Iniquity and Injustice Are the New Normal

Iniquity and Injustice Are the New Normal

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/17/2022

Remember 2018? That was the year that Alex Jones and Infowars was thrown off of virtually all digital platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and others, including PayPal, banking institutions, and payment processors, all banned anything Alex Jones. He was a danger to order and stability they claimed. He spread misinformation they claimed. What he was really doing was telling the truth – that was his crime. No jury, no trial, just a complete silencing of Alex Jones everywhere. That was the beginning of the new normal and one of it’s primary features is that we are all Alex Jones and we are all viewed as inmates in a prison.

The only thing which is different between any of us and Alex Jones is the level of persecution he has already suffered under. They decided to gather together some parents of children murdered in a school shooting by a deranged psychopath on SSRIs to sue Alex Jones for even suggesting there was something suspicious going on. He has undergone two criminally-conducted ‘trials’ both of which were decided by summary judgment by politically motivated judges – meaning he never had an actual trial. Jury’s were seated to determine how much money Alex Jones owes the parents. The two verdicts amount to trillions of dollars. The idea was to shut Infowars down completely. So far they have failed. Similar efforts against the rest of us; however, are fairing somewhat better.

Half of this country has been labeled a terrorist, including prominent figures such as Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, Kanye West, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump and many others. As a result, we are beginning to be persecuted. What gets one labeled a terrorist? Did you vote for Donald Trump in 2016 or 2020? Did you refuse to play kabuki theater version covid-19? Do you have questions about integrity regarding the ‘elections’ of 2020 or 2022? Do you think covid-19 was man-made or released on purpose? Do you question the man-made cause of climate change? Have you wondered whether or not there is a world government and mentioned it out loud? Do you think NATO and Ukraine provoked Russia to go to war against Ukraine? Do you believe in Jesus Christ and His Father? Do you own a gun? Any affirmative on any of those questions means that the US government has deemed you a terrorist.

Inflation is a direct reflection of how the globalists think of us. They think of us as useless eaters wasting their resources. They cannot sue 7.5 billion of us out of existence as they have attempted to do with Alex Jones. Instead they are using inflation on a global scale to destroy our wealth. The evil that is doing this thinks we have too much freedom so, less money, means less freedom in every sense of the word. Everything costs money – and when we start having to decide which bills to pay and when to pay them while hoping for a miracle the money is going to run out.

Compounding inflation are the massive price rises in food and energy. The globalists destruction of global and even national supply chains have driven these costs through the roof. Gas prices are still insane and there are shortages in different areas around the world. Food prices are not going to come down and many expect food prices to rise even more sharply and experience shortages.

The covid-19 shots have maimed, sterilized, and murdered tens of millions of people around the world. We are just now starting to realize the massive scope of this particular piece of the depopulation campaign. While the mainstream news, public health officials, and government ‘leaders’ continue trying to normalize childhood heart attacks and myocarditis and gigantic clots in vaccinated deceased they also report that the shots are the culprit of all of these things.

A prominent member of the cryptocurrency community, FTX, just collapsed. They collapsed because a big investor in FTX yanked his money out of the cryptocurrency causing the value of their in-house token to tumble. Because they were robbing their investors to pay for their speculative bets when the investor pulled the cash, the ponzi scheme didn’t have the funds to carry on. FTX was funding the political campaigns of democrats and RINOs in the US, fake science papers with previously decided conclusions discrediting safe and effective covid-19 therapeutics, and money laundering through Ukraine.

The FBI has decided that it’s mission is to shut down parents at school board meetings. They are angry because their elementary aged children are being taught critical race theory and being introduced to topics such as masturbation, homosexuality, trangenderism, gender identity, and drag queens. These are public schools doing this – meaning taxpayers are being forced to fund all of these things. The FBI’s boss, Merrick Garland, also on the ‘half of US citizens are terrorists’ idea, has decided to go after anyone protesting at a baby-murder building while completely ignoring the dozens of fire bombings and death threats directed towards pro-life centers.

We just watched the second election in a row be completely rigged. There are mountains of evidence. Nothing really changed. The 2022 midterm elections, apart from being influenced by well over $40 million in donations from FTX alone, saw democrats count until they arrived at the decision they wished for – their candidates in office. The governors race of Arizona and Senate races in Georgia and Pennsylvania may be the most egregious examples.

How do we fix inflation? We get rid of Amendments 16 and 17, put the correct number of US House Representatives in office (over 11,000), audit the Federal Reserve, shut the FED down, and we arrest everyone at the FED and in other regulation offices where there is evidence of fraud. How to fix these prices? Start making our own things and stop shopping at these massive multinational companies. We arrest anyone engaged in monopolistic practices – to hell with fining them. Anyone involved in the genocidal covid-19 ‘pandemic’ and/or ‘vaccine’ creation and it’s rollout needs to be arrested and tried under the Nuremberg Code. The main people at FTX are going to jail – those who were behind them are not being mentioned. FTX did not concoct these designs. Those responsible will see no punishment. Instead anyone involved with or invested in cryptocurrency will see disadvantageous regulation placed upon them by regulators who belong in prison in the first place. The FED needs to reign cryptocurrency in to make their Central Bank Digital Currency seem practical and desirable. The school boards who are allowing damaging curricula to be taught to young children are engaging in child abuse on a massive scale and should be prosecuted for it. Fire bombers should be prosecuted for their violent acts. There are a lot of things we could do to fix elections. One would be any candidate who is in charge of the election either needs to step down from their office or not run for office at all. Other fixes would be to clean up voter roles, codify voter ID, ban mail in ballots unless a set of very extraneous circumstances exist necessitating mail-in voting, all votes are on paper ballots, and my own ideas – eligible voters need to be currently working a job at least 38 hours a week or attending school full time and working at least 30 hours a week, everyone must pass a civics exam within a year prior to any election, and those who are retired must own land.

There are solutions and all of them are being avoided on purpose. The reason is that justice just does not exist in the way it is supposed to anymore. Instead of what we know as justice, there is this idea that those with the wrong ideas or the wrong party affiliation are guilty while innocence is granted to anyone with the ‘right’ ideas. Darryl Brooks didn’t use a firearm to murder 13 people – the news blamed the vehicle he drove, not Brooks, even though he has been sentenced to life in prison. Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook Elementary School murderer used a stolen firearm made by Remington. Somehow Lanza’s disgusting actions, caused, in part, by SSRIs, was Remington’s fault. Remington, like Alex Jones, was sued into bankruptcy by the same social justice lawyers no less. Protecting the baby-murder industry while limiting access to pro-life services by burning them down; trying to mainstream transsexualism, pedophilia, and the UN’s Rights of the Child; criminalizing speech; and my favorite, so-called climate justice, are just a reflection of the new normal.

Anything globalists require is fine to engage in even if those acts are criminal. Anything opposing globalists’ goals and desires is subject to be destroyed. That is the new normal. What do these examples show? The globalists want to get rid of God completely, they want to sterilize us and/or make us so socially awkward that we cannot reproduce, they are endorsing baby-murder on demand, they are endorsing euthanasia and self-selected suicide. They want us to own nothing. They want us chipped, tracked, and watched. They want to control our speech, movement, work, and consumption. Why are they getting away with it? Because they have no accountability. The new normal features globalists having no accountability to anyone or anything while demanding that anyone disagreeing with them should be punished for existing in the first place. Once more, they see us as useless eaters – the precariat is more elite circles.

This new normal is having significant and potentially civilizationally catastrophic consequences. Several days ago two missiles landed in Poland, killing two and destroying grain dryers. The neo-Nazi running the non-NATO globalist client-state of Ukraine immediately pointed his finger at Russia and demanding NATO declare war on Russia. Both the Polish authorities and NATO investigated and confirmed that, despite the neo-Nazi’s claims, the missiles were launched by Ukraine at Russian aircraft in Ukrainian airspace. So who is to blame? Russia – they should not have taken offense at NATO-supported race-specific genetic weapons labs in Ukraine and Nazi persecution of Russian speaking Ukrainians. It’s Russia’s fault for starting the war. But wait – Ukraine is not a NATO member and killed two individuals in a NATO nation. Shouldn’t Article 5 be invoked against Ukraine? No, Russia ‘started’ the war. Where did Ukraine get the missiles from, shouldn’t they be held accountable? Nope, Russia ‘started’ the war. What about the missile’s manufacturers? Nope Russia ‘started’ the war. No matter what, it’s Russia’s fault.

The neo-Nazi almost entered the world into a Third World War. I believe he will eventually be successful; however, this incident will most likely not be the key event. The US is already directly at war with Russia; however, NATO and the US and Russia, for their parts, are all unhinged to different degrees and all possess nuclear weapons. NATO declaring war on Russia would be the quickest way to beginning a general nuclear war – exactly what the neo-Nazi in Ukraine attempted to do through a false flag. Luckily, independent media quickly raised questions, based on video evidence they captured, as to who actually launched the missile foiling the neo-Nazi’s false flag attempt. Undoubtedly more false flags with the same intention will follow.

Who is going to be sanctioned for this bold faced attack on common sense? The neo-Nazi? The US? NATO? Again – Russia will continue to be sanctioned. The neo-Nazi will continue to rule Ukraine with an iron fist with the intent of forcing his Ukrainian subjects under his globalist masters’ version of utopia (biometric ID and currencies with strict speech and activity codes – the social credit score). The US will continue to sanction Russia and pretend it is not actively engaged in Ukraine while pushing to broaden US activities in the war. NATO will continue to make sure that ‘humanitarian aid’ (money, guns, bombs, drones, missiles, bullets, communication equipment, etc…) continues to arrive in Ukraine to prolong the war with the hope that they get to launch nuclear weapons into Russia. Russia will continue raking in huge amounts of money from natural resource sales to nations which do not have sanctions against them – namely China. No one is going to be held accountable. That is the new normal.

Ukraine is doing the ‘right’ thing according to the globalists. They will not be held accountable. This lesson is an invaluable one. If Ukraine’s neo-Nazi is going to be held accountable, it will only occur through the will of God – anyone in a position of power is not going to say boo to Ukraine. Joe Biden, one such person who could hold the neo-Nazi responsible, decided to launder $37 billion more through Ukraine under the guise of foreign aid. Who is going to hold Joe Biden accountable? No one – we cannot even have a real election in this nation any longer because globalists do not want us to. They want their people in – to hell with what the voters want. That is the new normal.

Are you happy with the new normal? Are you content? A global government absolutely exists. Who is benefiting from our hardships? We cannot pay our bills – they are moving around hundreds of billions of dollars. We are losing our jobs – they are telling us that losing our jobs is fine because it helps their god – Gaia. We are being called terrorists to the magnitude that, before we know it, even those stupid maggoty democrats will be ensnared by the definition. We are already living in a global surveillance state. We are having our lives upended with no recourse. We are losing our jobs, homes, children, and birthrights. We are losing our health and our lives.

What is the answer to this? Pray to God for His intervention and your direction. Read the Bible to learn about God and our Messiah, Jesus Christ. Prepare for the worst with extra food, extra ammunition, warm clothes, solar powered devices, and good footwear. Hug your kids and kiss your spouse. Set it into your mind that God will return His Son. Until then, in the world in which we live now – the one with a tyrannical technocratic totalitarian global government ready to murder 95% of humanity, the way we save what we have is to say no to the tyrants. The best way and, honestly the only way outside of God’s intervention, is separating ourselves from this tyranny. God will determine whether such separation attempts will be successful in the first place as well as determine whether or not it will persevere. This conflict really is a spiritual war manifesting upon the earth on all of the fronts I mentioned and more. Want to ‘fix’ it? Learn who God is, pray to God for direction and purpose, and follow His recommendations. No one will win this spiritual war through a temporal solution – the solutions will be God’s solutions.

Bless God and God bless.


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