Genomics and Transhumanism

Genomics and Transhumanism are NOT for You (or Anyone You Know)

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/26/2022

I can understand the lack of interest in this. Inflation is crazy, gas and food is too expensive, our power bills are absolutely insane. I could write about that more often, maybe I will. Today, though I want to write about transhumanism and its infiltration into our government. Transhumanism isn’t widely understood and, well, to many people, the idea of never dying unless you want to, is very appealing.

The thing is, transhumanism isn’t for you, you are one of billions of guinea pigs. at best, if you think it will benefit you. The idea is to gather your genetic data and then dispose of you. Gathering your genetic data, itself, actually allows for these demonic elite-class medical professionals and world leaders and the military’s they command to wage biological war against the masses without detection. Billions die and they get to live ‘forever’ because of your sacrifice….

The first step was normalization of genomics being in our lives. Have you seen Minority Report? In that movie there is the idea of pre-crime and people are arrested before they commit a crime. That old book, Brave New World, where babies are cloned and then given growth inhibitors to control their intelligence is enabled by genomics. ‘Designer babies’ are an on again off again topic; however, genomics advances increasingly make designing a baby a possibility. Kids are also confronted with this normalization. Movies like Robots, Big Hero 6, and the recently released Baymax! movies are good examples. There are tons of films and TV shows for teenagers and adults touching on different aspects of genomics – Elysium comes to mind.

So we have been inundated with messaging telling us what is going to happen for decades. It is the normal, saying no to it is the ‘abnormal.’ Understanding the intent of those funding and running genomics labs and research projects would make saying no much more widespread.

The next step in the rise of genomics was the completion of the Human Genome Project where, for 23 years and at a cost to taxpayers of $3.798 billion, a team of researchers decoded an entire human genome. Today it takes a couple of days or so and a few hundred dollars. Data storage is far cheaper. Analyzing the DNA is far easier. Processors are more powerful.

So what is genomics? The National Institutes of Health (NIH) defines it:

“The study of the complete set of DNA (including all of its genes) in a person or other organism. Almost every cell in a person’s body contains a complete copy of the genome. The genome contains all the information needed for a person to develop and grow. Studying the genome may help researchers understand how genes interact with each other and with the environment and how certain diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, form. This may lead to new ways to diagnose, treat, and prevent disease.”

Take note that even within the definition, the idea is to create medical research advances and better outcomes for those suffering from ailments. The cumulative goal is transhumanism.

In October 2020, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI, another weapon the government uses against the taxpayers who fund them), released a report about the direction of genomics research and how obsequious it has become in many areas of our lives. The paper, Strategic vision for improving human health at The Forefront of Genomics, breaks four broad topics down.

“Guiding principles and value for human genomics” is the first of these topics. NHGRI makes a lot of promises they cannot keep – the biggest one is avoiding eugenics. They state their One Health approach to genomics, their desire for diversity in genome samples and in their work force. And their intention to make genomics a global collaboration.

The second of the four topics is “Sustaining and improving a robust foundation for genomics.” In this section they talk about the importance of creating their own DNA. They also talk about their One Health approach again. They pay lip service to people having rights over their genomic data as they enter it into databases and share it widely around the world. They also plan to focus on making people more educated about genomics, I think it is a little late for that though.

“Breaking down barriers that impede progress in genomics.” Again NHGRI pints to their intent to facilitate creating synthetic DNA, as well as getting research translated into treatments and adopted for use by the medical establishment. “Test public health approaches for implementing population-wide genomic screening,” is actually one of the bullet points in this.

I’m slow clapping about this quote because that swab that went up many people’s noses actually collected DNA. No notice was given when this DNA was collected. No forms were offered to destroy the DNA after their faulty PCR-tests were used to determine whether or not someone was sick with CoVID-19. Nothing of the sort, they collected and sold the DNA.

Finally, “Compelling genomics research projects in biomedicine, rounds out the list.” They want to integrate genomics into everything they can, including other sciences and healthcare. They also want to “Understand how the use of genomics can influence concepts of health, disease, responsibility, identity, family, and community.” In other words, they want to ‘educate’ us about how to properly think about these things.

At the end of their paper, NHGRI have a list of ten things they are hopeful will happen by 2030.

“1. Generating and analyzing a complete human genome sequence will be routine for any research laboratory, becoming as straightforward as carrying out a DNA purification.

“2. The biological function(s) of every human gene will be known; for non-coding elements in the human genome, such knowledge will be the rule rather than the exception.

“3. The general features of the epigenetic landscape and transcriptional output will be routinely incorporated into predictive models of the impact of genotype on phenotype.

“4. Research in human genomics will have moved beyond population descriptors based on historic social constructs such as race.

“5. Studies involving analyses of genome sequences and associated phenotypic information for millions of human participants will be regularly featured at school science fairs.

“6. The regular use of genomic information will have transitioned from boutique to mainstream in all clinical settings, making genomic testing as routine as complete blood counts (CBCs).

“7. The clinical relevance of all encountered genomic variants will be readily predictable, rendering the diagnostic designation “variant of uncertain significance (VUS)” obsolete.

“8. A person’s complete genome sequence along with informative annotations can be securely and readily accessible on their smartphone.

“9. Individuals from ancestrally diverse backgrounds will benefit equitably from advances in human genomics.

“10. Genomic discoveries will lead to curative therapies involving genomic modifications for dozens of genetic diseases.”

And, being as though this paper came out right before the coronavirus murder-jabs came out, they included this section:

“SARS-CoV-2 emerged as global threat to public health at the end of the multi-year process that generated the above strategic vision. Nonetheless, the pandemic provides a potent lesson about how a tiny string of nucleic acids can wreak global havoc on humankind. Understanding the mechanisms involved in the virus’s transmission, invasion, and clearance, as well as the highly variable and at times disastrous physiologic responses to it, are fertile grounds for genomics research. Indeed, genomics rapidly assumed critical roles in COVID-19 research and clinical care in areas such as the (1) deployment of DNA- and RNA-sequencing technologies for diagnostics, viral isolate tracking, and environmental monitoring; (2) use of synthetic nucleic acid technologies for studying SARS-CoV-2 virulence and facilitating vaccine development; (3) examination of how human genomic variation influences infectivity, disease severity, vaccine efficacy, and treatment response; (4) adherence to principles and values related to open science, data sharing, and consortia-based collaborations; and (5) provision of genomic data science tools for studying COVID-19 pathophysiology. The growing adoption of genomic approaches and technologies into myriad aspects of the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic serves as another important and highly visible example of the integral and vital nature of genomics in modern research and medicine.”

Genomics, as I stated at the beginning of this article, is meant to use people as a guinea pig to benefit the global elite. After our usefulness is done, the real culling will be accelerated. In my opinion, these people have just about all the data they can handle. CoVID-19 testing was designed to just go out and get the DNA of the world. And billions fell for it, to the point where they will administer the test at home and send it into the collectors.

Indicting and exposing genomics is difficult because everyone wants to be healthy. This science does hold potentials for health for humanity. But it’s all about who is using it and for what ends. There is a reason that eugenics needed to be specifically addressed by studies in genomics. They don’t really follow it so much, but at least they addressed the issue.

What is all of this for? Genomics in conjunction with digital communication services is where humanity’s future is being driven. Both are always sold as a good thing. Genomics is sold on the lie that it is for better health outcomes. Digital Communications (5G, 6G, etc…) are sold as faster download times while telling all of us it’s safe – it’s not. Neither is genomics safe – those who created these jabs have murdered 10’s of thousands by their reporting, millions according to my discernment.

Without genomics and 5G there could be no Internet of Things which had life forms included in the system. There would be no threat of creating race-specific bioweapons. There would be no threat of being able to use communication towers to shred DNA. There would be no smart cars, no future smart cities…. The future that is being presented to us is not one in which human DNA is to survive without being altered. The ultimate lie they sell all of this on is being able to live forever. Who wants to live forever as a slave to these types of people?

Not me. Preserving human DNA is preserving human dignity and freedom. It is all the same fight.

Without genomics there would also be no transhumanism. There would be no actual cyborgs, no realizable promises of human-enhancing implantable chips, and no need to rip millions of children apart in the womb to perform medical research on them. Whether you believe it or not, no one can live forever on this earth and no one will. And, just it case you still cling to the idea that genomics and transhumanism do, actually include you or anyone you know, I will present a case for you to consider.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) actually sued a company, US Stem Cell, to cease operations. The reason for the FDA’s lawsuit was that two patients who received treatment for their eyesight suffered blindness and the FDA blamed US Stem Cell for it. The FDA won their case. They specifically sued to stop the company from extracting a person’s fat cells, extracting the stem cells inside of it, and re-injecting the stem cells into the ailing person’s body. The FDA is apparently fine with taking stem cells from murdered babies but not from our own bodies. This happened in 2019. Do you really think transhumanism or genomics is for the betterment of humanity? If so I can’t help you.

To drive the point home, the FDA just authorized, 3 years later, an unproven gene therapy (mRNA-’vaccine’) for use in 6 month old babies. These things kill people. And, really, it shouldn’t be a surprise, genomics has identified something known as an immortal cell line – meaning they don’t die, they just keep on replicating. Normal people call that cancer. Those in the genomics field apparently saw it fit to shove the Henrietta Lacks and unknown aborted boy’s immortal cell lines into the shots.

Those involved in applying genomics can claim whatever they want. In reality, all they do is create technologies which harm people, including kill them, depending upon the application. The entire field is a eugenics project and the people in charge are murderers. Don’t kid yourself.


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