The ‘Affidavit’

The ‘Affidavit’

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/28/2002

I read the affidavit the FBI ‘released’ to the public. Out of the 84 points in the document, 31 of them are fully available. 53 of the sections are redacted in whole or in part. The names of anyone related to the investigation, including the scumbag who filed it, are redacted. Specific items to be seized from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate were redacted. The release was, indeed, meaningless.

If anyone wanted to gain meaning from the Affidavit, there is little to gain. One thing that can be picked up is that the FBI has absolutely no ability to read existing laws. They cited a bunch of laws pursuant to their illegal raid upon Trump’s home; however, they did not manage to read the sections stating who, exactly, that applies to. Just a hint – they don’t apply to the President of the United States.

The most important piece of the Affidavit came from Trump’s legal representation for this matter. In a letter reproduced in the Affidavit, titled Exhibit I, the legal team noted that public perception of the Department of Justice is miserable. Public perception of the FBI is miserable. And the raid only produced one outcome, making public perception of the DOJ and FBI worse. The letter also suggests that the DOJ remember that it is supposed to be impartial politically which is something Merrick Garland (nor Christopher Wray, for that matter) may not have the ability to do. The letter points out, correctly, that “Presidential Actions Involving Classified Documents Are Not Subject To Criminal Sanction.” Finally, the letter addresses the need for exculpatory evidence to be presented to judges and juries.

The most important part of the entire Affidavit comes in two paragraphs of Exhibit I:

“There have been public reports about an investigation by DOJ into Presidential Records purportedly marked as classified among materials that were once in the White House and unknowingly included among the boxes brought to Mar-a-Lago by the movers. It is important to emphasize that when a request was made for the documents by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), President Trump readily and voluntarily agreed to their transfer to NARA. The communications regarding the transfer of boxes to NARA were friendly, open, and straightforward. President Trump voluntarily ordered that the boxes be provided to NARA. No legal objection was asserted about the transfer. No concerns were raised about the contents of the boxes. It was a voluntary and open process.

“Unfortunately, the good faith demonstrated by President Trump was not matched once the boxes arrived at NARA. Leaks followed. And, once DOJ got involved, the leaks continued. Leaks about any investigation are concerning. Leaks about an investigation that involve the residence of a former President who is still active on the national political scene are particularly troubling.”

The lawyers really cut into the heart of the matter in those two paragraphs. They stated actual events which occurred, followed by the piss-poor response they received by NARA, the DOJ, and the media.

Yet, the unknown FBI agent still wrote this Affidavit to seize any document produced throughout the Trump administration which was in Trump’s possession. It actually says that in the Affidavit. Anything more specific than national security concerns is redacted. Where was the FBI raid for Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. Where were the FBI investigations into all the stolen furniture and the massive paper shredding operation the Clinton’s partook in and directed? This is all political. And this worthless FBI agent not only knows it’s all political, it went out of it’s way to try to justify the illegality of the raid. The FBI agent should be fired, the judge disbarred, and any ‘law enforcement’ member who participated in the raid placed on unpaid leave. All of them should be tried for treason.

And the media, oh the media. They claimed Trump walked off with the nuclear codes. Maybe that is one of the items listed in the hundreds of redacted lines. They claim that Trump is responsible for getting hundreds of CIA agents and informants killed. In reality, the media knows exactly the same thing that I know, unless, of course, they were privy to the unredacted Affidavit. Being as though 95% of the media out there is nothing but a propaganda mouthpiece for the government and intelligence agencies which are permitted to blatantly lie to the population (thanks Obama) this is actually a possibility. The FBI suspected Trump of possessing documents which he is legally permitted to have but the FBI (and DHS, DOJ, and others like Anthony Fauci) decided he didn’t really need to have. Any honest media would be speculating on why this actually happened and what the ramifications will be moving forward, especially related to other former presidents now and in the future.

Then there is the issue with the over classification of documents. Everything is apparently secret in the US government. While I acknowledge that some things – such as troop movements, military strategies, intelligence assets’ identities, and certain travel plans should be kept secret – there are far too many secret communications within our government. How is a government of the people and for the people people supposed to run that government when we don’t know what our government is doing 75% of the time? That’s a question to be answered on a different day.

What did we learn from the Affidavit? Nothing. We already knew the FBI was politicized. We already knew that the courts go after conservatives. We already knew that the DOJ is corrupted and owned by the deep state and will target the deep states enemies. We already knew the deep state hates all of us and will do anything to make us shut up, get in line, and obey their illegitimate decrees. We already knew that O’Biden is gunning to ruin conservatives’ financial, physical, and mental well being.

What is really happening, in historical terms, is a repeat of the Bolshevik Revolution over there in Russia. It is nearly a carbon copy. In political terms it is a carbon copy. If it continues in the same manner, Trump will be executed on live television, along with all of the members of his family (that has been suggested by the way). Too many people in this country are devoid of moral objectivity and do not see their own demise as it relates to Donald Trump’s – they actually lust for his blood.

I pray to God to wipe these people out of our government without obtaining their blood sacrifice. That is our only saving grace – God, and the blood of His Son, Jesus. If the Affidavit did nothing else, it should wake all of us up to the extremely dangerous times we all presently live in; republican, democrat, freedom-lovers, and misguided globalist-aligned individuals, alike. But the take away from the Affidavit, for me, is this – it is way too easy for the government to make up whatever they want about anyone they don’t like, get a judge to sign off on their intentions, and do whatever they want while executing the ‘warrant.’ Only God will put justice back into the hearts of such people. God won’t do that unless we all start repenting and asking Him to put that respect of Godly justice there. If God chooses not to, our future is not going to be prosperous nor peaceful. Take that how you will, but, before you bash me (or anyone else), read your Bible, repent, and pray about your response.


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