Do We Have Free Will?

Do We Have Free Will?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/18/2022

There are far too many people who try to make the claim that evolution is a fact and explains creation. In fact, evolution is merely a theory which has continuously been disproven. Evolutionists cannot prove their theory because the evolution of apes into ‘something else’ which turned into a human being cannot be found. The Cambrian explosion is also impossible for evolutionists to explain. Evolutionary thought produced Hitler’s Final Solution. Yet people still persist in telling this lie and demanding others accept that lie. By doing so, a whole host of issues are now debatable topics. Some of the extensions of evolutionary thought include debating gender, homosexuality, bestiality, pedophilia, and God Himself. Another ‘revelation’ of ‘science’ extending from evolutionary though is the idea that people do not have free will.

Free will is the idea that people can make up their minds on their own. ‘Science’ is claiming that is not the case. The same scientists who demand the world cease all belief in a supernatural God outside of space and time because of evolution are the same people saying no one has free will. These people have decided that all human behavior is completely dictated by biochemical interactions which occur in the brain and nervous system. By claiming this, several things must be true, at least for these ‘people’ – there is no God, humans have no spiritual capacity, and human behavior can be manipulated through changing the biochemical interactions and/or chemical compositions.

To inform the reader of where I stand on the idea of free will – it absolutely exists and it exists precisely because God created man with it. Evolution, as stated above, is a lie. God is not; however. God created everything we have on this earth and everything in the universe – mankind has merely rearranged God’s creation to fit their own, usually evil, purposes. It goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden. God said do not eat of these. The serpent came and said eat of these. Deceived Even, then Adam, did eat. God kicked them, and all of humanity, out of the Garden. Why? Because God even made Adam with free will. Adam and Eve both had free will and, unfortunately, they brought man to a fallen state because of their exercise of their free will.

The scientific bastards who are continuously destroying humanity through a variety of lies have taken the notion of free will and decided it doesn’t exist at all. The first plank of their attack was to claim that there is no God whatsoever. Without God humans could not have been created by Him. To replace God, which they believe is a myth, they replaced it with another myth.

The next step was to confuse people to follow their own ideas. No longer would objective reality need to be learned or adhered to. Instead humanism and the evil influences which act upon such subjective morality could be unleashed. Humanism has no morality with respect to ‘others.’ Agree or disappear is the way typical humanists interact with outsiders. Disappearing people includes deplatforming, shadow banning, censoring, boycotting, lawfare, prison terms, unreasonable fine, labor camps, executions, rapes, murders, and all other types of conduct which results in silence from those opposing the humanist’s world-view.

Humanism is a very old belief which has made a significant resurgence in popularity and adherence in the last two centuries. Under humanism, there is very little common ground about the rules humans are supposed to follow. Morality and ethics of all stripes became an ever-expanding grey zone. The confusion and lawlessness which this plank has produced includes rationalizing and mandating acceptance of homosexuality, transexuality, minor attracted persons, critical race theory, the 1619 project, and many other lies.

Those speaking truth to such nefarious activities (all of which are condemned in the Bible, ie., objective truth) are the ones marginalized and disappeared. The morality and ethics of the day trump any kind of objective truth because there is no God in the lost hearts and minds of those who reject objective truth. As a result these people spend no time at all worrying about what will happen to them when they die. Nor are they capable of measuring themselves by any objective standard. I’m sure you’ve heard it just as many times as I have from the God-deniers – well I’m a good person. Well no, they aren’t good people. With no standard of objectivity there is no way to measure ‘goodness.’ It’s really kind of funny to me because these people are the ones arguing against free will, yet they freely make up their minds to reject God and to tell the word they are still ‘good’ people. By what standards, may I ask, are any of these people good?

Science can now alter our thought patterns through several means; however, they cannot negate free will. Those means include pharmaceuticals, pagan and satanic rituals, and different frequencies. SSRI’s and MAOI’s are examples of classes of drugs which alter the chemical composition and/or the interactions within our brains. Doctors have no idea what they are really doing with these drugs. Trances, illicit drug use like DMT and ayahuasca, and satanic rituals, including sacrifices, are coming back into vogue in many circles – some more visible than others. These all allow for demonic interactions. Certain frequencies have been shown to produce certain effects within human bodies because our bodies do have an electrical charge. Our DNA vibrates. Interfering with those vibrations will damage it, causing pain, and, at certain frequencies, allowing for images and sounds that are not really there to be perceived by our brains.

Yuval Noah Harari, a homosexual man who claims his Jewish heritage to protect him from being spoken against, is a major proponent of these ideas. He hates God, rejects that God is real, embraces evolutionary thought, embraces humanism, embraces the idea that free will does not exist, and combines all of these to claim that humans are not only ‘hackable,’ but that we should be ‘hacked.’ Anyone who can think thoughts like homosexual sex is incapable of producing children, therefore homosexuality is a representation of depopulation. Having that thought very well may qualify someone for being ‘hacked’ by monsters like Harari. Maybe thinking that China buying massive tracts of US land next to military bases is a bad idea. The Chinese Communists would love to reeducate the thinkers of those thoughts by ‘hacking’ them, especially those who are US citizens. The list could go on and on. Who controls the technology to do these types of things and do/will those people accept the thoughts you think? If not, watch out. See project Blue Beam and MK Ultra to start with if you have doubts.

I claim, as mentioned above, that God gave mankind free will. The example I gave of this was the Garden of Eden. The second example I will give is of an odd experience I have had once. I was 17 years old lying in bed waiting for dinner to be ready. I had a drop ceiling over my bed, white tile with a dark brown frame. I stared at it until the lines started disappearing. Then I wondered what I would look like laying in that bed. And poof – I was looking at myself from the ceiling. I looked down and saw a cord. I looked out the window and thought about going through it but thought better of it. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to get back to where I belonged – in my body. So I returned to my body. For two days nothing bothered me whatsoever. It was wonderful. Not only did I have free will during this event, I also confirmed that there is something about human beings which science will never be able to quantify nor explain. I call that something spirituality and the direction I choose to point my minds eye towards is the God of the Universe, our Creator.

Before I decided to turn to God, I tried this out of body experience again. Just as I was slipping out of my body I heard a terrifyingly loud cat-like shriek. So I stayed in my body and thought that sure was weird and whatever made that noise sure was weird. I laid there and tried again to leave my body and almost immediately after I did I heard the disturbing noise again. Then I gave up and I have never tried it again. Again, I used my free will to decide whether or not to persist in this experiment. Whatever was making that noise was quite clearly sitting there waiting for me to leave and to take where I should be for itself. That is my honest opinion. Even more odd is that my roommate also heard that noise and thought it was weird.

No man can take away our free will. Mankind can try to direct our thoughts to be more inline with their thoughts and, thus, their intentions. This is why propaganda has been used throughout history. Today scientists claim to be able to biochemically attempt to alter the way we think. They give us pills they sell on propaganda, they recruit us into fruitless and spiritually bankrupt cults and religious sects, and they hit us with DNA disrupting chemicals and frequencies. God can stop all of the effects of everything they do. All anyone needs to do is to ask for God to enter their hearts and lead their minds.

If you zoom out from the topic of whether or not free will exists it could be argued that because those who are Godly seek only God for guidance and that negates free will. When we look to God, and God answers us with a task, we had better do it. We made the choice to seek God – which is what He wants us to do – to seek him by following his Word. We make the choice to do that. The story of Jonas makes it seem like he had no free will – but he did. He chose to fear God. He chose to have the men aboard the ship throw him overboard. Jonas chose to pray to God for salvation. God provided.

The story of Job is an even more potent example of not only free will, but of the spiritual battle which is manifesting itself more and more upon this very earth daily. God was approached by Satan and Satan question the will of Job to love and obey God. God permitted Satan to do anything he wanted to Job except kill him. Satan created all kinds of havoc in Job’s life, including killing his family. At any time, Job could have become angry with God and renounced Him, but he didn’t. He had the free will to do so, yet Job prayed to God. The Bible is full of stories about free will.

Mankind may be able to manipulate the intelligence and emotional responses of human beings, but there is no science about what the consciousness is, let alone what the spirit is. Only by denying God and the presence of a human soul can these neo-Mengeles carry out this plot against humanity. Harari has literally said that I should no longer be able to make any decision on my own. He said no one should. And many people agree with his this idea. Where will that leave humanity in general? It will leave us unthinking atomatons in a physical world dominated by AI masters dictating our every move.

I make decisions everyday. Most of the decisions I make on a daily basis result in discomfort (like going to work) and bring no emotional comfort. In addition to work, I try to write one article a day, so I have to choose a topic and try to stick to it. Researching and writing is physically, mentally, and emotionally draining but I do my best, daily, to write an article. I could start picking super popular topics everyday, but I usually do not. More people would read them possibly; however, if it’s not on my heart I won’t usually write about it. I love seeing that lots of people went to my site for the day, it’s emotionally rewarding to see that. I always want to do better than yesterday which is emotionally rewarding as well. Yet I still usually stray from the popular topics. There is something more to human beings than blood and DNA and proteins and intellect and emotion – it’s the soul.

If you lack a soul and refuse to nurture it with what it is there for, indeed you are lost. Those denying free will, in my opinion, have to deny a soul in the human being. As such, I believe these people are actually less than human. Using their own logic against them, I can justify my belief based on their own evolutionary thought process which, if nothing else, displays how evil subjective thought is and how easily it is manipulated to justify anything anyone wants to do.

Find God. Reach out to God. Mankind is increasingly becoming overran by the thoughts of Satan. There is one unforgivable sin – blaspheming the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Word of God and how God communicates with us humans when He chooses to. This is our birthright. Every person on earth has this birthright until they are convinced to do the bidding of an evil-infested world, thus, selling their birthright to Satan. The entire point of all of this evolutionary garbage is to get us to sell our birthrights to Satan. Test the spirits, my friend, and know that your free will can be directed towards God instead of towards the ways of this world.

God Bless you in this endeavor. The truth is out there and obtainable, for now. That will not always be the case. Make haste in your search for the truth, just as I make haste in my search for the truth.


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