The Push to Lock us Down Again, Again.

The Push to Lock us Down Again, Again.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/27/2022

Wuhan Enters Another Lockdown as Rest of World Pretends Covid-19 Pandemic Is Over is an article which popped up on my browsers newsfeed today. I read it. It is written by some smug butthole named Matt Novak. The entire article talks about how great China is doing by telling whole cities, with populations in the millions, that they are no longer allowed to leave their homes. All entertainment venues and all public transportation is shut down in Wuhan, as China has detected 703 cases of the Chinavirus.

But Navok’s point is that any nation which is not locking people down is doing the wrong thing. The justification, according to Novak, is yesterday, 7/26/2022, the US reported (lied) 163,000 cases and 519 deaths. I’m sure Novak is about as capable as any other knuckle-dragging CNN viewer sitting on their couch, drooling all over the remote, just watching the Chinavirus (lies) stats go up and up and up. As they go up, he buys even more into the lie. It just so happens that Novak writes for Gizmodo. He continued on to justify his demands for lockdowns by bashing the United States:

“China has seen 229,066 confirmed symptomatic cases and 5,226 deaths since the start of the pandemic. While the U.S. has reported over 90.6 million cases and 1.02 million deaths, according to the New York Times, though the number of American cases is thought to be a vast undercount.

“Ironically, many people in the West insist China must be engaging in a coverup of how many infections it’s had over the past two years, but it’s actually countries like the U.S. where we have no idea the true number of cases. Many states have stopped offering free covid-19 tests and Americans who test positive at home rarely report their case to the local health department, whereas China continues mass testing in areas where cases pop up.”

China, according to Novak, is doing everything the right way with their doomed approach to zero-covid. Even the WHO and CDC said China’s approach is ludicrous. But, not Novak. Novak is pissed off, along with a bunch of his peers and colleagues, that the West decided we won’t shut down over the Chinavirus again because we are already screwed up from the first time we did that. Novak and his idiot friends who write their crappy news articles finding new ways to bash America daily; however, didn’t lose anything. Their jobs stayed intact. They created their treasonous news pieces with the hopes people would finally get bored enough to start reading the tripe they wrote. Novak is no exception.

But Novak wasn’t done bashing America. We need guys like Novak like we all need another booster shot to not be tested by the FDA but gain their approval:

“China restricts civil liberties in the name of public health and will likely continue doing so indefinitely as this pandemic doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. But let’s hope that western countries don’t look back five years from now and wish they’d tried to eradicate the virus as well. With the seriousness of long covid and the potential for even worse variants to develop in the next couple of years, the rest of the world could see itself with a significantly weaker population, made frail by a mass disabling event like this pandemic, while China’s population puts up with mass testing, mandated masking, and tight restrictions—and holding on to relatively good health.

“Life is all about trade offs, and those of us here in the western world better hope we’ve made a good bargain. Because letting covid-19 rip through the community is a choice. And it’s one we could all regret, given the stakes for long term prosperity in liberal democracies.”

Again Novak bashes the West. Apparently he missed the multiple news stories about how an extra 60 million people starved to death last year because of CoVID-19 mitigation efforts. China can barely feed its own people, to the extent that the United States was exporting rice to China. They don’t feed the world, the West does. Shutting the west down, including agriculture, is a death sentence to many hungry people. Novak doesn’t care, hell, he probably doesn’t even know any of this is going on – CNN and the New York Times never clued him in to reality. As a journalist; however, he should know better.

He should also know that all of the US statistics are wrong. All of the Chinese statistics are wrong. And he should especially be able to recognize that, at least in the United States, there are no exceptions to the freedoms recognized in the Constitution, as given to every human being by God Almighty, when a sickness comes about.

Life isn’t all about trade-offs. Novak is asking you to come be a slave just like the Chinese subjects he applauds for being subservient to the government. Novak is a cuck and he’s asking you to be one too.

Part of being a journalist, I always thought, was doing your homework on the topic in which one writes about. If that is the case, about 95% of the pukes calling themselves journalists have no business owning a pen and a piece of paper. Novak not only relies on government propaganda for his statistics, he also relies on the medical communities propaganda. Mask were completely ineffective at slowing the spread of Chinavirus. Social distancing did less than the masks; however, people didn’t get physically ill from social distancing, that only happened with the masks and the gene therapies. Lockdowns, in official studies, managed to slow the spread by less than 1%, while at the same time caused 60 million starvation deaths. The shots have killed millions, in my opinion, which is based on the reporting numbers in the US and elsewhere. Maybe Novak should go look some of these things up before spouting off at the mouth about how we should all just stay home.

If Novak really wants to try and prove that life is about trade-offs, namely our freedom for his false sense of false (he is a cuck but a cuck with a platform trying to browbeat everyone into compliance through fear), maybe he should just disappear into his house for the next 3 years, talk to no one, go nowhere, and use no power or water. You first Novak – show us how it’s done the China way, right here in the United States.


Kate Brown, Climate Dictator


Genomics and Transhumanism