The Race to End Human Life

The Race to End Human Life

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/28/2023

Criminal activities leaving trails of bodies in their wake fill the front pages of websites and newspapers. Usually there is a demand to ensure the facilitation of more crime in the form of removing some sort of freedom from law abiding citizens accompanying these stories. These stories force readers to confront the possibility of their own death and then look for ways to avoid their untimely demise by similar means. Using fear, the authors of these types of stories have demanded any means of self defense be given up willingly by the public as well as deepening the mistrust all of us have whenever encountered by strangers.

Above is a blueprint to return humanity into a state of tribalism based on family units which more closely resemble clans. Far from functional families, these clans seek admittance into a larger tribe. Fans of professional sports franchises and individual athletes, movie and television stars, entertainers, and a host of other affiliations create a sense of community for individuals in these clans and for the clans themselves. While ‘Swifties’, die hard sports fans, and Lebron James idolizers can be written off as mostly harmless yet still deluded relationships most of the time, sometimes their fan bases are mobilized by the star.

Whole tribes can be mobilized to move in unison to condemn, condone, or advocate whatever the celebrity has condemned, condoned, or advocated. When Taylor Swift went after Ticketmaster her fans demonized the ticket vendor fairly and unfairly. When the Kelce (Grammer) of the Chiefs went and played Russian roulette at the behest of the NFL and Pfizer, their fans went and got the shot too. Kyrie Irving of the Brooklyn Nets advocating for white extermination through a racist ‘religious’ movement called Black Hebrew Israelite s drew support from the group as well as helped get the movement’s message to the public.

Tribalism means collectivization. Breaking the bonds of the tribe, i.e. the collective, comes with isolation from the tribe and is usually the result of thinking for themselves for a change. Once disassociated from the larger tribe the clan is forced to live in isolation from all of the tribes, find a new tribe to be included in, or to start a brand new tribe for people to ascribe to. This phenomena is called the fractured world by the World Economic Forum and others in their tribe. To avoid the world from fracturing into 8 billion factions – each individual representing it’s own faction – a ploy to weaponize speech has been unleashed globally under the banner of combating misinformation.

Combating misinformation entails maintaining a common narrative while at the same time excluding anyone not participating in the established narrative from the conversation altogether. Of course, by combating misinformation in this manner fracturing society will be enhanced and sped up. But, it will also yield a larger, more stable, and far more ideologically unified tribe which does nothing but reinforce the official narrative set forth by those wishing to rule us by controlling humanity’s most valuable asset – our minds.

Through these mechanisms society can be made to bend to nearly anything. All it takes is to get enough ‘fractured’ tribes to accept whatever the architects of this brave new world desire. The merger of the ‘Swifties’ and the ‘Pfizer guy’s’ fans provides an example. Swifties are now expected to not only worship the ground Taylor Swift walks on but to also have a 100% Covid-19 vaccination rate to support the trailer-trash pop singers boyfriend’s sponsorships as well as attend his football games and wear his jerseys. Kansas City Chief's fans and Kelce (Grammer) fans are expected to start buying Taylor Swift concert tickets and CD’s while hating Ticketmaster, too; however, that has been far less effective than Swifties sporting ugly red and white jerseys with 87 on them. Huge corporations merge and partner with each other all the time and now the social clans themselves are doing the same.

Mergers in the social realm are not a new phenomena. Celebrity news has detailed these social mergers for a long time. Celebrity relationships are often fleeting and end terribly. It makes for good gossip but in the grand scheme of things doesn’t affect anyone’s life all that much. Modern day tales of intrigue, which is what most celebrity news is really all about, was once reserved for daytime soap operas which also had no effect on people’s lives but generated a lot of emotional responses from housewives when they talked to other housewives about the soap operas. The intrigue generated by the royals of monarchies were replaced by soap operas and the soap operas. The concept of soap operas and their emotional attachments to fictional characters were introduced to male audiences through World Wrestling Entertainment (Federation) and American Gladiators.

Today, the NFL and NBA in particular have fully ceased to be about the blood sports played in their coliseums and have been made into a soap operas with the actors being the athletes. Ultimately this is what is destined for sports leagues or any other celebrity. They are supposed to set the appropriate social norms the rest of us are to adhere by. What once once the sole responsibility of the church has been given over to degenerates like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and Kelce (Grammer) and Taylor Swift.

To further remove the masses from the real world, ‘socially responsible’ grown men are supposed to accept being cucks while ‘virtuously’ spending their time memorizing the stat lines of their favorite soap opera athletes. The war against misinformation has already been won in these groups. Members of these clans are not aware of any information which may be dangerous to those trying to exterminate humanity. Even when they are made aware of the efforts at human extermination they deny the factual accounts. They reject the information, get a beer from the refrigerator, turn on ESPN, and delve into the fantasy world of soap opera sports. These types of clans are in for a world of hurt when the exterminators of humanity make themselves known by canceling ESPN, turning off their power, and banning beer – even warm beer because refrigerators need electricity too. And they will be dangerous because they will be programmed to seek fantasies instead of confronting the real world and it’s potential for starvation, exposure, and violence.

Politics operates on the exact same premise. The difference between politics and social norms being established through soap operas is that politicians use coercion and force and soap operas use emotional appeals to change and reinforce their outcomes. Taking men and women out of the political realm by getting them to focus on soap operas our political ‘leaders’ are running all over us destroying rights, ripping up social contracts, and allowing technocratic fascists at the global level to make their decisions for them as they, too, devolve their positions from elected representatives into mouthpieces for outside entities. Misinformation is applied to everyone who ignored the demands to go with the flow of these technocratic global fascists.

While the development of these types of clans is absolutely one leg of the race towards the end of the human race, there are other more sinister methods to achieve the goal. Robotics is one of these. Artificial intelligence and nanotechnology are two others. Together those in the fields of GRIN (or GRAIN), built by those who are engaged in or who enrolled their children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs, are designing and have designed technologies intended to make humanity obsolete in manufacturing, transportation, medicine, construction, and intellectual pursuits as well as any other field I may have missed. Just pairing robotics and AI together portends a non-human future. Deploying these technologies on a scale between the size of a red blood cell and a strand of DNA should give serious pause to all of us but nanotechnology is already a fixture in many industries including textiles, personal hygiene, and foods we eat.

The ‘G’ on GRIN or GRaIN stands for genetics. This is where these technologies get really, really personal. It’s one thing to have a robot replace you at your job on a manufacturing plant’s floor; an AI be brought in to make stock trading decisions making our analytic investing capabilities obsolete; or to no longer be needed to practice medicine because Watson makes the diagnosis and prescribes nano-scale robots coupled with AI to deliver medicine from inside the body. It is a whole new ballgame when genetics are added into the mix. The entities who want to replace our jobs with their technologies, and thus deprive us of the freedom to have a career or an income, will not be content until they can make changes to our very humanity.

Genetics is not really about coming up with medical treatments for cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. That is merely the public relations diatribe directed at those who see the truth about what genetics really is. The possibility of curing aging and death (yes, these modern day Mengele’s treat death itself as a disease) is what genetics is really all about. But….

In order to ‘cure’ death we need to stop being human at least as far as we have understood what human beings are and have been since the moment G-d created us. Genetics is about redesigning human beings so that they are no longer created in the image of G-d. Genetics is all about recreating humanity in the image of the members of a clan of maniacal wanna-be-gods-in-their-own-minds. When we are commanded to trust the science, we are being told to pay homage and reverence to all of those in the GRIN fields. We are supposed to ignore what they are actually doing, making humanity obsolete while at the same time demanding we exterminate humanity as we know it, and only focus on the potential leisure time and freedom from diseases which only exists as a narrative because liars and charlatans have promised humanity those will be the outcomes. The sinister truth is that the promised leisurely utopia will never exist unless one is convinced that complete and total slavery is utopia. The diabolical truth is things which are obsolete are thrown away sooner or later and this concept is being applied to people.

I know, I know, the soap opera culture doesn’t talk about this so it cannot possibly be real. Kelce (Grammer) doesn’t say go out and mutilate your DNA with gene therapies featuring never spike proteins never once organically grown by our bodies. He just advocates the death jabs by Pfizer. Swift doesn’t say she hates anyone else making money, she just targets those institutions and businesses which make money off of promoting her events. The NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL didn’t ever say they want us to live in a coffin apartment and have no human contact, they just enforced strict masking measures and even vaccine passports when they eventually allowed fans to re-enter their tax-payer funded multi-billion dollar stadiums to watch the weekly climax of their favorite soap opera.

The one thing absolutely taboo in soap opera culture is for anyone to think for themselves. Many; however, did start thinking for themselves about these topics and have rejected Pfizer and their DNA mutilating death jab despite Kelce (Gammer’s) advocacy. Some Swift fans defected from her clan over her dealings with Ticketmaster. Some rejected their beloved sports soap operas because they saw through the veneer hiding the leagues desire to wantonly destroy their fans lives. While these social defections did occur, they have not been anywhere near the scale needed to successfully halt the progression of genetic mutilation initiatives destroying our lives.

Our rejection of their demands to redesign humanity in man-kinds eyes means, to them, that they just need to do a better job of selling their clan’s brand to the other clans out there. This clan, collectivized under the banner of transhumanism, is destroying all of G-d’s creation.

The cult of transhumanism was recently permitted in one of the political clan’s most cherished publications – The Hill. The author of the opinion piece is an entity who campaigned during the 2016 presidential election as the candidate for the Transhumanist Party. The entity, Zoltan Istvan, conducted his campaign by driving from stop to stop in a bus shaped like a coffin. The coffin Istvan campaigned in is fitting because in order for transhumanism to work about 7.5 billion people would need to be eliminated from earth so that the immortality promised by the movement could be enjoyed by those given permission to have it. Istvan and the rest of this cult won’t get into all of that though because if they did they would have to admit that transhumanism isn’t for everyone. It’s only for mass-murderers who are willing to exterminate 95% of humanity so they can do as they please. 95% of us wouldn’t like that very much so they keep that hidden from the public.

The Hill stayed in line with the transhumanist’s dedication to lie by omission when they published Istvan’s piece in their opinion section on December 25, 2023. While people were spending time with family, Istvan was having a field day with manipulating the truth, outright lying, and demanding that humanity as a whole – across all of the clans – be so frightened by the state of the world that they readily adopt transhumanism.

In the article, Istvan first tries to call out the media for not covering transhumanism outside the issues of the ethical considerations of genetic engineering, super-soldier programs, and enhanced Olympic competitions. His claims are baseless, there is no ethical justification for genetic engineering outside of declaring war on G-d and His creation. Lacking the ethical justifications necessary to continue genetic engineering, there is no reason to have super-soldiers nor super-athletes.

Istvan’s next point is to point out that something else humanity is doing under a declaration of war against G-d – creating AI – is something that humanity will need to “keep up with.” He places a great deal of importance on humanity’s ability to keep up with AI by implanting AI into themselves. We shouldn’t create more human AI or stop developing it altogether. No, we should create more AI humans according to Istvan.

And then Istvan starts dropping massive nuclear lies on the readers of the article by making false comparisons. Transhumanism would not be able to exist at all if their strawmen arguments were rendered mute. Istvan continues the tradition:

“Such pursuits [embedding AI into human brains (it’s called brain-computer interface or BCI for short)] shouldn’t be frowned upon. Human beings have a long history of seeking ways to enhance their abilities. From the development of tools like the iron axe to the advent of medical advancements like anesthesia, humans have consistently pursued ways to overcome limitations and improve their quality of life. Technological enhancements – like bionic eyes that can use the internet – represent a natural progression in this trajectory, allowing us to augment not only our physical capabilities but also cognitive and emotional capacities.”

So using an axe to fell a tree of having anesthesia administered to avoid the pain of medical procedures, according to Istvan, is the same thing as having our eyeballs replaced with ‘smart’ eyes. If I go chop down a tree I’ll need to put my axe down and maybe I will never pick it up again because I never again have a need to fell another tree. After a surgery the need for anesthesia is no longer there so, hopefully, it wears off the recipient’s body purges it out with no lasting side effects. This obviously isn’t true of bionic eyes, even if one isn’t using them to surf the internet. You can’t put them down and, being as though they are ‘smart’, bionic eyes will be running all kinds of diagnostics and surveillance in the background replete with personally identifying information. It’s telling that Zoltan started with the eyes specifically as he seeks to destroy any connection one can have with G-d and eyes are windows to the soul.

While improving prosthetics is often seen as a positive development as noted by Istvan in the article, he now uses it to demand more. Instead of helping those injured by replacing their limbs, now we are supposed to just think it’s a good idea for everyone. This is, according to Istvan, not intended to fix medical and mobility problems in military veterans (that was only the selling point to get the camel’s nose under the tent), it’s meant for “individuals to surpass the limitations imposed by their biological bodies and be competitive with AI-driven robots.” It was stated earlier GRIN’s intentions are to destroy humanity as G-d created us, this is one admission of that fact.

The article continues, “In an increasingly knowledge-driven society, improving our cognitive abilities is essential. Technological enhancements offer the potential to boost cognitive functions, such as memory, attention and problem-solving skills.” The vast majority of the clans forming our society flee from gaining any actual knowledge – the knowledge of G-d. The increased knowledge Istvan is writing about are sacraments of satanism. Satan, no longer having the access to heaven as he desires, has waged his rebellion against G-d by attempting to have all of G-d’s creation destroyed, perverted, and mutilated. Thus, Istvan is promoting nothing but satanism when he suggests any human being willingly has their cognitive functions ‘enhanced’. What he is really stating is that human beings should be controlled by a silicon-based entity (AI) controlled by Satan which will do all of our thinking for us. Any thoughts of G-d will be unavailable under this systems version of memory. As a result, actual knowledge will no longer exist anywhere on the earth should every entity upon it take Istvan's decree.

He suggest Matrix-style educational systems be implemented under the ruse of keeping up with AI before deluding himself in to thinking ethics will suffice to prevent harm to humanity even though it is inherent:

“Naturally, there are plenty of ethical considerations to human enhancement that must be considered, like what rules to follow, who gets enhanced and now much of our humanness can we stand to lose. Establishing ethical frameworks and regulations can help mitigate potential risks and ensure that enhancements are used for the greater good of humanity. Ethical considerations should focus on issues such as consent, equity in access to enhancements, and long-term consequences for both individuals and society.”

To answer Istvan's ethical concerns, I suggest there need only be one rule – all of this is off limits. No one gets enhanced. We can stand to lose none of our humanness. The greatest good humanity could do is to apply the teachings of G-d to their own lives. Humans cannot consent to giving up what makes them human. Equity considerations are not relevant as no one should be doing this. Under the detestable metrics of equity; however, if any of this is made available to anyone it must be made available to everyone which means that all of us will be mandated to be ‘upgraded.’ No regard to safety nor ethics will allow for anyone to forego such procedures on any grounds just like governments around the world still demand blind obedience to the DNA-bending and mutilating death jabs. The long-term consequences of these ‘enhancements’ is the immediate death of 7.5 billion people who through off their salvation through Yeshua to seek salvation through neo-Mengelian ‘experts’ willingly and unwillingly.

An important distinction needs to be made between the nature of ethics and the nature of morals. Ethics are created by mankind. They are subject to constant change. Ethics are used to justify whatever a man’s heart desires which is almost always evil. Morals do not change. Their author, G-d, does not change either. Where mankind's hearts are fickle and skittish, G-d is everlasting and steadfast. Morals are to be obeyed in order to set ourselves apart for G-d. Following morals can be tested and they are. These tests are designed to see if we will continue to hold fast to our morals in the face of adversity as G-d commanded especially as they are attacked by the satanists who have decided that morals are nothing more than the ethics used to justify their heart’s desires. Istvan wants to help murder everyone ‘peacefully’ through transhumanism, and to justify his position he has used his ethics, completely unaligned with G-d’s ways, to carry out his mission.

Part of his disingenuous ethical framework involves the concept of morphological freedom. In Istvan’s eyes this means, “everyone should have the ability to improve their bodies how they wish, so long as it doesn’t hurt others.” Sticking computer chips in human brains harms all of humanity. It harms the individual who does it because they lose a chunk of their humanity. It harms the rest of us because the only reason an individual would do something so sickeningly degenerate is for power over others. By definition, Istvan’s goals are harmful to humanity on their face as the power individuals who upgrade are seeking is absolute. Not only will these entities not be human, they will be seeking total power and receive the total corruption which accompanies it.

Istvan carries on with his demands that all of us become something more (other) than human. “AI’s advance is likely not to be stopped” he wrote. Instead of suggesting that AI be curtailed or that AI be developed as a tool of, not a replacement for, humanity, he persists in demanding that human beings become AI. Istvan’s argument is one rooted in fear. He wants us to be afraid of AI so that we leap at the chance to become it.

In a similar vein Istvan claims that man-made climate change is a real phenomena so he can use it to beat rational people over the head. He demands that we be afraid of man-made climate change. Transhumanism is the only possible avenue to survive the climate changes man has caused according to Istvan, “From developing resistance to extreme temperatures to new drugs that allow us to survive on less food, these enhancements could empower us to meet the challenges of the 21st century.” A lie was told – climate change is real and cause by man – so that fear of climate change would spur social and economic changes – Sustainable Development Goals/Agenda 21/Agenda 2030/The WEF – and convince people to throw out common sense because of their fear – get chipped and take drugs.

The article finishes up with the biggest lie Istvan drops on readers:

“From addressing physical limitations to boosting cognitive abilities and emotional intelligence, technological enhancements hold the potential to revolutionize the human experience and ensure that we stand the best chance to remain relevant against advancing AI. Embracing human enhancement is not just a choice but an imperative for the continued advancement of our species.

“There is an urgent need to technologically enhance human beings. That need is grounded in our innate drive for progress and improvement; our survival could even be at stake.”

When Istvan writes about ‘revolutionizing the human experience’ he is telling his biggest lie. The revolution he portends will end humanity as we know it. Those who enhance themselves will strive to destroy any creation worked by G-d’s hands as quickly, totally, and irreversibly as possible. Istvan is demanding the first step in this direction is that the entire G-d-created human race be extinguished.

It is well documented that the secular government clans refuse to take a position to arrest these intentions. Far from arresting Istvan’s ideas by starving them of research and development funds, the secular governments of the world spend billions and billions yearly to develop GRIN technologies faster. This is the new arms race, they claim. The WEF and the WEF’s partners, including the United Nations and several of the largest players in every industry, endorse transhumanism but are more careful when they discuss the topic by avoiding the use of the term. Religious institutions increasingly endorse transhumanism. Entertainment acts showcase the portended virtues of transhumanism. Death jab endorsements, including those from Kelce (Grammer) of the Chiefs, are nothing but a demand to be a transhuman.

The clans of Microsoft, Deloitte, Kaiser Permanente, the USDA, World Bank, WEF/UN, SPLC, NATO, houses of worship, entertainment venues, performers, grocery stores, college campuses, and pro sports teams are all in the transhuman camps. There are thousands of camps who are on board with transhumanism. The few camps which are not part of the cult of transhumanism seldom operate from a unified front. Those non-transhuman camps are universally labeled spreaders of misinformation and targeted for censorship, imprisonment, and, it is only a matter of time, execution.

It is easy to spot those who have accepted transhumanism. It is the destination of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset. When everyone is dead or a non-human entity, the revolution will be complete, the world reset. Those entities pushing GRIN technologies, DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity), ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), mRNA and/or DNA vaccines, DNA surveillance, self-driving cars, lab-grown food, central bank digital currency, insects as protein, and/or man-made climate change are all demanding that we and our camp latch on to mainstream transhumanism. We may hate all of the transhumanist tenets but the camps we choose to include in our lives – shopping at Walmart, buying sports jerseys, banking at Wells Fargo, or signing up for 23 and Me – are full subscribers to transhumanism.

Take the money away from these places. They want to destroy you and me and everyone and everything on earth through technology or by technology. It’s a race to end human life.

And behind transhumanism, and each and every participant in it, is Satan laughing at us for being deceived and lying even more to further remove us from G-d. Transhumanism is a manifestation of rejecting G-d. If we refuse to turn our faces to G-d, transhumanism will be our fate and the death of life as we know it will be it’s fruits.

Bless G-d and may G-d bless you and keep you.




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