The APA Weighs in: Destroy Misinformation By Destroying Society

The APA Weighs in: Destroy Misinformation By Destroying Society

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/1/2023

For as much as I dislike seeing the marauding hoards of Marxists demanding the death of all Jews waving the flag of a non-state entity, I still respect their ability to speak their minds. I think they are abjectly wrong. I think that these mobs may prove to be dangerous to many of our lives, too. But I also think that it is better that they are out in the open demanding the genocide of the Jewish people rather than in one of their grandparent's basements making bombs and talking tactics. I really want those with those stupid Palestine flags to shut their murderous and slanderous mouths but I would rather conduct that operation in the realm of ideas. Groups like Hamas have made that impossible because they constantly take their disagreements to the kinetic level. They want blood.

The APA is no different than Hamas. They have a bloodlust just as great as the masked horrors of Hamas. Instead of shooting bullets and missiles though, the APA want’s to take control over our central nervous systems themselves. This, they claim, will result in a world of more truthiness. Truthiness is a code word I first heard several years ago and it seems to be directly related to the concept of getting people to volunteer to do incredibly harmful things to themselves because an ‘expert’ told them to. The APA wants to create a real world real time truthiness metric for everyone on earth to follow. This metric will be one that, after a generation or two, no one will even be able to think outside of. The APA’s truthiness demands are aimed at one thing – creating a global hive mind from which there is no escape.

Speech, obviously, is able to convince others to take actions. It’s a precursor to action, actually, especially when there is a group of people and coordination to accomplish a collective action is needed. Home construction, for example, is rarely accomplished as a single-man project. The plumbers, electricians, sheet-rock hangers, carpenters, and painters all need to coordinate their actions and that is done through speech – either orally or through writing.

Speech takes on a much greater level of importance when it comes to the realm of ideas. The more abstract the idea, the more important speech becomes. I cannot show you a picture of G-d because I don’t know what He looks like. Not knowing what He looks like doesn’t make me stop believing in Him though. He gave us the Torah to live well by and the salvation of His Son Yeshua HaMashiach. The Torah itself is speech. The recordings of Yeshua’s time on this earth is speech. I can point to those works of speech and state this is what G-d had men write down on His behalf. Some take it and some leave it. For those that leave it or interpret it differently, in order to convey our ideas about why we see things differently, speech is needed.

The weight and power of the speech of a person is determined by their official status (‘expert’, lay person, novice), the numbers of people saying the same thing, and how much trust the hearer or the reader has in the person or the institution the person is representing. Broadly, this is the first topic the APA’s press release, titled Psychological science can help counter spread of misinformation, says APA report, states. If the content of an entities speech conflicts with the approved narrative from ‘officially approved’ sources, the APA claims, then it is misinformation and needs to be countered. That is the second point made in the APA press release as well as the purpose of the underlying paper in the first place.

According to the press release, misinformation needs to be countered through creating technological ghettos, legislation (which implies making speech illegal), and changing people’s behaviors. If you are thinking along the same lines I am about this, it is the same carrot and stick approach that Stalin and Goebbels loved so much in the murderous and degenerate societies they ushered into existing on the world stage. It is for this reason that the APA has earned the same label – they want to do the exact same thing.

Eight steps are identified to directly combat so-called misinformation. Remember, misinformation is not about truth, it is about compliance with an official narrative most often designed to deprive large sections of the public of a legitimate right, good, service, or the ability to act independent of those issuing the official narrative. To meet the needs demanded by those combating misinformation the APA has suggested per their press release:

“Avoid repeating misinformation without including a correction.

“Collaborate with social media companies to understand and reduce the spread of harmful misinformation.

“Use misinformation correction strategies with tools already proven to promote healthy behaviors.

“Leverage trusted sources to counter misinformation and provide accurate health information.

“Debunk misinformation often and repeatedly using evidence-based methods.

“Prebunk misinformation to inoculate susceptible audiences by building skills and resilience from an early age.

“Demand data access and transparency from social media companies for scientific research on misinformation.

“Fund basic and translational research into the psychology of health misinformation, including ways to counter it.”

From these recommendations it can be concluded that the APA will no longer tolerate questioning vaccine efficiency, all-cause death rates between 2021 until present, or election results if a democrat wins. What they are tolerant of are edicts mandating we have ourselves injected with experimental medical interventions, self-imposed austerity to save the earth, and reprobates in the streets and rioting in the US capitol demanding the extermination of 16 million Jews.

But, because the APA is not 100% certain that these measures would stomp out all noncompliance to the favored narrative. So, they decided to also ask for additional resources. Right after this they noted that $2 million was given to the APA research team that channeled Goebbels through a CDC grant.

The actual 44 page document from which the press release was derived is even worse. From the outset the report it is made perfectly clear that the research team has no interest in science. They have decided to produce a report by consensus meaning that they have now fully entered the political realm. In the political realm there are those of us who wish to retain free speech and there are Nikki Haley’s and Kathy Hochul’s who have no regard for free speech whatsoever. The APA clearly aligned themselves with the degenerate globalists in the United States (and the world). They should never again be permitted to claim they are a scientific organization as they clearly have entered into the political fray on the side of destroying national sovereignty, individual health decisions, and against free-thought in general.

The gulag in the USSR was used to physically punish those who went against the approved narrative and was justified based on ‘psychological abnormalities’ and the APA is seeking to recreate that system. More, they are seeking to make what Stalin could only dream of doing – making it impossible to even think of going against the narratives of the USSR. In order to do that, all other sources of information would need to be stamped out, their sources disappeared, and any official sources containing conflicting information with the newest version of a narrative removed from circulation. In a nut shell, the APA has decided that Orwell’s 1984 is an operational manual.

The APA wanted to answer several questions according to the abstract. “Despite a growing body of research on the topic [misinformation], significant questions remain about (a) psychological factors that render people susceptible to misinformation, (b) the extent to which it affects real-world behavior, (c) how it spreads online and offline, and (d) intervention strategies that counter and correct it effectively.”

After noting that the US Department of Health and Human Services also funded this report, they included an introduction. The reason they created this document is clearly defined in the very first sentence. Abandoning any notion of common sense with the intention of violating and destroying every G-d-given right they can, the APA wrote, “In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a worldwide “infodemic” based on concerns that “a global epidemic of misinformation—spreading rapidly through social media platforms and other outlets—poses a serious problem for public health.”” The WHO is the cause of the paper. The APA apparently doesn’t think the WHO has proven itself to be destructive enough while it still recommends murder by medical intervention after contributing heavily to murdering over 20 million already. As a reflection of that fact, the APA wrote this dumpster fire.

In the first section they tried to identify why people believe what the APA claims is disinformation. The obvious answer is that the official narratives offered to us make no sense at all. Hundreds of millions of people have no trust in institutions with proven track records of lying to the public. That much should be extremely clear because the spreaders of misinformation are the Bill Gates’, Pfizer’s, and Anthony Fauci’s of the world. Their misinformation is the official narrative though. It just so happens that this official narrative is designed to depopulate humanity by inoculating billions of us to save us from living.

The APA basically stated that people are too stupid to understand misinformation (what they were paid to find by their funding sources) and, thus shouldn’t be trusted to combat it on their own. They don’t use the word stupid, they use the term ‘knowledge neglect’ which means, if you believe that Moses took two animals, one of each sex, onto the ark, then you neglected your knowledge. Screwing with people’s minds by suggesting that Moses took any animals on the ark (it was Noah) is what the APA is getting at. Based on their own knowledgeable deception, the APA has dubbed anyone who misreads a statement as too stupid to be capable of detecting misinformation in the first place. Thus, according to the APA, we should have truthiness boards sitting over any information we are able to consume for our own good.

In a case study box the APA stepped on the narrative compliancy soap box. They demanded that the ineffective and, honestly, useless Tamaflu medication be trusted over natural remedies for flu’s and colds. They claim that hydroxychloroquine has no effect on combating Covid-19. The dangers of millimeter waves to human beings was downplayed and dismissed by naming 5G towers as the cause of Covid-19. There should be a grand total of zero people in the US of Somalian descent (the entire nation is a terrorist organization) but the APA is not worried about that they are worried about the vindication of Andrew Wakefield who proved that autism rates are linked to the MMR vaccine. Looking into the official narrative about the AIDS origins story (a sailor raped a monkey) anyone without an agenda will quickly smell the rat and continue looking for the true cause including that it was an engineered biological weapon created by the United States. According to the APA, Anthony Fauci’s edicts about AIDS are still sacrosanct and cannot even be questioned. I would like the APA to answer the questions about Fauci’s demands to treat AIDS patients with only AZT while he had a financial stake in the lethal drug. After they answer that they can correctly address the real question – why did anyone trust Fauci during Covid-19?

In the second section the APA sought to identify the channels through which misinformation flows. My answer is that, during Covid-19, government leaders stepped aside to allow public health officials access to all of the mass media outlets available. On the ‘grassroots’ side, they paid content creators to promote their narrative. They also instructed all of the social media networks to absolutely silence any questions or critiques of the Covidiocy plandemic. To fix this, we should not shovel poop down people’s throats and provide no truthful information while answering their questions.

The APA, following the directions which were included with their $2 million grant from the CDC and HHS, decided that questions are no longer allowed. It goes back to the first section where they determined that all of the people these things effect should have no say about them. We are all too stupid to make those decisions. We need to trust the experts. So, their recommendations are to only allow the experts access to information channels.

In the case study the APA used for this section they tried to destroy Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19. Despite the fact that the film was and still is accurate and based on actual science, the APA called it a “conspiracy” containing “false claims”. Those claims, according to the APA, include the fact that wearing a mask increases disease rates because they trap disease-causing agents and force us to rebreathe them into our lungs. That fact was the topic of Anthony Fauci’s own research. He told us to wear a mask because he wants us dead. The APA is telling us that wearing a mask is just fine because they are just fine with telling us to kill ourselves by using less distressing language. Likewise, the APA cited that Plandemic contains information about flu vaccines having coronavirus in them (likely the APA’s own act of misinformation – flu shots are now based on mRNA technology, a gene therapy, just like the Covid-19 death jabs) and suggesting that hydroxychloroquine works against Covid-19. The only people make those claim there is no validity to Plandemic’s information are those who want us dead, plain and simple.

The box goes on to bemoan the success of Plandemic by noting that it received more views than trailer-trash Taylor Swift’s announcement of a new concert tour and The Office airing a zoom-based special (I was today years-old when I heard about either of these things because they just are not important). Entertainment, according to the APA, should be held in higher regard than seeking answers to life and death questions. The APA made the claim that Plandemic was debunked (a lie) after they celebrated media platforms which removed the content. Shut down all discussion about anything that matters is the message I am gathering from the APA.

The last section are the responses the APA has deemed appropriate. In the two case study boxes, the first is about how to destroy free speech through the anti-smoking campaign be waged by the WHO. Smoking cigarettes is obviously not a healthy habit yet, for decades, tobacco companies made it look cool and never mentioned that the chemicals in those cigarettes are highly carcinogenic. The information about potential health-risks involving smoking cigarettes needed to be known. They are now widely known. But that is not enough for the APA – people still smoke tobacco so more anti-smoking advertising is demanded by the group. It’s odd they chose tobacco companies as their example and not, say, the anti-GMO movement. Genetically modified foods, many processed, and some infused with nanotechnologies, isn’t a big problem for the WHO and APA and HHS and CDC, I guess. Never mind the cancer GMO and the chemicals those Frankenplants are protected from causing cancer – it’s all cigarette smoking. The APA dug up a 24 year old lawsuit against their favorite scapegoat to try to prove their point. Maybe if we injected nicotine through vaccines they would have been safe just like the murderers at Pfizer and Moderna are – both companies are making new vaccines based on their death drenched mRNA platforms instead of being hung by the neck for their criminal activities. Add the researchers at the APA to the list of Nuremberg 2.0 defendants.

The second case study box is all about a real life application of brainwashing. During Covid-19 a game called Go Viral! was released to enforce Covidiocy narratives and mandates. The APA’s celebration of a digital application of Goebbels was only reigned in because the surveillance provided about the effectiveness of the game to brainwash those who played it was not intrusive enough. It also failed to convince people to play Russian roulette with Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ injections. Actually, what this box really reveals is how entrenched in global governance the APA really is. They note that the game was also celebrated by the genocidal monsters at the WHO and United Nations. UNESCO, a genocidal UN agency focused on obliterating the family, environment, and economies of the world in line with another ‘fictional’ book, Brave New World, was used as the benchmark for the games effectiveness of combating misinformation.

The APA notes that the best way to do fix misinformation is to have platforms ban anyone promoting it. “It is possible that system-level interventions could be more effective than individual-level ones in curbing the spread of misinformation—for example, by reducing the harmful effects of recommender algorithms, demoting misinformation in online search platforms and social media, or removing content in predatory journals from medical databases.” But, they are concerned about media companies who won’t comply and, thus, see a need for individual self-censorship as well. For self-censorship the APA notes four methods which, in their ideal world, will change the behaviors of those not complying with the narrative the prefer which, it should be clear by this point, is the extermination of the human race.

The first of these is to debunk. By relying on fact-checking organizations, the APA claims, people will be able to learn about the truth. While fact-checkers in no way represent the truth whatsoever, they are very good at determining that anything conflicting with the death cultists narratives is false and skewing anything which is slightly unaligned into alignment with the death cult’s narratives because that is what they make their money to do. The APA loves this idea because it creates an echo chamber built by them and their favored experts.

The second is literacy. They want us to read what they want us to see and they would rather we not go looking for source documents. They want us to read their infographics and bullet-pointed commands. They do not want us to start looking at the source documents, the raw data, nor the damning documents detailing exactly what it is these cultists are after. If you are sick and tired of illegal immigration, by no means should you go to the UN website and search ‘Replacement Migration’ and read the year 2000 document by that name. Don’t go look watch Bill Gates smile when he says that if we do a really good job with vaccines we can reduce the (P) population in P*S*E*C= CO2. Don’t read Agenda 2030, The Singularity is Near, The Great Reset, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This is what they mean by literacy. They want to ensure that their edicts and dictates are followed without any ability to ask questions about them and, especially, being able to formulate effective resistance to their intentions and operations.

The third one involves prebunking. The paper includes a definition of this which is incredibly similar to the concept of a hive mind, “an umbrella term for a category of interventions intended to prevent people from believing future misinformation attempts,” is how the APA put is. In other words, they are going to intentionally brainwash us. In particular, they plan on using psychological inoculations to accomplish this. This type of brainwash is defined as, “exposure to a weak version of an argument builds psychological resistance against future unwanted persuasion.” They are going to create a whole bunch of strawmen and spread the most wildly asinine varieties. What they are suggesting is a war crime because their target is civilian populations and a crime against humanity because of their desire to cause great physical and mental harm to all civilian populations. They are proposing causing purposeful brain damage through psychological warfare.

Nudging is their fourth suggestion. The APA is very warm towards nudging efforts. This is likely due to the totalitarian and tyrannical nature of these interventions. “Major advantages of these interventions include that they are relatively easy to implement on social media (e.g., Twitter double-checks if users wish to retweet an article that they have not yet read) and that they do not require people to opt in to the intervention.” I personally don’t care what articles employees at social media networks read nor do I care what their opinions of those articles are because I don’t trust them. More, I am never going to trust them. Additionally, if one cannot opt in, then one cannot opt out. Not being able to opt out is why the APA loves the idea.

Nudging is broken into two main types favored by the APA. One is appealing to logic. They want to cast doubt over articles they disagree with by calling into question the accuracy of the information. Here is an example. Suppose I post an article about the UN’s Replacement Migration document. Despite the fact that the UN document exists and it promises nearly 600 million immigrants into the United States by 2050 (page 74 in the document, 106 on the sidebar) this type of censorship will suggest that my revulsion at the idea casts doubt on whether or not it is accurate. The other type of nudging the APA suggests is to use social pressure to dictate whether or not to share something. In other words they are demanding that truth be democratized and normalized by consensus, and then used as a weapon against those expounding on the truth, to enforce a narrative compliancy based on lies with an end goal of the annihilation of the human race.

The APA report is tailored to combat health misinformation in particular. The reason I spent so much time on this is because these psychological terror operations and manipulations are not going to be limited to health information. The APA pats themselves on the back while they recognized that fact. What they are doing is not going to be limited to a singular topic – it is going to be used to destroy thought in all areas and topics where the monsters at the top of the global pyramid have a desire to dictate to us what proper thought is. Elections, transportation options, what race is good and which one is bad, should Israel exist, and a million more important topics are no longer going to be issues decided by any of our thoughts. Only their thoughts will matter and all of these tactics will be used to force our compliance to that decision (the narrative) or face prison terms and massive fines.

I know most of the people who read the articles I write are conservatives. So, I saved icing the cake for last because we are the target. The APA report states, “Finally, many studies have found that conservatives in the United States were more likely than liberals to believe misinformation. However, it is unclear whether conservatives are more psychologically vulnerable to misinformation or whether they are more heavily targeted by misinformation in the current information environment.”

The questions asked by the APA are immaterial and honestly ridiculous. The answer to the question they didn’t ask because they would hate the answer is that the official ‘sources’ for determining what is misinformation are all a bunch of liberal scumbags who have also determined that we should all be murdered to usher in their utopia. Misinformation, aka criminalizing the truth, is an endeavor reserved for death cults. The question they should have asked concerning conservatives’ perceived acceptance of so-called misinformation is why.

Conservatives generally have a Biblical perspective on life for one. They shun death cults. They shun evil. They go to work and perform their jobs with integrity. They love their families. They provide for their families. They strive to be upstanding citizens. They are capable of independent thought. They are willing to understand different perspectives to better understand their own positions. While this isn’t true of all conservatives, it is certainly true of most of them. That is why they won’t ask the right question in the first place. The answer to the question why does it seem misinformation is more believed by conservatives will reflect that they follow G-d’s ways and reject the world’s ways. Add on that misinformation is being demanded from the liberal death camp cultists and there is the reason. Conservatives are being demonized because they are a massive population in the United States (and in other nations) which portends failure for the absolute degenerates demanding all their liberal nonsense and global government intrusions into our lives to effect it.

Here is a sentence we can break down under the APA’s misinformation ruse. ‘Only G-d is good’. This is going to be a felony in the near future. Under misinformation speech codes, the idea of G-d will be made a felony because it’s accuracy will be denied. It will be denied in order to facilitate the worship of the global government and it’s intrusions into our lives for our own good. The concept of good will no longer be permissible because along with the term comes the idea of evil. That implies choice and the APA paper, if nothing else, is dedicated to ensuring that we no longer have choices to make over our speech and, hence, our thoughts. They will decide what we are able to say and think. The statement as a whole will be made into a declaration of war against the State because if only G-d is good, by definition, everything else is not good, including the State. Of course, eradicating the concepts of G-d and good versus evil preclude the need to demonize the entire statement. Being as though we are not there quite yet look for the developments which will bring it about criminalizing Mark 10:18 just as the United Kingdom has done to Leviticus 18:22.

To say the quiet part out loud the APA is just one agent of Satan working in the larger global effort to demonize speech they don’t like. The APA wants to make sure that we don’t say what they don’t like by not allowing us the ability to think for ourselves in the first place. It is a war against G-d. And, I’ve written this many times – these demonically infused entities know they will never be able to reach into the throne room of G-d from this earth. The Adversary himself knows he is not able to obtain it. So, in order to harm G-d, they have declared war on those who follow G-d and G-d’s ways. Their idea is to get G-d to come here so they can wage war on Him directly. The hubris of their notions that they will defeat G-d are laughable but their designs to destroy what He has created are overwhelmingly palpable.

I started this article off with Hamas’ desire to exterminate all of the Jews. It’s not just all of the Jews though. It’s anyone who follows any of G-d’s ways. It is anyone who looks upon the Messiah for their salvation without deifying or idolizing Him. What side of the debate is most of the world on? They lean towards the extermination of the Jews at the hands of Hamas but cannot figure out how to make that palatable to the masses at the present time. If we are forced to suffer in the Hell the APA is promising they are going to create through their anti-misinformation campaign, expect this lack of palatability to be quickly overcome. If there is no good and evil there is going to be even less respect for human life. If there is no G-d there will be no ability for anyone to appeal to Him. That’s their entire intent. The APA just so happens to be too cowardly to openly state it but the members of the APA are constantly deciding what is acceptable for people to think and it is only a matter of time until they lose their fear of the backlash they will cause when they target Judaism followed by Christianity. The APA’s report is a step in that direction.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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