from G-d, with a warning that none should slay him upon his forehead. G-d placed this seal upon Cain. The UN is not only acting as Cain, but to mark their acolytes with a mark similar to Cain’s. It will not be given by G-d but by what the UN hopes to replace G-d with. The issuance of this mark will be dependent upon worshiping the beast the UN is doing its level best to have created by others and gain complete control of.

Maybe this sounds far-fetched, ask Steve Quayle. Imagine if there is a quantum computing lab at the closest point to earth suitable to maintain temperatures approaching 2 Kelvin. The dark side of the moon is consistently at 20 Kelvin. These super cold temperatures are necessary for quantum computing because the state of the qubit changes too quickly to be read at higher temperatures. Unlike the computers we are familiar with and the binary base it operates on (one or zero; on or off) quantum computers can have a whole slew of different states simultaneously meaning it can be on, off, or some reading in between. A massively parallel quantum computer, it is theorized, would make a great silicon fabrication of a human brain. A project of this type will only be complete if and when this moon-based quantum computer is able to think faster than all of the human brains on earth at any given moment. The location will prove to be completely inaccessible to all of humanity….

If that is what is doing the decision making, the data to make the decisions on is being collected from all kinds of different sources. Geospatial data, biometric data, any device which is ‘smart’, communication channels especially social media, internet searches, metadata, and other means of surveillance will feed this type of super quantum computer, if you will.

One type of surveillance tool; however, has made it’s way onto the world stage. It has already been rolled out to the public and, now that wee have been introduced to it, the UN is trying to step in and ensure that the demonic human-being replacement system is under it’s complete control. The technology is artificial intelligence (AI). This is what gathers real-time data about individual thoughts because we feed it the information about us. Increasingly, AI is inserted into ‘smart’ products so that human intervention into situations which arise are no longer necessary. One great example of AI having already murdered people is Boeing’s 737 MAX use of AI which not only cost 346 human lives in two separate crashes but also prevented pilots from correcting what the AI did to cause the crash. Similar stories keep arising from AI-infused ‘smart’ cars as they accelerate into pedestrians or crash all on their own.

AI is the public face of the beast system. Demands have already been made that humanity adopt a ‘correct’ Bible written by AI. AI Pastors have already been introduced in the real world as well as in the digital world. AI has proven itself capable of maneuvering swarms of synchronized flying robots. It is already used in making medical decisions, advertising plugs, news articles, and other media. It has already wrecked the ability of human beings to meaningfully compete in the stock market. Real-time security camera footage analyzed by AI has been able to locate a person walking around the streets with millions of others in less than 10 minutes based on biometric data (face ‘fingerprint’, gait, height, etc.) Humanity is already being replaced by this bastard silicon-based life form.

AI will be linked to a system like a moon-based quantum computing system. When it is, and when the knowledge base which serves as it’s memory is greater than all of the retention possible in all of the human brains on earth (neither of which are all that far off) the singularity will occur. This singularity will introduce what amounts to SkyNet from the Terminator movies; The Umbrella Corporation from the Resident Evil video games and movies; HAL 9000 from Space Odyssey. This is the beast system mentioned in the Bible. We will be expected to bow to it, pledge allegiance to it, and worship it before it is smashed at the return of Yeshua. Those who refuse to do so will be the prey of those who are in control of this system. And the UN is demanding they be the entity in charge of this system.

On March 11 the UN General Assembly created a document titled, “Seizing the opportunities of safe, secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence systems for sustainable development.” As is typical of all UN documents, nine paragraphs are dedicated to recalling other UN documents, taking note of other UN agencies and their partner’s actions, and recognizing facts as they see them. The very first is a reaffirmation of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) – a document straight from the bowels of Hell from the lips of Satan himself which promises only one right – the UN will have all of us doing it’s bidding all of the time according to how it thinks we should be doing its bidding. In other words, the UNDHR grants no rights unless the UN decides it benefits them for anyone to exercise those rights at any given time. Thus, the UNDHR, and any other document relying on it, is automatically becomes invalid.

The first thing the document demands is that the UN will make escaping AI impossible. The second thing demanded is that the UN will determine what AI will be used for (sustainable development goals [SDGs] – ie the impoverishment and death of eight billion people) and will wrest control of free speech by silencing detractors and shoving their agendas down our throats. Third, the UN demands that all institutions adopt the same goal as the UN (murdering and/or enslaving eight billion people). The UN demands all nations have an equal stake in all facets of developing these demonic AI systems fourth. The sixth demands that states have a right to develop AI in line with their national objectives. Demand seven involves making all data collected interoperable globally so as to prevent the creation of, say, a China-specific AI. Demand eight includes the idea that this is just a starting point and that any regulations regarding AI are subject to being changed at any time as long as those changes reflect completing the murderous goals of the UN and its SDGs. Nine threatens all private-sector businesses with bankruptcy and lawfare if they refuse the UN’s AI/SDG agenda. Demand ten pertains to UN institutions using, reviewing, and advising upon opportunities and challenges of AI.

AI only exists to replace the carbon-based life created by G-d with a man-made impostor life form based on silicon. G-d created things won’t conform to the UN’s demonic demands. Silicon, they recon will not have a choice. Until that time, the UN will build the build the beast system and ensure that it is entirely under its command.

I saved demand five for right now. AI only exists to replace humanity with silicon slaves. Demand five is absolutely meaningless as AI only exists to destroy human rights, even the ones in the UNDHR:

“5. Emphasizes that human rights and fundamental freedoms must be respected, protected and promoted throughout the life cycle of artificial intelligence systems, calls upon all Member States and, where applicable, other stakeholders to refrain from or cease the use of artificial intelligence systems that are impossible to operate in compliance with international human rights law or that pose undue risks to the enjoyment of human rights, especially of those who are in vulnerable situations, and reaffirms that the same rights that people have offline must also be protected online, including throughout the life cycle of artificial intelligence systems;”

As I stated before – the UNDHR allots no rights to any human being whatsoever if those rights happen to present an obstacle to the UN’s agenda. The UN’s agenda is to murder every single person they have deemed obsolete – 7.5 billion people. The UN knows that if it implements their murderous plans too quickly and/or without sufficient fear mongering to get us to think we are doing something positive we will turn on them. That is exactly what we need to do. We are Abel in the field and Cain, in this instance the UN, has his arm raised to strike us for a second time. The first blow perpetrated by the UN was the ‘pandemic’ which featured rampant lies out of the UN and their allies in national governments and other institutions around the world and medical procedures designed to incapacitate, maim, and murder millions of people.

The second strike they are about to hit the world with could come in any number of forms. The three mentioned above – Israel/Gaza, destroying free speech to benefit the UN, and creating a singularity they ‘control’ – are possibilities. Also possible is a full scale thermonuclear war, catastrophic attacks on the energy grids of the world, and/or widespread ‘civilian’ invasions into foreign countries coupled with coordinated global terrorist attacks from the likes of Hezbollah, Antifa, ecoterrorist groups, animal rights activists, and those belligerent vegan freak-shows.

And right on cue, the United Nations Security Council has decided, with US abstention, that Israel should cease to exist so that degenerate Jordanians who nonsensically call themselves Palestinians can murder all of the current residents. The United States abstaining from the vote will allow for the animals named Hamas to rearm and launch brand new attacks against all sorts of civilian targets in Israel. The Security Council, including the United States, promoted their Cainsian approach towards Israel. They did this so that the degenerate murderers calling themselves Moslems can hope to trample each other to death without the troubles of a war they started plaguing them while they celebrate their ritualistically demonic holiday called Ramadan. What’s odd is that every year murders perpetrated by Moslems seem to spike over the course of Ramadan, why would the UN want to stop that when these murderers clearly serve the UN’s agendas so well. Moslems love to murder those who are holy for G-d because they are in service to Satan. And Satan is who the UN is beholden too – making the Moslem murderers and the UN natural allies. They both despise the living G-d and absolutely burn with rage at those G-d has chosen as His own.

Resolution 2728 is not available to the public at the current time meaning that I cannot share the actual language included in this global decree that Israel be massacred. According to UN News, the resolution provides ‘humanitarian aid’ to the jackals satisfied with serving as human shields for Hamas, demands Israel facilitate that aid, and calls upon Hamas to release the 130 or so hostages they still have (who Hamas is likely to have already murdered). The ceasefire until the end of Ramadan will provide time to negotiate a permanent ceasefire while Hamas still exists to exterminate every Jew on earth while at the same time offering Hamas the opportunity to rearm itself to carry out its own real genocide. The resolution did not manage to include even a condemnation of Hamas.

What it did include is a nation which needs to immediately cease to exist being given an intentional platform with the same stature as respectable states. Yemen, currently engaged fully in the violation of all kinds of treaties and agreements pertaining to freedom of navigation in the seas and also having declared war on Israel, was permitted to speak on behalf of the Arab Group – a conglomeration of holocaust-denying Jew-murderers – was permitted to state that Israel’s actions must be punished as war crimes, that Israel committed a genocide, and that the UN needs to spearhead an expanded boycott, divestment, and sanctions effort against every Israeli citizen (it says settlers and they consider any Jew in what they perceive to be their caliphate an illegal settler).

And for the record – it is Hamas which has rejected the Security Council’s idiotic decree. According to the Times of Israel:

“Hamas says it has informed mediators that the terror group will stick to its original position on reaching a comprehensive ceasefire, which includes the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza, a return of displaced Palestinians and a “real” exchange of prisoners.

“The response is because Israel “did not respond to any of the basic demands of our people and our resistance (Hamas): a comprehensive ceasefire, withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, the return of the displaced, and a real exchange of prisoners,” the terror group says in a statement.

““[Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist government bear full responsibility for thwarting all negotiation efforts and obstructing reaching an agreement so far,” Hamas adds.”

And why would Hamas do this? Because they love Cain. They love death. They love murdering, raping, defiling, profaning, desecrating, and kidnapping the children of the living G-d and the name of the living G-d. Israel, for it’s part, seems to have decided that the United States is no longer trustworthy enough to present alternatives to an Israeli military ground movement into Rafah. The United Nations and it’s asinine resolution is ensuring more war will come as they have emboldened a terrorist group to please the likes of the butchers in Yemen while denigrating Israel for attempting to eliminate the threat Hamas poses to their existence.

If we want peace we need to be sending those of Cain packing into the land of Nod, the land of separation from G-d here on earth, the land filled with murderers who can do no more harm to the righteous, the land of exile. And that means that if there is ever going to be peace on this earth caused by man, the United Nations must, absolutely, irrevocably, and immediately be dissolved and all it’s plans discarded. Ending world hunger, curing disease, and getting along with one another are all laudable goals which will never be accomplished because the devil, they say, lies in the details. To end hunger the UN has no problem sentencing a billion people to starve to death. The UN has no problems with inventing disease to claim they cured them with medical mandates and social restrictions. Wars can be condemned foreign nations without membership in the United Nations. Actually, UN peacekeeping forces seem to have a penchant for committing some of the most atrocious war crimes in modern history including mass rapes and huge child trafficking and contraband-running (drugs, guns) rings.

We need to exile the United Nations. We need to remove the people at the UN to exile – completely cut off from the rest of the world. We need to raise the buildings the UN occupied. All nations and all peoples need to eliminate UN websites, burn UN documents, and recommit themselves to the ideas of sovereign nation states and that individuals have freedom and the responsibility that comes with it. Of course some of this only applies to the United States and some of this only applies to a United States which no longer exists.

If we hope to get out from under the tyranny the UN has forced the world to suffer from since 1945 and to avoid the dire consequences of their goals for humanity by 2030 we need to remember something even more fundamental – particularly in the United States. The US needs to be reminded that this is a republic and that we are “one nation, under G-D, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” We need to all understand that we are under G-d. The same G-d who righteously moved Cain into exile. We are not G-d but we are charged with upholding G-d’s ways. I am constantly asking myself if I am doing that. I imagine that anyone who made it this far asks themselves the same thing. The UN, I assure you, has no such questions because they know they are in the business of murdering their brothers and sisters sharing this earth with them. They do it because they have the same spirit Cain had – the spirit of murder, deceit, lying, jealousy, hatred, avarice, narcissism, and capriciousness.

The UN has had more than enough time to rule over these evil inclinations and they succumb to them over and over again. The actors at the UN themselves have succumbed to these same desires. And the fruits of their transgressions is increased hatred, conflict, insanity, and a leading away from sound teaching.

If we want peace we should be demanding that the United Nations be dissolved. The institution need never be resurrected because it’s intent is to usher in evil upon the world. It falsely accuses the righteous and metes out punishment to them while it lauds the most prolific mass-murderers and reprobates known to the annals of history. Dissolving the United Nations is literally the only chance man has at ever finding peace on our own.

I know I’m screaming into the wind. I know that the UN won’t be dissolved. The evil of the UN is far too strong and seems to be a punishment sent from G-d all of us must endure. The Bible warned us about the Cain’s in this world though. And Yeshua warned us as well – these children of Cain would be the sponsors of having us increase our distance from Torah so that our love would grow cold for one another. These children of Cain will have those of us who reject them and demand their exile arrested and put to death, after they propagate wars, exacerbate famines, witness the earth quaking (possibly being the cause of some of them), and intentionally sow strife and violence in local communities. Some of them will even claim to be HaMashiach themselves.

And, if you already know all of this, well, then, it is likely you are the Remnant. Stand fast in the Word of G-d! Baruch HaShem!

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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