The Artificial Intelligence Bible

The Artificial Intelligence Bible

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/2/2023

Deuteronomy 4:1-14 - “Now, Isra’el, listen to the laws and rulings I am teaching you, in order to follow them, so that you will live; then you will go in and take possession of the land that Adonai, the God of your fathers, is giving you. 2 In order to obey the mitzvot of Adonai your God which I am giving you, do not add to what I am saying, and do not subtract from it. 3 You saw with your own eyes what Adonai did at Ba‘al-P‘or, that Adonai destroyed from among you all the men who followed Ba‘al-P‘or; 4 but you who stuck with Adonai your God are still alive today, every one of you. 5 Look, I have taught you laws and rulings, just as Adonai my God ordered me, so that you can behave accordingly in the land where you are going in order to take possession of it. 6 Therefore, observe them; and follow them; for then all peoples will see you as having wisdom and understanding. When they hear of all these laws, they will say, ‘This great nation is surely a wise and understanding people.’ 7 For what great nation is there that has God as close to them as Adonai our God is, whenever we call on him? 8 What great nation is there that has laws and rulings as just as this entire Torah which I am setting before you today? 9 Only be careful, and watch yourselves diligently as long as you live, so that you won’t forget what you saw with your own eyes, so that these things won’t vanish from your hearts. Rather, make them known to your children and grandchildren — 10 the day you stood before Adonai your God at Horev, when Adonai said to me, ‘Gather the people to me, and I will make them hear my very words, so that they will learn to hold me in awe as long as they live on earth, and so that they will teach their children.’ 11 You approached and stood at the foot of the mountain; and the mountain blazed with fire to the heart of heaven, with darkness, clouds and thick mist. 12 Then Adonai spoke to you out of the fire! You heard the sound of words but saw no shape, there was only a voice. 13 He proclaimed his covenant to you, which he ordered you to obey, the Ten Words; and he wrote them on two stone tablets. 14 At that time Adonai ordered me to teach you laws and rulings, so that you would live by them in the land you are entering in order to take possession of it.

I placed in bold the transgression I’d like to bring to your attention. Make no mistake, all of the provisions of living righteously in these verses have been broken and forgotten. But altering the Bible purposefully and rewriting it to reflect the world’s ‘virtues’ instead of the God’s Word is a blasphemy which no person of faith should entertain nor tolerate for one second. Of course, in order to arrive at the point where believing a man-made alternative ‘intelligence’ can rewrite foundational faith documents in order to ‘correct’ them the texts need to have been rejected and denounced in the first place.

Enter Yuval Noah Harari and the World Economic Forum and a wide range of business, scientific, government, and non-governmental organization interests who all hate God and wallah! The stage is set to legitimize rewriting the Bible with man-kind’s understanding based on a denial of the righteousness of God. Eating and drinking blood will be fine under this man-made global religion. Murder, rape, sodomy, and human sacrifice will no linger be taboo under this religious framework. Morality will no longer exist. Belief in God as described in the real Bible’s which exist today will be outlawed by these interests. These interests have been working double time since September 2001 and triple time since March 2020 in order to build the control mechanisms necessary to offer the carrots and sticks needed to terrorize humanity into acceptance and worship of a system which can only be understood as the beast system. All that is missing is the beast himself – the ultimate manifestation of the anti-Messiah – but something tells me that this ‘person’ is lurking in the shadows ready to be thrust upon the global stage in the near future as soon as everything is set in place…..

This is like a candle burning at both ends. The one end is described above. It is the top down, global, installation of a new one-world-order totalitarianism. Religious, cultural, legal, economic, monetary, and governmental authorities have been and are being created at the global government level in order to control every aspect of every single person’s life in real time. The other side of this candle is picking up steam in more local jurisdictions like the city of Paris, the state of Michigan, and the Supreme Court of the United States.

Paris is experiencing a wide-scale riot featuring an invading horde of Satan-worshiping ‘Moslems’ who are setting everything they see on fire. Portions of Paris, as well as other French and Belgian cities, have been set ablaze by these anti-European, anti-God, anti-human degenerates in the streets over a perception of persecution because of race. A law breaker who tried to drive off during a traffic stop was prevented from doing so when he was shot by a police officer in a Paris suburb. The entire French government decided it was a good idea to try to appease, rather than deport, the destroyers of France. The leaders of France; however, are no better because they have a decisively anti-French streak combined with a hatred of God, a desire to persecute all who are left in France who believe in God, and a penchant for promoting collective transhumanist objectives over any individual right (such as exterminating people through medical intervention).

The state of Michigan has decided that it is outside of the United States Constitution’s protections. Of particular concern to anyone living in the state is the idea of calling someone by their biological gender if they are mentally ill and identify as something other their biological gender. “A bill recently passed by Michigan’s House of Representatives would make causing someone to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened based on their “gender identity or expression” a hate crime,” is how the Maine Wire reported on the developments. The Michigan Senate, a hurdle the bill must still overcome, will nearly certainly pass the bill through the chamber and send it to the murderous Michigan governor's office. the God already settled the debate in the early chapters of the Bible when He created Adam and Havah (Eve). In order to embrace the evil represented by the gender debate and affirming any of the over 100 genders outside of male and female, the state of Michigan is determined to fill their prisons with those who will speak the truth despite this mentally ill population’s feelings.

The Supreme Court has recently made rulings affirming several important characteristics based on the Bible and enshrined in the Constitution. The anti-God contingents in the United States are absolutely losing their minds over the rulings. Affirmative action is no longer a consideration legally tenable in higher education admissions. The 6 justices in the majority affirmed that free association, enshrined in the hallows of the First Amendment, as well as included in the concept mentioned in Amos 3:3 in the Bible. The Supreme Court also struck down the federal government’s attempt to socialize college costs, and decided that the First Amendment is more important than the feelings of the gender dysphoric and anti-God same-sex couples seeking to be married.

The Supreme Court has gotten a lot of rulings and opinions wrong. When this happens the reason is because their opinions are not grounded in the Constitution. They have recently started basing their opinions on the intentions clearly stated in the Constitution as well as the framers intentions. Coincidentally, the concepts and themes in the Constitution are codifications of lessons derived from the pages of the Bible. Thus, the mainstream media outlets who have lost their minds over these recent rulings hate the United States but, even more, hate the Bible and the teachings of God. The New York Times, a bastion of demonic ideology, characterized how they see the Supreme Court’s reunion with Constitutional and Biblical principles, “So as the Supreme Court lurches further and further out of touch with mainstream American values, lawmakers around the country must continue acting to outmaneuver the court in legally permissible ways.”

Both ends of the candle impact our lives directly. Global government decrees are masked through their implementations into national or territorial policies and laws. The affect all of us but their existence is masked because they cannot directly implement those policies by themselves because they do not have the requisite force needed to do so. National and sub-national governing bodies do have the force and, thus, are seen as the originators of the new laws and policies when in reality they are efforts of global government which national and sub-national governments have adopted as their own. What is going on locally, such as in France, Michigan, and the Supreme Court (as well as any community on earth especially with sustainability plans), is the effort of the global governments foot-soldiers. These are not masked as well. These efforts have the global government’s support but were initiated by the global government’s ground troops.

Rewriting the Bible is a prime example of the global government burning one end of a candle while local churches burn the other. I cannot stress the absolute degeneracy inside of many of the religious institutions around the world today which have absolutely decided that God did not say what is written in the Bible, Jesus did not preach what He preached, and salvation is available for the unrepentant and reprobates even more so than for the righteous and God-fearing. A great way to see this vividly is in the institutions which claim to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ yet praise and promote their worldly affirmation of gender dysphoric identities and homosexual activities without so much as mentioning the word repent. If actual believers ceased attending and funding such organizations they would quickly begin to disappear. We have a lot of control over that but we are not exercising it apparently.

We have far less control over AI rewriting the Bible. What we can do about that is to read the Bible as God had it written. We could even follow what it says…. This is about the only way any of us are going to be able to avoid the lies Harari and his anti-God tripe are about to present humanity with. It’s an effort to destroy any relationship any of us have with God. It is meant to steer humanity away from God, eventually by threat of death, and demand allegiance and complete devotion to a global government with a global economic system, reprobate culture, and religion. This Bible will be the codification of that “correct” religion. The Bible collecting dust on our shelves now – the one’s we never cared enough to read and comprehend on our own, let alone live by – will warrant death sentences in the near future.

Noah Yuval Harari is described as a professor and a historian. In actuality he is a transhumanist who is terrified at the thought of being judged by the Creator who hides behind the ethnic taboos his blood presents and engages in all manners of abominations and immorality. He continuously promotes the end of humanity. And he is inexorably interwoven in the ideology underlying the global government. He has formerly stated that human beings are hackable animals that can be biologically and chemically controlled externally and presents the idea that free-will is a myth. He is the one pushing the idea of an AI Bible being created to “correct” religions.

Before suggesting AI writes a Bible for the New World Order to bludgeon us to death with at the 2023 Frontiers Conference in Switzerland Harari stood in front of the crowd with an image of the tower of Bavel. As this image was shown, he expounded, “And by gaining mastery of language, AI is seizing the master key, unlocking the doors of all our institutions from banks to temples. Because language is the tool that we use to give instructions to our bank and also to inspire heavenly visions in our minds. Another way to think of it is that AI has just hacked the operating system of human civilization.” He continued on by noting that language is the basis for all relationships which exist. While he quotes Genesis and failed to give credit to God, he turned around and spit at God claiming that God is an invention of mankind.

He spent some time about AI’s having the capability to create more powerful AI’s. In doing so, he demanded that it be regulated for ‘good.’ Knowing that there is nary a good bone in Harari’s body, this regulation scheme will reflect the World Economic Forum’s version of ‘good.’ The WEF’s plans makes Hitler look like a schoolboy with small aspirations. Describing the AI’s, Harari actually states, “we have just basically encountered an alien intelligence not in outer space, but here, on earth.” What he really meant to say was that evil humans have allowed themselves to willingly be possessed by entities with allegiance to the Adversary (which are interdimensional) in order to exterminate the human race. He thinks this is a wonderful idea as long as it is he, and the WEF and UN and other global government departments, who get to monopolize it’s development. His biggest concern was that AI’s, which he has no intention to impede the development of, disclose that they are AI’s when engaged by humans.

The Bible being rewritten by this alien intelligence comes from another Harari video posted in June 2023. On TunerBN, as well as YouTube, Harari makes the claim that all religions are incorrect and that a correct version will be written by AI. The depths of the lies Harari deceives with know no bounds:

“AI can create new ideas. It can even write a new Bible. We, you know throughout history, religions drempt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity. Every religion claims, our book – oh there are books of the other religions, they, humans wrote them – but our book, no, no, no, no, no, no, it came from some superhuman intelligence. In a few years there might be religions that they’re actually correct.”

This came out of the mouth of a hard-core Jewish Nazi who is devout homosexual. Harari is akin to George Soros crossed with Heinrich Himmler with the words of the followers of Korach and Lucifer in his mouth. Pointing that out about Harari will merit the same degenerate responses as pointing out the evils of George Soros (who has done no good for anyone in his entire life as he hates God) – one will get labeled an anti-Semite. Rewriting a ‘correct’ religion using alien technology created by men with occult connections to the most evil manifestations the humans on earth knows of is fine. Pointing it out is anti-Semitic. That’s according to the demonic, blood-drinking, child-raping, flesh eating global government types who hate God and will gladly murder anyone on earth who stands opposed to their visions of utopia.

If you want to know what will be in the AI Bible there are some ‘correct’ versions of action which people like Harari favor. The biggest feature of the AI Bible will be the direct opposition to all of 613 laws written in the real Bible. Without these transgressions the transhuman utopia the AI Bible will lead it’s believers to seek will not be able to exist. The creation of a chimeric humanity will be mandated. Implants will be mandated. The mark will be mandated. When the entity who acts as a man demands he be worshiped, there will be no escape. The only escape will be in the refuge of God’s protection and even thinking about seeking that route will be made impossible and cost one their life if they are able to conceive it. It will be couched in human rights that are based upon collectivism and Marxism. Any variation or hesitation to accept the tenets of the AI religion will be met with brutal force and execution.

If you have the time and the inclination to learn where the AI writing the New World Order’s Bible will get its imput from, there are several primary sources. The UN Declaration of Human Rights will be merged with cultural Marxism, Mussolini’s fascism, Darwin’s eugenics, and technology. A system of technocracy will sit over the top of all of this. The AI Bible will be enforced by robots, drones, and implanted chips to first detect aberrations, then to make arrests, then to kill. This is described in The Fourth Industrial Revolution and on the WEF website. The blue prints for the technocracy are written in Agenda 21 and were revised and updated in Agenda 2030. The action plan is any of a number of attacks on humanity but is most solidified in the sustainable development goals. There are hundreds of books and thousands and thousands of articles from the instigators of this plan; however, if any member of the public catches on, media outlets roundly condone the slander, libel, and assault of those trying to sound the alarm. This is the only conceivable reason organizations like the SPLC exist.

They are all hiding the big sticks from the public because they are cowards and know that, as the world stands right now, if they were to overtly announce their plans and try to implement them we would rip them limb from limb. So they have slow walked us to this point. Any study of China and the USSR and the way they intended to spread Marxism will reveal exactly this phenomena. We celebrate the fall of Germany in World War II but the real outcome was a global fascism. It has been installed incrementally by embracing the growth of global government and it’s encroachment upon our individual lives as new technologies have become available to enforce their decrees and cooperative agreements have been made. Instead of Panzer tanks, the Nazi’s regrouped in the form of global government officials and bureaucrats, business leaders, and all levels of national and subnational governments. V-2 rockets and Panzer tank divisions (neither are nuclear-armed ICBM’s or Abrams tank divisions) are no match for artificial intelligence surveillance systems, armies of miniature drones, and chemically and biologically engineered genome-specific weapons systems.

Jeremiah 17: “9 The heart is more deceitful than anything else and mortally sick. Who can fathom it?10 I, Adonai, search the heart; I test inner motivations; in order to give to everyone what his actions and conduct deserve.”

This is what Harari and the rest of the globalists hate. They hate that God knows them and are trying to live forever through science and technology, aka transhumanism. They know they are depraved and working iniquity in the world. They know God is real. They know that God’s judgments are just. In my opinion, God will not judge them kindly. In their own opinions God will not judge them kindly. They know all of this and, instead of changing their tune and seeking the favor of God, they have devoted their entire lives to the service of Lucifer. They work to destroy all that God has created, the birthright God has given to his people, and to destroy the belief that God is real.

The way to destroy these people is to unceasingly speak the truth. God is completely real. The way to wear the armor to survive these attacks is to devote our lives to doing the bidding of God. To do that we need to read our Bible, pray unceasingly, and praise Him. Through Him, all things are possible, even surviving the nightmare dystopia these types of people are offering to the world to destroy the remnant. Be part of that remnant.

Bless God and God bless.


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