Do You Really Want to Make America Great Again?

Do You Really Want to Make America Great Again?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/25/23

We will have our opportunity to shape the future of the United States of America on Tuesday, November 8, 2024. In 309 days we are going to cast our votes for a president to represent our nation and our people. This election will not only determine the course of this nation but also the fate of the world to a great extent. If we want to Make America Great Again though, we will be doing more than merely voting.

This election is about a lot of things which are not being talked about nearly enough. The most important aspect of this election is sovereignty. The United States is under assault by global institutions. We have a ‘leader’ who cannot seem to give enough US sovereignty to global entities. Manifestations of these global intrusions into our foreign and domestic policy include renewing US membership in the Paris Climate Agreement, World Health Organization, the Iran nuclear deal, and the United Nations Human Rights Council. After Trump withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Biden has sought to have the US re-enter the unmitigated job destruction treaty with its sovereignty-busting devices. A New START has been secured by Biden. After condemning Trump for withdrawing from a treaty called Open Skies which allowed foreign entities to conduct surveillance over our nation, Biden decided to not try to rejoin the treaty. The UN Arms Trade Treaty was signed by Obama but never ratified; unsigned by Trump; and, instead of re-signing the treaty and seeking Congressional ratification (following US Constitutional procedures), Biden rewrote the treaty into a memorandum so he can pretend the treaty has the effect of law. Biden also sought to return the United States to UNESCO which is a United Nations effort to destroy the family and to take possession of huge swaths of land.

If the United States continues down this path we may not like it but we will wind up ‘owning zee notzing’ and be forced to seem pleased about it. That’s a Klaus Schwab idea – the one where everyone lives in a coffin apartment, rents everything they use, are continuously spied on by AI-infused digital detection devices, and are forced to survive on whatever the government allots an individual in reprogrammable central bank digital currency. Social credit scores, vaccine passports, and open air prisons will prevent any who are non-compliant from being able to survive under this enslavement.

United States citizens would never willingly submit to such a ruse; however, understanding that the US president would no longer be a sovereign leader but a mere mouthpiece of agents in the global government indicates the seriousness of what it will mean for the US to lose it’s sovereignty. The unmitigated disaster of the Biden regime, a continuation of the unmitigated disaster of the Obama regimes, finds it’s roots in the idea of ceding sovereignty to global entities.

Under Biden, the United States is now supposed to be fully participating in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The intent of the SDGs is to destroy humanity to save Gaia – they are demonic through and through. The World Health Organization plans to end the debate about healthcare and who should make what decisions. They have a plan called the CA+ Pandemic Preparedness Treaty under which all (public and private) healthcare decisions will be made by the WHO under whatever they determine is a pandemic.

Efforts to re-enact the Iran nuclear deal included unfreezing $6 billion for Iran which quickly resulted in 1,200+ murdered Israeli’s. Rejoining the United Nations Human Rights Council will further erode the tattered Bill of Rights so that the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights can replace them (read Article 29, in particular). Under New START Russia and the United States is forbidden from having more than 1,500 nuclear warheads deployed – more than enough to destroy the entire world about 30 times and without acknowledging China, India, Pakistan, the UK, France, Germany, and several other nations possess these weapons as well. Biden doesn’t need a treaty to allow foreign surveillance missions to fly over the US as was noticed as Chinese balloons hovered over Oak Ridge National Laboratory (home of an exaflop super computer called Frontier – the world’s fastest, presently as well as home to several nuclear security objectives) after gliding over the areas of the US where our nuclear weapons are located.

Biden needs to create a register of domestic firearms owners to comply with the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Not only does this register need to be created, it also needs to be maintained, as well as shared with the United Nations. This register already exists – its called NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System). Legally purchasing a firearm requires that the background check be performed and retained by the federal government. Despite claims and laws that approved purchases be removed from the system within 24 hours, I have no assurances that this is actually being done. I fully believe that a registry has been compiled behind the scenes and out of the oversight of legislators. I am assured that this secret database is accessible by the UN at their leisure.

If you have never read the book Brave New World, I suggest you spend an afternoon reading it. That book is the world UNESCO wants to create. Babies are no longer born through sexual intercourse but through cloning and incubation chambers. Classes of people are determined through the needs of the state. They are created by introducing more or less alcohol to the science projects in the incubators. Savage camps are populated by the remnant of humanity permitted to exist so that these genetically mutilated clones have someplace to vacation at. That is the world UNESCO desires and to that end they have not ceased in destroying families, celebrating women who willingly separate themselves from their children, demanding population reduction, promoting transhumanism, and demanding massive swaths of land be placed under their control to prevent people from being there. UNESCO was founded by Julius Huxley. Brave New World was written by Aldous Huxley. They were brothers.

Rejoining these groups is Biden allowing them to direct US policy. Biden is merely the conduit for these global intrusions into our lives. If it persist the United States will literally be a vassal state of the UN/WEF-corporate fascist technocracy instead of a vassal state in the making. The Great Reset is all about taking the sovereignty of nation states. The social compact existing between the citizens of sovereign states and the state itself is being ripped up as national sovereignty disappears. Higher food costs, rampant inflation, and elevated oil and gas prices, collectively known as artificial scarcity, have already been realized by billions around the world. The intent is to create a global population of servants to this new-world-order and to weed out the detractors to be neutralized to minimize the damage they can cause to the global government and corporate interests.

Nothing the Biden regime does, whether discussing the open border, the criminalization of speech, the shattering of the economy, or the destruction of US sovereignty will make the United States Great Again. What will make the United States great again is reaffirming that the United States is a sovereign nation state and encouraging other nations to recognize that they are as well and to exercise their will peacefully.

Failure to do this as a first step will result in the US being a vassal state which exists only on maps – kind of like what Rome, the Ottomans, and later the United Kingdom did with Palestine. Palestine is still a place without a state and they have been fearful since 1948 that the new possessors of their mandate would return the brutality they and their ancestors doled out in no short measure to the Jews of Palestine throughout the centuries of the Roman, Ottoman, and British control of their mandate. That is what the UN/WEF global government seeks to do to every nation on earth.

In order to Make America Great Again, first we need to elect leaders who want their to be a sovereign nation state of the United States of America. We lack that at the present time. This is what US citizens voting in the 2024 presidential election need to be mindful of. In order for one to cast a ballot for a candidate which will recognize the sovereignty of the US; however, we must also be mindful that the very idea of retaining national sovereignty has been deemed fascist by the very fascists seeking to destroy that concept. As a result, droves of absolutely degenerate, unthinking, zombies (for lack of a better term – non-playable characters, perhaps?) will demand the arrest, assault, and silencing of those of us engaging in what they have deemed fascist – voting for candidates affirming national sovereignty. Voters of this persuasion need to be mindful of this because these attacks quickly become personal and increasingly violent at the drop of a hat.

Thus, the onus of Making America Great Again is not on a Donald Trump nor on a Joe Biden. It is not on a Vivek Ramaswammy, a ‘Michelle’ Obama, a Hillary Clinton, or a Nikki Haley. It is on each and every one of us. And it goes far beyond the voting booth. That isn’t to say that electing leaders is not important. It is to say; however, that the qualities of our candidates reflect the character of our society. It is telling that very few have identified what this election is really all about – sovereignty – and have decided that gun rights, abortion access, or the trade-off between mean tweets and a politicized justice system are all that matters. Certainly these are important issues. Without national sovereignty though, these decisions will be made for us by unelected leaders in global government positions and enforced by the state actors which once were charged to serve the people. This is what the character of our society is leading us to follow and we are faced with a starkly contracted choice.

Broadly, society is shaped through two competing basis. One is morals – universal laws given by G-d, immutable, and existing whether mankind wants to recognize and obey them or not. The other is ethics which exist to please and justify mankind's desires while attempting to minimize some of the more harmful consequences of certain actions in some cases.

G-d has set down a moral that humans are not to murder humans in Exodus 20:13. Ethicists have decided that murder (as differentiated by accidental death or self-defense) is not something to be avoided at all times as evidenced by Nazi Germany, Communist China, the USSR, and Venezuela. Particularly relevant to this discussion is Hamas’ (and nearly the entire Muslim world) use of ethics to justify their murderous activities while at the same time denying the right of the survivors of those they murdered to seek justice.

Societies tend to either seek obedience with G-d’s ways or to set their goals upon whatever their hearts desire. One by one every member of society ends up either following G-d’s ways – morals – or justifying their actions based on ethical evaluations created to justify their actions. As belief in G-d wanes due to discarding G-d’s ways, human ethics become more relevant to our lives and, thus, to the culture in general. As less people teach their children about morals, less impetus is placed on following those morals in society in general. It is a slow process at first; however, and it carries on through several generations it begins snowballing and that is the point the society in the United States is at.

If US society had retained what many widely cite as Judeo-Christian ethics (a blatant attack on the concept through the misappropriation of language – ethics are able to be altered, morals are not) inroads made to invalidate and ignore morals in favor of ethics would not prevail. Thus, the 10 Commandments, the most basic rules which mankind should follow, have been placed in refuse baskets in the US. People in the US whore after other G-d’s, worship idols, make oaths to G-d we do not keep, and don’t keep the sabbath holy (set apart for G-d). Due to ignoring these first rules, we use ethics to go around the morals of G-d and have redefined what honoring our mother and father means, what murder is, what adultery is, what it means to steal, what lying under oath entails, and the concept of jealousy. The ethical framework adopted, secular humanism, is divorced from these commandments and operates from a place of jealousy where it has become permissible for members of society to publicly demand equality in outcomes. As demands for equality in outcomes grows, so does the reliance on the ethical framework of secular humanism which all but eliminates any reconciliation between man’s ways and G-d’s ways.

This is the clarion call being made by corporate fascist technocratic global government adherents. It aligns with the values reprogrammed into Western culture since the late 1800’s. Where the League of Nations failed to materialize to carry on the global submission of mankind to secular humanism, the United Nations, unfortunately, did not. The United Nations seems to have been founded with the purpose of eroding the sovereignty of nation states while at the same time targeting citizens to see themselves as being global subjects to a global government so incremental changes in national sovereignty would not be noticed at all.

At the heart of changing the mindsets of individuals in society is the effort to decouple morality from ethics by claiming that ethics are the same as morality. Thus, the 10 Commandments need not be held as an absolute by members of society. The global government, in conjunction with their vassal-state national governments and fascist corporate sponsors have decided the 10 Commandments are not necessary to be heeded and that their ethics are all that matters. The trick is in getting people to believe that not abiding by the 10 Commandments is freedom. In that effort this global cabal has been wildly successful.

It has been so overwhelmingly successful that even mainline churches have taken the position that the 10 Commandments can be thrown out entirely. It is an argument which comes out of the mouths of pagans and satanists. It is beyond disturbing that the argument is becoming mainstream in Christianity. In the early church, Marcion of Sinope was labeled a heretic because of his hatred for Jews and their G-d, the Father of Yeshua. He wasn’t labeled a heretic because of his desire to separate Yeshua completely from Judaism, he was labeled a heretic because he made further modifications than the Catholic church would permit despite having already made their own modifications.

It appears today in proclamations the Jesus (the Hellenization of Yeshua) is G-d. Grace, these people claim, replaces the 10 Commandments. As a result G-d is removed entirely from the scene because the Son has usurped Him. This isn’t what the Bible states, but it is what many have come to believe. An article at endorses the resurgence of these once heretical Marconian concepts in many mainline streams of Christianity today. The article shows that many religious sects operating under the banner of Christianity have been pulled away from morality to satisfy their heart’s desire for ethics. The article states:

“Well, what it means is the rules have changed because we have changed. We are not the same sinful people we once were. We are no longer bound by the Law, but we are now bound by faith — through grace — to righteousness.

“For believers, the Law has been fulfilled within us. God has given us something infinitely and eternally better (Hebrews 11:40). We are new creations!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (1 Corinthians 5:17).

“The written Law, even those written on stone tablets, is obsolete because the Law is now buried in our hearts, just as God promised to the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel (Jeremiah 31:33Ezekiel 11:14-21).

But now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code (Romans 7:6).

“What happens when we give our lives to Christ — I mean really give our lives to Christ — is that his Spirit moves in and makes our hearts his home. The effect is that our hearts change (Ezekiel 36:26).

“We stand righteous before God, and our new desires begin to change who and what we are from the inside. Maybe not all at once, but the transition is happening even if we don’t realize it.

“We now desire to live out the commands of Christ to love the Lord our God and love our neighbors, even if we don’t quite know how yet.

“It becomes our heartfelt desire to live by the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-Control (Galatians 5:22-23).

“Love is the fulfillment of the law in those who believe.”

It needs to be noted that comes from an orthodox understanding of Christianity. Basically they are the Catholic church without the recognition of the pope as vicar of Christ although other differences are also notable. Roman Catholicism and the Orthodox Church differ in their interpretations of the Trinity, purgatory, Mary, idolatry, the Eucharist, baptism, the purpose of saints, priestly appearances, and whether priests can marry, but, despite all of their disagreements they are united in the desire to disconnect their faith from the 10 Commandments. Roman Catholicism did this long ago by rewriting the 10 Commandments to fall in line with their ethics.

Both are pagan at best. Pagans typically hate G-d and they hate those who preach about G-d based on the Bible. Clearly, secular humanism, encouraged by the desires of men’s hearts who claim to be teachers of G-d’s ways, has tainted our understanding of G-d’s ways. The intent is to get us to forget G-d’s ways altogether as we are encouraged to go about things our own way.

Doing things our own way is a recurring theme in the Old Testament. At a minimum, G-d gave Moshe the 10 Commandments so that things will go well with us on this earth. Christians trying to remove themselves from accountability for their sin love to state that the Commandments, as well as all of the rest of the laws, no longer apply to them. At the same time these same people make the claim that they don’t know how to follow Yeshua’s teachings – “ love the Lord our God and love our neighbors.” It’s because they refuse to realize that those instructions have already been given to us in the Torah. At a bare minimum, the 10 Commandments are to be followed so that it goes well with us. It is hard to ignore what G-d told Moshe in Deuteronomy 7:

9 From this you can know that Adonai your God is indeed God, the faithful God, who keeps his covenant and extends grace to those who love him and observe his mitzvot, to a thousand generations. 10 But he repays those who hate him to their face and destroys them. He will not be slow to deal with someone who hates him; he will repay him to his face. 11 Therefore, you are to keep the mitzvot, laws and rulings which I am giving you today, and obey them.

In other words, do things according to G-d. Doing things our own way will result in tragedy. Yet, people seem to want to ignore that lesson. They will go so far as to deny that lesson standing at the pulpit in front of a congregation eager to learn the truth and being led astray. Wider society doesn’t even have the desire to receive the instruction. In unison they demand that they will go about things their own way, with their own ethics, and with themselves as the center of the universe.

It is a heart of selfishness which has destroyed the blessings of the United States. If we had not bought into these cults of selfishness in the first place we would not need to Make America Great Again. America would still be great. But, as it stands, America is not nearly as great as it once was and the reason for that is our blessing came from obedience to G-d. The only way that America will ever be great again is if G-d sees us fit to be blessed once more. G-d’s blessing will continue to be removed from the United States and any other nation, people, or ethnicity, unless and until we return to obedience under G-d.

November 8, 2023 is a very important day. The events of that day are being shaped right now on December 25, 2023 though. They were shaped yesterday and will be shaped tomorrow and in the weeks and months to come. We have lost our blessing because we have decidedly increased our disobedience to G-d to the point where our blessing has been removed. Our individual decisions have profoundly affected our society as a whole and this election is a reflection of how far we plan on falling and if we will ever be able to get back up again.

Making America Great Again means obedience to G-d so that we have a possibility of G-d again blessing us. The next time you hear someone railing against Making America Great Again they are really railing against G-d and the United States being blessed by G-d once more. Those who point out that America will never be great again because they don’t think individuals will make the necessary changes to restore G-d’s blessing are valid – those just stating that America is no big deal and our decline is not really that important hate G-d through and through tough.

But we are only going to get there one person at a time. One person who rejects the global totalitarian enslavement of humanity in favor of receiving the blessings of G-d is one more person who fights in the name of truth and restoration. Society doesn’t change overnight because it is made up of all kinds of different individuals. With each one of us who places trust in G-d and obeys even the most basic of His codes; however, society, and the nation, will be one step closer to realizing the blessings we have lost. Only through this mechanism will we Make America Great Again.

Do you really want to Make America Great Again? Start with making yourself great in the eyes of G-d.

4 “Sh’ma, Yisra’el! Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad [Hear, Isra’el! Adonai our God, Adonai is one];

5 and you are to love Adonai your God with all your heart, all your being and all your resources. 6 These words, which I am ordering you today, are to be on your heart; 7 and you are to teach them carefully to your children. You are to talk about them when you sit at home, when you are traveling on the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them on your hand as a sign, put them at the front of a headband around your forehead, 9 and write them on the door-frames of your house and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 6).

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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