The Controlled Chaos is Getting Out of Hand – Time to Reign It In.

The Controlled Chaos is Getting Out of Hand – Time to Reign It In.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/26/2023

The Global Government is not Communist. It is Marxist. It is not concerned with democracy. It is concerned with fascism. It has no use for any individual freedom or right. It favors technocracy. It has no respect for independent thought. It favors totalitarianism. It’s right in all of our faces. We are told to absolutely despise the likes of Vladamir Putin and praise Volodymyr Zelenskyy while global government participants in leadership positions around the world enact the ‘benevolent’ policies of the globe’s master class. Can you see it? If not, here are some places to start.

There have been massive protests in France. People of all ages are extremely upset with Emmanuel Macron’s recent edict which was passed without a vote in parliament. It pushed back the retirement age by 2 years to 64. It also made the requirements for a full pension more difficult to achieve. But, the people also staged protests demanding France leave NATO, the EU, and stop funding Ukraine with weapons. Oddly, stories about these protests seem to have only been reported by state-run Chinese, Iranian, and Russian sources. An Azerbaijan news outlet, APA, published an article about those who protested the French involvement with illegal wars such as Ukraine, NATO, and the EU. The Patriot’s Party of France, led by Marine Le Pen, held the most recent protest demanding France withdraw from the military arms of the global government 8 days ago. That isn’t in US news as far as I can ascertain.

What is in US news is that the pensions were changed. And they were changed without democracy. Well, French people, maybe you forgot all of your history, too. After spending several decades importing people who categorically reject French culture (replacement migration anyone?), developing a massive welfare state (of course the people want that!), and having a global government spy as your leader for going-on 6 years, now it is time to pay the bills and the government isn’t willing to completely bankrupt itself to do so. Macron wrote a check his ass cannot cash and he knew it while he was writing it. He is a technocratic totalitarian seeking to destroy France.

The people out there protesting for democracy are just as stupid and corrupt as Macron. Whatever version of democracy the French employ – it always lends itself to tyranny. Always. So they are out there setting things on fire, refusing to produce oil products, and refusing to do, pretty much anything. And, despite some media reports claiming unions do not back the protesting French workers, a local French news source, France 24, reported, ““The fact that every single one of France’s unions is opposed to the reform should be cause for reflection,” added 49-year-old Audrey, a financial controller and member of the white-collar CGC union. “Our union is all about dialogue, but the government is not interested in talking to us.”” The French people don’t believe in democracy either, they believe in Marxism and that the state should take care of them.

Some of these protesters are even demanding that more taxes come out of the rich, ““He [Macron] says his government failed to get the message across, but we heard it loud and clear: he wants to force two more years of work on the essential workers who deserve their pensions, instead of taxing the wealthy,” she [Sylvie Bredillet] said.” Robespierre would be so proud of Bredilet. Yet, the Marxist-loving big-government advocate Bredilet is so slow that she failed to recognize that the top tax bracket is already taxed to death. In 2013, for example, the wealthy in France were charged a 101% tax rate. France, with a 2021 GDP of $2.857 trillion saw their citizens pay in 45.1% of that value in taxes. The minimum tax on wealthy French citizens is 45% with additional percentage points tacked on from specific income streams. Apparently all those taxes were to house, feed, clothe, and educate ‘economic migrants’ from culturally backwards nations.

What is missing in France, and has been missing in France for quite a while now, is the suggestion to have more children and governmental action to assimilate immigrants into French culture. And these calls were still not made by protesters. There have been calls for these things to occur; however, the French government has yet to deem either necessary. The last time the fertility rate in France produced enough children to maintain the French population was in 1975. Paris is a Muslim bastion today – the Moors would have been very proud of the invasion of the city.

The Partiot’s Party of France though is onto something. Maybe the nation should quit the EU, NATO, and stop sending weapons to Ukraine. Maybe they should consider pulling out of the Rome Statute and distance themselves from the International Criminal Court which serves neither the interests of justice nor the interests of France. The ICC recently issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin. As for Ukraine getting French weapons – they do not need them. The war planes from Slovakia and Poland, British, US, and German tanks, and the recent addition of the UK obliging Ukrainian requests for depleted uranium rounds kind of makes any contribution France offers negligible to the effort anyway. Of course, that won’t stop Macron for continuing to provide arms to Ukraine. It will make him contribute more, if anything. He so desperately wants to be validated in the eyes of his masters in the global government and of his peer group the US president, PM of UK, etc… that he may well just go ahead and have the Ukrainians come to France and pick out what they want next. All of these ‘leaders’ are itching to start a global nuclear war, so why not?

Russia isn’t having any of that. They reacted to the UK’s announcement by moving ‘tactical’ nuclear devices closer to Ukraine. These ‘tactical’ nuclear are so named to avert anyone from raising an alarm. While the term covers extremely small devices like ‘suitcase’ nukes it also covers warheads with over 13 times the power of the bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Mostly civilians were killed with death tolls ranging from 130,000 – 230,000. Square miles were decimated. Tactical nuclear devices are magnitudes larger. Nuclear escalation was started by the United Kingdom sending in DU rounds which are armor piercing with the added benefit of irradiating the target while also turning the hull of the vehicle it strikes into a stream of molten metal hurling inwards towards the occupants and anything behind it. When the air raid sirens go off and the mushroom clouds wipe out whole cities, suburbs, and outlying towns, never forget who did what.

Maybe Russia will just aim some of it’s nuclear arsenal at the Hague in The Netherlands. Maybe the ICC will be kicked out of The Netherlands by the newly elected members of the Farmer’s Party, too. The party recognizes that their Prime Minister is definitely a problem by trying to destroy the agriculture of the nation by getting rid of nitrogen. It’s why they were elected in the first place. Hopefully they see who is pulling his strings – the Global Government and the UN – just as clearly and sever all ties to the them. That would include their own repudiation of NATO, the EU, and, especially, the UN with a particular emphasis on removing the ICC from their nation. They would have to do something about the global government agent sitting as PM over the nation first; however. Unless he kicked out of office or steps down, the opportunity will not arrive until 2025.

Global Government goblins are front and center around the world. The US president is likely laughing at all of us as he collapses and nationalizes the financial industry in preparation for implementing the US CBDC – Fed Coin. At the same time he has labeled any citizen against him as a terrorist, destroyed millions of jobs through inflation, destroyed the cost-of-living index through economic and energy policy, mandated freaks to be celebrated while religious institutions are routinely bastardized, held and tortured hundreds of political prisoners, and is coming after our guns outright. The Global Government he pays allegiance to loves all of that. And they love that he is sapping all of the strategic resources in the United States by allowing the WHO to dictate health policy, the Chinese to get huge portions of our strategic oil reserve, and Ukraine to sap our military preparedness.

Germany is doing the same. So is the UK. France, Poland, Moldova, Australia, Spain, and any other ‘western’ or ‘western-aligned’ country is following suit. This is the Great Reset. The intention is to destroy everything to build it back ‘better.’ Better; however, is in the eyes of the beholder. While these Global Government monsters install greater control of our resources (and us) through technocracy, they are using totalitarianism to fill the voids they are creating in our lives. In their minds, the Great Reset ends when great numbers of us are murdered through disease, medical intervention, war, famine, and their own insistent pestilence with the survivors being non-human entities with a biometrically linked, embedded CBDC in their body. The game is over for humanity way before that though – if they get their CBDC to be passively adopted around the world they win. If we stand up and fight, for the right reasons, with a stated objective and clearly articulated goal, we can cause the changes needed to prevent the Globalist Government goons from ever approaching victory.

Because this piece is about the evil ‘leaders’ and the ignorance and, at times, sheer stupidity of those ‘leader’s’ populations (here’s looking at most of the French citizenry), I won’t offer any solutions other than to say pray to God and read your Bible. Instead I offer 5 clearly defined problems which need to be addressed immediately.

1. There is a Global Government and it is calling most of the shots our ‘leaders’ are taking at the citizens of all of our nations.

2. CBDC will destroy any semblance of the civilization we have built for over 400 years.

3. If there is no peace between the East (Russia, China, Iran, etc…) and the West (NATO members) there will be a global nuclear war in the near to medium-term future.

4. Alternatives to FEMA camps and other government-provided solutions in the event of a crisis are needed.

5. Mandated medical interventions are looming larger with each passing day as progress towards the finalization of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty draws near.

This doesn’t really apply to anyone reading this piece. It applies to those sitting on the fence though (if you are sitting on the fence, this piece got into the right circles). We need to spend some time and have some serious, pointed debates about these facts, and pick a direction to move in to fix them. More than anywhere else we need to do that in the United States. So, let’s do it. If you want to bounce ideas off of someone, you can contact me at I look forward to hearing ideas.

Bless God and God bless.


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