What Can Possibly Be Worse Than Communism?

What Can Possibly Be Worse Than Communism?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/12/2022

Pretty much everyone in the United States can identify the Republican Party, Democrat Party, and Libertarian Party. A lot of people dream of the day when there is a viable alternative to the two major parties. Well, there are already plenty of parties out there, the problem is ballot access and that is a different topic for a different day. There is a(n) American Solidarity Party, Forward Party, Socialist Workers Party, Prohibition Party, Socialist Equality Party, Socialist Party USA, Communist Party USA, Socialist Alternative, United States Pirate Party, Workers World Party, Freedom Socialist Party, American Freedom Party, Socialist Action, and Transhumanist Party. Eight of these fourteen party’s are based on Marxism. But there is one that represents something far more grave than any of the Marxist parties – the Transhumanist Party.

There have been some complete monsters throughout history. In the 20th Century, Hitler, Mao, Lenin, Stalin, and Pol Pot come to mind. The misery and death these and other, smaller-scale, monsters wrought upon humanity claimed well over 200 million lives and enslaved billions. The carnage of the humanist-based Marxist state organizational schemes is ongoing. But imagine if Hitler couldn’t die and there really were no more Jews. Imagine how many more Chinese people Mao would have starved to death if his own death hadn’t stopped his barbaric and brutal reign. Imagine a blood-drinking satanist named Lenin who could live forever – Stalin would have never come to power and Lenin would have likely butcher even more Russians than Stalin did. Pol Pot would have been able to murder far more glasses-wearing Southeast Asians after his prison term if it wasn’t for that pesky death thing that happens to human beings. The Transhumanist Party continuously advocates for such events to be not only possible but inevitable.

The Transhumanist Party is a global party. The United States had it’s chapter established on October 7, 2014, so it is relatively new in it’s current iteration. The party was founded by Zoltan Istvan who campaigned during his 2016 election campaign in a hearse. Since 2016, the leader of the party is an arrogant, smug, anti-free-speech demagogue named Gennady Stolyarov II.

Their platform is summed up as, ““Transhumanism is an international cultural and intellectual movement advocating the use of science and technology to improve the human condition by increasing the physical and mental capacities of human beings and to suppress aging and death.”” Now before you go to their website and sign yourself up, think. In order to increase the physical and mental capacities of a human being it necessitates the fact that partakers will no longer be human beings. Altering DNA, implanting computer chips, and installing machinery into human bodies is the definition of turning a human into something which it is not.

The transhumanist tactic is to convince people that they are already transhumans. Those who wear corrective lenses or contacts are transhumans according to them. Pacemakers, ‘dumb’ prosthetic limbs, and a host of other medical devices and treatments are used in the deception transhumanists note to convince people that we are already in a transhuman world. There is a big difference, however, between rerouting brainwaves and putting on a plastic arm. I can take a pair of glasses off but transhumanist thought instructs us that getting infrared vision installed in my brain is the same thing as a pair of glasses. Obviously there is a line between human being and human 2.0. That line has already been crossed.

I wrote about a man who received a heart transplant. The man knew his heart was about to fail. Instead of accepting death and dying with dignity as a human being, the man chose to have a new type of heart transplanted into his chest. In a brazen display of hatred for God and a prime example of grotesque medical and genetic experiments on not only humans but throughout the animal kingdom, the man chose to die as something other than a human being. He opted to be a test subject by having a human heart grown inside of a pig-human chimera implanted into his chest. He lived for several months after receiving the transplant but sold his birthright out in order to gain those few months.

This story is important because it is a vivid example of how persuasive the oldest trick in the book is. The plumed serpent in the Garden of Eden and the Transhumanist Party share the same primary lie: surely you will not die – humans can live forever on this earth. Even the most arrogant and deceived transhumanist knows that what they are saying and trying to bring upon the earth is a complete lie – all humans die and all humans die once. Not only is this Biblically relevant, it is a biological and physics-based fact. Deceived by the promise of immortality, however, transhumanists believe, as quoted above, that death can be avoided.

The oldest trick in the book is supplemented with the greatest deception Lucifer and the Transhumanist Party employs – there is no God. And this is where things get really sketchy. Because there is no God according to the liars, all kinds of grotesque, barbaric, and mutagenic acts can take place. All the transhumanists had to do was to select the correct ethical and moral framework to snap their beliefs into in order to justify their actions. Humanism – based on a warped valuation of relative ethics and morals, rejection of any power higher than a human’s intellect and reason, and its firmly rooted hatred of any worldview which is based in objectivity and embrace of anything subjective – was readily available and compatible to facilitate the lies of Lucifer as well as Transhumanists. All of the leaders mentioned at the beginning of this piece were humanists and used the framework to justify their murderous intentions. Transhumanists are no better than Hitler nor Mao in their characters. They only lack the levers of power to force masses of people to be subjugated to their will.

And this is where transhumanism supplants any Marxist ideology in how terrible it is. They see a future in which no one can die unless they decide that person must die. While Hitler had people gassed to death, especially those of Jewish decent, and Mao enacted policies he knew would cause mass starvation and death, the Transhumanist Party wants to make sure no one can die so that not even death could free people trapped in such situations. What it amounts to is endless suffering.

Of course, they also promote a Utopian version of the world in harmony which will have no suffering either. Diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's, and Ebola won’t affect the new, improved human being. Biological organisms get sick, run out of telemeres, and grow old. To fix that transhumanists want to just make human parts as if we are mass produced on assembly lines making automobiles. Metal rusts, electricity as used by humans is temperamental, and plastic breaks. Understanding that all things break down over time, when a heart stops beating most of humanity accepts it and moves on. Transhumanists want to replace the whole human heart with plastics and metals. When sepsis arises, they would like to just take all the human blood out and substitute a man-made version. When Alzheimer’s occurs then a computer chip will be able to direct our thoughts and think for us, skipping entire regions of the brain or altogether bypassing anything the brain does by replacing the nervous system entirely.

Transhumanists don’t want it to be a choice any of us make for ourselves. They will decide who is ‘sick’ and how to treat those sicknesses. Your choice in the matter will not really matter. They say as much in different sections of their website. The value page contains policies reading, “Life extension / anti-aging”; Increasing the budget of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)”; and “Opposition to intolerant, rights-violating, anti-technological, and compulsion-imposing doctrines, be they religious or secular.” Their core ideals are, “Ideal 1. The Transhumanist Party supports significant life extension achieved through the progress of science and technology. Ideal 2. The Transhumanist Party supports a cultural, societal, and political atmosphere informed and animated by reason, science, and secular values. Ideal 3. The Transhumanist Party supports efforts to use science, technology, and rational discourse to reduce and eliminate various existential risks to the human species.”

On a page titled Death is a Disease which Zoltan Istvan seems to be an integral part it makes elaborate arguments about how death should be seen as a disease. In order to make this argument, the page’s authors, Istvan, and the rest of the Transhumanist Party are making several claims. Again, they are claiming that there is no God. They are also claiming that however we were created, humans were designed wrong and transhumanism can ‘fix’ death.

As part of their outreach efforts they hold conferences around the world. At their most recent conference, titled TransVision 2022, one of the topics covered was getting transhumanism adopted, embraced, and implemented in Africa. An article, Transhumanism: The Challenges of Techno-Scientific Power and Sociological Approach to African Backwardness summarizes the challenges Africa’s embrace of transhumanist lies faces as well as promotes how transhumanist Africa is already. The author of the article, Siba Tcha-Mouza, first defines transhumansim, “According to the French Transhumanist Association Technoprog, transhumanism is described as an “intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally enhancing the human condition through the application of reason, especially by developing and making widely available technologies to eradicate age and greatly increase the intellectual, physical and psychological capacities of human beings.”  In other words humans need to not be so human.

Tcha-Mousa wants to see an African continent full of people with technological implants. Siba glowingly wrote this technological advance in Africa, “opens the door to incredible possibilities: Understanding, then intervening effectively in the biological processes of the appearance of degenerative diseases and aging, thereby allowing an increasingly long life in good health; Creating therapeutic artificial organs; Creating brain-machine interfaces in order to increase the possibilities of action, particularly in tetraplegic patients; Avoiding genetic diseases thanks to genetic engineering; Curing currently incurable diseases which create biological, psychological, and social suffering; Perfecting intelligent systems that will allow the manufacture of machines that think, speak, feel and act; Freeing the human from undesirable and dehumanizing work by replacing it with the intelligent machine; Creating or developing intelligent environments and tools; Conquering space and developing geoengineering, etc.”

The article goes on to highlight the current standing of Africa in regards to transhumanism and a discussion of historicity, a call to increased fascism, and a demand to acknowledge technological advances as inherently discriminatory. The article’s last four paragraphs sums up exactly why a transhumanist government will be the last government ever adopted:

“I think, in all sincerity, that humanity can and will be able to get rid of the use of mass murderous violence which is war. Unfortunately, one of the aspects of transhumanism that is closest to my heart is the accelerated evolution of the human psyche. Has the brain forgotten itself in creating and performing the tool? The creature then seems to surpass its creator, hence the urgency of perfecting the human brain. It will be as necessary to revise certain ideologies that lead to human unhappiness, thanks to universal humanist values. The power that humans acquire through technosciences would be an existential risk for humanity if they are not more human, mature and wise. To the technoscientific power must be added a humanist sense to achieve the objectives of the transhumanist movement

“In view of social problems, wars, and many other instabilities caused by the dark human will, it is therefore judicious to pose the hypothesis of the shortcomings of our nervous capacities, of the biases already in our reasoning.

“This shameful instinctive tendency for our species should no longer characterize the Human Being of tomorrow or the fairly advanced Transhuman, because the latter will be freed from cognitive biases and irrationality in their quest for happiness.

“But for the time being, before this desirable mutation of human nervous capacities, Africa must demonstrate objectivity in relation to its aspirations and its concrete actions, to its needs in the general sense of the term. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 agenda of the United Nations (UN), of which Africa is a part, and those of the 2063 Agenda of the African Union cannot be a reality without a disruptive vision of the world and the exponential development of science and technology (NBIC [Nanothechnologies, Biotechnologies, computer science, and sciences and techniques of cognition]). And this, the inhabitants of the African continent must review and make productive the historicity of their societies, directing the internal dynamics towards development, innovation, and avoiding struggles without interests and self-defeating decisions.”

To Siba being human in and of itself is evil. Having negative feelings is evil. He tells the rest of the world the way to get rid of these biases in humanity is to force people to adopt humanism as their religion, use the subjective morality of humanism to convince people to take all kinds of modifications into their bodies and brains, and to continually monitor for any individual’s deviation from the Transhumanist Party’s version of Utopia and ‘fix’ that too. We won’t be human beings – we will be forced to become a list of serial numbers and parts.

The most frightening and startling realization is that the Transhumanists Party is already in power. As Siba mentioned, transhumanists seek to help fulfill the SDG’s goals derived from UN Agenda 2030. I’ve written much about how these goals guarantee massive numbers of deaths and the survivors are left in total bondage. What better way is there to make sure the survivors remain in slavery than using transhumanist technologies to dictate everyone’s thoughts through a universal artificial intelligence hooked up to the planets now obsoleted dominated intelligence – human brains.

During the COVID catastrophe, the only negative thing the Transhumanist Party has decided to relate is that the vaccines took too long to enter the market. These vaccines have murdered and maimed millions and millions of people around the globe. They alter DNA and instruct human cells to produce non-human proteins. The shots actually make recipients a cyborg as well as transhuman. In my opinion, the Transhumanist Party doesn’t give one crap about anyone else’s life because they all realize that these technologies are not for everyone alive right now and they also need to be tested. The millions dead from these transmutagenic shots are merely failed biological experiments. The goal is to find ways to end the ‘disease’ they wish to target, SARS viruses, by making people no longer human.

While these monsters claim to want to end all weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear bombs they really don’t care if there is a massive nuclear war. It actually would serve their purposes. They would be able to spin the long-term effects of a nuclear war by getting people to ‘willingly’ (they would be scared out of their minds) on-board newly developed technologies. Humanity would be encouraged to incorporate technologies designed to allow humans to require less sleep, require less food and water, engage in brain-controlled communications, and mitigate radioactive effects on biological functions, to name a few.

The one thing all Utopia-on-earth builders forget is the capacity for human depravity which comes from great power. Transhumanists are suggesting an ultimate power – likely in the form of an artificial intelligence which was created by fallible men. If human thought is able to persist in any way, that thought will be corrupted from the outset because men’s hearts are evil. Rational thought leaves no room for love. ‘Fixing’ hate will destroy love. Getting rid of anger will also remove regret. If there is no sadness possible there can be no happiness either. If there is no good, there can be no evil, and, being as though both terms have become so subjective these days – transhumanism’s humanism has already gripped huge numbers of the people on earth. Those who have rationally decided to not partake in the humanity-plus lies can still be reached to understand that their very humanism makes them non-human and led towards the Truth of the Bible and back into an existence with love.

Everything being done today – the slow creep of Marxism into all governmental bodies, the silencing of speech, the destruction of wealth, the emphasis on humanism as the de facto religion, the rise of biotechnology, development of AI, creation on digital currencies, drone (autonomous and man-controlled) warfare, nuclear warfare, genetic modification and engineering, global government, and many other smaller events are converging to create the foundations of the transhuman Utopia. That convergence is described in the Bible. It is the beast system. Without the Beast system transhumanism will never be able to take firm root in it’s implementation. Once transhumanism is officially and overtly announced as ‘the way’ that’s it for humanity – “evolve or die” will be the new golden rule. That sounds way worse than even the most repressive and total Communist regime to me.

Bless God and God bless.


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