The Fourth Turning

The Fourth Turning

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 7/11/2022

The Fourth Turning is a very interesting book. Written by William Strauss and Neil Howe in 1997, the book asks the reader to revise their view of historical timelines. This is perhaps the most important aspect of this book. Instead of looking at history as a linear series of events, Strauss and Howe view history as cyclical.

First off, the generations themselves have similar characteristics about them. The latch-key generation or Generation X (1961-1981), grew up much like the Lost Generation did (about 1883-1900). Strauss and Howe labeled each generation with an archetype, the Lost and Gen X Generations are under the Nomad archetype. The Nomad Generations were not necessarily abandoned as typically understood; however, we had to figure out a lot of things on our own, often the hard way, throughout our childhood’s. Childhood’s stick to adult life as well – we are still doing this – trying to figure it out. We are strong and identify as warriors, we are cold, and we are detached, and we tend to judge, if we did not, we would not have survived our childhoods. The book explains this far more in depth than I will.

Nomads are the wintertime of generations. The other generations follow the seasons as well, thus spring equates to the Hero archetype and is akin to the G.I. Generation. Summertime is for the Artist archetype and is represented by the Silent Generation. Autumn brings the Prophet Archetypes and is most lately represented by the Baby Boom Generation. And it is all cyclical. These archetypes generally repeat throughout history.

Looking at history as a bunch of recurring cycles is not that difficult, even if one has never been exposed to the concept before. For example, about eighty years ago, World War II was taking place. Eighty years before that, America was fighting is bloodiest war, the Civil War. About 80 years prior to that the American Revolution was taking place. Major wars which set the tone for the globe occur about every eighty years.

Wars are not all these cycles repeat in. Religious movements are cyclical as well. Major social changes are cyclical. Nations rising to be the world power, overtaking the current power, is a historically cyclical phenomena. Economic upheavals are cyclical events. It is very interesting. The world would be unrecognizable to people from 160 years ago, yet the same upheavals are occurring today.

A turning is one of these major events; after the Revolutionary War, the English were no longer seen as militarily unbeatable. The United States was created. The Civil War ended up ending slavery and drastically changing the relationships between the States and the federal government. WWII brought the UN into existence and quashed the open practice and support of fascism and eugenics.

There is always a catalyst which eventually brings about these turnings. The Revolutionary War’s catalyst was the continued tyranny of the British Crown with such measures as the Stamp Act. The catalyst for the Civil War was the election of Abraham Lincoln. WWII’s catalyst was the stock market crash of 1929.

On pages 272 – 273 Strauss and Howe note that in 2005 or so, a catalyst will occur to kick off all of the events which will follow and culminate in another turning. They suggested the following crisis may occur:

“Beset by a financial crisis, a state lays claim to its residents’ federal tax monies. Declaring this an act of secession, the president obtains a federal injunction. The governor refuses to back down. Federal marshals enforce the court order. Similar tax rebellions spring up in other states. Treasury bill auctions are suspended. Militia violence breaks out. Cyberterrorists destroy IRS databases. U.S. special forces are put on alert. Demands issue for a new Constitutional Convention.

“A global terrorist group blows up an aircraft and announces it possesses portable nuclear weapons. The United States and its allies launch a preemptive strike. The terrorists threaten to retaliate against an American city. Congress declares war and authorizes unlimited house-to-house searches. Opponents charge that the president concocted the emergency for political purposes. A nationwide strike is declared. Foreign capitol flees the U.S.

“An impasse over the federal budget reaches a stalemate. The president and Congress both refuse to back down, trigger a near-total government shutdown. The president declares emergency powers. Congress rescinds his authority. Dollar and bond prices plummet. The president threatens to stop Social Security checks. Congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling. Default looms. Wall Street panics.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announce the spread of a new communicable virus. The disease reaches densely populated areas, killing some. Congress enacts mandatory quarantine measures. The president orders the National Guard to throw prophylactic cordons around unsafe neighborhoods. Majors resist. Urban gangs battle suburban militias. Calls mount for the president to declare martial law.

“Growing anarchy throughout the former Soviet republics prompts Russia to conduct training exercises around its borders. Lithuania erupts into civil war. Negotiations break down. U.S. diplomas are captured and publicly taunted. The president airlifts troops to rescue them and orders ships into the Black Sea. Iran declares alliance with Russia. Gold and oil prices soar. Congress debates restoring the draft.”

The authors note that it is not likely that these scenarios will play out as written. They suggested them because no matter what the crisis ends up being, “An initial spark will trigger a chain reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies” (p. 273).

In my opinion the catalyst was 9/11. The financial crisis which occurred in 2008-2009 is also a viable candidate. While the financial crisis is a good candidate because of the ramifications it had on the global financial market, 9/11 brought about the USA PATRIOT Act which eradicated many Constitutional protections in a plethora of ways and took many nations to war. The crisis was not the Iraq/Syria/Lebanon/Afghanistan wars.

The crisis, in my opinion is the general tyranny being inflicted upon humanity in general since early 2020. This was all made possible, in large part, because of the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act. Large swaths of the world were locked-down. Starvation death statistics went through the roof. Domestic violence incidents, suicide rates, and those suffering from an array of mental illnesses increased in multiples of the rates prior to the tyrannical implementation of scamdemic mitigation responses. The crisis is an out-of-control tyrannical and murderous global elite class who has decided to attempt to murder everyone on earth.

What is extremely interesting is that, while none of Strauss and Howe’s predictions are, in themselves, correct, all of them hold relevance. The first paragraph has had very little occur, except that it describes a scenario to enter the United States into something called force majore. I think this scenario has largely been avoided because of the amount of money the federal government continuously sends to the states.

The second scenario is eerily on point in some of of the passages. There was an international terrorist group who blew up planes. It was said that the group had the potential to obtain nuclear materials. Perhaps the claims of biological terror and nuclear terror risks were just to raise societal fears to justify the USA PATRIOT Act’s passage and two simultaneous wars in Asia. The house-to-house searches are something which was done after the Boston Marathon bombing.

There were government shutdowns during the Trump Administration. In my opinion, Trump blinked because he, too, recognized the default which would come about. Also, in my opinion, Trump should have made Congress blink because we are still staring at a default.

The CDC paragraph would have been completely on target save for two things. President Trump refused to allow national lock-down orders to be given, leaving the matter up to State legislatures and governors (most of whom acted incredibly disgustingly), and so much public pressure was placed on the tyrannical governors that they ended their ongoing mandates. Cordons were suggested between states, and the cordons are still in effect regarding some international travel. There is a war between some of the more repugnantly militant mandate-demanding goons and the third of the US who has, so far, refused the gene therapy which has murdered and maimed so many.

In their final suggestion, Strauss and Howe brought up unrest from Russia and their former satellites. It was Ukraine which was embroiled in a war against their Russian-speaking citizens which was engaged in a civil war. Russia did conduct many exercises near the borders of several nations. In my view, I don’t agree with what Russia has done; however, I do not see how Russia had an out from the circumstances they were facing – over 40 (probably closer to 100) ‘research’ labs engaging in genome-specific weapons targeting Slavic peoples, NATO constantly compelling Ukraine (and other former Soviet states) to join them, and literal Nazi military units harassing, and at times committing violence against, Russian-speaking Ukrainians.

Since 2001, the world has not stopped seeing crises. There will be one crises which will define the times. I think it is global elites forcing almost all of humanity into starvation, thirst, lack of energy, and a lack of ammunition in order for the elite class to force its Great Reset agenda upon all of the world. A big part of this plan involves people eating insects, drinking piss, and living without electricity. The aim is to kill all of us, make no mistake about that. These demonic monsters, the global elite, know full well that no one shilling for this plan, implementing this plan, or enforcing this plan will live to see the ‘utopia’ these elite envisage. The elite understand that these types of people are traitors to humanity who will rebel against themselves as well.

The Georgia Guidestones are no longer standing. There is no longer a monument to the murder of seven billion people. I really do think the Georgia Guidestones were obliterated by the elite on purpose. Their Great Reset is operational. They are seeking to tyrannically rule over the whole earth with an iron fist and what better way to do it than to have over 100 nations revolt against their government's simultaneously, step in and offer solutions, and rule those nations? Soon, the Antichrist will be announced, elites are already saying they know the name of this entity, and that is precisely what this character is supposed to do.

Strauss and Howe wrote a secular guide to the apocalypse as far as I can discern. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. Read your Bible’s while you can. Soon, those will be outlawed as well, punishable by death. God will do whatever He sees fit, the evil in this world only seeks for our destruction.


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