The George Floyd Assembly Line

The George Floyd Assembly Line

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/30/2023

The latest Floyd model doesn’t even have a disclosed last name. The reason is because it is something distinctly non-French – Mohamed or Mansouri or something similar is more likely. Those are common names in Algeria which have been made more common in France through legalizing criminal activities for decades. The criminal activity is replacement migration. Justified by economic concerns faced by hopes to continue massive welfare states, these criminal arrivals now have generations of having lived in France and still never having thought about living as the French do. They live as they lived in the degenerate nations from which their criminal progenitors originated.

Several days ago a 17-year old French-Algerian who was raised as Algerian in an Algerian ghetto in a foreign land decided police stops don’t apply to him. Police shot him in the chest as he tried to drive away and he died shortly after. The youth had a history of these behaviors but did not have the criminal record he deserved for his actions.

Flash back to Michael Brown, the original George Floyd model. Brown was apprehended for committing robbery. He was shot as he struggled to gain control of a police officers gun after having assaulted the officer multiple times. The media, the racists they are, helped to inspire a false narrative around the incident including the words “Hand’s up, don’t shoot,” which was never stated by Brown because he was busy assaulting police officers. Yet, the media hyped the phrase and Brown’s innocence while the racists on the streets demanded blood from the Ferguson, Missouri police department. When they didn’t get it, over $4.6 million in damages were committed through looting, vandalism, and arson. Michael Brown still has Marxist racists supporting his innocence and making claims that he is a victim of police brutality.

The result was the persecution of a police officer for doing his job in the face of death, the legitimization of riots being a valid form of political protest as long as it is perpetrated by racist black communities, and the installation of a black police chief in the town. While Ferguson had issues with crime prior to Brown’s suicide by cop, since installing their new police chief based on skin color, crime has not been put in check and was more rampant in 2016 than in 2015 and has consistently been well above the national average as well as the state’s average. It seems this neighborhood is a powder-keg filled with racists who will lurch at any chance to go into the streets and rape, murder, burn, assault, and threaten their way to effect political change – the definition of terrorism.

Ferguson’s crime rate rose in 2020, five years after the Michael Brown nonsense. George Floyd’s drug overdose while in police custody was the motivating factor. Minneapolis had complete lawlessness in the middle of illegal stay-at-home-orders (which are about to be reimplemented) because the media and government colluded to demonize the police department. Minneapolis was not alone – many other cities in the US, Canada, and Europe took to the streets over this junkie’s death. The main thing to come from this was widespread destruction of property, murders, assaults, rapes, and donations to criminal elements leading these events which have yet to be investigated. As in Ferguson, demands were made in terroristic fashion – this time to defund the police.

Antifa and BLM terrorized inner cities across the world. As Minneapolis was beeing literally torched in the background, media outlets (which somehow still exist after doing this) continued to report that these riots were nothing more than most-peaceful protests. The destruction stood at around $2 billion. Several cities, Minneapolis included, bowed to the pressure of the terrorist factions demanding the dissolution of police functions in the community. The result was the council members in these cities hired their own security services with public money while telling their constituents that police would not be available for protecting them. These same city council members also demanded that law-abiding citizens be unarmed so they can be better victimized by the same terrorist organizations which they absconded with at the same time.

Any police shooting involving a black person is pushed as being systemic racism in police departments. Anyone killed by police is automatically investigated to see if the person qualifies as the next George Floyd. The hard part is being as useless to society and as lawless as Michael Brown or George Floyd.

Breonna Taylor had a job so the protests over the police raid which left her dead did were not exacerbated by the media as extensively as Floyd’s overdose. Yet there were events which were unbecoming in a civilized society revolving around Taylor’s death. There were riots amid the protests which featured vandalism and assaults but not the wanton violence witnessed for Floyd. The mobs may have been somewhat more peaceful but they still demanded police officer’s blood. Kentucky did not deliver that blood, so the federal Department of Justice, under a Marxist Merrick Garland, issued ‘civil rights’ charges against the officers. Merrick Garland appeased his Marxist comrades on the streets because that is how Marxist’s operate.

The most recent model of George Floyd is being called Nahel M. This is the Algerian from France. The dynamic is a bit different but the reactions and the demands are exactly the same. The difference between riot-inspiring events in France and the US really only exists in the way the terrorist contingents arrived and have organized themselves. There are large areas where black democrats and their white-Marxist allies have set up shops, mostly in large cities, around the United States. The US arrangement is done to provide voting blocs for democrat politicians who offer increases in welfare, advancements based on race, and a wide range of Marxist ideology to inspire those who have never built anything in their lives to feel owed something from those who have. US ghettos are nothing more that the democrats recreation of the plantation.

In France, the motif of the ghetto is cultural identity. Paris has many of these ethnic ghettos which have disingenuously been termed suburbs. Monsters are bred in these areas. Algerians are raised as if they still live in Algeria and there are over a half million of them. The same with Tunisians, with about 1.1 million in France. These numbers are likely fractions of the reality as the French government has no collected such data for over 40 years. The French dictator who has inspired all of these degenerates to start attacking people even more frequently and viciously hates it when it’s a migrant who causes the issues because then he cannot gush over the loss. Macron has no issues with dead white people – only dead illegal aliens.

Three weeks ago an attack occurred where a Syrian in France stabbed children. A Muslim terrorist in France from Tunisia slit a female police officers throat in 2021. When these migrants are not murdering people they are raping people. And when they are not doing that they seem to be rioting. This time it is after one of their own was the victim while in the commission of a crime.

Nahel (or, perhaps Nael) M. is pictured as a happy teenager about to be an adult in a motorbike helmet. He is described by his mother as the love of her life. She also claims he had no relationship whatsoever with his father. He was a delivery driver and played rugby. He also attended college to be an electrician where it seems he was more apt to skip classes than to attend. As he attempted to drive away from yet another police stop in the middle of a traffic jam, police arms trained on him, the officer shot him.

That officer is now facing murder charges. Macron immediately came out demanding the same thing his reject army on the streets were demanding – open season on police officers. The rioters are burning stores down, breaking out windows, throwing explosives at police, and setting cars on fire because they feel slighted over the incident. BBC noted, “Then [2005 when these animals set fire to thousands of cars] as now, the main targets (beyond the easy prey of parked cars) were town halls, police stations and schools - any building essentially that might be flying a French flag.” These people hate France. It’s not about a young kid thinking ‘I’ll just drive away from the police again’ and suffering a consequence – it’s that there are French laws and French customs and French institutions which are not degenerate and Islamic (the two are synonymous).

Nahel’s grandmother has hated France her whole life and has no reason to be there. Yet this gave her the opportunity to spout off her ignorant mouth, “His grandmother, who also remained unidentified, said: 'I will never forgive them. 'My grandson died, they killed my grandson. We are not happy at all, I am against the government. They killed my grandson, now I don't care about anyone, they took my grandson from me, I will never forgive them in my life, never, never, never.'” Hey lady – you never belong in France, refused to assimilate one bit, raised a degenerate, who raised a degenerate and it finally caught up with you. Go back to Algeria, you have no business in France, take your daughter with you. Take all the animals who have been in the streets with you, too.

The major media publications have all voiced their support for the supposed victim. The Daily Mail couldn’t wait to report the anti-French sentiment in the press. They couldn’t wait to inflame the passions of the criminals rioting. Neither could BBC News, France 24, or Reuters. The only good aspect of all of this is that France doesn’t export culture whatsoever and there are few Algerians in the United States. It is possible, but unlikely, that unrest and riots develop in foreign Western nations with the exception of Germany and Belgium who each host a large number of these people. Belgium, has already began to feel the effects of these anti-assimilating elements.

According to The Guardian – another race war pimp in service to Satan:

“The French prime minister and the country’s president will consider “all options” in response to the riots during an emergency cabinet meeting later in the day, the former PM Élisabeth Borne has said. She told reporters during a visit to a Paris suburb:

“The priority is to ensure national unity and the way to do it is to restore order.”

Police made 667 arrests nationwide overnight after violence also broke out in Marseille, Lyon, Pau, Toulouse and Lille in a third night of protests against Tuesday’s killing by police of a 17-year-old of Algerian and Moroccan descent during a traffic stop.”

This was followed up with a declaration of martial law across party lines:

“He’s a little more detail on those comments from Élisabeth Borne, who said the government is considering “all options”. She has told reporters who asked about the possible declaration of a state of emergency:

“I won’t tell you now, but we are looking at all options, with one priority: restoring order throughout the country.”

Both conservative and far-right opposition politicians have urged her to take such action, which would hand local authorities greater powers to declare localised curfews, ban demonstrations. It would also further empower the police in efforts to restrain suspected rioters and search homes, the French press agency Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports.”

This martial law will primarily affect French people in their French homes in their native country. Over and over again since 2020 the French government has found a context to demand slavish obedience from it’s population to it’s overtly tyrannical decrees. The pandemic lockdowns, climate lockdowns, and now a round of lockdowns under the guise of quelling the non-French rioters so their demands can be granted only serve to traumatize the French subjects even more. If the French were a serious people they would rip their pension checks up and figure some other way to afford to live and demand these people be deported en masse.

It’s not as if I am blind to police brutality. I’ve seen clear cut cases of it many times against all sorts of races. The most sickening of these, in my opinion, was the murder of Daniel Shaver. The murderer is receiving a $31,000 pension for the rest of his life because of the PTSD he ‘suffered’ after having murdered a man for no reason. There were protests over Daniel Shaver, Kelly Thomas, and Lavoy Finicum but there was very little press coverage of the events, no mainstream news coverage of the events, and the intentional news was silent. Actually, it’s kind of odd because when white people are murdered by police officers the world is told to clap and, like seals, they do and when anyone else is murdered by police we are told the rioting minorities are justified. We DO need police reform – they shouldn’t be disarmed, they should be demilitarized, and they need to be screened for stress adaption. Just like in the larger society, which police officers live in, there are bound to be some bad ones – we need to hold the bad one’s accountable. And that is the crux of the problem, too often they are not held accountable unless racism can be interjected into the equation and then riots precede arrests and murder charges.

France, of course, had colonized Algeria between 1834 and 1954. The French fought an eight year war to retain their colonial rule in the nation but, ultimately lost, per typical French fashion, and has apologized for it ever since. Today, traveling to the Sahara Desert or to the eastern or southern portions of the nation has warranted a level 4 travel ban because of terrorism and kidnapping threats. The entire nation has warnings to use increased caution – even the northern sections and urban areas. Tunisia is a warzone between terrorist elements and the government. Morocco, which also has a large number of people who identify with the African nation in European nations, is also a hotbed of terrorism. This is what the French government is appeasing – the interests of violent terrorists.

It seems to me that this is merely another invasion of Europe by Moslems. These Islamist's, unlike their predecessors 1,200 years ago, have been invited into European nations. The Islamast’s have openly stated they have no intention of not repeating the raping, murder, and extortion of those they manage to gain control over today, just as they did in the past. The French (and every other Western nation) has adopted the applications of replacement migration. Nahel M. was only in France because the pensioners couldn’t fathom having to save their own money – they couldn’t fathom having to figure out how to provide for their own old age. Now these people are rioting again because the media and the riffraff (a term Sarkozy used to describe the suburban zoos which inflamed them in 2005) have no decency. They want chaos because from chaos comes order and the order to be installed is global in nature and Biblically evil.

I’d suggest that these rioters go read the Bible but they will not even adapt the culture, laws, nor customs of the nations that they have lived in for three or four generations. Their recalcitrance to even learn the culture is appalling. Their obedience to Allah, a demonic force described as a thorn in the side of the people of Israel in Numbers 33:55, is equally appalling. It’s disgusting, actually. It’s dangerous, too, and some of the dangerous events are likely covered up – like the Notre Dame cathedral fire.

We live in Biblical times. In Matthew 24 Yeshua instructs his followers to take heed that there will be people fighting people – one ethnic group against another – along with wars. These Moslem hoardes are invading Europe once more by invitation. They represent a very real war against France, Germany, Belgium, but the invasion has been cast as a conspiracy theory because the term replacement migration is forbidden and mocked despite the reports demanding it. It’s not a theory, it’s an ongoing invasion….

Until the demonic globalist freaks feel they have enough control over the rest of humanity, they will continue to manufacture George Floyd’s. This time they manufactured one for Europe – any day now they could manufacture another for world-wide riots. We need to be praying to God for our protection as well as praying to God to allow His Word to reach their ears.

Bless God and God bless.


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