China Falling

China Falling

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/28/2022

COVID-19 may be over for all intents and purposes in most of the world. China is a huge exception to the rule. At the beginning of the COVID-19 mitigation efforts they demanded the ‘virus’ spread far and wide by restricting no international travel but locked down cities Chinese officials determined to be ‘infected.’ Their lockdowns were brief but incredibly harsh – going so far as to feature welding people into their apartments. As the mitigation efforts evolved, China adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards COVID-19. As a result, three years later, China is still demanding people be placed under lockdown to mitigate COVID-19. The people; however, have had enough.

Throughout China, particularly in Beijing, Shanghai, and Urumqi, protests have been taking place for several days. Many of the protesters are holding up blank sheets of paper to note their lack of ability to protest as well as the method to demand change. Some of the protesters demanded that Xi Jingping step down from power. They also demanded free speech, freedom in general, and denounced masks, PCR tests, and further restrictions. The protests come after a fire in an Urumqi apartment building killed 10, believed to be due to COVID-19 mitigation efforts retarding the response by the fire department.

Xi sees himself as an embodiment of Mao Zedong. It is understandable because China’s government operated for millennia under an emperor system. The emperor was seen by the people as infallible. Mao’s government isn’t much different from this except that instead of the emperor being picked by the god they believe in, Mao did it in the name of Marxism. Being as though the doctrines and ideology of Marxism are man made and in no way inspired by a divine being with good intentions for human beings – the Chinese people under Communism from Mao until right now have had the ability to find the fallibility in the men who rule them. God is infallible, Mao Zedong and Xi Jingping are nothing but men, fallible, prone to error, and prone to making disastrous mistakes and lying about all of their faults in order to make it seem as though nothing is amiss.

The protesters in China have finally seen through the lie. The emperor, Xi, has no clothes. So Xi is sitting upon a choice with no agreeable solutions for him and his plans. Any way he handles the situation, Xi will lose face. Xi basically has to decide how to disperse the protests, evaluate the demands the protesters made, and figure out how to save as much face as he can in international relations while maintaining his ideological purity (meaning re-enforcing his dictatorship).

As a bad omen, when these protests began, the white and blue plastic-suit clad army of ‘doctors’ demanding COVID-19 mitigation compliance were empty handed. They are now carrying machine guns. One of the options Xi has at his disposal is cutting the internet access in the cities where protesters are to curtail first-hand social media reporting and mowing the protesters down with bullets and arresting any survivors. Family members, friends, and associates of the dead and imprisoned will suffer under the social credit score system installed. They will receive less food, poorer quality housing, reduced access to transportation, reduced options for educating their children, and a host of other features of the control the social credit score system boats of providing to ‘authorities.’

While this option would immediately break-up the ongoing protests, the international community would decry it over human rights abuses. Sanctions would be highly unlikely, especially from the West and any nation involved with Chinese investments including the Belt and Road Initiative. Basically this option would be the most politically astute option, sadly, because nothing is more important to Communists than ideological purity. This option would maintain the ideological purity Xi endorses above all else. Purity would be maintained, the immediate protests would be stamped out, no real consequences would come to punish China, and Xi would have to take none of the protesters demands into account whatsoever.

Another option would be to end the zero-Covid-19 policy, and the lockdowns, mask mandates, PCR tests, roaming bands of plastic-suit clad ‘doctors,’ and a major move towards a return to ‘normal’ (which was still brutal in China in 2019). Xi would appease a world seeking to appease China and, thus, there is no reason for him to take this course of action. His subjects may seize the opportunity to make further demands due to the ideological irregularity Xi would commit to by choosing this course of action. Communism is never responsive towards the will of the people – being responsive to any of these demands could lead to demands for a Western-style democratic society. Communists cannot cede any power to the people because the will of the people tends to demand a certain level of freedom and Communism demands everyone display the proper ideological purity. The protesters are showing a blatant disregard for the dictator they are supposed to adore which is another reason Xi will most likely not see it fit to adopt this response.

Xi could continue the zero-COVID-19 strategy but implement it in a different way. Taking that course of action would ideologically weaken him in the eyes of the people but not nearly as much as getting rid of the policy altogether. He could decide to follow India’s example with a twist by supplying his subjects with ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin C, vitamin D, and Z-Pak (Zithromax). At the same time Xi could stop locking down regions, cities, and city quarter’s, end the mask mandates by making masking optional, end the isolation policy altogether, and stop trying to vaccinate against SARS and coronavirus. There is an overwhelming impetus to have no nation do this which I will get to in a bit.

Another option would be to release deadlier strains of SARS and COVID (or an entirely different threat such as Ebola or weaponized smallpox). Not only could Xi use such an event to kill the protesters, it would force those who would like to join those already protesting to second guess themselves just long enough for Xi to demand nationwide anti-pandemic measures. In addition to re-enforcing his domestic dictatorship, Xi would be single-handedly dictating health policy on a global scale. In the back of every dictator’s mind is the ability to force the entire world to jump as high as the dictator demands. This would help facilitate the realization global dictator’s have had for eternity – controlling the entire earth. This course of action would make Xi’s bosses very angry with him if they did not order Xi to do it. All of the original objectives would be achieved through carefully planting propaganda about the origins of any new pathogen which would represent the only weak link in this course of action from Xi’s standpoint.

Since Communist China was established upon the earth in 1949 (On October 1 the People’s Republic of China celebrated it’s 73 anniversary of bloody debauchery), it has been the primary example for the way globalists wish to organize the world. Mao used state-organized rape, torture, kidnapping, murder, forced relocation, work mandates, output quotas, and agricultural policies to extinguish the lives of over 80 million Chinese people. One of the key elements of Communism is the dictator’s ability to detect and silence any form of dissent whether it is real or not. All ‘successful’ dictatorships (those which survive changes in leadership and internal pressures against the dictatorship) have applied draconian measures to silence dissent. China is no exception to this rule. As a result, their state security apparatus, in tandem with the rest of the government, particularly the domestic financial institutions, have rolled out the social credit score system.

This presents another option to Xi. He could, essentially, murder the protesters by any number of means. He could completely deny protesters housing, leading to deaths by exposure. He could completely end their ability to legally acquire food leading to starvation. Xi could demand that all of the credits available to protesters, their families, their friends, and their known associates be sharply reduced while the protester is left with absolutely nothing. Xi could just order the millions protesting to be shut out of the economy altogether and, by doing so, create a huge demand for all sorts of goods in the black market. Of course, Xi would create this situation in order to much more discretely execute those displaying their dissent after attempting to re-educate and torture them based on the pretext of engaging in illegal economic activity.

This option would please the globalists because Xi could lie through his teeth to his subjects to make them more passive and docile while at the same time murdering the millions who have openly opposed him and his dictatorship. His masters would be pleased at the avoidance of a major humanitarian incident involving massive and wonton human rights violations. Domestically, the people of China would know what is going on, cowing many into utter silence – others continuing to make appeals to any international group, even through Tik-Tok, could be targeted just as the protesters were and ‘disappeared,’ while the state surveillance mechanisms would step up their monitoring and censoring of any and all communications channels used by the people of China. Xi would not lose much face internationally because he could use the fear of democide as the basis for the people to profess their love of Xi and, thus, of the government of China. People would absolutely suspect China of using some form of control like this; however, the evidence would prove scarce in the public arena.

Overall, Xi has one objective which he must always keep in mind – the globalists who have used China as their testing grounds for social conditioning. Those who are globalists have been praising the PRC for the last three years precisely because of how ‘well’ they have handled the COVID-19 mitigation efforts. This cabal of insanely rich and unnecessarily powerful and influential demonic entities have praised China because everything that China has done is what they want the entire world to do. They want to see Canadians welded into their homes and left to starve to death. They want to see (and have built) massive internment camps for general populations to languish in to protect public ‘safety’ in all nations. They want to force Australians and Americans, Zimbabweans and Russians, Chinese and Ecuadorians and every other individual on the face of the planet to relinquish any pretense of actual individual bodily sovereignty in favor of mandated medical dictates. They want to make us stupid, unhealthy, poor, alone, afraid, and most of all controllable, docile, and dependent upon them and their dictates for our very survival. In this cabal’s minds is the idea that we are useless eaters at best and parasites upon the earth at worst – both justifications for most of humanity to be enslaved until we are expelled from life entirely by whatever means necessary to preserve what they hold most dear, namely, themselves and the resources they desire.

Xi always needs to keep this group in mind – at any moment this group could turn on him and their Chinese social experiment and rip his throat out just to install someone of a more accommodating nature. Xi has been doing a wee bit of double-crossing this cabal as of late and they are not pleased with him to begin with. For instance, Xi decided to buck this cabal’s desires by deciding it will be China’s government who will allot rare-earth minerals to whom they deem fit, not who the cabal deems fit. This actually boosts Xi’s prestige within his own government and the governments of the world seeking to gain access to certain resources to the detriment of the global cabal.

We are being told that millions of people are coming out and protesting in China, as they never have before, because of a fire that killed 10 people and COVID-19 mitigation fatigue among the Chinese people. This very well may be true. It may only be part of the story though. Millions have organically come out of their homes to denounce Xi and demand he step down. This agenda may also be coming from elite globalist interests because Xi has decided to not appease the cabal to their liking. I’d like to think that these types of things do not happen but, then I would just be naive. It is possible, if not probable, that some fo these protesters are taking to the streets at the behest of globalists to force Xi out of office for someone more appeasing to the globalist’s intentions.

With the globalists breathing down his neck, it will be interesting to see how Xi handles this. My first instinct is to think that China will flip the internet kill switch and start arresting and murdering everyone they can while declaring martial law in large portions of the nation.

The final option I presented – Xi lying through his teeth and using the social credit score, surveillance systems, and the disappearing of dissenters – very well may be what begins to take form in the next 24-48 hours. We will see soon.

The doubling down on China’s zero-COVID-19 policy by releasing a new, more lethal, pathogenic outbreak upon the world will not be what Xi does unless he has the approval of the cabal. Are they ready for this? In my opinion almost, but not quite. The globalists will launch such a biological attack on humanity barring Nuremberg trials in the very near term but I don’t think they have the infrastructure they desire fully built out to facilitate this particular assault. Almost, but not quite.

I really don’t see Xi changing the policies of China’s zero-COVID-19 approach to mitigation. The only way I could see him doing this would be as the appeasement to get the eyes of legitimate human rights organizations (the very few there are) off of them so Xi’s government could begin arresting, interrogating, torturing, re-educating (in conjunction with torturing), and demociding whoever they wish those protesting as well as those merely suspected of being sympathetic to protesters.

Xi most certainly is not going to entirely abandon the entire zero-COVID-19 policy. He would completely lose the support of the globalist cabal. They need China to aggressively destroy these protests to show the world how they will be dealt with should they wake up to the dystopian reality they are building for the world – not just China. Xi would also lose the ideological purity he desires, above all else, to maintain and project, should he completely abandon this policy in the face of demands from mere subjects in his kingdom.

Any way in which China handles these protesters will weaken the state and, thus, Xi’s dictatorship. If Xi chooses to appease the global cabal he will be ceding some of his own control of his subjects to the cabal. If he appeases the international community (most, if not all, of the members of which are busy appeasing China as well as being controlled by global interests themselves) he will ceded some of his sovereign power to the will of globalism as presented through the international community. If he bends to the will of the people, the people of China will demand more and more freedom – anathema to dictators universally. Xi can maintain his dictatorship by ceding some sovereignty to the globalist's cabal, or he can move China toward a democracy, but these protests have forces China’s dictator to make a choice which will, no matter how minutely or incrementally, irrevocably alter the nature, power, and sovereignty of the PRC.

I’d love to see no protester harmed, the PRC disintegrate, the globalists lose their nation-state science experiment, and China be governed by a liberty-focused form of self-government including inalienable rights given by God respected and protected by said government. Unfortunately, I don’t see this happening unless God intervenes directly. I pray God does so. I encourage you to pray that this is the outcome of these protests in China. I encourage you to pray for the protesters in Iran (sparked by the murder of a young women at the hands of the Revolutionary Guard enforcing Islamic mandates regarding women in public) as well as Brazil (at the illegal, fraudulent, and corrupted ‘election results’ amounting to a coup which placed a thoroughly evil Lula de Silva in the presidential palace after his early release from prison where he belongs). Justice will not prevail without the intervention of God Himself. I encourage everyone to pray that God’s justice is shown to an unbelieving world as well as his mercy towards those of us turning our faces towards, and placing out trust in, Him.

Bless God and God Bless.




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