Stop Recognizing China As a Nation

Stop Recognizing China As a Nation

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/19/2023

If our leaders were serious about democracy, China would be told, in no uncertain terms, that the CCP is no longer going to be recognized as a legitimate nation. The United States, Germany, UK, Australia, and about 80 others could make this declaration tomorrow and the Chinese would be left with only one option – recognize that they are not in charge of anything because they are a gang of terrorists which have been permitted to flourish for way too long at everyone else’s expense. They can lash out, start wars, and cause trouble around the world, sure, but, if democracy is as important as these jackasses pretend it is, this would be their stance on China.

It is obvious that it is not the stance on China. Every leader on earth seems to want to kowtow to the fascists in China and to disparage, as much as politically possible, the fascists in Taiwan, to curry favor with the CCP. The United States played a gigantic role in making sure that China ended up with Mao Zedong as their leader. Looking back on history, the people of China were butchered by warlords operating in what they claimed to be sovereign territory, ruled over by the authoritarianism of Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang Party, and decimated by Mao Zedong’s totalitarian Communism. As the warlords were defeated, the US decided that Kai-shek’s efforts represented thievery, and began to support Mao’s rise to power. The New York Times reported on this in 2017:

“Some of the Americans concluded that because Mao had the support of the people, he would have the upper hand in the inevitable civil war with Chiang Kai-shek, viewed by Washington as obstinate and corrupt. They were in favor of the United States throwing its weight behind Mao.

“For that judgment, they saw their careers destroyed during the McCarthy era. They became victims of the witch hunt for so-called Communist sympathizers and those who “lost” China.”

Those diplomats the article is advocating for should have had far worse consequences happen to them. They should have been hung for treason to the United States of America. Yet, they were not. The US helped Mao’s Communist revolution just like the US helped Lenin’s assent to power. The New York Times should probably go identify as United States Uyghurs, relocate themselves to Xinjiang, and tell us how great China’s CCP is then.

The Koumintang Party is hoping to reclaim the presidency of Taiwan through elections which are to be held in January 2024. There is a coalition party allowed to run in opposition to the KMT called the DPP (Democratic Progressive Party). Until 2017, KMT officially supported the idea of reunifying China and Taiwan while the DPP has staunchly supported Taiwanese independence. The DPP, actually rejected the idea of maintaining the status quo in favor of complete independence in 2018.

The United States played an integral part in the developments between China and Taiwan after ushering in Mao. Perhaps the most disgusting was the about face the United States pulled on Taiwan in 1978 and 1979 when it no longer recognized Taiwan and embraced the murderers in China. That was Jimmy Carter (no stranger to having visions of a totalitarian US) no doubt taking the advice of more modern traitors – Zbigniew Brzezinski, Cyrus Vance, and the treasonous activities of Henry Kissinger – which have allowed China to do what China has always done. China see themselves as the center of the entire universe and everyone else should pay them tribute.

The tribute demanded by the ‘government’ of China has been our jobs, our health, and our sovereignty. Soon China will directly threaten our lives directly (they already have, actually, when they decided that having their people wiped out through nuclear war was a trivial concern to them, as long as the United States people were decimated). US companies couldn’t outsource our jobs to China (and anywhere else with cheaper labor) fast enough. China couldn’t wait to command their people to work at those jobs, particularly in the manufacturing sector. They produce gigantic amounts of fentanyl and make sure it ends up killing people in the United States. They have bound the US economy through purchasing trillions in our debt and holding the US economy hostage. This was all made very apparent during Covid-19 when Chinese scum was videotaped wiping their back-sides with masks going to the United States. They withheld medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, and a wide variety of other manufactured goods because, well, we don’t make things in the United States because of globalism.

Realistically, China’s recognition is not going to be revoked. China’s government is going to be modeled by the United States through direct Chinese efforts as well as Chinese-inspired international decrees, more and more. But the Taiwan question stands as a major stumbling block between China and the United States in particular and the West in general. Nothing was done to China when they plopped a high-tech surveillance balloon over the Oak Ridge Laboratory in Tennessee which just so happens to house the world’s fastest super computer. How else would they be able to steal technology that cannot be sent to their nation? China has repeatedly acted aggressively towards US Navy vessels and aircraft in and over the South China Sea, which China seeks to take over, and the United States denounced them. How about Washington make it clear that China’s claims to those waters are invalid as they are international waters, and that if they continue to operate in such manners they will lose the hardware and the personnel as they will be annihilated?

The United States isn’t going to do that. Joe Biden’s foreign policy involved sending Antony Blinken, a worm of a man, to China to talk it out. What Blinken did was offer the United State’s assistance to China in achieving their goals in a manner that the United States wouldn’t seem too weak to the rest of the world. I mean, how can the United States play policeman for the whole globe if China goes and does crazy things like invade Taiwan without a US response? That’s basically what he said this morning during his press briefing. China had a lot to say; however, because they see themselves as victims. Like a petulant child the Chinese government needs to be put in check. Instead, no reply was given to any of the Chinese complaints which were reported by four different articles:

Epoch Times: “During their talks, Wang accused the United States of having a “flawed perception” of China, resulting in the current strained bilateral relationship, according to a statement from China’s foreign ministry. Wang asked the U.S. side to “reflect deeply” and work with Beijing.”

CNBC: “Wang stressed that the Blinken visit came at a critical juncture in Sino-U.S. relations, in a statement released by the Chinese foreign ministry translated via Google. He said both parties must choose between cooperation and conflict, adding that the difficulties in the countries’ ties are rooted in the U.S.′ “erroneous perception of China, which leads to wrong policies towards China.”

“Wang further urged Washington to give up its so-called “China threat theory,” to lift sanctions against Beijing and to no longer suppress China’s technological development.”

The New York Times: “On Monday, Mr. Wang, the top foreign policy official, said the United States should cooperate with Beijing instead of “hyping” the “China threat theory,” according to the official Chinese readout. He said Washington must lift sanctions on China and stop suppressing the country’s technological development. He accused the United States of “recklessly interfering in China’s internal affairs” on issues such as Taiwan, the de facto independent island claimed by China that the United States supplies with weapons.”

NBC: “Wang blamed the United States’ “wrong perception” of China for the poor relations between the two countries and said Washington had to make a choice “between dialogue and confrontation, and cooperation and conflict.”

Blinken demanded that, despite these accusations “that the US was not seeking an adversarial relationship with China.” The worm stood in the Chinese embassy and couldn’t even manage to state that we need to build our own manufacturing capacity in the United States and called it “de-risking.” He actually summoned the words of another demonic entity to make sure China knows that the United States will remain in the economic shackles China has this nation in. Janet Yellen should have been escorted to a military base for the crime of treason after stating out loud, on camera, and in front of a House committee, as the New York Times summarized, “it would be a mistake for the United States to try to “decouple” from China and called for deepening economic ties between the world’s two largest economies.” This is what Blinken was referring to.

The reason we are in those shackles is because China has declared war on the United States already particularly in the cultural (also here, here, and here) and economic realms. Going back a bit further, it was Kissinger, Carter, and Barack Hussein Obama’s Asian pivot which led us to where we are at in the aftermath of a global biological attack perpetrated in part by China which is now best friends with Russia and claiming massive portions of the seas and islands, including Taiwan, against any reasonable, agreed upon international terms.

Additionally, China’s claims are invalid yet Blinken refused to point them out and the media sources cited above did a poor job of relating some facts about China (The Epoch Times used the Associated Press for their story). China regularly steal technologies from the United States and any other nation’s business which operates in the nation because it’s still Marxist. Their ‘technological development’ is directly related to their ability to steal technologies. All of these claims about national security are so absurd in light of the fact that anyone who took a stupid Covid-19 test had their DNA shipped off to the CCP for cataloging. China also has investments and or relationships with 23andMe and Ancestry and other DNA-collection companies. There is no technology more important, especially in light of Covid-19 and the revelations about it being a chimeric, man-made disease, than genetic material. Individual, ethnic, and race specific weapons will be designed and, because you took the test, you are the target.

The experts on all of this are looking at how the United States should support democracy in Taiwan in the upcoming election cycle when they aren’t trying to kiss Biden’s and Blinken’s China-loving, America-hating behinds. Center for Strategic and International Studies ‘experts’, for example, suggested that to support democracy the US should take the following stance; “As Beijing seeks to isolate and coerce Taiwan, it is imperative that U.S. policymakers bolster the island’s confidence, resolve, and resilience. The best strategy, then, for those looking to advance U.S. interests in the region and to support Taiwan is to cheer on a vibrant democracy’s peaceful efforts to transfer political power through a popular vote.”

Someone let them in on a secret – the United States is about to step aside and let China do as it will to the island nation. The term is capitulation. Taiwan has no respect for their citizens – the idea that there is a vibrant democracy in the authoritarian nation is poppycock. Just because the people are given the mirage of being able to choose representatives in rigged elections is called democracy instead of authoritarianism with different agendas doesn’t make the nation free. Go read their Constitution and realize it is written positively and is the fifth one in the last 80 years. Chapter II is called the rights and duties of the people and there is an article 23 stating the Taiwan government will do whatever the hell it wants to it’s subjects, “All the freedoms and rights enumerated in the preceding articles shall not be restricted by law except such as may be necessary to prevent infringement upon the freedoms of others, to avert an imminent danger, to maintain social order, or to promote public welfare.” Mandate shots – sure; put people in prison for not believing in climate change being caused by man – no problem; refuse to cooperate with the Alphabet Mafia in Taiwan and be sent to prison – they wouldn’t have a problem with it.

The United States has become too democratic and we don’t make our own decisions anymore particularly individually. When we do we are looked at as crazy. We were founded as a republic – one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The most important of those tenets is the ‘under God’ part of it. Blinken surely isn’t under God, he hates God just like his boss, Joe Biden and his boss, Obama, do. Does Taiwan share our God and our culture? Not a bit. Chinese people are still being told that the CCP will tell them who to worship.

China is particularly anti-democratic and Taiwan has merely decided to re-brand authoritarianism as democracy. The entire rest of the world is doing the same thing even in the democratic nations as they move towards totalitarianism under global governance. These people aren’t free to do their own thing – they are ordered around by their governments to do what the government wants when the government decides that’s what the people should do. If the framers of the Constitution were to see the state of America, or any other nation on earth, they would laugh right in our faces and rightfully call all of us cowards – none of us are free.

In a free world, the government of China would be condemned for the terrorists they are and so would the government of Taiwan. If the United States would like to save face as they step aside for the CCP to gobble up Taiwan, it should at least refuse to recognize the CCP as a legitimate government. Instead they are going to pretend that Blinken didn’t go over to China to negotiate the surrender of Taiwan to the CCP and will send men and women to the island to die for no reason but the sham of democracy.

Wars. Rumors of wars. But, be not frightened. I almost feel bad for how degenerate all of the parties to this are. If any of them would truly repent, love Jesus, and turn to the ways of God as a guide to live by maybe they would figure out that what they are doing is evil. I pray they do. Of course, the easiest way to do that would be to have such a leader model it and they all seem to be praying to something other than God.

Bless God and God bless.


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