The Global Methane Pledge

The Global Methane Pledge

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/23/2022

On October 22, 2022 the Australian government signed the Global Methane Pledge, bringing the total number of nations and political entities which have done so to 123. In a tweet, the Australian climate minister, Chris Bowen, said that monetary penalties will not be imposed on livestock ranchers. In the same tweet Bowen promised $8 million to get seaweed introduced into livestock feed and another $5 million to developing low-methane-emission supplements. What Bowen and his boss, prime minister Anthony Albanese, are going to end up doing is having to order ranchers to wholesale slaughter livestock to reduce agricultural releases of methane, but that’s the quiet part which no one is supposed to say.

And to make sure it is not said, Bowen is quoted by The Guardian:

“I can completely understood why the government wanted to check and make sure and work through the pledge but having done so, in government, can I say this [is] a very sensible thing.

“It is very clear to me the previous government was addicted to denial, to delay, they are addicted to lying about emissions whether they be methane or CO2.

“It was a government addicted to lying to the Australian people about the implications of their action on climate change.

“I can only conclude that their refusal is a sign of their pattern of behaviour.”

Bowen is demanding that all Australians recognize how bad they are for taking their children to school, going to work, and using electricity. The government of the past lied to the Australian government’s subjects but the government of the present is going to set all of the subjects straight.

What is also interesting is the wide range of topics which are included in this article about flooding and evacuation orders. Large storms have flooded parts of the eastern coastal areas of Australia. The flooding is expected to persist for several days as the rain is expected to continue to fall. Never wanting to let opportunity slip through the claws he call hands, this monster Albanese lied to the whole world by blaming the floods on climate change. He claimed that the situation will persist for weeks.

In the midst of the flooding and the officially sanctioned climate alarmism and subsequent terrorization reactions the government displayed, the Australians joined the ‘kill your cows’ pledge. The main thrust of the pledge is to reduce methane releases by 30% of the amount released in 2020 by 2030. It is the second commitment which inspired me to call this thing the kill your cows pledge:

“Commit to take comprehensive domestic actions to achieve that target, focusing on standards to achieve all feasible reductions in the energy and waste sectors and seeking abatement of agricultural emissions through technology innovation as well as incentives and partnerships with farmers.”

The term abatement has several meanings. To lessen is one of them which seems to be what the Australians are pretending they are going to achieve with their war on methane. But it also means put an end to or to make obsolete. The Australians will no doubt be opting for the latter versions of the term abatement as their mitigation efforts will not solve their ‘problem.’ As far as the comprehensive plan goes, that will be arranged by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) out of the United Nations. The fourth commitment is to let the subjected populations in the nations which signed the pledge know what the UN has decided for them. Commitment five completely undermines the sovereignty of any participant in the kill your cows agreement by forcing nations to comply with United Nations’ documents and programmes such as the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).

It is the UNEP who is responsible for 25 of the indicators of six of the deadly Sustainable Development Goals. I have written extensively about all of these goals and indicators. The kill your cows agreement is an outcropping of the SDG plan to absolutely ruin civilization. The deadline on almost all of the SDGs is 2030 which really isn’t surprising being as though Agenda 2030 and the expiration of the Millennium Goals (which, thankfully, went unmet) is what caused the SDGs to be initiated in the first place.

Australia is not special, they are stupid. The nations which are special are the ones who have declined to sign on to the kill your cows UN project. Notably, China and Russia are not parties. Apparently feeding their nation’s people is still a priority to Russia and China. While those two nations, China in particular, seem to be completely backwards in most respects, they still have a loose idea that real food is important.

The government of the Netherlands doesn’t share Russia and China’s ideas about food security. In December 2021 the Netherlands, a nation with over 100 million head of livestock, decreed that livestock herds would need to be culled by up to 95% to reduce nitrogen creation – an element present in ammonia and waste from livestock. Being party to the kill your cows (methane edition) agreement will give the Netherlands even more impetus to destroy cows, chickens, and pigs. When farmers caught onto this they protested. The Dutch police began arresting hundreds of these farmer protesters. The Netherlands has turned into the very thing it despises – fascist – with the situation they created. In the Netherlands case it was ‘there is too much nitrogen and you, peasant farmer, are being ordered to destroy a large percentage of your herds to reign the nitrogen in and if you even think about protesting our desires we will arrest you, slave.’ The Dutch, using their own version of misinformation, along with their monopoly on violence, have decided to not just be a state sponsor of terrorism but to engage in it directly – their UN overlords must be pleased.

The idea of having grass fed beef (absolutely the best beef I have ever eaten) is being assaulted frontally. The Australians have already stated their intention to begin feeding cows a seaweed diet. Several ways thought to help cows produce less methane is to shoot them full of vaccines and drugs, feed them probiotics, and feed them organic acids. Another way is to stop feeding them grass only and include other forage plants. Another way being explored is eugenics – selecting the breeds of cows which produce less methane than others.

Of course technology is in play as well. As Bloomberg News reported in 2021, cows should me made to wear masks themselves. Bloomberg is, to no ones surprise, one of the supporters of the kill your cows agreement. The device about which they report about will help farmers track methane emissions from cows which will allow for the eugenics program mentioned above. Eugenics really only has three parts – identify the ‘evil’, surveil for the presence of the ‘evil’, exterminate the ‘evil’ – all of which are met here.

Of course, these types of cretins – the global elite, aka globalists – have no intention of stopping at cows. They have demanded babies be able to be murdered on demand at their eugenics facilities around the world. Unfortunately, they have been wildly successful in this clandestine eugenics operation having murdered aver 40 million babies in the womb in 1995, 2003, and 2008. Those three years alone represent 120 million people which are not on this earth – equating to 20 Holocausts, almost 5 gulag archipelagos, and 1.5 Maoist interventions. Being as though these baby murders only represent 3 years, 40 million times 20 years means that in the last 20 years, the world has decided to murder over 800 million babies. Yet there are still people who will argue against there being a depopulation agenda.

The kill your cows agreement is just a monstrous evolutionary move to shift the depopulation focus from killing our unborn babies to killing ourselves. Most of humanity reels in sadness at rising fentanyl deaths, ‘vaccine’ side effects including death and sterilization, baby murder, cancer rates, autism rates, and suicide rates. These global elites look at the same data and call their buddies to congratulate them. Starvation is the evolutionary tactic being implemented today. The kill your cows pledge is just the formal agreement designed to allow culpable deniability for the real perpetrators of this genocidal depopulation campaign – the globalists. The Netherlands farmers and Australian ranchers are going to blame their insane governments for food shortages – and rightly so. Who is behind these government administrations, many of which rely on general elections as the sole legitimate route to power, pushing them in these directions. The one world government pushers are the ones behind it – specifically, for our purposes in this article, the UN, the climate czars, and the NGOs, banks, corporate media outlets, academia, and businesses which shove all of this type of crap down our throats. The sad part is that people are buying the crap they are pushing.

“When he broke the third seal, I heard the third living being say, "Go!" I looked, and there in front of me was a black horse, and its rider held in his hand a pair of scales. Then I heard what sounded like a voice from among the four living beings say, "Two pounds of wheat for a day's wages! Six pounds of barley for the same price! But don't damage the oil or the wine!"” This is from Revelation 6:5-6. Giving an entire days wages to eat for the day is literally slavery, and not in the Biblical sense – in the chattel sense, in the serfdom sense, in the feudal sense. If we are to spend a days wages on being able to eat for a single day it raises some questions – when do we get a day off? where will we live at? where will we sleep? where will we bathe? will taking a day off, having a place to live, having a place to sleep, or taking a bath require us to go without food? Yes. And that’s the point of the Global Methane Pledge and everything similar to it.

Either humans who want to preserve a human-based future are going to completely detach from the Hell these globalists are creating with their edicts like the kill your cows pledge or we are going to be relegated into eternal slavery through our generations if we are ‘lucky’ enough to be selected from the slave block. A third way exists, and that is the way which I prefer to go about things. My intention is to point readers towards the truth – God is very real, humanity is in this situation because too many people have forgotten that God is real or that He has set out rules for us to follow, there is still time to repent and come to the Truth of God, and that Jesus died for all of our sins in order to allow us to repent of them in the first place. Thus I consistently encourage people to read their Bible for themselves and to not be swayed by what religious institutions have decided to add and subtract from it. This is the only way to not be deceived – either it is Biblical or it is not. So, I urge you to read the Bible, to repent of the evil you do, and to pray for a restoration of this land through following the rules God laid before man and accepting Jesus into your heart for His sacrifice.

Bless God and God bless.


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