What’s For Dinner?

What’s For Dinner?

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 7/13/2022

What are you eating for dinner? If you are like me the question is completely up in the air. Do I feel like cooking, or do I want to order out, or will I be eating multiple bowls of cereal? Will I put beef into my body? Chicken? Fish? Rice or potatoes? Green beans or corn?

Whatever you do manage to eat, feel blessed – there are hundreds of millions starving to death and that number will only increase. That isn’t hyperbole either. There are hundreds of millions starving to death, and for that you can thank Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and the UN and all of their friends. It’s interesting that even the socialists, as cited, are starting to take note of the worldwide food crisis, despite their despicable record with forced starvation and their solutions being completely asinine. The food crisis has been caused by the globalists, who also tend to speak positively towards a socialist new world order. The problem here is that socialism, Communism and Fascism are all Marxist.

Technocracy, on the other hand, while being completely in line with Marxism, takes it a step further. Technocrats seek to know all production levels of any good. They aren’t worried about who makes what, Technocrats are concerned with how much was made and who they will allow to have it. Technocratic ideology only cares about who gets what. If there are shortages, technocrats will not care – they will take whatever there is and allot what is available to those who they deem deserves it. Note, this is not who needs it, not who wants it, and not who can actually use it for something productive. Technocrats take all resources and allot those resources to whoever they deem deserves it.

Of course the socialists are pissed off about this. They don’t ever reflect to see how to get those goods into the hands of those in need. They only make sure that their own ideology is expanded, even through violence, and aggressively pursue their Marxist intentions. If socialists wanted to feed those hungry and starving, they could, but, like the socialists, communists, and Marxists at the UN, they have decided to use the issue to convince all of those in capitalist societies that we are bad for not feeding enough people around the world. No amount of food aid nor money will ever satisfy these demons. Teaching those in need to be self-reliant is incomprehensible to these types, the Marxists and the Technocrats. It’s all about them, not the starving nor the food-insecure. Mind you, these groups will get their food while they watch others starve to death. Their arguments should not make anyone feel bad – we all do what we can – they help the world burn.

So, what is for dinner? Those who hate you are telling you that your dinner will be composed of insect proteins. I want to eat hamburgers, steaks, and chicken breasts. They want you and me to eat insect larvae, maggots, and ground up cockroaches with a bunch of additives to make them ‘taste’ and ‘feel’ right. Earthworms are not a meal. Grasshoppers are not a meal either. A turkey sandwich and some chips – that will do, even for dinner. An even better dinner would be 12 ounce New York strip-steak cooked medium, with asparagus and a baked potato with cheese and sour cream.

These types; however, the UN, the WEF, the elites, and the technocrats, socialists, fascists, and environmentalists want you to sit down to a nice bowl of crickets for dinner. They want you and me to start the practice of bug-eating tonight and to never look back upon the decision.

Why is the Netherlands’ government under ‘attack’ by the farmers? They told their farmers that the cattle they possess must be eradicated because of ‘climate change’ – the methane and nitrogen the cattle produce is too much for the UN, which the Netherlands government has bowed down to. What has the Netherlands actually bowed down to? Food shortages and starvation. The Dutch police are currently shooting at people protesting global starvation, and the government trying to end their way of life. This scenario is playing out in many nations around the globe. Sri Lanka and Albania are two visual examples; however there are over 100 nations experiencing food riots over this type of garbage.

The powers that be are bringing about food shortage. I should not speak of what they are bringing about as much as I should be writing that they have already ushered it in. When people are hungry they are able to be deceived into whatever delusion is in vogue to get food. Over 100 major and minor food production centers have gone up in flames in the past several months. Bill Gates and China own how much US farmland? The FDA has decided to restrict how much food from how many sources in the last several months? ‘Sanctions’ have prevented how many tons of food from being shipped? I should not frame this as what globalists will do, it has already happened, and it will continue to happen with more dire consequences until one of two things occur.

Humanity awakens. Humanity realizes the plan, grows their own food, gathers their own water, and tells the globalists to not bother them. By telling the powers that be to leave you alone, you are now in their cross-hairs. They will target you financially, legally, and, depending upon your notoriety and reach, with assault and murder against your family first, then you. Freedom does not come without risks. Keep that in mind. In the meantime, we need to start arresting these monsters and placing them where they belong – prison.

The other thing that may occur is not very positive. People stay asleep, comforted by their normalcy biases, complacency biases, and routine, insulated, way of life, despite how untenable living that life becomes. Food shortages, drug shortages, water shortages, and exploding global inflation, should, to me and anyone else who is rational, start waking people up to the reality that that we are all frogs in a pot of water which is not quite simmering, but very warm.

For some it is far easier, and others far harder, to hold onto their biases. The basement dwelling pro-baby-murder crowd can still get their hair dye and their fake food from McDonald’s to maintain their 350 pound physiques. They will still be getting their welfare and their SSI payments. Being as these types advocate for humanity’s extermination, increased human austerity, and increases in poverty, they are the ground soldiers for the global elites.

An owner-operator truck driver operating in California; however, is already awake to what is going on as they see it more profitable to stay home than to take another load. The gas is too much money, the regulations in several states are too onerous, and the penalties are too high. I have heard them speak to all of these facts. They knew that something needed to be done in the wintertime. Since the trucker’s rallies, which got no media coverage, nothing has changed – it has only grown harder to make our paychecks cover our bills.

Some ranchers have decided to just start slaughtering their own products. One such case is a group of ranchers who have raised $300 million to construct a beef slaughterhouse in North Platte, Nebraska. The plant should be operational by 2023. Other ranchers have taken to opening up their own slaughterhouses for local consumption as well. This is the right way to address the situation.

The wrong way to address the situation is to do anything the Biden administration is doing. As energy prices rise, food becomes more expensive to produce, and the cost of food for cattle herds (or any other animal feed) rises. This eats into ranchers’ margins. Coupled with abysmal prices offered by the amalgamation of the four main slaughterhouses (they control over 80% of all cattle slaughtering in the US), this spells disaster for ranchers. To mitigate this, the Biden Administration has thrown $1.4 billion dollars towards ranchers. People need the food, Biden and his team of psychopaths have done everything they can to hinder the production of food.

Another thing to not do is what the City of Sioux Falls has decided to engage in – banning any new slaughterhouse from being within city limits. There will most likely be a ballot initiative to invoke this ban this November within the city. I don’t know if any of these lunatics have ever had to drive to a workplace outside of Sioux Falls in the wintertime; however, my guess would be no, especially if there is a hint of snow or ice precipitation. It is absolutely ridiculous out there – I know first hand because I spent 9 months driving back and forth from Sioux Falls to Brandon, SD for work. I watched semi trucks, cars, and 4-wheel drive trucks, slide off the road, and while some of these drivers were not being responsible for the driving conditions present, most of them were.

The city of Sioux Falls published their newest Chinese-Communist 5-year plan for sustainability which promises Sioux Falls residents won’t be able to use gasoline powered automobiles. People will literally freeze to death in their electric cars after their battery dies in the middle of nowhere. Sioux Falls has suggested public transportation, walking, or bicycling is the way to go. I’d love to see any of these pricks hop on their bike to get to work on a balmy January day with a forcasted high temperature of 3 degrees and six inches of snow on the ground, with more expected, and a 35 mile-per-hour wind.

If we lose the battle over what’s for dinner, we will lose the battle over how to even get dinner home in the first place. Want to win the battle for food? Start growing and raising your own food if you are able. Get store-able food. Buy an extra can of green beans at the store and tuck it away for a while just in case, every time you go to the supermarket. Buy a bag of rice. Buy a bag of beans.

The battle over food is far easier to win than the battle we are fighting over energy and fuel prices. If you can’t eat; however, you won’t even be able to fight the battle against energy and the restrictions upon gasoline-powered engines. Get food for your family, for at least a year. And while you are using that food, make friends with some farmers. The worst place to be will be inside of abandoned Wal-Marts administrated by FEMA, so stay out of them by being prepared, at least for a little while.


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