The Next Plague Is On the Scene

The Next Plague Is On the Scene

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/13/2022

Right before SARS-CoV-2 became well known because it was released from a US-funded Chinese bioweapons lab, Bill Gates and his friends hosted Event 201. The event was held on October 18, 2019 and by the middle of November 2019 the pathogen had been unleashed upon the earth. Gates claimed Event 201 was a normal happening and there was no coincidence between the event and the rise in coronavirus cases. Event 201 was an exercise in pandemic response – namely what should be done to mitigate the economic and societal effects in the event of a pandemic. What they discussed there is what happening in the real world with disastrous consequences.

It is important to remember that Bill Gates has suggested that there are too many human beings on earth many times. He has taken actions to reduce the numbers of people on earth through vaccines which sterilize people, funding and advocating for the baby murder industry, and with his wholehearted support of Chinese-style coronavirus mitigation efforts. He is not alone in his thoughts and actions on this front – globalist scumbags tend to believe Malthusian promises. Event 201 was hosted not only by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, but the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum. All three of these groups are criminal enterprises and the entirety of of their staff need to face trial for crimes against humanity, genocide, and violations of the entire Nuremberg Code.

On October 23, 2022 the mass murdering Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the genocidal psychopaths at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security reunited to conduct an exercise they called Catastrophic Contagion. This tabletop exercise featured individuals involved with public health from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India, Germany and Bill Gates himself. They, “simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future. Participants grappled with how to respond to an epidemic located in one part of the world that then spread rapidly, becoming a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.”

So what did the medical tyrants who convened to develop tyrannical plans learn at Catastrophic Contagion? First, they notified the world, again that there WILL be a ‘next pandemic.’ The scenario addressed involved a pathogen which disproportionately affected and killed children. The world learned that the next man-made pathogen will kill our kids. Are we having fun yet? It’s not enough for these murdering scumbags to target children in the womb, they think they need to create pathogens which are age specific to murder kids after they are born.

Instead of reactive action the group decided they would attempt to stem the pandemic by using pre-pandemic responses. “In the early days of a major new contagious disease epidemic, there could be a brief window of opportunity to stop it from becoming a pandemic. To successfully contain such an outbreak, decisive and bold action would need to be taken in the face of incomplete data, high scientific uncertainty, and potential political resistance.” The PCR tests showed that literally anything could be ‘infected’ with SARS-CoV-2. What else could the PCR test be used to test for? Anything. And it will find anything depending on the cycles. If the degenerate monsters who met at Catastrophic Contagion decide to start testing for something the way they tested for SARS-CoV-2 they will find it. But, instead of letting people live their lives, all of the lockdowns, masks, social distancing, quarantine camps, and business and school closings will commence without even needing to have a single ailing person. They are promising to implement responses to a non-existent ailment.

Another takeaway this criminal scum came away with is, “Countries should establish a global network of professional public health leaders who can work together to improve epidemic preparedness and response and strive for consensus on scientific issues in advance of the next major outbreak.” Centralizing tyranny is a great way to provide a unified and coordinated tactical front to commit whatever crimes those engaging in the tyranny wish to take. These criminals are telling the world they will use consensus science (which in no way shape of form reflects any sort of actual science) to justify to justify their tyranny. Like the consensus science of global cooling, global warming, and now man-made climate change, the consensus science (i.e. propaganda) relied upon to make medical decisions during a pandemic will not ease disease not enable humanity to move on – it will feature the most arrogant and murderous ideas coming to the forefront, agreed to, and implemented.

In order for them to protect their consensus from real science, real doctors, and real people with real concerns, Catastrophic Contagion members decided to write down their third objective. While it made me laugh because of the sheer absurdity of the proposal, it also concerns me greatly.

“Countries should prioritize efforts to increase trust in government and public health; improve public health communication efforts; increase the resiliency of populations to misleading information; and reduce the spread of harmful misinformation. In future pandemics, we should continue to expect even more major disruptions from misinformation and disinformation. The WHO can be a globally trusted source, and it can share science and public health information widely, but we should not expect it alone to combat or put a stop to the spread of this mis- and disinformation. Countries need to collaborate to anticipate that threat and prepare to combat it with their own laws and procedures. Just as many types of economic and societal harms can be anticipated and accounted for in pandemic preparedness plans, so too can predictable false or misleading health messaging. Concertedly exploring ways to address this phenomenon on a national level in advance of the next pandemic will be crucial to saving lives.”

Their efforts to do this during the SARS-CoV-2 release caused countless deaths and injuries and is still ongoing. Vitamin C was deemed to be harmful and FBI raids commenced on vitamin C clinics. Vitamins and minerals essential to health immune responses were never spoken of as being a way to avoid falling ill. Stem cell treatments, whether effective or not, were demonized and downplayed. Safe, effective, anti-parasitic medications such as ivermectin were treated as Schedule 1 drugs, called ‘horse paste,’ and searched for by postal employees to prevent individuals from obtaining it while doctors and pharmacists were threatened with their jobs and licenses for prescribing or filling prescriptions. Those who talked about any of the multitude of lies the consensus science of SARS-CoV-2 espoused were deplatformed off of social media sites, some lost sponsors and even access to payment processors. We were stuck with toxic remdesivir and mutalitive respirators and now we are stuck with death shots created to kill, maim, sterilize, and alter human DNA.

In order to get people to not even be able to communicate, the genocidal group decided that no one should have free speech to discuss the topic at all. Instead of free speech, they wish to allow the World Health Organization, currently headed by a barbarous communist, to set the official narrative. They role will be to create an echo chamber around that WHO narrative and to lash out against anyone not going along with the narrative. They war gamed what the narrative will be.

The last lesson they mention on the website is, “WHO member states should strengthen international systems for sharing and allocating scarce public health resources.” So, this, in a nutshell, is the definition of technocracy and the scumbags at this tabletop exercise wholeheartedly advocate for it. To make this work, first, WHO will inventory all available public health resources. Knowing all of the resources, the needs of public health systems from around the world will be assessed based, in part, on narrative compliance. Other metrics will be used as well and a composite score will be derived and the assessments will then be compared to others in need. Basically, a global public health system will be established, some will have their goods expropriated from them and given to those in ‘greater’ need, and the determination for distribution will be made based on a public health version of the social credit score.

In a video, the projected culprit is named Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Virus. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, “Enteroviruses are a group of viruses that cause a number of infectious illnesses which are usually mild. However if they infect the central nervous system, they can cause serious illness. The two most common ones are echovirus and coxsackievirus, but there are several others. Enteroviruses also cause polio and hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD).” Also on the site is, “Enteroviruses are the most prevalent viruses in the world. Anyone can develop symptomatic illness caused by enteroviruses, but children, particularly those younger than 10-years-old, are most likely to be infected. People most likely to develop more severe disease are those with underlying health conditions, pregnant women, newborns or premature babies, and people who have cold stress or malnutrition.”

It is not coincidental that Bill Gates has been using polio vaccines to create polio outbreaks while attempting to sterilize the whole of Africa. It is not surprising that polio outbreaks occuring in recent times are attributed to polio vaccination campaigns. In 1953, Jonas Salk announced his polio vaccine. It contained a carcinogenic version of SV-40. Interestingly, Jonas Salk was a die-hard Malthusian determined to convince the world that depopulation was the way to go. Jonas Salk being celebrated is a disgusting tribute to what amounts to a snake-oil salesman. It seems almost as if Bill Gates merely carried the same ball Salk carried and moved it forward. Both men have spent their lives trying to figure out a way to get human beings to stop reproducing and die off.

China rolled out a ‘traditional’ vaccine against Enterovirus 71 which showed promising results in curbing hand, foot, and mouth disease caused by the strain. Other causes of hand, foot, and mouth disease increased however. So far, the creation of the EV-71 vaccines has not included the murderous mRNA technology, but the NIH hopes that changes. “mRNA vaccines represent a promising alternative vaccine platform technology because of their high potency, rapid development, completely synthetic nature, low-cost manufacturing process, and safe administration. Nine months after the COVID−19 pandemic began, the US government granted emergency-use authorization to two COVID−19 mRNA vaccines—Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA−1273. It is also worth the effort to develop mRNA vaccines against EV-A71 in the future.” WHO noted that other viral strains in the Enterovirus family are being considered for “developing combination/multivalent vaccines.”

And, there are already patents filed to start mutating children’s DNA to combat Entroviruses with mRNA. Patent WO2020022961A1 is published and waiting to be granted. Along with other features, “there are provided HEVA71 mutants that may be used as platforms to find novel drugs against the particular regions of HEVA71 mutant IRES to overcome drug resistance. In terms of drugs, siRNAs and/or miRNAs can be targeted against the mutant IRES to find new treatments against HEVA71, given that siRNA/miRNA therapeutics are on the rise. It may be possible to generate a RNA vaccine (similar to mRNA vaccine), where mutant HEVA71 IRES can be delivered via liposomes as an adjuvant to generate a host immune response against it.”

Apart from polio and hand, foot, and mouth disease, Enterovirus is associated with Enterovirus D68 respiratory infection, epidemic pleurodynia, and herpangina. D68 causes symptoms like the common cold. Epidemic pleurodynia affects the muscles in the chest and causes severe pain – it usually abates in 2-4 days but can return. Herpangina is associated with sudden onset fever, soar throat, loss of appetite, and neck pain. It also may include vomiting, and gray bumps which turn into sores.

Aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, myopericarditis, and hemorrhagic conjunctivitis are also thought to be caused by Enterovirus. Aseptic meningitis is inflammation of the tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is inflamation of the eyes.

Myopericarditis is written about in the Merck Manual:

“Myopericarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium) and/or the sac that covers the heart (pericardium).

“The heart infection may occur at any age, but most people are 20 to 39 years old. People may have chest pain, abnormal heart rhythms, or heart failure or may die suddenly. People usually recover completely, but some people develop a problem with the heart called dilated cardiomyopathy.

“Newborns who are affected at birth (myocarditis neonatorum) have fever and heart failure. Heart failure causes difficulty breathing and poor feeding. Many infants die.”

The SARS-CoV-2 vaccines all cause these heart problems too. It seems that coding for non-human proteins to be created in human beings causes problems with the heart. It causes people to, in Merck’s own words, “die suddenly.” These are spectacularly amazing coincidences occurring globally right after mRNA vaccines were demanded to be seen as safe and effective. It’s so coincidental that there are documentaries detailing these coincidences – Died Suddenly immediately comes to mind. It was a depopulation plan and it is now moving into the next phase – targeting children. There are even developments for vaccinating against D68 ongoing.

Over 90% of non-polio Enterovirus infections result in no symptoms or “result in only an undifferentiated febrile illness.” Myopericarditis is noted as having a 0-4% mortality rate. The page being referred to was last updated on June 8, 2022 to align with the official narrative that the heart issues associated with the clot shots designed by criminal scumbags are not a problem. Never mind that myocarditis is far more lethal than SARS-CoV-2 ever hoped to be – take the shot anyway they say. Well we are starting to get wise to this ruse so they are changing the narrative. Those myocarditis cases weren’t caused by the shots they will start telling us – it was caused by Enteroviruses. Take the Entrovirus ‘vaccine’ we created and you will be saved and you will be able to not have to be locked down they will claim.

It’s all about to come back. The shuttered businesses, the essential versus the non-essential, the masks, the fear. More than anything the fear needs to be re-established and it seems, if recent hiustory is any indication, it will be re-established using the threat of Enteroviruses. The totalitarian neo-Nazi’s which comprise the entire democrat party in the US as well as swaths of the republican party will start demanding mandated masks, vaccines, and populating quarantine camps.

If the recent case of medical tyranny in New Zealand, as covered by the disgusting pond scum at CNN who gloat over the incident as some sort of victory, shows, our choices are getting slimmer while medical tyranny is encouraged. A child with a heart condition in need of surgery was all set to get the surgery with one request by the parents. They requested that the surgery be performed using unvaccinated blood. The hospital refused, the police were called in, the baby was seperated from the family, the courts allowed it to happen, the doctors assumed guardianship, and the procedure occurred without ANY parental consent.

Now, why is all of this happening and about to happen? It’s because these monsters in lab coats were never held accountable in the first place. While there are efforts to hold these people accountable underway, there is now a race taking place. Will accountability start taking place or will these murderous freaks of Hell launch their next pandemic first? If the fear of the first pandemic returns any efforts at holding the likes of Bill Gates or Anthony Fauci accountable for their actions will be nullified by the new fears of the new pandemic. The globalists have already attempted to promote this fear twice – the first time with the homosexual-sex-induced monkeypox outbreaks and most recently with RSV. They have the directions for the next round of pandemic response. They have the patents for creating more murderous shots for use primarily in children (US11160857B2). All they need to do is to reintroduce the fear.

If we hope to ever break out of the cycle of fear this maggot class of globalist scum is continually trying to put all of us in we need to learn the truth. The truth is their crimes will not go unpunished. They may actually murder 95% of the earth. Jesus will still return. And when He does, there is going to be a heavy price to pay for the Satan-worshipers perpetrating these crimes against humanity. Just knowing that God is real, that He has great mercy as well as wrath, and that He will send His Son back to earth to end this type of genocidal activity brings me, personally, great hope, a sense of purpose, and peace. Things are obviously not okay in this world as more and more people seem to be choosing the reprobate option on a daily basis and going to war against the whole earth and everything in, on, and above it. Still, I find peace in the promise that Jesus will be returning, in what seems to be a rather short time. Of course it will grow far worse for all of us, but still I will seek that peace that only God can bring – that refuge from the projections of weakness and fear presented by the scumbag class of humanity. I pray that you read your Bible and ask God for that same peace.

Bless God and God bless.


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