The Ongoing Saga of the Run-Up to World War Three

The Ongoing Saga of the Run-Up to World War Three

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/29/2022

Since the middle of the 1940’s and on the world has been confronted by a technology which can wreak so mach havoc that some of the devices created have never even been tested. The atomic bomb was unleashed with devastating impacts upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the last world war with Japan. The technology was expanded upon and today’s nuclear arsenals require an atomic bomb as the detonator for the thermonuclear devices of this era. The nuclear threat is not gone and the device’s which pose the threat and the leaders of the nations which possess those threats are growing more unstable by the day. Relationships are realigning. The leaders are becoming more and more unhinged. The people’s of the world will suffer from the derangement of these leaders, the realignments which are taking place, and the ever-present and increasing threat of global thermonuclear war.

During the Cold War, the United States took over the role traditionally held by Britain. For centuries, Britain's role in Europe was to make sure that no European power grew to great. They played Germany off against France off against Russia. During the Cold War, the United States did everything it could to make sure the USSR’s communism (which was expansive) and China’s communism (which they did not wish to be expansive at the time) never cooperated with one another. While the United States was not the sole executor of this strategy, the USSR was contained as best as possible within the USSR – not that they didn’t have their own allies such as Cuba, Iran, and Syria. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russia Federation was created and many nations were once more given their autonomy back. The fall of the USSR left one superpower, the US, in a position few nations have ever known.

Like the others who found themselves in this position, the US pissed the opportunity for a peaceful, free, world. Not only did the US not manage to create this situation, it could be argued that the presidencies of George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barrack Hussein Obama, and Joe Biden actually made the world a more dangerous place by creating and striving for increased globalism, destroying the US economy with ‘trade’ deals, and weakening the US military. I didn’t include Donald Trump because, well, he tried to roll back globalist policies where he could, tried to prevent ‘trade’ deals from further damaging the US economy, and tried to make the US military stronger by not having the US act as the policeman of the world.

Globalism, the new world order that George H. W. Bush spoke so fondly of, is what all of these presidents increasingly staked, and still stake, the future of America to. The CoVID-19 scamdemic broke globalism by exposing it’s weaknesses. Joe Biden doesn’t seem to understand this and neither do his handlers because at every turn they side with globalism and the evil ‘men’ and ‘women’ who have doubled down on the one-world everything. But some nations did recognize the fracturing of globalism and are actually profiting off of its exposed weaknesses. Those two nations are China and Russia.

China played a tremendous role in breaking globalism in the first place. They allowed Western nations to conduct their gain of function research by proxy. Then, when they felt the time was right, China allowed a release of a biological agent to ‘escape’ from the Western-backed lab. The whole world shut down and the whole world rolled out surveillance demands for each and every ‘citizen.’ China was the first to reopen. China made tons of money off the deal too because they hoarded medical supplies in the months preceding the outbreak of man-made coronavirus. Then they sat back and watched as the Western world ran around like crazy trying to find a ‘cure’. This is where Trump ate it big time – he pushed the ‘new’ vaccines out claiming they were safe and effective. He was lied to at the time. Why in the world he is still going on about the safety and efficacy of these lethal, ineffective shots is beyond this author’s ability to comprehend. The miserable and horrifying effects of these jabs are documented now – it is far past time for Trump to say I’m sorry, I was lied to, and I messed up. I don’t think he will do it, but I hope that I am wrong – the US needs a strong leader that will put America first.

China, meanwhile, is running around the globe trying to finish up its Belt and Road Initiative, threatening Taiwan and other neighbors, and illegally building and claiming lands around man-made islands. Beijing has openly declared war against the United States and, since doing so, has been permitted to buy up lots of US land adjacent to military bases. China still owns trillions of dollars worth of US debt.

Russia, for its part, loved the idea of having a completely moronic and, now, senile president running the United States. Even more enamorating for Russia is the idea that Biden’s handlers love to see wars occurring because that’s how they get rich. So Russia went into the Ukraine with the intent to do whatever it wanted. The US, and many other nations, placed sanctions on Russia. Those sanctions have made Russia very rich in a very short time. Europe is very much dependent upon Russian gas and oil despite sanctions and green energy boondoggles. They are going to be very cold this winter and Russia is still going to get very rich.

But where the Western nations really screwed up is the fact that relations between Russia and China are only growing stronger. China, also, needs to import large amounts of oil and gas for its economic well-being. Russia, needing somewhere to sell oil and gas and China, seeking to get better deals on the oil and gas they need, of course fell into each others arms. Of course the Biden Administration knew this was at least a highly likely outcome but the sanctions went into effect anyway. And they remain in effect.

This is a major problem for Western civilization. Russia has some of the most advanced weapons systems in the world and a gigantic nuclear arsenal. China doesn’t care how many die in a global nuclear war (yes they have actually stated that), have a sizable nuclear arsenal of their own, and a standing army totaling in the millions. Pushing these two nations together presents a highly volatile military threat to the entire world. With the US having, basically, no leadership whatsoever, a declining economy, and an increasingly violent and vocal gang of communist idiots running around in the streets, sooner or later something will give. Either Russia and China will decide the US is internally fractured to the point that there will be little formidable resistance to an invasion; a US civil war will break out between US citizens and globalist fascists/communists facilitating infiltration and destruction of the US populace through foreign intervention and/or direct invasion; or the US administration will be bought off to just allow the two to occupy the US and do as they please. The fact that the Biden Administration, during a time of great geopolitical upheaval and violent domestic unrest, is trying to disarm the entire nation speaks volumes about the intentions of this ‘administration.’

All of these points should be driven home, especially on September 1, 2022. On that date, Russia will host Vlodstok 2022, a joint military exercise which will include Russian and Chinese troops, as well as military personnel and armaments from other nations like India. The Russians have stated that this is just a normal, scheduled, military exercise. The Chinese have issued statements trying to assuage Western fears of a Russia/Chinese alliance as well.

Globalism has promised the world that the US would no longer be a superpower and they are hellbent, Joe Biden and his regime included, to make good on their promise. The globalist model state is China which has no issue with lying to the world by saying one thing and doing the absolute opposite. The United States has no issue with doing this. Russia has no issue with doing this either. In a world in which the US is being demonized and hissed at by its ‘allies,’ rivals, and enemies alike while it is being gutted internally, the US clearly will not be a superpower at all if these trends continue. Without a superpower; however, there is going to be a vacuum in which some other nation will have to fill the role. Right now it seems the Chinese will be filling the vacuum with a strong backing from the Russians. The EU will stay silent on the matter. When the Chinese/Russian invasion of the US comes, it is highly plausible many nations in the EU, France and Germany the most prominent, will be on the side of the Russians and/or Chinese.

I don’t think this war will take place overseas, I think it will occur right here in the US itself. The Chinese have this grand idea that they will murder every single person in the United States. The Russians will grow very weary of these trade sanctions and retaliate which could easily spark a broader war. The US globalists are focused on giving rights to transgender things, codifying hate speech, legalizing pedophilia, legalizing baby murder, educating our children in pronouns and non-historical history, and confiscating firearms. Really, I have no doubt who would win such a conflict right now – but I do have doubts about the way it will be waged. Hopefully all of these deranged lunatics keep their fingers off of their nuclear triggers – my assurances for that rest upon the last shreds of human decency remaining in these leaders and, honestly, I don’t see that in any of them. They are all globalists at the end of the day, and all globalists see 7.5 billion of us as useless collateral ready to be expended and discarded as trash – a nuclear war would be right up their alley.

We live in terrible times. Truth flees from the lips of men. This is all written down in – you guessed it – the Bible. Learn it and be not afraid. God Bless you.


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