Move Over COVID-19 It’s Time for the Next Pandemic

Move Over COVID-19 It’s Time for the Next Pandemic

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/9/2023

The US will officially be ending the emergency declaration Donald Trump issued on March 13, 2020 on May 11, 2023. Two weeks, 14 days, to slow the spread turned into the US government declaring an emergency for 1,154 days – 3 years, 1 month, and 29 days. While Trump did not demand all of the mandates which issued forth from the despotic governor’s mouths in almost all states he set the table for their edicts. He also fast tracked a highly lethal version of snake-oil being sold to the US government at top dollar after the US government afforded the developers of said snake oil billions in tax dollars. After Biden stole the 2020 election, he decided to attempt to issue his own mandates and was rebuffed. They shut our business down, destroyed our jobs, fired us, fined us, abused our children, and demanded we blindly adhere to the so-called science. They murdered us. But now that’s all over with and we can carry on, right? Wrong. Dead wrong.

First of all, the World Economic Forum helped to facilitated the creation of the disease. They helped to conceive mitigation efforts. They created and promoted the narratives driving the fear surround COVID-19. The promoted hatred and endorsed arrests of those refusing to wear masks, social distance, stay home, and take the ‘vaccine’. To these self appointed gods of men, this makes them qualified to inform us peasants what comes next. But, before we traverse the present to peek into what these freaks have in store for us, we need to take a lesson from what actually happened during COVID-19. We were tested for compliance to the diktats of a global elite and a global expert class on a global scale in the largest psychological operation ever conceived. I say we failed the test from humanity’s standpoint because we were far too compliant overall – but a lot of people did start smelling a rat.

To anyone smelling a rat, do not be lulled into complacency because the most odious specimen has been cleaned up. Millions of little red eyes are staring at humanity waiting to be released from their biomedical cages so we can play this stupid game all over again. They used COVID-19 to set the baseline rules of this game which featured all sort of freedom destroying and prosperity denying actions all because of a bioengineered chimeric virus with a lethality of less than 1%. They got most people to mask up, lock down, and take the jab. They suffocated our family members in isolated hospital units, they murdered people with snake oil, and they promise this will all happen again. It was all due to massive numbers of humans who failed to see COVID-19 for what it really was – a psychological compliance test.

The World Economic Forum erased any doubts about COVID-19 being anything other than a psychological war waged by self-appointed feudal masters over their perceived serfs. With the World Health Organization having dropped the PHEIC label from COVID-19 earlier this month, the World Economic Forum weighed in on what was important to them, “As we move into this next phase, it’s time to consider what we’ve learned about human behaviour during the pandemic, and what happens next.”

What mattered to them was whether or not morons are still wearing masks. The WEF is concerned about social distancing never really sticking without constant reminders and enforcement. “The COVID pandemic has taught us how adaptive behaviour can be, in particular how much people were willing to change their behaviour to keep themselves and others safe. Most people followed the rules during the height of the pandemic, no matter how difficult. COVID has reminded us how resilient we humans can be,” the article notes. Resiliency means compliance to the master class to monsters like the author of this article.

In the COVID-19 clown world, resiliency had nothing to do with finding work, staying employed, finding housing, moving, and how to operate in a world which was demanding one to do any of 15 different things which were unnecessary, hazardous, and just plain stupid. Those who resisted or refused to comply and survived half-way decently – these are the resilient. That is what the WEF is getting at as the main lesson in the article – how can we get those non-compliant individuals and institutions under our thumb next time is what they are asking themselves.

“In the future, we need to move from relying on the resilience of individuals to building resilience in our institutions. We can all take measures to continue to protect ourselves and those around us from COVID and other respiratory viruses (such as by hand washing and keeping up to date with vaccinations). But responsibility for preventing public health emergencies shouldn’t rest solely in the hands of the public.

“Actions that governments, employers and health authorities can take now could protect against future public health emergencies. Systematically tackling misinformation, improving ventilation in schools, workplaces and other public indoor spaces, and making longer-term improvements to paid sick leave are all good ways to start building more resilient societies in preparation for the next pandemic. Hopefully this is something we will never see in our lifetimes.”

They want us to stay home. If you don’t want to stay home they want you barred from going to the grocery store. They want to arrest business owners who even hint that they are still operating their business. They want to force us to carry vaccination status ID’s to be able to ride the subway, get in an Uber, or to collect the welfare the government’s offer. They want to fine any institution which isn’t on board with all of this tyranny into obedience. If the fines don’t work, they will have the leadership arrested. The institutions will serve as the gatekeepers for access to goods and services. At the same time, the individual’s gatekeeper will be kept by the governments and international institutions like the WEF and the WHO.

Lesson one – go commit medically induced suicide (SADS). Lesson two – the public is never to be trusted with anything. Lesson three – governments, should issue edicts, employers should outright fire anyone hesitant or who asks a question about whatever the employer is medically demanding, and health authorities have no duty to uphold any oath nor right as long as the WHO green lights their actions. Lesson four – end free speech by declaring everything not in the scope of the narrative as misinformation. Lesson five is to waste money, effort, and time, to make buildings more porous. Lesson six is a desire to socialize everything. Lesson seven – the WEF will tell bold-faced lies to the entire world without losing sleep or even blushing. They have already announced that there will be another pandemic. They have already tried to create two pandemics before even ending the COVID-19 nonsense they started (monkeypox and Ebola). What is even more suspect is that with each of these diseases, vaccines which are under patent were just being released onto the market.

We have been promised something like Marburg Virus Disease next time. One of the members of the neo-feudal cult who is too stupid to realize that his masters will execute him as soon as they determine his usefulness has been expended and also too deceitful to tell the truth about the next pandemic is named Rana Jawad Asghar. He is an epidemiologist who doesn’t follow science, as his article cleary shows, as he uses the same fear tactics used throughout the COVID-19 scandals to motivate people to take action to destroy healthcare entirely. In the article he suggested that it could be Ebola, Marburg, bird flu or “a totally new virus could also beat them and start a pandemic.” He continued, “The only defence [sic] is to set up effective health intelligence and response systems. No weaponry or army could save us from viral threats.” Actually, that isn’t quite true. Weaponry and armies can save us from viral threats if we would only target the people creating them, arrest them, try them under Nuremberg Code and hang them by the neck until dead. People like Asghar.

No matter what the next PHEIC thing is, rest assured it will be responded to with a new model of uniform, global, top-down, WHO-demanded Pandemic Preparedness treaty. You can read all about it a this link to the WHO. One really cool thing about the binding global treaty which will allow the WHO to sanction non-compliant nations is that it sets up what the human-traitor Asghar mentioned – panopticonic health intelligence and response systems. Amazon drones will deliver our food and the data collected about us by baby drones coursing through our blood streams and brains will be uploaded by the Amazon drones. Another thing the WHO’s treaty will do is ensure that no one is ever able to claim any individual medical right again. It is likely that by this time next year this treaty will be signed and in effect.

Now, if I were running the WHO and I hated human beings and thought there were about 7.5 billion too many of them and I had this treaty in effect, I surely wouldn’t let it go to waste. If there was no existing pretext to declare a pandemic (drug abuse, tobacco use, firearm possession, suicide, obesity, etc; all of which the WHO states it is able to declare PHEIC) then it could just call anyone at any one of thousands of labs and have another mysterious Wuhan outbreak and disease the who earth again. They plan on completely dictating the treatment options, social responses, and approved narrative. Those not following along will just be thrown into the medical gulags governments have created throughout the COVID-19 plandemic.

More than anything though, Alex Jones is right again. Well, I at least agree with him. With the US about to declare an end to the COVID-19 nonsense and the WHO having already done so, they will pat themselves on the back and declare their actions stopped COVID-19. Watching elderly family members waste away through glass without even getting a hug from their grandchild never happened or was absolutely necessary they will claim. The increases in domestic problems will be phrased as having been unfortunate but unforeseeable. Deaths of despair due to COVID-19 measures will be downplayed. Masks never caused any harm, social distancing is always good even in times of good health, and all vaccinations are safe they will claim. Their actions were so positively helpful towards stopping COVID-19 that when the next pandemic starts they will do the same, and worse, to all of us.

This all sounds like the ravings of a lunatic. Unless there is something else behind all of this. There is. Its called The Great Reset. It’s called the great depopulation. It’s called we are still too compliant. Our idea is to watch our kids grow up in to happy, productive, adults. Maybe we will entertain ourselves with a beer and some TV now and then. These ‘people’s’ idea of entertainment is to become aroused at the thought of murdering 7.5 billion human beings. When the next pandemic comes out it will already be too late. The pandemic treaty is already in existence and certain leaders have sworn to sign it already. The only hope any of us have is the complete and utter rejection of anything anyone tells us to do per the official narrative.

That won’t even suffice though. We need God to lead the way for us. We need God to sabotage the WHO’s designs on global health and medical tyranny. We need God to restore and renew our nations, our sovereignty, and our values. We need to reaffirm that we are a people seeking God’s ways; however. Do you think that will happen? If so, you are far more optimistic than I am. In Revelation there are many diseases which issue forth from God. I don’t know if He has ordered shofars to be blown nor bowls of wrath to be poured. I do know that he will protect His people even as evil on this earth abounds….

Bless God and God bless.


The Fall


We Have a War, Stop Asking For One.