The Lockdowns Are Returning

The Lockdowns Are Returning

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/16/2022

FTX just got done falling apart because it was a ponzi scheme. Billions of dollars were lost. Interesting revelations have come from it’s collapse. There were wild orgies among the staff, there were huge sums of FTX and cash being sent back and forth to Ukraine, and politicians (almost exclusively democrat ones) received over $40 million. FTX also used it’s money to buy science to convince people that therapuetics such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin had no beneficial use so that Fauci could could murder people with remdesivir and death jabs. Ukraine and NATO-friendly media are trying to cover up that Ukrainian missiles killed two in Poland by blaming it on Russia. The US midterm election and the presidential election in Brazil were both stolen by globalist slime using the same tactics. Kids are, ‘mysteriously’, dying of RSV because of scamdemic deciet. People are angry and growing more angry. The globalist-approved narratives are not flying as they have previously and less people are obeying them because they are lies. Time to bring back martial law – I mean the lock downs – for our own ‘safety.’

RSV is the mechanism which is being used to force people back under martial law. CNBC reported on November 10 that babies under 3 months were ending up in the hospital with RSV at an alarming rate. The reason they reported this was to give accolades to corrupt medical doctors in the EU and to sell vaccines for RSV. Several of the same indemnified murdering scumbags involved in the human destruction known as Warp Speed in the US are producing RSV vaccines because too many hospital beds are being used by infants with respiratory issues. They are claiming this is occurring in healthy babies but I am very curious as to whether their mothers fell prey to the psychotic butchers’ demands to vaccinate while they were pregnant.

The RSV vaccines being developed are NOT vaccines just like the coronavirus vaccine is not a vaccine. You can call mRNA vaccines whatever you want, but at the end of the day they are full of garbage, are ineffective at preventing disease, cause a huge range of side effects including death, and are impossible to give informed consent to because there is STILL no disclosure on the ingredients not an accurate estimation of risks of injury and death. There are already mRNA based flu shots. Obviously there are mRNA based covid shots. So, because these infants are likely already vaccine injury recipients through their mother, the Mengele’s running the show are going to create a trifecta of death by coming out with RSV shots for these little ones. I need to start selling millstones – these people aren’t happy with baby murder in the womb, mothers delivering sick babies because of murderous medical opinions of their ‘trusted’ doctors to take an experimental shot, and shooting the children up with the same murder juice the rest of us are subject to. No, they want to start slaughtering the newborns as soon as they come out of the womb with their RSV ‘vaccines’.

And these God-damned murdeing piles of human garbage just will not stop. In an article from November 14 about hospitalization rates due to flu, especially in the South-Eastern US and Washington D.C., CNBC wrote:

“Hospitals across the U.S. are getting slammed with a surge of patients, particularly kids, sick with the flu or respiratory syncytial virus [RSV]. Romero said these viruses are probably surging because immunity declined as pandemic-era public health measures crushed transmission of these viruses. May kids, as a consequence, are getting infected for the first time.

“Public health officials are also expecting another wave of Covid infection this winter. The CDC, the Food and Drug Administration and the White House have called for everyone whose eligible to receive a flu shot and Covid booster ahead of the holidays.”

Have these ‘public health officials’ not already displayed their absolute hatred of humanity? Has the CDC not bared their teeth enough after deciding they, a completely non-governmental agency, will be setting all housing policy in the US during the scamdemic they brought into existence? Has that bumbling Satan-worshiping pedophile in the White House not ruined enough lives, stolen enough jobs, and destroyed our military and our national security enough? Once the RSV shot comes out I’m going to have to grow another hand so I can raise three fingers up at once because I have their flu shot and the booster right here on the two hands I currently possess.

The Lancet, a once highly-esteemed medical publication, has decided to cuck to the world’s idea of coronavirus. They commissioned a report suggesting that during any future outbreak of pandemic disease the world react in exactly the same way it did with coronavirus, only more quickly. Then they decide to demand anyone without the jab is the problem. According to Barbara Loe Fisher:

“While praising the “public-private partnerships” that fast-tracked development of COVID vaccines as a “triumph,” the Lancet Commission weaponizes the failed COVID pandemic response by placing most of the blame for COVID-related deaths on – you guessed it – those independent thinkers the Pharma’s sales force calls “anti-vaxxers.”

“Infuriated that a lot of people in the U.S. and Europe questioned the competence of public health officials and defied their orders to mask up, isolate for months on end and take the COVID shot, the Lancet Commission authors alleged that anti-vaxxers - which according to Webster’s Dictionary now includes anyone who opposes mandatory vaccination -  caused an “epidemic of misinformation and disinformation” that fostered “low public trust” in government officials and persuaded millions of people to repeatedly take to the streets in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Greece, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland, Romania and other nations in 2020 and 2021 to protest lockdowns and vaccine passports.”

The Lancet has taken the track that all other mainstream sources have taken – appease their globalist sponsors, especially those in the medical establishment and pharmaceutical industry. They actually blame the unvaccinated (the smart ones, aka, pure bloods) for any issues or deaths the vaccinated have run into. The murderers at The Lancet, having decided this was prudent to publish, should all go have a mass suicide event – preferably by taking all of the experimental shots at once – to show all of us useless eaters how to die the right way.

The Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, a murder cult which has infiltrated Canadian medical institutions since 1925, is demanding that masks be mandated again, starting immediately. Yahoo News reported on their demands:

“To confront the dangerous triple threat of COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza currently putting children's lives at risk – particularly those aged four and younger – the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) calls on the Ontario government to immediately mandate masks rather than merely recommend them. A mask mandate will reduce illness and increase awareness of the seriousness of the current hospital crisis. It will also reduce community spread of the three viruses ahead of winter, when the situation will become even more dire.”

These Canadian butchers’ then go on to demand that flu and covid shots be taken and be made up to date including through government coercion called vaccine mandates. Ontario has started asking people to mask as of Monday. The head of a Toronto medical establishment has offered his willingness to participate in the kabuki theater called mask mandates. LA County still has a mask mandate regime as of September 23, 2022. New York City is still telling residents to cover their faces. The US federal government has stated it will continue the ‘emergency’ until at least January, 2023. Overseas, Australia is signaling it’s intent to reissue lock down decrees and China is still brutalizing their people whenever and wherever their communist dictatorship decides there is an outbreak.

At the B20 Summit, Indonesia’s chief of financial services authority Mahendra Siregar, demanded that the G20 adopt vaccine passports. He stated at the conference:

“So let’s have a digital health certificate, acknowledged by WHO, if you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around. So for the next pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of the people one-hundred percent, which stopped the economy globally, you know, you can still provide some movement of the people. Indonesia has achieved, [each other country?] has agreed, to have this digital certificate using WHO standard and we will submit it into the next general World Health Assembly in Geneva as a revision to International Health Regulations. So hopefully, for the next pandemic, we can still see some movement of the people, some movement of the goods, and movement of the economy.”

To give readers a quick review of what this monster is saying, first he is stating these certificates need to start being issued as soon as possible. The regulations from the WHO regarding digital vaccination records have been available for over a year. This scumbag is telling his nation to take their vaccines and their boosters and then they will be allowed outside. But he is also telling other nations of his intent, surely with other’s friendly to his overtures, to get Indonesia’s digital vaccine certificates included into something called the IHRs. The IHRs are actionable by the international community. Thus, he is suggesting the mandating of vaccine compliance and proof of compliance around the world.

Of course, if NATO decides to invoke Article 5 in the next hour, or couple of days, or week, we won’t need to worry about any of the WHO’s IHRs nor the murderous scumbags at Pfizer, the CDC, and Indonesia – we will have entered globally into a very hot and very overt World War III. NATO’s retarded leader, Jens Stoltenberg, has noted that the missile which killed two in Poland was most likely launched by Ukraine but that Russia is to blame. Will this completely useless retard declare Article 5? We will see soon. If he does, the possibility of nuclear warfare would be at it’s most threatening in all of history and will probably occur. After the two hours or so of getting all of the missiles launched and detonated or destroyed, there would be a winner and a loser. The world will never be the same again and about a billion or so would die immediately with several billion more succumbing to the nuclear effects in the three or four years following the last World War.

The lockdowns are coming back, quickly. The justification used with most likely be medical; however a number of justifications may be used. But no matter what the justification is, remember – the lockdowns will only come back because these monsters are screwing up so badly and so many people are starting to take notice that martial law will be their only solution to keep their power in place. The real question then becomes, will we comply? I hope your answer is no – we cannot afford to slavishly obey these types of decrees again. Yet, in the areas in which masks are even suggested by ‘officials’ their jackass slaves follow the directions. The lockdowns will be no different. It will be these same jackass slaves to power which will cheer the news featuring protest crackdowns with live rounds being fired into masses of unvaccinated protesters. They are coming.

Whether we get locked down again or not, and whether we intend to heed the lock downs and vaccine mandates – read your Bible. That is the only truth of this world. Those decreeing, enforcing, urging, or cheer-leading these mandates should also read their Bibles so they can understand what being cut off from God forever actually means.

Bless God and God bless.


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