The Importance of Reading

The Importance of Reading

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/17/2022

I am not sure who reads what I write. I’d like to think that everyone does; however, I don’t really believe that. I think it is mostly like-minded people who recognize that we are screwed if something doesn’t change. Hopefully the people who have read anything I’ve written have taken away something that helps them be an agent of change. If you are reading this – I want to say thank you!

Apart from reading these opinion pieces, I think it is very important that people read other things. I am suggesting books; specifically those books from people with ideas. I really enjoy reading Mark Levin books. I can’t wait for Alex Jones’ new book to get here. I enjoyed Richard Proctor’s books. I enjoy reading. I’ve read a lot of books which detail different technological issues and the people who want to stop evil men from perpetrating crimes against humanity. I’ve read some fiction, I’ve read a lot of true crime books. I really enjoyed reading Steve Quayle’s books, they are so informative. I don’t know how many times I had tears in my eyes while I read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. I don’t know how many times I cried reading the Bible either.

What I end up reading most often; however, are books about things I do not want to see happen from the people who are trying to make them happen. I’ve read several Kissinger books. I’ve read Quigley’s massive Tragedy and Hope. I’ve read Harari, Nietzsche, Machiavelli, Hobbs. Plato’s Republik was especially disturbing. I’ve read text books about ecology and climate change and how these fields plan of ‘fixing’ the issues they identified. I’ve read some Brzezinski, Gates, and whole books about the structure of intelligence agencies. I like reading books about diseases, science, and technology. I’ve even read Agenda 21.

I’ve read a lot of books about a lot of topics. Good for me, right? Well it could be good for you, too. The Bible gave me the ability to understand where God is coming from a little bit. At least I have a basis from which to stand my ground. All of the books written by people like Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger, and Bzigniew Brzezinski literally lay out the designs for the world we are living in and the world these types of monsters have always wanted us to labor under.

If you haven’t read a book for ages and ages, the first one I would recommend is the Bible because that is by far the most important thing I have ever read. The Bible is daunting for most people just because it is massive. When I read it I took one chapter from the Old, one from the New, and one from the Apocrypha and then just kept skipping around until I read all of the books. I think the longest one individual book was Jasher and it was actually really interesting because that book basically summed up the Torah – in about 200 pages. Taking it book by book makes it much easier to get through. A 200 page book within a book is doable – 1,900 page books seem too big.

My suggestions for a fiction book would be Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and 1984 by George Orwell. Both are relatively short and both detail many aspects of where the world is right now. Brave New World is about how the future will treat life and death and displays how far away the ideal society is from the actual human condition. Really interesting is that Aldous Huxley had a brother named Julian Huxley who founded UNESCO. After reading Brave New World, UNESCO makes much more sense. 1984 is about surveillance, censorship, and the suppression of human nature. And if you are really interested, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury shows what will happen to books and where censorship is to, ultimately, go.

Non-fiction books are a lot harder to recommend. Any book by Harari will absolutely offend anyone who wants to remain human, free, or to maintain any national sovereignty. Individualism outside of a collective is anathema to Harari. I’ve read several books by an author named Parag Khanna who lusts after a global technocracy. The pitfalls of technocracy are well identified by author Patrick Wood. Richard Proctor is a great suggestion if the reader really wants to thoroughly understand how to fix the main problems in the United States – most of which revolve around the private central bank called the Federal Reserve System.

There are a plethora of books out there. Taking the time to read them – even if it’s for 15 minutes during your lunch break – is important. It’s important because ideas are constantly being presented in these books. The ‘good’ guys like Wood, Quayle, Levin, DeSouza, and Proctor will identify problems and offer solutions. Those solutions are needed urgently. As an example, Richard Proctor suggests individual states to begin operating their own state banks completely independent of the Federal Reserve System. Think about the freedom that would bring. The idea won’t happen unless specific people in state governments fully understand the risks and benefits of such an idea and decide it is worth implementing.

The other reason to read books is because of ‘bad’ people like Yuval Noah Harari. Harari is the brainchild of the World Economic Forum founded by Klaus Schwab. Maybe you’ve bumped into this bald, homosexual, god-hating Harari – he has some video clips of himself saying things like going to the grocery store and voting for who you want – those days are over. Try reading one of his books! His books are stuffed full of ideas even worse than that. Why does that matter? He is telling whoever reads his books the way the WEF and UN wish to see the world go. Klaus Schwab didn’t write The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset, and The Great Narrative for money – he wrote it to garner additional support from the globally aligned and for people like me to find ways to attack their plan. Part of their plan is to make people like me shut up through censorship, legal issues, and prison terms for ‘false news.’ Harari is Schwab’s idea man.

Want to see the way the United States is falling? Study the Bolsheviks. Study Lenin. Read the heart wrenching story written by Solzhenitsyn. Read where half of the United States is about to be disappeared to by the new KGB, the FBI. The American Gulag has already been physically built – now the criminals overthrowing our government are looking for ‘legal’ methods to start populating their American Gulag.

Want to know their plans for you? Read their books. Read the Bible too.

God Bless.


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