The Fall

The Fall

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/10/2023

What is a country? It is more than borders drawn on a map. Proof of this is bountiful in Africa. As the European powers withdrew from the continent they drew lines on a map and said here you go. Those lines have not been positive for the people living in those areas. That’s because countries are not lines on a map. Countries are exactly as Micheal Savage defined them – borders, language, and culture. At midnight tonight, the United States will officially be a failed experiment but it has been in the making for decades.

Culturally, the United States is an incoherent mess. Over and over again invalid claims from minorities, many of whom have self-selected their minority status, have demanded rights which do not exist. The posture of the US in the 1960’s allowed for the passage of Civil Right’s Act of 1968. While the intentions of this legislation may have been noble and even just, those same tactics have been used to justify adding to and expanding protections which should not exist. The disabled quickly adopted the same tactics and received their protected status. Homosexuals have exploited the tactics and now we are forced to accommodate homosexual marriage. Transsexuals are murdering non-transsexuals as they demand their protected status. Pedophiles are being made a protected class in certain states like Minnesota.

Abortion clinics are protected and the baby-murdering employees and deluded would-be-mothers are protected from anyone trying to persuade them from going through with the murder of a child. Centers which promote healthy mothers and healthy babies being born – pregnancy centers – are inundated with hate mail, death threats, and quite a few have been the target of criminal actions from graffiti to arson. People have been arrested for defending themselves against the violent baby-murderers after having been attacked. People have been arrested for praying, silently, too close to one of these abortuaries.

From federally mandating the end of racially discriminatory employment policies, being a juror, and access to education, United States citizens are now facing criminal charges for their speech. These charges are under the ruse of hate crimes as first codified in the Title X. This has translated into convictions for those who participated in the January 6, 2021 protests. Some of those convicted are facing 20 years. Media personalities, several of whom are quite well known, have been sued nearly out of existence (the point was to force the media outlet out of business entirely), fired from their positions, and have been forced to suffer directed threats of death lobbed at themselves and their families. The rightfully elected president of the United States, Donald Trump, is also being persecuted under the idea of hate crimes.

The United States embraced a nationwide culture of death for a very long time. Death is the name of the game in the major cities. It is in cities that the abortuaries are protected. It is in the cities where the mayors pay lip service to cracking down on gang activities, murders, and violent crimes like robbery and arson, and promoting jobs, green spaces, and whatever the new leftist cultural debacle is. Democrat run cities, in particular, are death centers. The largest cities in the United States are in the most populated areas of the United States – particularly on the east and west coasts. As a result there are two major cultures vying for dominance. The coastal areas (and some of their inland leftist comrades) are promoting anti-God, anti-traditional, anti-human culture. Democrat cities, especially those inland – like Des Moines and Coeur d’ Alene introduce the way that creating a post-human world will work in more traditional areas of the nation.

The other culture which exists in the nation is the one which fears God, loves their traditional family (father, mother, children), and seeks to create a future dedicated to humanity (a pro-human future). These are the so-called terrorists and hate mongers which the democrats hate so much. We are the ones being murdered. We are the one’s prison camps are being constructed for. We are the one’s who are being targeted for gun confiscation, land confiscation, and hate speech crimes. The RESTRICT Act will allow the federal government to decide whether quoting the Bible about the abomination of homosexuality should warrant a 20 year prison term. The United States is extremely divided culturally and a large part of the reason is language.

If we could travel back in time we would quickly learn that our vocabulary would be undecipherable to many average citizens we met. Hey what about that LGBT mafia, a time-traveller may ask. I’ll take a BLT but what is the G (garlic?) in there? may well be the response received in the 1990’s and even into the 2000’s. Our language matters. It’s how we define things. Saying the word faggot out loud is only recognized as a slur against a sexual orientation (another invalid class of protected individuals), never a cigarette. If we went back even 30 years ago, conversations about the post-human future, artificial intelligence, and drones delivering our goods to our front doors would be scoffed at if they were even comprehended by the vast majority of the population.

Apart form the meaning of words, linguistics, there is the problem which arrises when the same language is not spoken. The language barrier is very real and it ends up making it next to impossible to communicate within our own communities. How is a culture to be shared if a common language is not understood? Flooding traditional communities with people holding vastly different cultural norms and no ability to communicate in the local language is what multiculturalism has forced all of us to suffer from. Coexistence (if you have one of the stickers displayed, please, immolate yourself) is not an option when your neighbors refuse to understand the word no and you are telling them raping two year old boys is not acceptable, squatting in your house is not going to fly, or that wiping their asses with their hands yet washing their balls in the sink is inappropriate.

Speaking of multiculturalism – it has been forced down the throats of all Western nations. Well, what were once Western nations – they have all largely ceased to exist. Like the lines drawn in Africa to represent culturally and linguistically disparate peoples who, as it turns out, are very tribal and have deep-seeded and long-running hatreds of one another Western nations have decided to import these problems into their own nations. Not only are the tribal and factious distinctions among the ‘refugees’ (illegal aliens) arriving on Western nations shores held onto in their new nations, they also hate the locals – the members of their host communities. Because there is an unquenchable desire by Western governments to eradicate social, linguistic, and language cohesion within their nations, the numbers of refugees and illegals are swell and along with it the animosity from the locals towards these alien people and their language and customs. Quite simply it is replacement migration being perpetrated against the nations of the West.

Tonight, at midnight, Title 42 will disappear. Millions of foreigners will be joining tens of millions of other foreigners in an orgy properly titled destroy the United States. All of these foreigners (they are not all from Mexico – recently huge numbers of Venezuelans, Chinese, and people from North African nations have been transitioning to illegal alien status) represent the multiculturalism which democrats love so much because of their ignorance. Crime rates go up, morality goes down, and social cohesion disintegrates. It all leads to increases in death. It leads to decreases in social mobility. It leads to decreased economic opportunity, suppressed wages, and higher taxes for public services dedicated to embracing those who pay no taxes.

Title 42 actually saw some of these illegal aliens get deported. Without it, far less of this invading, multinational invasion force will be sent back to their home nation. That makes me, and many others angry especially when coupled with the demands Biden issued to this invasion force – “crash the borders.” But it makes the cartels angry as well. If someone gets deported three times, it means they illegally crossed that unenforced southern border three times for thousands of dollars each time. The cartels will lose billions. National security is at stake.

At least two of the cartels (Sinaloa and Gulf) have united forces with the intent to carry out terror attacks in the United States. That’s unheard of. That’s like the Bloods and the Crips getting together to sell drugs on street corners as a unified force. At least two such attacks have occurred. Eight were brutally murdered by a cartel-affiliate at a mall in Allen, Texas and a truck was purposefully used by another cartle-affiliate to run over at least 18 in Brownsville, Texas, murdering 8 as well. These acts of terrorism have not been condemned as such. The cartels are still not listed as international terrorist organizations. Have no doubts, this is clear-cut terrorist activity – these murders and the attacks which will follow are being done to demand the United States reinstate Title 42 because it is good for their criminal enterprise’s bottom line.

The US government; however, under the interloping, Manchurian, Obama-order following Biden, sees no reason to do anything about the terror attacks nor the open border. He has weaponized every aspect of the US government against the culture, language, and borders of the United States. Those who Obama called clingers (lovers of God, owners of guns, and followers of the US Constitution) have been targeted for destruction because we are a cultural impediment to the ‘new’ ways Obiden is demanding we live. The lingo is violent domestic extremism, hate speech, and trans rights are human rights. The border being obliterated represents unmitigated replacement migration, Cloward and Piven schemes, and even less social cohesion. The terror attacks can be used to blame so-called right-wing extremists, demonize white people and those with traditional values, and to demand gun confiscation. Obiden loves all of this. Both Obama and Biden are terrorists against the United States….

This has not happened overnight. It has been brewing for quite some time. The United States was framed for a “moral people” and was intended to be operated by a moral people. What we have are a bunch of ethically challenged retards claiming they are moral and destroying the nation from within. Over the last several decades our national culture has morphed into one celebrating death and demonizing life. Our language has been bastardized and used as a weapon against anyone who has a disagreement. Our border no longer exists and at midnight tonight, that already existing fact will be officially recognized as hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from God-knows where flood into the United States unimpeded.

What is a country? Does the United States qualify? In my opinion the United States has been on life support for at least two decades. The life support has been turned off and the nation is gasping for air. The reasons our culture has been denigrated and altered, our language has been rendered as criminally punishable by prison terms, and our borders viewed as nothing more than a line on a map is because Satan is having his way with us. And the former nation deserves it, too. 65% of the population sees no reason to base their morality on God’s word according to a recent Pew Research poll. As a nation we have rejected God, the author of morality, in favor of a set of ethics which have obviously failed this nation.

We could save ourselves by turning back to God. By repenting for our sins, asking God to restore His blessings upon the nation, and adopting His morals while abandoning the failed experiment in man-made ethics, the United States could once more be Great Again. That is up to a people which has turned it’s back on God. It’s something I want to see occur but I don’t see it occurring. I see people slogging through their days, doing the same things they have always done, and avoiding anything actually unfolding at all costs. Even more, these people explicitly deny God’s role in their own lives, demand that God be removed entirely from all government institutions (and society at large for the matter), and that science is the salvation of mankind. We were warned of these times. Here they are. The fall is here. How far we will fall is going to be determined by how long we, as a nation, refuse to recognize God and follow His morals.

Bless God and God bless.


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