Problems Abound – Are There Any Answers?

Problems Abound – Are There Any Answers?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/15/2022

We have a lot of problems. Money is tight and getting tighter. Fraud and corruption are running rampant. Our cars are breaking down and taking forever to get fixed. Our wages are not growing along with Bidenflation. Religions are being perverted to support to ecology. Crime is growing. Justice is disappearing. Global government is gaining strength and teeth. Medical researchers are concocting new diseases. I’m tired of all of it. I’m sure your tired of it too. Problems are easy to point at, finding solutions is far more difficult. Accomplishing those solutions is even more difficult.

I like to say that in the days in which we live the only way to fix any of this is when Jesus comes back to earth. I’m not wrong, whether you believe or not. Only God, the Creator of the Universe, will fix many of these problems. So, to me, the best way to fix these problems is to read the Bible to learn how to be holy, pray to God, the Creator of the Universe, for discernment and guidance making sure to thank him for any blessing we have, and love the Messiah. Turning our faces towards God and asking Him for mercy and direction while repenting will allow us, as individuals, to survive in the increasingly terrible world being created and to avoid it’s snares designed to draw us away from God.

We can also learn of events and problems as they arise in order to alert others to the dangers those issues present to all of us. This part is very easy to do and there are a lot of people who do this daily. Some problems matter far more in my opinion. Who is playing in the Super Bowl has no bearing on my life whatsoever, the Kardashian’s affairs are meaningless, Hollywood could burn to the ground today and I wouldn’t notice. Immigration policy, UN affairs, financial and economic issues, religious scams, and transhumanist technologies (and many more topics) are extremely important to me; however, they are not nearly as glamorous. They are important because they have a direct bearing upon my life. All of us are feeling the effects of some of these issues – inflation and election integrity are rife with frauds, scandals, and criminal activities designed to harm humanity in general. It is important to be able to define a problem because without a problem, there isn’t a need for a solution.

Those against us have weaponized this idea against us through the Hegelian dialectic. Globalists wanted humanity under a medical tyranny. There was no reason to place humanity under a medical tyranny so the coronavirus was released purposefully. The release was the problem. The ‘solution’ was predefined to be masks, school and business closures, social distancing, isolation, quarantine, quarantine camps, travel restrictions, work restrictions, constant testing, and vaccinations. All of this was done to inspire fear which allows for irrational decisions to be made. It is highly irrational to take unproven, unsafe, and ineffective vaccines with unknown contents. For the medical tyranny to take hold the action required was inspire fear to move people towards their desired goal – the shots. Problem, reaction, solution; the Hegelian dialectic.

As a so-called antivaxxer, the solution for me was to expose the fraud to as many as I could. I have had many conversations with my family members about the issue. Some of them started looking into the issue themselves while others were deceived into believing the lie the fear inspired. The solution now, for me, is to support any effort to hold those responsible for creating the ‘pandemic’ coronavirus strains, those who released the strains, the insane and useless mitigation efforts, and anyone involved with creating, or encouraging the taking of, the vaccine. They are all murderers in my eyes, every single one of them. To hold no one accountable is not an option. They murdered my father. I cannot resurrect my father but I can demand accountability and justice from those responsible.

Before Christ returns to earth, while we are still here, what we need is an awakening. That is a tough proposition. Amos 3:3 sums the question up very well, “Do two people travel together without having so agreed?” Are we walking towards Hell or towards Heaven? 1 John 1:5-7 puts the idea in a more precise perspective, “5 And this is the message which we have heard from him and proclaim to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in him — none! 6 If we claim to have fellowship with him while we are walking in the darkness, we are lying and not living out the truth. 7 But if we are walking in the light, as he is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of his Son Yeshua purifies us from all sin.”

I don’t want to lead anyone to Hell. I don’t want anyone to lead me towards Hell. I want fellowship with those of a like mind of living the truth. Getting this group of like-minded people together is very difficult. I have met some of them; however, for the solutions needed, those I know, though wise and knowledgeable, may not necessarily see the utility in solving all of these problems we face. So who is going to walk with me and me with them?

There are piecemeal solutions to each and every problem we face. I can get together with pro-life organizations and fight with them to ban abortions and get rid of the ideas convincing women that murdering a human life is a viable option. I can go work with groups for increasing voter integrity. I could sponsor bitcoins and use them exclusively with the intent to destroy the private, for-profit, Federal Reserve System. I could go on a tax strike until there are laws barring the US from sponsoring the various religions of ecology – namely climate change – funding the UN, prosecuting wars which were not authorized by Congress, and paying for abortions, Social Security, and IRS agents. I could become very active in the Constitution Party and push for a repeal of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Amendments and the removal of the cap on how many US Representatives are representing constituencies while pushing for state elections to develop their own electoral colleges. I could write bills for my state and federal legislatures to consider which ban the creation of human and animal chimeras including any germ line research whatsoever. There are a lot of courses of action all of us could take to solve any problem we identify. The problem with this is that the identified problems are converging from all fronts.

To fix all of the problems at once; however, there would need to be a breakaway civilization – not a parallel economy, a breakaway civilization. Who will walk with me down that path? No one – I sound like a cult leader. I have no intention to rule anyone’s life. If I did I would say follow MY rules, not God’s. I certainly would not be constantly asking people to read their Bibles and be wary of those in positions of power. It still, to me, seems the only way we could ever possibly break free of the global government shackles being snapped into place is a breakaway civilization.

The civilization would not be a utopia. It would be a lot of hard work. The civilization would feature whatever it and it alone produced. It would not use any currently used currency – only silver and gold. It would never have a central bank. It would have a completely defensive military to defend against foreign attack. We would have hospitals which used what works not a bunch of overpriced drugs with 30 side effects. The civilization would need it’s own food, water, sewer, garbage collection, waste management, transportation modes, government, and communications. It sounds like the creation of a new nation because, actually, that is exactly what it would accomplish – a new nation. The difference would be that the new nation would be based upon Biblical morality and seek to have absolutely no contact with the other nations nor any global government body. Thus, this nation would have to be completely self-sustaining, self governing, and as harmoniously as possible. For the government, I like the idea of the US Constitution and the Republic which it creates along with the Bill of Rights with the added benefit that the issue of slavery will not need to be included in the document. No man shall be a slave or in involuntary servitude to another save for a felonious offense as defined by law. Who would walk with me in that endeavor?

And what lands would this endeavor use for it’s benefit? How would independence be declared so that the fruits of these lands are not stolen by a government dedicated to pleasing Satan? Sounds like it would be a revolution in the countryside that would be crushed rather quickly. But the question still remains – we could live in a Biblically moral community of our own design or we could attempt to fix this ripening banana republic called the United States of America. Who would fight for that?

Being blackpilled is a way of looking at things through a lens of thinking the world around us will continue to descend towards the gates of Hell. I am of this persuasion because I believe that we are very near to the end times written in the Bible. We all have to go through these times, the tribulation itself, and endure all of the trials of those times which only God will protect us from. Will there be a biblical morality left upon the earth at all when Jesus comes back? Possibly. These people, the Remnant, will either be isolated from one another scavenging for food in the wilderness individually or in small bands or will end up as a breakaway civilization similar to the savage camps in Brave New World. (Brave New World is not really a book of fiction but was written that way because the technology to achieve the ‘civilized’ civilization was not yet being worked on in earnest – this is UNESCO’s mission and has been adopted by all governments of the earth. I suggest you read this book as well, to understand how ungodly the ‘civilized’ are and how brutal the savage camps could be.) How savage those camps are is really up to us – what do we want to build and, more importantly, will we walk together to build it?

Yes, we can play lets fix things. We can do that forever. And while we fix one issue here and one problem there, the evil in this world will have already figured out three ways around the solution to get it’s way in the end. That would leave us with three more problems to solve and even more evil in the land. Really there are only three ways to ‘fix’ anything. Either we legally and peacefully seize the levers of power in the world and correct the path we are on (through ballots not bullets), we create and defend a breakaway civilization, or Jesus returns. Any of those will be a work of God Himself at this point in time. The first thing we need to ‘fix’ is our attitude towards God and seek to walk in His Son’s footsteps. We need to turn our faces towards God and forget what evil men and women have decided to perpetrate upon humans through self-serving and incomplete readings of the Bible. To do that we need to read the Bible on our own and repent of our sins. We are all sinners. None of us can walk completely like Yeshua. We can; however, decide to start a new life of striving to be holy (that is how Jesus was perfect – in the eyes of God) by accepting Jesus Christ into our hearts and, with Him, the Laws of God written onto our hearts. Humans ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil – it is high time we started using this knowledge in combination with God’s directions for us as well as the ability to discern the times. Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Bless God and God bless.


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