Meet CNN’s Climate Experts

Meet CNN’s Climate Experts

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/24/2022

In this installment of my analysis of CNN’s expert panels we will explore their climate experts opinions about how to ‘fix’ the climate. America’s Future Starts Now is the name of CNN’s opinion series and this particular article is titled Opinion: As America grapples with the climate crisis, 9 experts weigh in with solutions. Let’s meet our ‘experts’ and see what fresh version of Hell they reveal to us.

Jonathan Foley and Jamie Alexander, both involved with an ecoterrorist organization called Project Drawdown, are celebrating recent legislation passed by fellow terrorists in the House, Senate, and White House, notably that waste of time and money the Inflation ‘Reduction’ Act. This isn’t enough destruction – this pair of clowns call on business leadership, capitol issuers, workers, activists, cities, and states to demand more climate mitigation efforts. They are demanding ESG be implemented and ineffective energy sources be developed. The way to accomplish these ‘woke’ goals is by being ‘woke’ too as the methods must be guided by the science they agree with (which isn’t science), commitments to the new justice and new equity these terrorists demand, “and an unfailing moral compass” which is ironic because these murderous psychopaths have no morals. They finish up their opinion with placing the blame on everyone by demanding that everyone ‘fix’ the ‘problem,’ “In the end, it’s leadership from all of us – in the private sector, government and diverse communities around the nation – that will be needed to address climate change. And it’s time for all of us to step up.”

Jessica Dunn, a senior analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists, doesn’t want any of us to be able to drive. “Transportation is the biggest contributor to US greenhouse gas emissions, and the shift from gasoline to electric cars will play a key role in the fight against climate change.” She notes that mining the materials, nickel, cobalt, and lithium is destructive to the environment and wants these materials recycled. She envisages laws at the state and federal level to not only facilitate the research of how to recycle these batteries, but to mandate their recycling. “Switching to EVs is essential to slow climate change and create a sustainable future. Smart policies that encourage battery recycling are an important part of the solution.” What she forgets to say is that we don’t have the electrical generating capacity to power these electric vehicles. She is another ecoterrorist with an official sounding title in a position to make all of our lives even worse.

Ama Francis, involved with the International Refugee Assistance Project and the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University, thinks that, according to her own scientism, environmental disasters have displaced more people than any other cause. As a result she is calling upon the US to codify the destruction of any pretense of responsible immigration policy. Specifically, the US is supposed to recognize climate change as a legitimate cause for seeking asylum, allow anyone from Honduras and Guatemala (and anywhere else she decides has been impacted by climate) on a ‘temporary basis’ to come and work in the US, and change migration policies to allow for climate refugees. Then she explains why, “The US has contributed the most to carbon emissions over time, and addressing climate migration provides an opportunity to ensure equity, mitigate our demographic deficit, and uphold the dignity and safety of climate migrants all at once.” Again, CNN went out with the intention of finding an ecoterrorist and found one. I’m not sharing anything with any of these people she plans on bringing to this nation and I also do not appreciate this racist scumbag telling anyone what the racial composition of the United States should be.

CNN found another racist named Ramón Cruz, president of the Sierra Club, who is demanding that funds made available to states through the Inflation ‘Reduction’ Act (IRA) go to disadvantaged communities. In an effort to try to prove his demands he, very unscientifically, states, State governments have a crucial role in the equitable implementation of the IRA, as residents of their states increasingly experience the traumas of losing their homes, loved ones and livelihoods through climate-fueled disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes and droughts.” Then he must have forgotten what he was talking about entirely – climate – demanding that disadvantaged communities and communities of color which are polluted in Michigan and coal miners with black-lung be paid the most attention. He thinks that the demons in the governors mansions of North Carolina and Nevada are doing a great job passing out federal funds to anyone who is not white (both governors are psychotic democrats). “Let’s make communities, climate action and environmental justice the true winners this election season,” is the final line this racist president of an entirely demonic club makes. Cruz is yet another ecoterrorist CNN dug up to opine on the fake climate crisis.

Rich Powell, CEO of ClearPath, wants to change the choices available to decrease our country’s carbon footprint. After asking some salient questions like if America was not emitting what good does it do if the rest of the world still is, he completely misses the point, “Economic inflationhigh gas and electricity pricesglobal supply chain chaos, Russia’s war in Ukraine and China’s effort to dominate markets have all combined to create an ongoing energy crisis. Lawmakers in both parties can work together on the biggest question: How do we restore American energy independence while working to solve the climate challenge?” We drill and we open pipelines and we get rid of all of these stupid wind and solar farms. Before any of that, we get rid of all of the pieces of the Green New Deal which this rogue administration has shoved down our throats – which is the real cause of all of the ills Powell mentioned. Nope, Powell wants to “leverage” so-called clean energy sources (subsidize windmills even more) to match coal and natural gas derived electricity prices. He wants so-called clean energy projects approved in far less time. And, finally, he wants America to develop all of these technologies to give away to everyone else. So far, CNN is six-for-six in getting the opinions of ecoterrorists into this article.

Pippa Brashear works at SCAPE which is basically a city planning organization. “We cannot move toward a more just climate future if we continue to build infrastructure the way we have for the past century.” She is loving the idea of getting million of dollars from the Inflation ‘Reduction’ Act to build ‘infrastructure’ under the seas and rivers to combine “carbon capture, improved resilience, greater adaptability and greater biodiversity,” and get rid of sea walls. While Brashear wants to pretend that there will be an economic benefit for the residents in these costal areas – that is not the way these projects end up working out. These zones end up being heavily restricted to any human activity, especially economically. Pippa should have a great career if she fails in her SCAPE endeavors – she could move right on over to whoever is (much more quietly these days) spearheading the Wildlands Project. She can lie without having qualms and she is an ecoterrorist with an ‘important’ job.

Christina DeConcini of the World Resources Institute praises the Inflation ‘Reduction’ Act, ‘Infrastructure’ Investment and Job Act, and the CHIPS Act. She focuses on demanding programs within the CHIPS Act which are unfunded. “Congress must now appropriate the money for these provisions, which will go toward advancing energy storage, fusion energyartificial photosynthesis and carbon sequestration research, among other things.” She demands this based on her stupid and misguided faith in government. “The government has consistently played a leadership role in funding ongoing R&D across all sectors of the economy and embracing risks the private sector won’t – all in the name of the public good.” I beg to differ that the government has ever done research and development ub anything which has become a public good within the last 100 years or more. While not as terroristic as her peers in this CNN article, she nonetheless is demanding a zero-carbon future meaning she is onboard with the climate changers depopulation agenda.

The last ecoterrorist presented to us by CNN is called an oceanographer by the name of Ernesto L. Díaz. “Rising sea levels will continue exacerbating beach erosion for decades – and even centuries – in the US,” he starts. Then he focuses on the island of Puerto Rico to try to prove his point. He fails miserably to prove anything because sea levels have not risen – New York City was supposed to be 20 feet under the sea years ago. Díaz’s argument serves two purposes though. One is to dredge up the same fear tactic which Malthusians have employed for decades and the other is to try to secure monetary damages for Puerto Rico. In Florida he notes the destructiveness of Hurricane Ian. Using sea level rise models only (hey Al Gore, how did those models work out for you), models created by ecoterrorists like himself, Díaz uses only fear to make his demands. He wants whole communities moved off of coastal areas, cities to use building codes to force residents out of their homes and businesses, and city planning and zoning to relocate these tyrannized residents. “These plans require political will, sustainable financing and a science-based process. The science is available, and these coastal communities can’t afford to wait any longer.” As a scientist, Díaz should surely recognize that his entire argument is not based on science, yet, he makes his demands anyway. That makes him a believer in his own scientism and an ecoterrorist.

First of all man made climate change should be deemed a religion. Anyone believing in it should not be able to use their organization to promote any political agenda or to promote any political candidate. The same goes for anyone promoting any number of unproven scientific theories, especially evolution which is neither coherent nor proven. I think that would solve a great number of problems being as though the United States government would no longer be permitted to fund these ecoterrorist groups, meaning many of them would disappear overnight. That’s my pipe-dream – it is never going to happen but it would be nice and it would clean up a lot of federal and state corruption.

Climate change is based entirely and exclusively on models of the world. Because no model is able to accurately predict the climate based on the inputs into the program – all of the models are suspect. Some inputs are not even known and others, like solar radiation (why climate changes at all), are ignored. None of this is scientific, it is by consensus, making the entire sham an experiment in scientism. Of course the consensus is created by ‘scientists’ who receive their funding by spitting out scientism-based conclusions fitting the desired narrative dictated by the funding ecoterrorists, multinational businesses, academia, and the government. It’s all about money and, even more, about control.

Humanity is the carbon which is targeted to be eradicated. CNN wants all of us to be completely aware that they fully support this control. They bold-faced lied to every reader of this article stating, “Experts say we’re already seeing the effects of climate change, as extreme weather events – catastrophic hurricanes, droughts, floods and wildfires – ravage communities all around the world with greater frequency.” Using that and the fears inculcated by the psychological propaganda surrounding climate change (all based on lies), CNN writes, “We asked nine experts to propose solutions that would mitigate the impacts of global warming, cut greenhouse gas emissions and help us reach our net zero goals.” CNN wants you dead – they want everybody dead.

What have these policies caused already, still in their infancy? Food and energy crises. That’s the whole point too – it’s not about creating any alternatives, it’s about forcing all of humanity to depend on the same ecoterrorists doing this in the first place to feed, clothe, house, and provide transportation to all of us. At that point these ecoterrorists will just start deciding that huge numbers of people are non-essential and killing us off. Getting all of us hungry, thirsty, broke, and homeless is just the first step which we are feeling the effects of now. If this proceeds any further we will all be forced onto the social credit score, enslaved, and, soon or later, deemed non-essential to these murderous scum bags. The irony lies in the fact that many of these same people, such as the nine ecoterrorists dug up by CNN here will be victims as well.

Take it to the Lord in prayer and research the links.

Bless God and God bless.


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