943.5 million to 1.1 Billion and Why Those Numbers are Important

943.5 million to 1.1 Billion and Why Those Numbers are Important

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/5/2023

If you multiply 5.55 billion by 17% the result is 943.5 million. 5.55 billion multiplied by 20% yields 1.1 billion. Those numbers are the range of extrapolated death totals from the mutagenic Covid-19 vaccine fast tracked into more than 5.55 billion arms. There is potentially a ticking time bomb in about 70% of the people of earth. Thankfully, not all vaccine batches were created the same and some of them did not contain full doses of death. Nonetheless, since the rollout of these death jabs, there has been and will continue to be a catastrophic loss of life around the globe. How we address and remedy this fact is going to define the path the world sets out on with regard to healthcare and how we deal with actual mass murderers.

The trouble arises with vaccines in particular because vaccine manufacturer’s vave built-in imdemnification. If they managed to market Chlorox bleach as a vaccine they would not be able to be held liable for the deaths and injuries the injections caused. In the United States this was brought about after a vaccine was blamed for having caused severe childhood diseases. As of October 1, 1988, vaccine manufacturers were no longer able to be sued for causing side effects resulting in death or injury. Criminal charges have been severely lacking as well. In 1988 the number of vaccines on the childhood roster of suggested vaccines stood at four. In 2018 the number stood at 18. The most current data on the CDC website lists 19 of them. This list recommends the former king of vaccine-injury agents Gardasil-9 (supposedly to avoid HPV) as well as mRNA death jabs. A big part of the growth is due to the pharmaceutical companies indemnification from being held accountable for their crimes. We could fix this overnight by repealing the laws giving them indemnification but, we haven’t and no serious attempt to do so has been made.

The indemnification of these companies is not isolated in the United States. Just before the death jabs were handed out, the manufacturing companies sought to gain indemnification from the nations they planned to introduce their products to. Some of these nations were the Philippines, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and, likely, Malaysia. The Malaymail offered this tidbit of information about Malaysia’s situation suggesting that where certain vaccines go, indemnification preceeds them:

“The Malaysian government has not disclosed the terms of the agreements to purchase vaccines from the various manufacturers and we are therefore not able to comment conclusively on product liability. Nevertheless, from the publicly available information, it is clear that Pfizer has insisted that as a condition of vaccine supply, governments must give a full indemnity to it. This is the case in the United Kingdom and Singapore.”

From there, the article notes how this actually works in real life in very concrete terms. They wrote:

“If the same terms are applied to Malaysia, then the party who gives the indemnity (in other words, the Malaysian government) will likely be primarily and independently liable if any adverse effect occurs from the vaccine. Therefore, in any case where any damages are awarded, this will have to be paid by the Malaysian government.”

The pharmaceutical companies and the government both have a vaccuum cleaner sucking money out of our pockets, especially in the United States and other developed nations. We pay taxes, some of which (a significant amount of money) goes into grants to research and develop ‘vaccines.’ If the R&D pays off and the concoction is given approval for sale then the company profits. Meanwhile the government is forced to pay for any of the damages the companies caused out of vaccine injury funds which never seem to pay out nor to make the injured party whole should the fund pay out. Two vectors direct cash into the pockets of pharmaceutical companies and they are filthy rich from it. Meanwhile their mistakes are paid for by taxing the same people they are injuring. Three vectors suck money out of every working person’s pocket.

If we want to have actual positive health outcomes from the garbage that passes as healthcare these days, the indemnification of pharmacuetical companies needs to be thrown out the window. We, the people, need to be able to sue the snot out of these arrogant murderers and, when we do, the company needs to pay, not our neighbors and countrymen.

The startling numbers at the beginning of this article dictate that getting rid of vaccine-liability protections for pharmaceutical companies should be a cornerstone of fighting against medical totalitarianism. The fight, obviously, gets more difficult as more and more nations sign onto indemnification agreements which puts the health of their citizens in the hands of government dictators through mandates and the pharmaceutical companies in the driver’s seat through creating G-d-knows-what to be administered by injection. The current trend is the opposite of stopping this murderous and draconian policy – it’s expanding instead of being gotten rid of.

It seems like on all fronts the trend is to strengthen medical tyrannies instead of giving people relief from mandates and edicts to be followed by the medical establishment. Instead of the International Criminal Court taking petitions to try pharmaceutical companies and public health officials for crimes against humanity, the court is investigating Israel for responding to Hamas. Instaed of governments adopting policies and passing laws similar to the Nuremberg Code, they are negitiating a consolidated, global, health tyranny at the World Health Organization. Public and private health system tyrants are not looking out for their patient’s well being – they are looking for their next vacation to the other side of the world and cannot seem to be bothered that their interventions are leaving people dead and disabled. There are exceptions but they are rare.

Also exceptional is the number of all cause deaths between 2020, 2021, and 2022. Between the kill floors in hospitals featuring ventilators and the administration of Anthony Fauci’s money spout wonder drug which happens to be highly toxic, remdesivir, the lockdowns, Covid-19, and natural deaths, the increase in death between March 2020 and January 2021 was put at 22.9%. From there it exploded.

To discuss 2022’s rates, I am going to link to an article typical of the indemnified pharmaceutical murderers. There is a graph in the article showing data which suggests that in only Europe and the US huge numbers of excess deaths occurred. Despite the murderers at Health Feedback, the graphs they have show excess death rates around 70,000 for mid-April to abut the end of June 2021 which is right in the middle of the first round of death jabs. Other spikes occurred in August 2021 (about 45,000), September 2021 (41,000), and between January 2022 and March 2022 a bell curve was recorded from 20,000 to 40,000. An article in The Economist, also doing it’s part to prove their adherence to depopulating the people on earth, points out that excess deaths are expected to total 27.4 million. That is a far cry from a billion but 27.4 million extra deaths is not something to ignore.

For some reason getting actual statistics on deaths is incredibly difficult for the years 2021 to the present. But, to piece this together, the EU released excess death statistics for September 2023. Finland recorded a 13.4% excess death rate over the average number of deaths from 2016-2019 and Romania recorded a -12%. 42% of the Romanian population took one dose and 42% also took two doses. In Finland, 82% of the people got one dose and 79% took two. Not all of the countries that decreased had lower levels of injection rates but there is a general trend.

The treatment of the whistleblowers who are bringing forth information about the depopulation of humanity now in progress are the bellweather. What the ‘authorities’ do to these whistleblowers is what they will do to anyone who wishes to expose the truth. If we survive their efforts to murder us with death jabs, the struggle has only just begun. They will not permit us to speak of those who were murdered at all.

A New Zealand database administrator for the Covid-19 vaccine database has been arrested. On December 4, 2023 the Wellington Scoop reported on the incident in an article titled Spreading misinformation: man arrested for leaking vaccination data. The data which was leaked was scrubbed of personal data and showed huge numbers of dead from vaccines. The article fails to mention anything about the data leaked, the name of the accused, nor address the main issue which is raised by the existence of the article and New Zealand’s actions. If the data is misinformation then why is the government holding it in governmental databases?

What the article does is criminalizes the truth, demonizes the people willing to reveal it, doubles down on the absolute lie that the vaccine is safe and effective, and should be a warning to the world that there is no act too reprehensible to commit to so that those responsible for murdering us are never held accountable. An NZ Herald article from the day before offered similar reporting. They offered additional details like the fact that the man was arrested by a SWAT team. Like the Wellington Scoop article, this article stresses the idea that the man arrested is not a medical expert and, thus, is somehow guilty of misinformation.

It doesn’t take an expert to figure out that people who went to particular vaccination sites who received specific lots of vaccine seem to have died at much higher rates than others whether vaccinated or not. This is what the data showed according to Winston Smith (a reference to 1984, not his real name). 20% were murdered by a particular lot; 25% another lot; and on and on. He demanded accountablitiy in the Slay article from December 2, 2023 which reported actual facts instead of the nonsense which came from the prior two news agencies mentioned.

Infowars reported on the whistleblower on December 1. They have a link to the original interview between Winston Smith and Liz Gunn. The New Zealand government has yet to arrest Liz Gunn for the interview. Legal proceedings are pending against her because she went to a New Zealand airport to interview an family members arriving in the nation to visit family members who were locked down for refusing to vaccinate themselves. In reality, Gunn was arrested in February 2023 due to her anti-Covid-19 vaccination stance. She stated that along with Winston Smith, another was also arrested in connection with the data leak. The ‘conspiracy theorist’ label has been firmly attached to Gunn in an effort to smear her name. Barry Young, Winston Smith’s real identity, has likewise been dubbed a conspiracy theorist and now has legal issues. Currently he has been deleased from jail.

The New Zealand data is real. So is the Navy data reported by Lieutenant Ted Macie. Macie stated that a wide variety of serious diseases have been rising among fixed wing and helicopter pilots. Myocarditis rates between 2022 and 2023 rose by 151% (if 10 people had it – 15 more ended up with it). Hypertension disease rose by 36%, systemic heart disease 69%, pulminary heart disease rose 62%, other forms of heart disease 63%. Heart failure rose 973%. The Navy responded by taking his access to his work computer away.

They are murdering us with their frankenshots. Now that we are finding mountains of proof of this depopulation effort, they are silencing those exposing the information. This is what their misinformation campaign is all about. It’s designed by transhumanists to serve their ends and if that means a few of us common folk die so that they can gain radical life extension they don’t care. That is what this whole covidiocy ploy has been about since the moment their synthetic biological experiment was released upon the earth.

Transhumanists live in a land of deception so complete that telling the truth will have the speaker punished. They envision a world of life-extension technologies, universal basic income, totalitarianism, and lab-created enhanced human beings for all of us. There is no possible way to have 8 billion people take part in any of that. They know that. Many of us know that. Now you know that. So the solution is to depopulate the earth of people so the transhumanists can enjoy their utopia. This is the intersection of all of the global plans currently underway. From decarbonization to central bank digital currencies to starting regional wars as a prelude and justification to enter into World War III to the war on G-d-created DNA, transhumanists seek to destroy life and everything we know about life in order to facilitate their desires. What better way for them to prove their technologies than by using all of humanity as their guinea pigs to make sure they are safe for their use?

943.5 million to 1.1 billion is just the starting point for these transhumanist freaks. If they get their way they will successfully exterminate 7.5 billion people in total. We are overpopulated they claim in one breath and with the next they promise that we will all live forever. How stupid do they think we are to believe that? How stupid are these transhumanist murderers to think that we cannot sese exactly what they are doing because it was already done before, long ago, and we are still paying the consequences for it?

In the Garden of Eden the plumed serpent approached Havah and asked her if she thought she would really die if she ate of the fruit. She was deceied by the serpent into thinking that G-d was not going to keep his word and she ate. She caused Adam to eat. G-d tossed the first man and first woman out of the Garden and they did, indeed, die. These transhumanists have taken on the spirit of the serpent and are crawling around on their bellies eating dust just as the serpent does to this day. And while they slither, they lie to us, begging us to come and eat of their phony Tree of Life.

Time is cyclical. The stories in the Bible repeat. The generations share the same characteristics from age to age. We are in an age of great peril full of trials and deceit. We are not to be scared but to hold out in belief and faith that G-d will send His Son to purge the evil off of this earth. Just as He purged the Garden of the serpent for it’s deceit as well as Adam and Havah for their disobedience, the earth will be cleaned. It’s not that human beings through science and technology cannot usher in an age of transhumanism – it’s that we are not supposed to. G-d never intended for us to do so, otherwise He would have allowed Adam and Havah to stay in the Garden in the first place. That same lesson needs to be heeded now….

The transhumanists promise us everlasting life through the pursuit of increased capability by vastly expanding our base of knowledge of science. What they deliver is death because what they find is intended for their use and only their use. When you hear these people speak about their latest scientific medical findings – run. The intent isn’t to provide any of us with benefits, it’s to make sure that the transhumanists are able to depopulate the earth as they ensure the safety of their technologies for themselves. 943.5 million to 1.1 billion less humans is just the start of their plan.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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