Donald John Trump

Donald John Trump

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/16/2022

When Trump announced his presidential ambitions in 2015 I was not excited for his bid. I wanted Rand Paul to be president. Of course, Paul dropped out about 30 seconds after the polling in the Iowa primaries concluded in 2016, so that was going to be a non-starter for me. Trump stood head and shoulders above the rest of his primary contenders. When the general election came it was a no-brainer to vote against Hillary Clinton. I would have even voted for Jeb Bush if he’d have gotten the nod, in a race against Hillary Clinton, even though the two families are joined at the hip.

I did not regret my vote overall; although Trump did one thing which I will never be able to overlook: he rolled out the “Warp Speed” ‘vaccine’ campaign. He placed way to much power in the hands of a group of corrupt, evil, maniacs who released CoVID-19 in the first place in order to murder millions more with their ‘treatments’ and ‘vaccines.’ I don’t think that Trump did this with malice. I think he got swept away with all of the panic these ‘experts’ (in manipulation, not medicine) were selling and ended up taking a course of action I absolutely disagree with. What he didn’t do; however, was to declare national mandates – leaving the issue up to the individual states – which is something I can point at to bolster my belief that Trump isn’t maliciously evil, like, say, Anthony Fauci or Debohra Birx.

Trump was constantly demonized for every action he took from the idiots in the media, democrat party, and even many within his own party. He was even impeached several times; however, the hearings amounted to absolutely nothing because the House was grasping at straws and they knew it. Those republicans who voted to impeach Trump, as well as those who are never-Trumpers, seem to be having a hard time getting re-elected right now – many of them lost their primaries. Trump not only stood up to all of these arrows being shot at him, he has endorsed America-First candidates who are winning elections. Hopefully the candidates Trump has endorsed will not only win seats, but also follow through with their campaign promises and ignore the allure of money, power, and infamy which seems to dog almost everyone in Washington DC.

The latest nasty trick the democrat party and their federal police agency (controlled by deep state actors) was the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. The DOJ’s story is that Trump walked off with the nuclear codes and now, 19 months later, was the right time to go get them back. The FBI was in the residence for 9 hours and removed at least 12 boxes of documents from Trump’s home. I don’t buy any of the FBI’s story. I have zero trust in the FBI, the DOJ, nor any of the individuals who signed any of the documentation in order to illegally raid the home of Donald Trump. Thankfully, the raid is blowing up in the FBI’s and DOJ’s stupid faces as multiple lawmakers and millions of Americans (not all republicans) are calling for the FBI to be defunded and disbanded. Merrick Garland, the arrogant little bitch running the DOJ, has had impeachment proceedings filed to remove him from office over the incident and the blatant lies and pseudo-justifications he has uttered to try to cover his rear end.

They hate Trump, and they hate anyone who supported him at all. They especially hate those who like the America First agenda, the idea that the USA preserve it’s sovereignty in all manners and forms, and that the citizens of the United States remain free and prosperous and extend that opportunity to each and every citizen. Trump actually offered that and delivered the goods to get to that place. The liberal lunatics will talk about it all day and then tell us that we cannot do that through our own blood, sweat, and tears – instead they will do it for us, and all we have to do is give up all of our rights. I think this is why liberals in this nation are so despised while Trump nears the status of demigod for over half of the country. Not everyone places Trump on a pedestal that high; however, quite a few do, which is sad to me – that kind of reverence should be reserved for God and His Son in my opinion. But I digress.

Trump is likely to be indicted for whatever the FBI’s star chamber grand jury is instructed to indict him for. Maybe the grand jury could include Liz Cheney, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Adam Kinzinger, Danny DeVito, Michael Rapaport, Gislaine Maxwell, Oprah, Jim Acosta, and Michelle Obama just so all of the so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’ won’t have any doubt as to what is really going on here. Honestly, it would save the FBI and the prosecutors some time because that way the jury wouldn’t need to even be instructed. They would already have the verdict written down before any evidence was presented. US citizens would be in an absolute fury; however, the court proceedings could be aired and they would get ratings of about 5 super bowls all at once for a few weeks instead of for five hours. If justice did not prevail; however, all bets at peaceful resolutions would quickly dry up – which is exactly what O’Biden’s criminal ‘administration’ is counting on.

And while all of these dark storm clouds gather over top of the United States, the Washington Post (no strangers to perverting truth, lying, and passing opinion as news) published a story today about Six drastic plans Trump is already promising for a second term. The six plans the author, Issac Arnsdorf, notes are “execute drug dealers,” “move homeless people to outlying ‘tent cities,’” “use federal force against crime, unrest, and protests,” “strip job protections for federal workers,” “eliminate the education department,” and “restrict voting to one day using paper ballots.” The title and all of these subtitles use extremely loaded language in order to coax the reader of Arnsdorf’s piece into thinking the entire world will end should Trump even be able to do one of these things.

Arnsdorf sets the tone of the piece in the second and third paragraphs by disingenuously bashing Trump and his supporters to promote the narrative favored by global elitists:

“The pitches he’s [Trump] made onstage over the past month in speeches from D.C. to Dallas to Las Vegas are a stark contrast from ordinary stump speeches. He promises a break from American history if elected, with a federal government stacked with loyalists and unleashed to harm his perceived enemies.

“There has never been a potential candidate like Trump: a defeated former president whose followers attacked the Capitol, who still insists he never lost, and who openly pledges revenge on those he views as having wronged him.”

Arnsdorf is writing fiction for money and calling himself a journalist while I write truthful opinions based on news, take no money, and call myself the president of my failing business. My opinions one can take or leave; Arnsdorf presents his articles as truth. Arnsdorf, living in some world where lies are truth and truth must be murdered at any cost, is closing both of his eyes to some recent US administrations such as George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barrack Hussein Obama, and especially the O’Biden ‘administration.’ If he even peeked at anything in the real world he would quickly realize that the precedent of stuffing loyalists into positions of power is precisely how O’Biden’s regime is attempting to cement it’s election coup as well as create and cement a one-party system in the United States. The 87,000 IRS agents O’Biden hired to shoot at those of us who disagree with O’Biden’s ‘administration’ is a tell-tale sign of democrat ploys to shut down any political opposition. No one should do that – not Trump and certainly not a pedophile-coddling career politician with dementia.

January 6, in my opinion, was a demand for answers about the way the 2020 election went down. No answers came because democrat control of security forces and provocateurs (FBI??? - it seems so) created opportunities for violence. With over one million attendees demanding answers showing up at the Capitol, if there was a clarion call from Trump (or any of the other leaders present) the Capitol would have been overran, mob justice would have prevailed, and there would be a lot of special elections due to the event. None of this happened. Instead there were some security guards waving people into the capitol and federal agents instigating violence. January 6 is the O’Biden recreation of the Russia’s Bloody Sunday or Germany’s Reichstag burning. If the United States citizen will not speak up for those illegally being imprisoned and/or fined and/or sued now, O’Biden’s version of SS KGB (CIA FBI/NSA/IRS) will start massacring all of us. Arnsdorf thinks he will be spared if he keeps on pretending what he writes is the truth and just keeps his eyes shut. For this, he is a completely ignorant fool.

The death penalty for drug kingpins sounds like a really good deterrent to me. Want to stop illegal drugs from entering the nation – start killing the people who run the organizations that traffic the drugs in the first place. Arnsdorf notes that there is a law which provides for the death penalty for people who traffic $20 million or more in drugs or traffic large amounts of certain drugs. He also notes that the Supreme Court has never ruled on the law’s constitutionality and also that it has never been used. Of course, to libtards, the death penalty is always wrong, so Arnsdorf argues against Trump’s suggestion by writing that Trump resumed federal executions after 17 years, and put 13 people to death for their crimes.

In a linked article, also by Arnsdorf, names of some of the executed are mentioned. Alfred Bourgeois was executed on December 12, 2020 after being convicted of severely abusing his two-year-old daughter and, eventually, slamming her tiny head into a window, murdering her. William LeCroy, previously found guilty of aggravated assault, burglary, child molestation, and statutory rape was later found guilty of murdering and raping a nurse, Joanne Tiesler, in order to steal her vehicle and flee the country while he was on supervised probation. Christopher Vialva and an accomplice carjacked Todd and Stacy Bagley. When Vialva stopped the car, he shot the Bagley’s. His accomplice, Brandon Bernard, was executed for his role in the murders of the Bagley’s – setting fire to the car after the couple were shot, killing Todd but leaving Stacy alive only to die from smoke inhalation. (The CNN article regarding Bernard is absolutely disgusting claiming that executions will increase CoVID-19 sicknesses.) All four of these individuals absolutely deserved to be executed for the acts they committed and I’m willing to guess that the other nine deserved their sentences as well.

Instead of arguing against death sentences and applauding a Marxist who is only interested in murdering peaceful citizens who disagree with his decrees – Merrick ‘the Marxist’ Garland – Arnsdorf should have argued against the war on drugs in the first place. In order for that argument to occur; however, Arnsdorf would have had to swallow the fact that the US Constitution limits the role and scope of the federal government – an absolute no-go for anti-constitutionalist like Arnsdorf. Just to be clear, the entire federal war on drugs is completely unconstitutional because there is no provision for the federal government to have jurisdiction over the matter, meaning the 10th Amendment leaves the matter to the individual states. I know many disagree with that fact because it isn’t ‘conservative,’ but it is a fact and the proof is the 18th and 21st Amendments.

Moving homeless people to camps where they can get treatment for the reasons that many of them are there in the first place doesn’t sound like a bad idea either. Many of them are mentally ill, addressing those issues will help them find a way to support themselves and to not be living on the streets any longer. Some are on the streets because they want to be, but not very many. Others are on the streets because of financial ruin. Arnsdorf quotes Ann Olivia of the National Alliance to End Homelessness extensively about homelessness. Because Arnsdorf hates Donald Trump he most likely sought out Ann Olivia to tell everyone that the homeless are not dangerous (which is not true) and that no federal agency would really have the ability to move the homeless in such a manner. Arnsdorf also notes that according to a federal appeals court ruling (Martin v. City of Boise) the homeless can sleep outside unless there are alternatives provided. Sounds like the Trump plan, which mimics a recently passed Missouri law banning people from camping on state lands, would fit the bill for alternative accommodations for the homeless.

Again, Arnsdorf misses the point here. The war on poverty was declared in 1964 by an idiotic leftist named Lyndon Banes Johnson. The war has long been lost because the issues which create homelessness, lack of money, lack of work, mental illness, addiction, and others is never actually addressed. Trump’s pre-2020 economy would certainly create situations in which more people could work and get back up on their feet again, even the homeless. Those with financial difficulties could find work suitable to them and get off the streets. In Trump’s tent camps these people could address their addictions and/or mental illnesses in order to be mentally stable enough to hold a job. The homeless population would be off the streets. The only drawback I see would be the potential for abuse of the homeless by the administrators of the camps.

Using federal force is not something I take lightly. In the case of actual insurrection, such as which the United States suffered under for the entire 2020 summer, Trump is suggesting using federal force; either the national guard or military. These riots took place in states which, at the time, demanded every non-essential person stay home and not leave. Murders, rapes, arsons, and well over a billion dollars worth of property damage was committed while idiots like Tim Walz sat there and watched never thinking that anything should be done to quell the violence. Thus, the riotous insurrection spread throughout the nation drawing violent factions of racists, black nationalists, antifa (communists), and violent elements within black lives matter. The militia should have been called up by Walz on the first night of riots; however, Walz is a scumbag who probably sat there and laughed maniacally while his ‘citizen’ allies burnt down Minneapolis. Trump absolutely should have called the national guard up in the face of Walz’s (and others) absolute rejection of promoting peace or tranquility by permitting widespread riots.

I want the governors of every state to start providing for the militia’s of their states. Militia’s are truly what makes the US a republic but militias have been disregarded and demonized especially by the federal government as well as governments. Because people like Walz exist – people who love the crimes committed by communists – Trump had every right to declare those areas disasters and send in the guard. I completely disagree with sending regular military into any domestic situation unless during a time of actual foreign invasion.

While I don’t take lightly the idea of sending any federal agent to conduct law enforcement activities, I even more vehemently hate abject liars, which Arnsdorf proves himself to be. This scumbag wrote:

“During the social justice protests that followed George Floyd’s murder in 2020, Trump pressured governors to respond more forcefully to demonstrations that were largely peaceful but at times erupted into clashes with police or resulted in property damage. Trump threatened to deploy the military unless state and local officials cracked down harder on the protests.”

I hate modern unions. Sorry, but I hate them. I hate them because they do not even pretend to stand up for worker’s concerns in my experience with them. They only want the dues – they seem to care about individual concerns even less than the employer themselves. I hate modern unions ideologically because, like all socialist enterprises, the people who run the unions are not perfect and their human nature is to find ways to corrupt their purpose for personal gain – something these new age mob bosses acting as heads of unions display absolutely. Pay your dues and shut up. Even more repugnant are government employee unions. Trump’s suggestion to get rid of them is well received by millions of people.

Trump’s suggestion, as noted by Arnsdorf, goes much deeper than that – dismantle the bureaucracy. Seeing the end of the world in this Trump pronouncement, Arnsdorf pretends that the corruption of the past was more rampant than the corruption of the career bureaucrat protected by unions with allegiances to God-knows where. A lot of these bureaucrats hate the United States, hate the idea of the United States, hate the people of the United States, and hate all of this because of their love for globalization instead of the betterment of the United States and its citizens. Trump wants to get rid of those bureaucrats who either won’t do their jobs or are corrupt. Firing these career bureaucrats would also help shrink the government, which is vastly too large, too expensive, too non-responsive, and, honestly, mostly useless to just about everyone. Sounds good to me – sounds like it would put America First. In utter fear, I am willing to guess, Arnsdorf wrote that Trump is ready to hit the ground running when he gets reelected and takes office in January 2025.

I really love the idea of getting rid of the Department of Education because it is unconstitutional, detrimental to states rights, and damaging to children’s education. Reagan promised to do it, but he didn’t, and our children and society are suffering because of the idiotic strategies the Department of Education has decided to use to educate children since 1980. Well, to be fair, the IRS illegally taxes the US citizen’s income directly, to illegally direct the booty to an unconstitutional Department of Education, which in turn, hands billions out in monies to state education boards. Curriculum is not set directly by the DoEd, but if a state or district won’t fall into line, the DoEd can just start winding down the funds allotted to those entities while still robbing all of us blind. That’s how things work in the real world.

In Arnsdorf’s fairytale land, none of this can happen through the Department of Education because they aren’t allowed to set curriculum. Another super smart guy, Michael J Petrilli of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, is quoted by saying that unless all of the laws which the DoEd is responsible for executing are repealed, then nothing will happen to the department. Petrilli also notes that, because the Department of Education doles out billions of dollars in tax dollars, ending the Department would be unpopular. In the real world, it’s not unpopular because instead of being robbed of our earnings by the federal income tax in South Dakota to pay for the New York State Education Department to create racist, gender dysphoric, unprepared children in their state, my tax dollars could go to teaching children the skills they will need to succeed in the forthcoming world. In the real world, intersectionality, transgender rights, and gay pride will not pay for food, shelter, transportation, and entertainment. Even in Arnsdorf’s fairytale land, these studies don’t pay the bills – a hard fact he cannot quite comprehend because he cannot be honest.

Trump’s last liberal destroying mechanism involves creating legitimate voting in the United States. Arnsdorf disagrees because he doesn’t like Donald Trump. I’m pretty sure, in the fantasy in which he lives, he would run his ignorant mouth about how Al Gore won in 2000 and Hillary Clinton won in 2016 and that both elections were fraudulent if he were asked. Trump having an election stolen from him though? Could never happen – democrat crap doesn’t stink I guess. So Arnsdorf wrote:

“Trump’s grievances over losing the 2020 election and baseless conspiracy theories about voter fraud have inspired Republican state lawmakers across the country to propose and adopt new voting restrictions. Trump has called for measures such as universal voter ID since disbanding in 2018 the commission he established to back up his false claim of millions of fraudulent votes costing him the 2016 popular vote.

“Trump has recently added a demand for same-day voting using paper ballots. “That should be our goal,” he said at CPAC. The proposal echoes his false claims blaming mail ballots and electronic voting machines for his loss in 2020.”

In the real world there is a mountain of evidence of voter fraud on an absolutely massive scale. Just because certain people don’t want to see that evidence so they can continue believing their own lies doesn’t mean the evidence isn’t there. It doesn’t mean that that any of those grievances were ever redressed. Hillary tried to cheat her scummy criminal butt off but underestimated Trump’s popularity and her own deficiencies. O’Biden though, literally told America that he was going to rig the election, the polls show that Biden rigged the election, and millions of minutes worth of video evidence exists of ballot stuffing. The only conspiracy here is who, ultimately, orchestrated this election coup?

Trump’s proposition of voting in person by paper ballot is absolutely called for. In the past, Trump has also called for voter ID another voter integrity tool which should be enacted and enforced. No more mail-in ballots. Absentee ballots should be requested, scrutinized, and turned back into an actual person – no more drop boxes waiting to be stuffed day in and day out by criminal elements (like the entire democrat party). But this would cost too much money (in the millions) and take too much time for voters and for polling stations in Arnsdorf’s idiotic opinion. He only has that opinion because it’s his side of the political divide committing thousands of felonies to rig elections. It’s the same reason he keeps his eyes tightly shut. Maybe this scumbag calling himself a journalist should go move to Venezuela and vote in one of their elections. These machines are easily hacked, easily manipulated, and can be easily programmed to miscount votes. Being as though these machines were first used in Venezuelan elections, he should go on down and see what happens when scumbags start deciding who we elect instead of the citizens of the nation.

I voted for Trump when he won in 2016. I commented on what Trump REALLY screwed up. I voted for Trump in 2019. I believe there was quite a bit of fraud – to the point where several counties have decertified their votes and others are threatening to do the same. January 6 was an actual peaceful protest which featured several provocateurs. And when November 2024 rolls around, you can bet I will vote for Donald Trump a third time. I hope his running mate is DeSantis or someone like him because we have had enough of useless tools of the bureaucratic state-backed Mike Pence’s. He’ll go down in history as the president who won three terms but only served two. Hopefully the criminals in government now will not manage to completely destroy the republic, or assassinate President Trump, before the nation can once more enjoy prosperity at the low price of some mean social media posts (no more Tweets – Twitter, in collusion with, and at the behest of, US government bureaucrats, banned him). Best of all – the government won’t be calling half of the population domestic terrorists once Trump wins the third time. I only hope the republic lasts long enough to see all of that occur.

Arnsdorf, when Trump wins again, can go cry for four more years, while he caters to his lie-believing scumbag readership. I’ll buy some stock in Kimberly -Clark Corporation (Kleenex) and Proctor and Gamble Company (Puffs) so I can actually capitalize on their shattered Marxist intentions for the US. In the meantime, they can all go to hell. I pray to God He decides to send them there soon.


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