Remember These Days – You’ll Miss Them

Remember These Days – You’ll Miss Them

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/24/2023

Chances are you have a job that you go to, at times begrudgingly, nearly every day. You have a house, trailer, apartment, or some for of housing which suits you and your family. Your kids go to school. You probably have an automobile of some kind. The refrigerator and pantry has something in it – maybe not as much as there used to be – but you are likely not starving to death. There is running water, and a sewer connection. Garbage is routinely picked up. Netflix and Hulu are cheap and the electricity, while more expensive that a year or two ago, doesn’t flicker and blackouts are rare. Healthcare is more fragile than it was a year or two ago but it’s still as affordable as it was. On the weekends the big games are going on and you can attend or watch them on TV. Your favorite shows are still being produced and put out in box sets. Fishing, camping, skiing, hunting, and a wide range of recreational activities can still be participated in at your leisure. …

Remember these days. You WILL miss them, unless of course you wake up and fight back to what is happening right now. What is happening is that you, yes, YOU, and everyone else on the planet, is being drug into a system of total control. We are teetering on the brink of being absolutely enslaved. We won’t have jobs. We won’t have recreational activities to participate in. You won’t be able to send your children to school because your children will be highly likely to be removed from your care. The power will be off. There will be no running water, garbage collection, nor sewer services. Your refrigerator will be empty and hot. The items in your pantry will dwindle until they finally run out. There will be no more sporting events. There will be you and your family, along with everyone else and their families, sitting in a dark residence, hungry, too hot or too cold, waiting for your next government stipend to tide you over, remembering the good ole days of 2022. Now – if this sounds like a terrible way to live, and it is, you have the chance to prevent it. But you don’t have long.

The Great Reset lays this enslavement plan out in more minutia than I will. The bottom line is that the feature technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (artificial intelligence, IoT, implanted technologies, etc…) will converge. When they converge they will ensnare every living organism on the planet. The main goal is to ensnare every living human being in this system first. And that future sits just on the horizon in the United States and Europe while other areas of the world like China and Nigeria are already being forced to ‘enjoy’ their new forms of enslavement.

I’m not exaggerating nor being hyperbolic – I’m telling you exactly what Central Bank Digital Currency is going to do everywhere it is introduced. In order to even use it, you are going to have to meet requirements like having 3 boosters of the lethal COVID-19 vaccine. You will also have to manage your carbon credits and live your life below the threshold. Not only carbon, you will also be allotted water, food, transportation, electricity, and credit rations. This won’t be done immediately; however, very soon after a CBDC is implemented, all alternative forms of payment, especially gold, silver, and barter will be criminalized. It will be at that point or very soon after that people will realize – far too late – that the water is boiling and their skin is melting off because the social controls will start being enforced. If you stay in the pot of boiling water the social bar will get higher and higher. If at any time you choose to leap out of the boiling pot, you will no longer be able to legally participate in the economy. If you lack the goods to trade in the underground economy you will literally starve to death without the compassion and/or empathy of others who give you charity.

Remember when Hillary Clinton called more than half the country deplorables? How about when Joe Biden called half of the United States citizenry extremists? Barack Obama and his clingers statement? Maybe you recently saw the James O’Keefe clip he produced where Nancy Pelosi called us maggots? What will happen if that bothers you and you voice your concern or disapproval on a social media site while having to be under the tyranny of a CBDC? Well, your social credit score will get hit and you will have even less privileges. Your rations will be reduced. Your options will be curtailed. Your free speech will no longer exist.

Churches will be crushed. Any church not preaching the bastardized versions of worldly Jesus will be shut down. There will be no way to address anyone for grievances because there will be no more free speech. Donations will, by virtue of the surveillance system called CBDC, never be able to be made in any form other than CBDC, opening the churches up to direct taxation. Basically churches will be turned into a world-affirming and amoral social club with a voluntary payment scheme to tell audiences that Jesus said to obey the social credit score dictates. He most certainly said no such thing; however, if you haven’t read a Bible how would you know that?

And trying to buy a Bible with CBDC would become increasingly difficult. Eventually even attempting to purchase a copy will be an offense punishable by death. Forget about guns, ammunition, survival gear, and fishing nets. Nothing which hints at being able to sustain one’s self will be legal to purchase.

The last two paragraphs actually paint too rosy a picture. They assume that there will be disposable income available which there will not be. Let’s say that based on your family size and social credit score you are allotted 500 UBI Fed Coins a month. This is intended to cover only the necessities need to survive – the bare minimum of food, water, rent, etc…. And let’s say you did a really good job of managing your credits for a month and only spent 483 UBI Fed Coins. Your next installment will still only allow your account to be 500. That 17 disappears. If you aren’t careful your budget will get readjusted downwards to 490.

The CBDC, thus far, has been shown to destroy the entire Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution. If you happen to note those concerns – you will either be living on the streets having been booted out of being able to possess the CBDC or you will just be sent gulag until you die, extremist. CBDC will bring about a new bill of rights agreed to by no one but enforced far more rigorously by neighbors, family members, and co-workers (if you are lucky enough to be deemed ‘essential’). Even pretend rights which do not exist in nature like the right to work will not hold true under CBDC. If you do work, your time will not be compensated in any way that we are compensated today. That 500 will be 500 whether we have work assignments or not. The new rights of CBDC will be whatever the social credit score dictates – you have a right to be vaccinated at someone else’s behest, a right to travel with someone else’s permission, and a right to eat at a restaurant once a year on your birthday where you can choose to dine on a 3D-printed steak and potato or a lab-grown hamburger. You won’t even be able to access the information to inform you that the 3D printed meat is tofu nor that the lab-grown meat is literally cancer.

CBDC will require a brand new system of governance entirely. Instead of open debate and consideration in public chambers, decisions will be made by unelected members of ‘experts’ in various fields behind closed doors. When the committee reaches a consensus, the decision will be loaded into the artificial intelligence running the surveillance system which will immediately begin enforcing it. Updates could pertain to you exclusively, your family exclusively, the whole county, your street, or random and very unequal applications such as anyone with a social security number starting with 34. The experts making the decisions will eventually be made obsolete by the artificial intelligence. When the expert committees are disbanded the artificial intelligence will make the decision contingent upon only the ‘leader’ or ‘leadership committee’s’ approval. Eventual the artificial intelligence will end up not needing that approval either and just run the show on it’s own. You won’t even necessarily be informed of the decisions impacting your life.

Social cohesion will not be a problem because there will be no society. There will be no free-will associations. Families will be increasingly more rare as breeding programs will be introduced. Production will be redefined on a day-to-day needs basis. The benefits of any individual’s labor will not be enjoyed by any particular person – they will go to the collective good. If there are 3 million birthdays coming up four months from now there needs to be a whole lot of fake meat ready to go by then. Businesses will only exist at the pleasure of the government (or whichever group it ends up being that controls the artificial intelligence running the CBDC) and their goal will not be profit but enforcement and meeting their CBDC-defined goals.

We stand at the brink of all of this. It’s not here, yet. That will not be true for long. So how do we avoid this? One way is to wake people up to it – everyone needs to be aware of this. Some will think it’s a great idea and never understand what miserable future it promises to them. Move on to the next person.

Those who understand CBDC’s intentions and heed the call should go make preparations. Food, water, and other essential supplies should be located. Self defense methods need to be obtained as well as medical supplies, energy sources, etc…. The idea is that if nothing works, there is no shelter, and there is no transportation available the person or persons can still manage to sustain themselves. Gold and silver and any other form of widely acceptable currency may make one a criminal but will also be the only way to not be in the CBDC system and survive. After all anyone not CBDC-compliant will, sooner or later, end up being criminalized.

For those really aware of CBDC and not wanting anything to do with it, I suggest we have a massive tax-strike. And while we are not paying our taxes I suggest we create our own currency, our own water treatment facilities, our own farming communities – a breakaway civilization. People are talking about a national divorce? I say we don’t make that divorce based on state boundaries – I suggest we make our own ethnic group based on belief in Jesus, the laws and morality of the Bible, and the idea that we are each individuals with free will, skills, personalities, traits, and talents which would put to shame any other similar community on earth. A breakaway society intent to create a breakaway civilization focused on God, self-sustainable families, and the viability of community in that order is what I am suggesting.

We won’t use war, we will seek peace but know how to defend ourselves. We won’t use the courts of this world, we will establish our own. We will coin our own money, create our own treaties, and decide how to govern ourselves. The US Constitution would serve us well in earthly governmental affairs as it does reflect Biblical principles of governance. The Bible should serve as our guide in not just governance, but in all affairs. Call it a theocracy if you choose, the lack of faith in God and the replacement of Jesus Christ with any number of men or human ideas is what has us in the mess we find ourselves in.

The breakaway civilization idea may not seem attractive; however, it will be the only way to escape from the CBDC system. If we started doing it now, it would be much easier. After the CBDC is implemented, it will become far more difficult if not impossible. Either way – remember these times, we will look back on them while we are sitting in a cold dark room or around a campfire outside of our homes in our breakaway civilization thinking about how much easier they really were.

Bless God and God bless.


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