The Extremes of ‘No Publicity is Bad Publicity’

The Extremes of ‘No Publicity is Bad Publicity’

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/25/2023

I get that Donald Trump is a frustrated man. An election was stolen from him. The puppet clown show which is ruining the United States is a daily reminder of the usurpation of legitimate election processes. The cherry on top is that all kinds of ‘legal’ charges are pending against Trump despite them being frivolous. So, I can understand Trump’s frustration. I identify with and suffer from the same frustration his supporters do. But Trump went and put his supporters in danger out of his frustrations. The idea here is to fix the issues facing the United States and retain the virtuous parts of the system while getting rid of the corrupt individuals destroying the institutions of the United States. What will be left if the corruption is rooted out? Nothing if we keep going this way.

It was suggested by the liars in the mainstream news that Trump orchestrated the January 6 protests. This has turned out to be a huge sham. The issues which arose out of the peaceful protests on January 6 – organized to demand that the 2020 election be investigated - were instigated and planned for by federal agents. Trump did not plan the so-called riots, there was infiltrators who set out to cause violence in the crowd.


There really is nothing wrong with the post. It shows Trump’s persecution by an out of control judicial system corrupted by Marxists at the helm. The main point is that these Marxists plan on arresting Trump (that the date has been moved back does nothing to alter that fact) and that we should protest that event. And we should protest that event. We should protest it peacfully, a word Trump did not include. The word shouldn’t need to be included; however, with the 2020 George Floyd riots being described as ‘mostly-peaceful protests’ it now does need to be included. Since 2020 protest has included riots, arson, rape, and murder. The suggestion the Trump should have explicitly called for peaceful protests was widely accepted and, for me at least, protests do need to be peaceful.

I want as peaceful a resolution to the Marxist infestation in the US as possible because I want the cleaned up United States to shine. I don’t want people getting murdered outside of their homes – not even democrats. I don’t want ruinous heaps of rubble smoldering where corrupt institutions once stood. I want the purveyors of iniquity and the corrupted charged, arrested, tried in an impartial court, and sentenced accordingly. Fines, jail sentences, and, yes, trials for treason need to be conducted. Let the violent leftists come out and show their true colors. If they choose the path of violence, meet them with like violence in self-defense. If there had been 10,000 Kyle Rittenhouse’s or 50,000 McCloskey’s we wouldn’t have these violent leftists running their mouths waiting for the green light to return to the streets. They would have already been dissuaded and disabused of the notion that violence will allow them to get their way.

That, of course did not happen. As a result the leftists and Antifa scum and BLM morons are waiting to get paid to go back into the streets. The patriots are frustrated at the inaction of the US government to crack down on the terrorism conducted by 2020 rioters and the legal operators trying to have all of us arrested and put in prison without cause similar to the January 6 political prisoners. As a result of that frustration it seems to many of us that we can no longer access the courts, use our free speech to demand redress for our grievances, or even hold a protest. I have to ask though, have these people tried to file suit, voice their grievances to the appropriate legislative body, or organize a protest or rally? I would thing they have not. They wake up everyday and choose violence, waiting for their own green light just like their Antifa and BLM adversary’s. I get it, but I don’t agree with it because this is how civil war breaks out which will leave everything in the United States a smoldering ruin.

The patriot’s green light will come from Donald Trump. Instead of thinking that peace is the right way to go about the restoration of the institutions of the United States he offered a yellow light to any patriot seeking to use offensive violence to get their way. I don’t know if Trump did this out of frustration or if someone managed to corrupt him to get him to offed a yellow light. What I can say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that if violence is employed against institutions of the United States government without cause that Joe Biden and those trying to destroy this nation irrevocably will have found the pretext to get their way. The Biden regime has already decided all MAGA patriots are domestic extremists and they will take violent actions against all of us if they are given the pretext.

Even without a legitimate pretext, Trump’s most recent iteration for action gives the Biden regime the possibility of conducting their own false-flag to give them that pretext. They could conduct a small scale operation to attack any federal building and blame Donald Trump for the action. All they would need is some Make America Great Again hats and some US flags. The Antifa members conducting the attack would have their own flags removed, their social posts taken down, and their weapons provided by the federal government. It would be the fed-orchestrated Whitmer ‘kidnapping plot’ with far more severe implications for everyone. I stated my goals above and this type of false flag attack (or a legitimate one, for that matter) would make achieving these goals impossible. Stalin would have blushed at the Biden regimes response and the United States would fall into Marxism in action. Violence would be common, the US would be in a civil war, and the patriots would be forced to face off with violent social movements as well as militarized US government personnel with the possibility of foreign troops. It would be complete chaos and invite violent factions which are not currently present including Hezbollah, Russians, Chinese, and UN troops.

The yellow light Donald Trump issued reads, “What kind of person can charge another person, in this case a former President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in history, and leading candidate (by far!) for the Republican Party nomination, with a Crime, when it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed, & also known that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country? Why & who would do such a thing? Only a degenerate psychopath that truely hates the USA!”

I agree with Trump in most of this. Alvin Bragg is a degenerate psychopath. He needs to be investigated and at least disbarred for prosecutorial misconduct over hiding exculpatory evidence, and trying to charge Trump with a crime which the statute of limitation has passed and as a felony outside of the law which makes the crime a misdemeanor. I believe Bragg’s actions constitute treason and we should all be demanding he be investigated for that crime as well. Without a doubt Alvin Bragg, and most of the democrat party, does hate the United States. I understand that Alvin Bragg’s actions are extremely frustrating and need to be dealt with immediately by the legal system.

What I reject is Trump’s suggestion when he stated ‘death and destruction’ is a possibility for the nation if he is arrested. If it violent action was an outlier before, it is now front and center in the discussion. This bodes extremely ill for the future of the United States. It gives rise to all kinds of violent false flags being an increased possibility, legitimacy to the idea that violence is the only answer, and the idea that the MAGA crowd should forego the fact that they have the moral high ground. MAGA stands on top of the Grand Canyon while the enemies of the United States are currently using machinery at the banks of the Colorado River to see how deep they can get. Trump is suggesting that we get our own excavators and see if we can have a race to the bottom. Every scoop of dirt that comes out of the ground represents another freedom denied, another politically motivated trial, another political prisoner, and another body of a US citizen murdered by their own countrymen.

History bears an important lesson. I do not have any love for Mahatma Gandhi because the guy was a committed Marxist, despite some Marxist’s denying his credentials. Of course he instigated and agitated against the British rule of India through non-violent means. Sit-ins, hunger strikes, and direct confrontation were some of his tactics. But, even Gandhi admitted, “we don’t use guns because we don’t have guns.” If they did have guns and used them to solve their political problems guess what the British would have done? Waged a war against Gandhi and his followers. While Gandhi was not around for the eventual withdraw of the British from India, nor was his movement the sole reason the British ultimately removed themselves, the idea was vividly implanted in the minds of the Indian people which was one of the major causes of the end of the Raj. If Gandhi had turned towards violence the Indian people would not have had unity over the removal of the British – they would have had far more factions violently squabbling over control of India. What Gandhi did was prevent the Indian subcontinent from operating exactly like the Democratic Republic of Congo. There is faction, make no doubt about that – Pakistan and India absolutely hate each other – but factionalism and sectarian violence was limited. It was limited because Gandhi made his movement a clear example of what using peaceful means to effect changes can do and the people, for the most part, adopted those ideas. They got rid of the parts they didn’t like and retained the parts which they did appreciate. That doesn’t mean India is perfect, but not descending into a complete civil war was a happy outcome when the British left.

We need to retain our moral high ground and first and foremost do no harm. We need to clearly define what it means to Make America Great Again and clearly define what our vision of the United States being great looks like. For me it means a return to the US Constitution and the Biblical morals incorporated into it. How we get there is even more important than getting there. If we choose to relinquish our moral high ground in order to reapply the US Constitution to the nation then whatever is left will be tainted. Whatever is left will be corrupt from the outset. This does not preclude violence in any circumstance. It means that violence is in no way currently justified. We need to use every recourse short of violence to effect our vision of what the United States should be. In order to peacefully promote this vision, we need to avoid violence unless and until we are physically in danger. We are close to that point which is where the frustration comes into play. But we are not there yet.

We can still protest peacefully and we should be. We can still write letters to, send e-mails to, and address city halls, state legislatures, and federal events. If they try to arrest one there should be a thousand standing behind them ready to step up to the microphone. We can go file lawsuits with legal representation or without. We can support each other through cutting off the flow of money (which equates to power) to the businesses and institutions who are destroying the nation. Walmart and the Sierra Club and Hollywood are doing just as much to destroy the US as the State Department, Justice Department, Department of Education, and the Biden regime. Take their money away – let’s see them fund ESG and buying billions of bullets for the US Postal Service without our money. Instead of wasting our money at Walmart – drive down the road and find a local store selling what you need. If we want to effect these changes, the quickest and most effective peaceful means at our disposal is to refuse to pay our taxes and to abandon the Best Buy’s, Target’s, and multi-state grocery stores. Keeping money in the local economy will strengthen the local economy and inspire more people to offer their goods and services more locally. Buy American only. Find American manufacturers who make their goods from American made and sourced parts. It’s not easy, but it can be done.

Have we done this? Are the calls for politically motivated violence suggested by Donald Trump or anyone else valid? If we have not exhausted all of our means of dissent, these cries for offensive violence are not justified. They represent a publicity stunt on Trump’s part, in my opinion, and will have draconian ramifications if they are followed. Let’s try to avoid burning our entire nation down and depopulating it through civil war. Let’s make sure we tried every non-violent method to avoid such a civil war. Making America Great Again means making sure the flame of liberty, tempered by the morality God told to Moses, burns brightly in our house on top of the hill; not rendering that home a smoldering pile of burnt wood and broken brick, searching for the remnants of the flames of freedom.

Bless God and God bless.


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