Kate Brown, Climate Dictator
Kate Brown, Climate Dictator
Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/27/2022
Kate Brown declared much of Oregon to be under her emergency decree because of climate change. Surely, she meant weather, but nonetheless, the promised climate lockdowns are here in the United States.
I really doubt that Kate Brown will direct most of the state of Oregon to lock themselves into their homes again, like she did with CoVID-19. But I cannot be certain she won’t – she is an unhinged lunatic. And when the lunatics start running the asylums, all kinds of mayhem ensues, especially when they decide to just declare emergencies for no reason and give all power to themselves.
For a week, midday July 25th to midday July 30th, Kate Brown will be dictator of Oregon, again. Executive Order 22-13 reads, in part:
“Pursuant to ORS 401.165, I find a potential threat to life, safety, property, and significant impacts to infrastructure exists due to excessive high temperatures […]. Beginning July 25,2022, and expected to continue through July 30, 2022, these excessively high temperatures are placing a significant burden on local and tribal jurisdictions to provide for the health and safety of their residents. Heat watches, warnings, and advisories have been issued by the National Weather Service throughout the state. Multiple days of extreme heat with little or no cooling overnight may also impact critical infrastructure, causing utility outages and transportation disruptions.”
The order, according to media outlets, will allow for public funding of transportation to, and operation of, cooling centers, the installation of misting stations in parks, and whatever else the governor dreams up. There is a big to-do about people who do not have air-conditioning in their residences, thus the cooling centers and misting stations. Buses will be able to be used to get to a cooling station for no fare.
Great, that’s great Kate Brown, but was it necessary to declare an emergency? Under the emergency, all state agencies are ordered to comply with any requests made by the Oregon Department of Emergency Management. That department is, ultimately, run by Kate Brown because she is the governor of the state. A precedent is being set here, Oregonians, US citizens, anytime a governor or the US president doesn’t like the weather, they can declare an emergency and blame climate change. That’s what Kate Brown is doing with this.
Kate Brown didn’t need an emergency declaration to mitigate the risks of a heat wave. All she needed to do was to say this, which she did say, but declared her dictatorial emergency anyway:
“With many parts of Oregon facing a high heat wave, it is critical that every level of government has the resources they need to help keep Oregonians safe and healthy,” said Governor Brown. “I encourage everyone to take proactive steps to keep themselves and their families safe, including drinking plenty of fluids, taking advantage of cooling centers, and checking in on neighbors, friends, and loved ones.”
The best part about the whole scam being perpetrated against Oregonians all relates to Kate Brown’s desires to tackle climate change and declare emergencies. Pertaining to climate, “Under Governor Brown's leadership, Oregon is leading the effort to tackle the climate crisis, from our commitment to 100% clean energy to creating green jobs for the 21st century.” Pertaining to emergency declarations, “From wildfires to ice storms and drought to extreme heat, Oregon has experienced historic natural disasters in recent years. Governor Brown is committed to preparing Oregon for whatever disaster we may face, and ensuring that Oregonians stay safe.”
So, the last sentence of the opening of the emergency edict she dictated, the line where it says there ‘may’ be problems with utilities (power) and transportation services is not an idle threat. Basically what she is saying is, ‘It’s too hot here.’ ‘People with air-conditioners will be using them to cool down.’ All those air-conditioners running at the same time will be a huge drain on the electrical grid.’ I am doing everything I can to destroy the electricity generation capacity in the state of Oregon.’ ‘This could be a problem, so I will declare an emergency to cover my rear end.’
Do you remember nine years ago on July 2nd when Barrack Hussein Obama wasted an extraordinary amount of money to travel to Africa? Do you remember what that Communist said in South Africa? He said ““Ultimately, if you think about all the youth that everybody has mentioned here in Africa, if everybody is raising living standards to the point where everybody has got a car and everybody has got air conditioning, and everybody has got a big house, well, the planet will boil over – unless we find new ways of producing energy.”
Kate Brown must have took that to heart. Biden must have also taken it to heart, which is easy to do when Obama, the speaker of the ‘you can’t have that’ quote, is the one wearing you like a sock puppet, controlling your mouth, mind, body, and administrations direction. He has already announced he will, as covertly and quietly as possible, begin making his own climate emergencies to destroy all of the energy used by US citizens and the illegal aliens he invites in and never sends home.
But I have to ask Kate Brown, if you expect there to be power outages and people are sweltering in their homes in the dark, how big are these cooling centers? And residents affected in such a manner, how many junkies do you expect to encounter during your excursion to, and while at, a cooling station? I’m sure the buses will be full of the crackheads Kate Brown cares about more than you. And how are any of these people supposed to get to the cooling stations on public transportation if, as Kate Brown suggests, there may be problems with the transportation systems themselves? Are they supposed to drive? Guess what, most cars have air-conditioning, drive yourself around the block with the AC cranked and avoid traumatizing yourself and members of your family.
I live in Sioux Falls, SD. For about 3 weeks I don’t think the low dropped below 70o more than 3 times, and, being as though I work nights, I had a terrible time trying to sleep through the 90o+ days. And I do have an air-conditioner – it must be the worlds worst air-conditioner – but it takes some of the edge off if I sit right next to it. The governor of South Dakota didn’t call for an emergency declaration to my knowledge. When I was a kid, I remember living on the east coast – I’d mow the lawn when it was 100o and 90% humidity and then I’d sleep in my un-air-conditioned bedroom. I didn’t die, I ate and drank things that were cold and I went swimming. There was no emergency declarations then and there shouldn’t be now.
It’s all politics. Kate Brown and Joe Biden are not going to win the admiration of their constituents by declaring climate emergencies. What they are doing is getting people used to emergency on emergency off as they see fit. Eventually it will be emergency forever, speak out and die. That’s the plan. Hopefully these grand ideas of social control through a series of intermittent and random climate emergencies and the sanctions which come with them earn these criminals even less votes so they have to cheat on even more grand-scale to get reelected.
If Kate Brown and her demonic, like-minded governor ‘friends’ really wanted to stop all of the climate change, they would demand that all solar radiation management cease immediately, starting with, specifically, stratospheric aerosolized injections. The same people who look at me sideways for mentioning chemtrails are the same morons who clapped at efforts to suggest our governments ‘start’ doing SAI, which is what chemtrails are, and has been going on for decades. Kate Brown would laugh right in a chemtrail proclaimers face while taking an SAI proponent to dinner and awarding billions in grants and funding, just like Joe Biden does.
These people are cancers in our society – they need to be removed at the ballot box, recalled, or impeached. Whatever is done, we need to maintain the moral high ground. Keep in mind that Kate Brown wouldn’t really give a damn if Mt. Hood blew up, triggered the Cascadia fault line, set off all of the rest of the volcanoes in Oregon, and killed 90% of the people in her state. It would simplify her job, which is apparently to indenture and cause as much damage to everyone in her state as possible with the goal of increasing death rates. At the end of that day, it would just be another emergency she could declare.