If Tuvalu is Sinking, the Quicker, the Better

If Tuvalu is Sinking, the Quicker, the Better

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/28/2023

It doesn’t sound like a very nice thing to say – I hope Tuvalu sinks quickly. I cannot stress enough; however, how these 12,000 or so island peoples are doing absolutely everything in their power to destroy the entire world.

Tuvalu is an island nation set in the middle of the Pacific Ocean about 1,200 miles east of Brisbane, Australia, 3,500 miles south southwest of Hong Kong, China, and about 5,000 miles west of Lima, Peru. It is made up of 6 coral reefs where people do not live and 9 inhabitable islands with a total land area of 26 square kilometers (or about 10 square miles). It’s highest point is 15 feet above sea level. Portions of Tuvalu lie at zero feet above sea level. The average height is about 6.5 feet.

There are all kinds of articles about the islands being affected by sea-level rise brought on by the phantom of man-made climate change. The people of Tuvalu won’t let anyone forget that they believe that lie and think that the entire rest of the world owes them something for it. In 2007 Tuvalu’s prime minister had an article he wrote appear in the UN Chronicle titled, “A Threat To Our Human Rights: Tuvalu's Perspective On Climate Change.” In the article, he suggested a Marshall Plan be developed and implemented to save Tuvalu and other island nations and also noted Oxfam’s assessment that it would take $50 billion ($73.5 billion in today’s dollars) a year to save those island nations from the hoax of man-made climate change. The letter is summed up, “Hopefully, the international community will respond before such action is necessary. But time is running out fast. Climate change could well be the greatest challenge that humanity has ever known. I make a very strong plea to all to act quickly and responsibly, to ensure that countries like Tuvalu do not disappear.”

Tuvalu has been at this climate reparations game for a long time. As time has passed, their solutions have only grown louder as they have been made a poster child for the effects of man-made climate change. They don’t really do a whole lot to fix their situation besides demand that the rich nations are responsible for man-made climate change and that they are owed reparations.

I have a question though. Is the sea-level actually rising and is there data to support that the sole cause is attributable to the industrialization, electricity production, and driving large vehicles? The answer is an absolute no. The idea that sea-levels are rising is questionable. The causes of sea-level rise are many. So, maybe Tuvalu is actually sinking. 10 trillion cars running for 10 trillion years wouldn’t cause Tuvalu to sink. Maybe the sea is doing what the sea does – erode land masses? Again, nothing humans can do will stop the sea from eroding things – even the walls we build will eventually need to be replaced because they will be eroded. Tuvalu won’t entertain those questions; however, because if either are the case, or even a part of the reason giving rise to their fears of ‘disappearing’ they cannot extort the rest of the nations on earth for trillions of dollars. The $50 billion dollars they want to save their islands and others like it will never stop being paid to them.

The Tuvalu people are extremely concerned about losing their cultural heritage if the lands that culture exists upon is permanently deluged. The people who remain on the islands don’t want to go so tens of millions of dollars from, particularly, France, Germany, Japan, the UK, and the US, are being spent to preserve this culture. So, what is the culture that these, and other nations, so desperately want to hold on to? Their culture is one of their traditional ways. While sources claim there has been some westernization of the culture, most of the people do not have reliable access to electricity and fish from traditional canoes.

The Church of Tuvalu is the main driver of the culture of the island. The church claims itself to be Christian; however, it is merely a social club meant to indoctrinate the island’s inhabitants into a one-world religion as made clear since 1980 when it joined the World Council of Churches. It’s not worried as much about salvation or Biblical teachings as it is about climate reparations. Apparently the church sees no issues with arranged marriages. The church apparently has no issues with the beating of traditional drums and the dancing to them which exists nowhere within Christianity because the activity is always associated with paganism and worship of a false deity.

The sovereign of Tuvalu is the British Crown. The Prime Minister is selected by the single legislative body elected by the people. Like it’s daddy, Tuvalu is nothing but a vassal state of the British Crown and the same issues plaguing the UK’s government plague Tuvalu’s government. The major difference between the two is that Tuvalu is overwhelmingly Marxist without any opposition. Their economy produces nothing of value save for coconuts and fish which it exported a million dollars worth of while it imported over $12 million worth of anything else. The primary employment opportunity is to work on European boats at sea and send money home. The entire economy is dependent on international welfare programs.

Now, I’m not a rocket scientist, but a nation which cannot provide sustenance through it’s own resources, is completely dependent upon international welfare programs, and is sinking into the sea seems like a lost cause that would be better off having a relocation effort instead of tens of millions more given to it for ‘sustainability’ projects. I’m sure there are coconut trees and fish somewhere that is not being swallowed by the ocean. I’m sure that in one of those non-sinking land masses the colorful clothing and pagan worship rituals can still be carried out. I’m pretty sure that job opportunities would be more abundant virtually anywhere else on the planet too. There may even be a location to plant some kind of crop so that the Tuvalu people will be able to farm instead of needing to import all of their food besides a small selection of tropical fruits and fish. But, hey, I’m not a rocket scientist.

What really annoys me about Tuvalu is that they continuously demand they be supported in ways which will destroy their support system. Perhaps it’s because the island’s residents are Marxists. Perhaps they really think they are being swallowed by the sea and are willing to sink with the ship and fear their own deaths (something Christians are not supposed to do either). Whatever the reason, these 12,000 or so people demand that the entire rest of the world stop using oil, natural gas, producing plastics, and pay them gargantuan sums of money. And the idiots in leadership positions abide by their demands. In essence, it’s not enough that the US donates billions of tax dollars into funds to pay Tuvalu’s welfare checks, I’m also not supposed to drive a gasoline powered car, mow my lawn, have access to reliable electricity, use wood stoves, and a thousand other things so that we can all live like the people of Tuvalu. If I wanted to live in squalor and deceit in a climate of perpetual fear, Tuvalu would be at the top of my list of places to move to, but, it’s not.

Still, the degenerates on this tiny island are making big demands and constantly finding themselves in the news in the western world. The reason for this is because the mainstream news is ultimately owned by the global government. Tuvalu is almost exactly how the global government wants everyone else to live – dependent upon others for survival, obedient, and stupid. Place the government of China over the islands of Tuvalu and the picture becomes clear, revealing the intentions for the entire world from the standpoint of the global government. Tuvalu is one of the model states for the rest of the earth from the globalist’s perspective.

The Guardian, in all of it’s stupidity, is why I even decided to write this article. They published an article yesterday about Tuvalu’s endeavors to recreate their entire society in the metaverse to preserve their degenerate culture. Millions are spent to exacerbate fears of the island disappearing within the next 30 years according to the piece. It’s included because without understanding that fear, the quotes won’t make any sense. “The question of survival is an urgent one. Teafa says that for youth in particular, fear is the predominant emotion. “It’s the worst feeling ever; worse than being afraid of heights, afraid of the dark. Now we’re afraid of the future.””

In the second section of the article the author, Kate Lyons, describes the difficulties of living on a tiny remote island in the middle of the world’s largest ocean. Firsthand accounts are woven together by the lies of the climate eco-terrorist camp. Some of the firsthand accounts themselves are complete untruths as well - “Foreman Uilla Poliata remembers fishing with his father as a child, hunting for food to eat. “That is the only way we survive, on our local food. But now it is very hard to get the food from the land, plantations are damaged by saltwater, even the land is being taken away by the sea.”” The thing is, you have never survived on local food in your entire life Poliata, unless you happen to be about 100 years-old.

Another section of the article describes the situation of those who have relocated. Concerns about losing the cultural identity of Tuvalu because of engaging in the cultures of the place where these people relocated to generate quotes like, ““Kelesoma Saloa has been living in New Zealand for more than 10 years and feels a strong sense of dislocation. “Coming from a self-sufficient society to a very commercialised society is so, so difficult,” he says. “If you have no money here, you can’t survive. Not like in the islands, if you have no money, you have your family, your small land, your fish.”” I’d love to see all of the international welfare payments turned off and Saloa returned to Tuvalu so he can see the island isn’t self-sufficient and it has nothing to do with climate change. It has to do with people picking an unsuitable place to populate.

The fourth section is about land-reclamation. The deceived minds of the Tuvalu people shine through in this section. “Poliata believes the reclaimed land will help the community to make a living and provide an incentive to stay. “As Tuvaluans, we have to stay here and protect our country, because if we save Tuvalu, we also save the world.”” If this guy wasn’t getting imported toilet paper no one would be able to wipe their behinds. If they weren’t getting welfare they wouldn’t be able to import the food they eat daily. But saving all of that will save the world according to this guy? Ok – call me Poliata – I have a bridge to sell you, and if you buy it, that will save the world too.

The fifth section is the interesting one. This is the creation of a digital twin of the entire island chain. Progress on this front has already been made. “[Tuvalu’s minister for justice, communications and foreign affairs] Kofe’s address during Cop27 last year was recorded in front of a virtual copy of Te Afualiku, the first island in Tuvalu to be digitally recreated through satellite imagery, photos and drone footage able to capture grains of sand on the beach and the direction of water currents in the ocean.”

The article also embraces the idea of putting everything about Tuvalu online. Kofe saw no real issues with, “One strand of the digitising process involves transferring access to government and consular services and all accompanying administrative systems into the cloud. This would enable elections to continue to be held, and government bodies to continue in their roles.” The deception again appears here. And this is a deception gripping not only Tuvalu but the world – the idea that real life can be digitized and we can all go live in the metaverse.

The next section is about the cultural virtues of Tuvalu which I still have yet to properly respect as I noted above. The final section of the article is about looking ahead. ““We are at the forefront of climate change, yet we contribute negligibly to climate change through emissions – and therefore the responsibility should squarely fall on the shoulders of the large emitting countries to really take proactive and ambitious action,” minister Paeniu says.” The applicable and responsible action to take is to tell Tuvalu to get a job and that if the island is submerged well, you had ample opportunity to prepare. Neither of those things will ever be said to them. Instead billions upon billions of dollars will wind up going into saving the islands from being swept to sea.

I lived in Chicago for a short time. I went to go see a concert and absolutely refused to use the interstate to get there. I don’t remember the venue nor the street we drove on for hours (the interstate is a huge time saver). I do remember driving through neighborhoods with signs on their store I could not read but the Polish community could. Blocks and blocks of such signs. The point is, even if the entire population of Tuvalu moved, the cultural, linguistic, community ties could be retained in the new venue. Tuvalu lacks the willpower to effect that reality because it is far easier to point at something that doesn’t exist with one hand and expect the other hand to be filled with cash because of the thing Tuvalu claims is the cause of all of their problems. The problem is the mindset of the Tuvalu people and the culture which facilitates it.

Kate Lyons is one of those eco-terrorists who work tirelessly to evoke emotional responses which serve to decimate societies. The societies she sought to decimate yesterday is the entire rest of the world. In other pieces she has supported criminal arrivals in the UK, for example, from Syria, where she decried the UK government for not being more accepting of the illegal’s desires. They weren’t homeless in Syria, but arriving in the UK illegally and being homeless because the Syrian criminals only got 37 pounds a week in welfare merits awards in the nutjob world created, in part, by people like Lyons. She actually made it to the long list from the Orwell Foundation for writing articles about that exact topic.

What this all is, is a distance from Torah. It reflects the distance the world is from Torah. The Guardian publishing the stories has a severe aversion to righteousness as defined in the Torah. It wouldn’t surprise me if Lyons has no idea what the Torah is, let alone what it says. Even the title of this article represents my own distance from Torah. It’s not a neighborly thing to do, but I don’t see anything about Tuvalu, the land, the culture, nor the people as my neighbor. I see them as thieves and liars being promoted by thieves and liars in order to thieve and lie even more. That’s not righteousness – it’s evil in one of it’s most basic forms with the intent to destroy through deception and perversion of God’s intentions for us.

My claim remains – the faster that island disappears, the quicker the people won’t live on it, and the less and less we will have to hear from their ‘government’ about how we all owe them something. If they do anything, they should be reading the Bible and understanding what it says – not what the Church of Tuvalu says it says, not what the WEF has decided it says – what the book actually says. 12,000 people repenting at one time and turning their faces back to God instead of seeking to live as the world, controlled by the lies of the Adversary, does would be a really good place for them to start. Leave the church, read the Bible, love God, reject the WEF and the UN, and trust that solutions will flow from the Creator of the Universe, not the historical revisionist Noah Yuval Harari. We would all do well to follow suit.

Bless God and God bless.


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