Redefining Extremism

Redefining Extremism

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/22/2022

The word extremism is all over the place these days. Ron Desantis, Lauren Boebert, Rand Paul and their supporters are called extremists. Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and her supporters have been labeled extremists. Israel’s Itamar Ben-Gvir has been dubbed an extremist. Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro and his supporters have been called extremists. All of these leaders and groups have one thing in which they hold in common – the desire to place the family first in everything. In other words – the extremist label is being applied to anyone, anywhere who are pro-family.

Extremism is defined by Webster-Merriam as “1the quality or state of being extreme 2advocacy of extreme measures or views RADICALISM.” Extremism stems from ideas, thoughts, and ideologies. In order for something to be extreme there needs to be a neutral position. Both the neutral position and what falls into categories of extremism are on sliding scales. In an age where controlling the minds of men has never been easier, these scales are are constantly shifting and sliding. As a result, that which was once common and normal (Godly, in my normal vernacular) is no longer revered or sought. The ways of the world, ways in which evils have permeated human civilization, have destroyed the family through the manipulation of the minds of mankind. Extremism labels are the in vogue manifestation of this.

In the United States, anyone who supports the Make America Great Again (MAGA) agenda has been called an extremist. MAGA is based on the idea that America needs to worry about America. The nation should preserve it’s borders, control immigration, use diplomacy to settle disputes, and avoid wars. Also included are the ideas that families should be the basis of communities. Children within families should be protected from the evils overtaking this world. Most who are MAGA subscribers think children should be raised with a healthy respect for the God of Creation, their family, and communities in which they live. This is what has always built strong communities and this is what always will build strong communities. Desantis, Boebert, and Paul, along with several others in the United States, recognize all of this and have respect for those who seek to live their lives in this way.

In Italy, Giorgia Meloni, also supports the family. Actually, that was one of the cornerstones upon which she ran her campaign to win the prime minister spot. YouTube, owned by Google, banned a speech in which Meloni stated:

“Why is the family an enemy?… Because it is our identity… so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity. I can’t define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No. I must be citizen x, gender x, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number. Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators. The perfect consumer….

“We want to defend the value of the human being. Every single human being, because each of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable. And like it or not, that is sacred. We will defend it. We will defend God, country and family… Because we will never be slaves and simple consumers at the mercy of financial speculators.”

Meloni is profoundly pro-family in an age where the political and business leaders of the world are trying to destroy the family. That takes bravery and a deep belief in the family. Italians agreed that the family is important and elected her into office. The chagrin of the European Union’s unelected president was unbridled making very thinly veiled threats directed towards Italy both prior to Meloni’s election and after.

An election in Israel will be occurring very soon. The prime minister’s slot is being vied for by Benjamin Netanyahu and Yair Lapid. Netanyahu has mentioned that a man named Itamar Ben-Gvir will be in his ministry. Haaretz, an Israeli publication, claims:

“Israel’s friends overseas also understand the danger quite well. Sen. Robert Menendez, one of Israel’s closest friends in Washington, warned Netanyahu against forming a government with the far right. America’s Reform Judaism movement has also voiced deep concern over the possibility that Netanyahu might form a government with Ben-Gvir and warned that this would undermine Israel in American public opinion (Allison Kaplan Sommer and Ben Samuels’ recent Haaretz article).”

Haaretz paints Ben-Gvir as an extremist for “likening homosexuality with beastiality” and hanging “a picture of the murderous terrorist Baruch Goldstein in his living room.” Baruch Goldstein walked into the ancient site of the Jewish Temple and witnessed the Muslim prayer taking place there before he killed 29 of them and wounded 125 of the 800 in attendance. Like Goldstein, Ben-Gvir held Rabbi Meir Kahane in high regard. Rabbi Kahane wanted to expel all now-Jews from Israel. For this Haaretz has decided to demonize Ben-Gvir and call him an extremist.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro was quoted in PJ Media as saying:

“We cannot allow destructive ideologies to divide the Brazilian people, ideologies that destroy our values and traditions, destroy our families, which are the foundation of our society. And I invite everyone to begin a movement in this sense,” the president added in the same speech. “We can – I, you, and our families, all of us together – reestablish ethical and moral standards that will transform our Brazil.”

Bolsonaro went even further, thanking God for saving him from death after being stabbed in the stomach by a Marxist. The powers that be, the globalists (political leaders, business leaders, and academia) hated that. They hated Bolsonaro’s sentiments so much that Brazil’s former socialist leader, Lula de Silva, was released early from prison to run a political race against Bolsonaro. Lula has no interest in families – he and his party, based on Marxism, seeks to destroy families in any way they can. Bolsonaro is the extremist the West has been warned about.

This all came about because of our desire to be entertained above being informed and seeking truth. None of these leaders should think it necessary to emphasize the importance of the family because people should already recognize that importance. Yet they seem not to. Instead of seeking out truth, people watch football and obsess over their favorite teams statistics all week, watch baby and pet videos, and binge watch Stranger Things on Netflix. Then these people show up to vote for the leader which is going to best allow them to stay asleep. It is such a sad state of affairs because it has such dire effects upon everyone in society, not just the slavishly asleep.

Because there are so many people of the world who have absolutely turned their backs on the Truth of the Word of God and the morality which that Word contains, the United States is falling apart. The US has adopted secular humanism as their moral basis and the results have been catastrophic. The US is at war in multiple arenas around the world. The US is mandating useless murder shots to everyone they can. The US has decided to bankrupt the citizens of the nation, allow invasion-force-levels of illegal immigration, and to restrict any proper response to acts of violence being perpetrated against others. The current regime and one of the political parties has held up baby murder as not only a virtue but a human right. MAGA represents the opposite of that.

Italians have suffered under the economic issues on par with those plaguing the United States because of the many similar policies. They, too, have seen their share of issues arising from same-sex marriage, gender confusion, and transgenderism. Meloni represents the opposite of that.

Israel’s Ben-Gvir is a slightly different case. The people who are not Jewish in Israel are not supposed to exist according to the Bible. Beastiality and homosexuality are actually both abominations before God. By declaring homosexuality an abomination, Ben-Gvir is supporting a Biblical truth as well as a pro-family future.

Brazil has economic issues related to the socialist policies put in place from prior leaders. They had a far worse and persistent problem with corruption which, basically, is what socialism is. Bolsonaro started to clean that up. Like the Americans, Italians, and Israelis, Brazilians have been forced to suffer under the deluded celebrations thrown by the LGBTQ crowd. Bolsonaro represents a return to God, family, and country in Brazil.

The entities which want to end humanity – those unquestioningly embracing the ways of a world controlled by Satan – have labeled billions of people as extremists. It is telling where these entities stand by looking at who they don’t call extremists. Planned Parenthood, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, The United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization hero’s to these entities. Baby murdering, racially divisive, socially divisive, one-world government creating, economically destructive, and vaccine mandating scumbags are to be celebrated. Pro-family individuals are only two things to this crowd – useless eaters and extremists.

It is these entities which have slid neutrality to where it currently rests. The whole world is supposed to accept same-sex marriage, deviant sexual activities being taught to elementary schoolchildren, abortion on demand, infanticide, climate change being created by man kind, that we should own nothing, single-parent families, on demand pornography, euthanasia, being made into medical experiments, and a future devoid of humans in our current form. These entities have embraced a world in which there is no freedom to pursue life, liberty, nor happiness. Replacing those God-given rights are the ‘right’ to murder babies, the ‘right’ to be silenced, and the ‘right’ to be enslaved. Those still embracing the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, especially if those objectives are sought outside of the official established narrative, have been dubbed extremists.

Extremists today are those who believe in the God of Creation as He is described in the Bible. But so is Boko-Haram – the Nigerian terrorist group who murders Christians. Those who proclaim belief in Jesus Christ are extremists. But so is ISIS. Those who understand that all of civilization has been built upon the family are extremists. There is a purpose to this. The travelers of this world who deny the existence of God will associate those who do believe in God with the likes of ISIS. Extremists will become terrorists by association worldwide. The only salvation this world has ever known – the mercy of the God who created the universe – is being targeted for extermination.

That does not mean that those who are not labeled extremists will be spared. Once any semblance of Biblical morality is stripped off the face of the earth, these worldly entities committing the genocide will start murdering anyone they wish. There will be no morality anymore, thus they will walk, willingly, to their own needless deaths at the command of Satan.

There is an election set to occur in about two weeks in the United States. Most of the governors, nearly all of the mayors of US cities, and the entire US presidential administration is working on behalf of Satan. This can be laid out very clearly to those who vote for the wicked entities in the democrat party and they will still persist in claiming they are correct. These people have no morality thus they feel justified in telling half the country which disagrees with them that they are terrorists and promote the idea of suing, imprisoning, and murdering them. The table is set. Democrats continuously call for a civil war. They continuously call for using military aircraft to carpet bomb their opponents.

There are about 52 million or so people who exist in the top 1% of wealth within the world. The top 0.1% in wealth number about 175,000 people. It is from this elite group which comes all of this propaganda to alter what is important to us. It is this group who seeks to dismember the economy, collectivize all goods, and rob everyone of any possession which they own, including our children. Almost all of them are transhumanists who seek to tolerate all of the useless eaters in order to perfect their life-extending technologies. These are the same elites which erected and then destroyed the Georgia Guidestones and its edict demanding a world population of 500 million people. 52 million people plan to have about 10 slaves to take care of them – 500 million people achieved. They literally want to make Brave New World a reality for those of us which are permitted to survive. Making followers of Biblical morality a characteristic of being an extremist is one of the last steps needed to effect the depopulation these elites desire.

You can think I’m being bombastic and dishonest if you would like. I am as serious as the heart attacks these demonic monsters are hoping we all have after getting this ‘vaccine.’

The only way to reverse these trends are to love and follow God and His rules, love Jesus, and love our families. That is difficult sometimes because of the mind warping effect demonic entities have had on those around us. It must be done. There is Truth – it is in the Bible. This world, including the United States, will be utterly ruined if we do not turn our faces towards God. The US was never created for the immoral population which we currently have. If we hope to see our children and grand children grow up with even a scintilla of freedom, liberty, or individual choice then we need to raise up a Biblically moral generation while repenting of our own shortcomings in the eyes of God. Anything short of that is a failure which will result in the cataclysm described above.

Bless God and God bless.


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