3D Microchips – Paying for Our Own Non-Human Future

3D Microchips – Paying for Our Own Non-Human Future

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/26/2022

I have read about 3D microchips – instead of a thin two-dimensional chip, it is turned into a cube and operates in three dimensions. Now where was it that I read that and why do I remember it? Oh, that’s right, I read it in The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil. The idea is featured in several locations in the book, the most prevalent being in chapter three (“Achieving the Computational Capacity of the Human Brain”) under the heading of “The Sixth Paradigm of Computing Technology: Three-Dimensional” followed by “Molecular Computing and Emerging Computational Technologies.”

Ray Kurzweil is a murderous transhumanist who doesn’t care about anything but himself, his grand ideas of achieving eternal life in the flesh, and his hatred of God. I am not surprised that the monsters engaged in Defense Advanced Research Project Administration (DARPA) work are onboard with Kurzweil’s ideas. Developing 3D computing will allow for increased computing power but also arrive at a landing closer to Kurzweil’s ultimate goal in this area – 3D computing at the atomic level. The difference between Kurzweil and DARPA is that DARPA directly spends tax dollars to develop such technologies through ‘research grants’ and Kurzweil would need to win a ‘research grant’ in order to be funded. Either way – the taxpayers of the United States of America will end up funding their own demise.

But DARPA’s fun doesn’t end there. It’s bad enough that they are spending our money to develop anti-human/transhuman technology in preparation of a future devoid of humanity, they feel the need to create a centralized Public-Private Partnership:

“DARPA’s Next-Generation Microelectronics Manufacturing (NGMM) aims to create a novel, U.S.-based center for R&D and manufacturing 3DHI [three-dimensional heterogeneously integrated] microsystems. Currently the United States lacks the financial backing, physical facilities, and organizational support for a national hub for public-private research, development, and engagement in 3DHI. Aligning these critical pieces through a centralized, open-access capability is essential to the next major wave of microelectronics innovation.”

There are so many Public-Private Partnerships these days that it is challenging to keep track; however, what DARPA is doing here is creating a fascistic enterprise where government and big business collude with one another. The government demands the outcome, the business produces that outcome, the government gets its gadget, device, or substance (usually to the detriment of some segment of humanity), and the business gets to keep all of the profits and is shielded from liability for how the government uses the object. Mussolini and Hitler operated their economies very efficiently in this manner. Why the general US citizenry isn’t up in arms every time a new public private partnership is introduced, I’m not sure. These types of alliances end up breeding dictators supported by consolidated business entities who get rich off of the taxes paid to them by a tyrannical government to the detriment of absolutely everyone.

DARPA always couches their claims of ‘we need to do this right now’ in terms of national security. Ethical considerations are not important to them. It’s all about not falling behind other nations in technological advances. All of the technologies DARPA seeks are to increase the survival and lethality of members of the US Armed Forces. And that is not a bad thing – what is a bad thing is that the technologies DARPA is developing (the arms race of the 21st century) will literally end humanity as we know it. Specifically, DARPA claims:

“For U.S. armed forces, supply chain disruptions threaten the ability to maintain technological superiority in an increasingly competitive environment. Beyond the near-term concerns, broader U.S. national security in many ways depends on securing sustained, long-term leadership in next-generation microelectronics – the foundation of ERI 2.0. Without this technological advantage, the United States will quickly fall behind in crucial areas including artificial intelligence, autonomous systems and robotics, communications and networking, and networked sensing, among other key capabilities on which U.S. forces rely.”

The Cube movies show this sort of thing, as does Resident Evil, and several Black Mirror episodes. What all of these pictures show is a modified human being which has been turned into an absolute murder machine. But DARPA is going beyond the science-fiction depicted by those pictures. DARPA is going straight to Minority Report, except the spiders won’t shock people to get a retinal scan, they will be capable of determining whether any life should continue as determined by an artificial intelligence. It’s Terminator combined with even more sophisticated surveillance and biological engineering techniques than described in 1984 and Brave New World, respectively. It is a non-human future that DARPA is using our money to create at the national and, at times, the international level.

DARPA’s efforts dovetail with Kurzweil’s plan as laid out in The Singularity Is Near. Kurzweil published this book in 2005. In order to understand how Kurzweil came to his conclusions about technological development after 2005, he noted that technological advances themselves are not linear – they are actually exponential. As humans create new technologies, those technologies assist creating newer technologies more quickly. The coming obsolescence of humanity, as the globalist-transhumanist cult sees it, will not be in some far off time, it will come extremely soon.

In 2005, Kurzweil noted on page 25 that “Within two decades [2025], we will have detailed understanding of how all the regions of the human brain work.” Also on page 25, “We will have the requisite hardware to emulate human intelligence with supercomputers by the end of this decade [2010] and with personal-computer-size devices by the end of the following decade [2020]. We will have effective software models of human intelligence by the mid-2020s.” By the end of the 2020s Kurzweil predicted that artificial intelligence will pass the Turing test. Once a machine passes a Turing test, full integration between humans and machines will commence. Being as though this represents the end of humanity, I find that to be highly problematic.

Kurzweil’s endgame for humanity is written on page 28-9:

“Nanotechnology will enable the design of nanobots: robots designed at the molecular level, measured in microns (millionths of a meter), such as ‘respirocytes’ (mechanical red-blood cells). Nanobots will have myriad roles within the human body, including reversing human aging (to the extent that this task will not already have been completed through biotechnology, such as genetic engineering).

“Nanobots will interact with biological neurons to vastly extend human experience by creating virtual reality from within the nervous system.

“Billions of nanobots in the capillaries of the brain will also vastly expand human intelligence.

“Once nonbiological intelligence gets a foothold in the human brain (this has already started with computerized neural implants), the machine intelligence in our brains will grow exponentially (as it has been doing all along), at least doubling in power each year. In contrast, biological intelligence is effectively of fixed capacity. Thus, the nonbiological portion of our intelligence will ultimately predominate.

“Nanobots will also enhance the environment by reversing pollution from earlier industrialization.

“Nanobots called foglets that can manipulate image and sound waves will bring the morphing qualities of virtual reality to the real world.

“The human ability to understand and respond appropriately to emotion (so-called emotional intelligence) is one of the forms of human intelligence that will be understood and mastered by future machine intelligence. Some of our emotional responses are tuned to optimize our intelligence in the context of our limited and frail human bodies. Future machine intelligence will also have ‘bodies’ (for example, virtual bodies in virtual reality, or projections in real reality using foglets) in order to interact with the world, but these nanoengineered bodies will be far more capable and durable than biological human bodies. Thus, some of the ‘emotional’ responses of future machine intelligence will be redesigned to reflect their vastly enhanced physical capabilities.

“As virtual reality from within the nervous system becomes competitive with real reality in terms of resolution and believability, our experiences will increasingly take place in virtual environments.

“In virtual reality, we can be a different person both physically and emotionally. In fact, other people (such as your romantic partner) will be able to select a different body for you than you might select for yourself (and vice versa).

“The law of accelerating returns will continue until nonbiological intelligence comes close to ‘saturating’ the matter and energy in our vicinity of the universe with our human-machine intelligence. By saturating, I mean utilizing the matter and energy patterns for computation to an optimal degree, based on our understanding of the physics of computation. As we approach this limit, the intelligence of our civilization will continue its expansion in capability by spreading outward toward the rest of the universe. The speed of this expansion will quickly achieve the maximum speed at which information can travel.

Ultimately, the entire universe will become saturated with our intelligence. This is the destiny of the universe. (See chapter 6.) We will determine our own fate rather than have it determined by the current ‘dumb,’ simple, machinelike forces that rule celestial mechanics. [emphasis mine]

“The length of time it will take the universe to become intelligent to this extent depends on whether or not the speed of light is an immutable limit. There are indications of possible exceptions (or circumventions) to this limit, which, if they exist, the vast intelligence of our civilization at this future time will be able to exploit.”

As I mentioned, this book was published in 2005, meaning all of us have had the opportunity to read this thing for 27 years. Being as though DARPA and others are pretty much following Kurzweil’s plan to a tee – I would think that more people would have read it because it promises a non-human future. Certain people will be permitted to survive, but they won’t be humans as we understand them – they will by cyborgs at best. And the goal is to have the AI driven ‘human’ intelligence illuminate the entire universe. Are you using Google as your browser – if so, guess what! Your data is being given directly to Ray Kurzweil because he is researching at Google. As of 2021 Kurzweil was noted as:

“Today, Ray’s focused on his research at Google. His team is developing computer software that will bring human-like abilities to digital tools. Ray says this new era of amazing, intelligent software won’t replace humans — but it will augment + expand civilization.

“He looks forward to the world of tomorrow — and believes we’re entering a time of abundance, health, safety, progress, and discovery. Made possible by today’s advances in science, tech, and knowledge.”

All Kurzweil needs to do is get rid of at least 5-6 billion human beings to see his ‘utopia’ come to fruition. The first effort in this direction has been perpetrated already with the release of a gain-of-function pathogen and a completely ineffective but deadly ‘cure.’ Next is complete and total global financial collapse followed by war. If we cannot stop Kurzweil and DARPA from developing the technology which will usher in a non-human future, we can be assured these are the events which will come.

The future of humanity is, seriously in jeopardy. There exists a book detailing one possibility of the ramifications of these technologies. It was written by a guy named Hugo deGaris and is titled The Artilect War. The book sees humanity splitting into three segments – those who don’t want this crap developed in the first place (Terrans), the people who want to build these technologies but don’t necessarily want to adopt them into their own bodies (Cosmists like deGaris), and the complete psychopaths who want the technologies incorporated into themselves (Artilects, DARPA and Kurzweil and transhumanists in general). In the book, the Terrans go to war against the Cosmists and the Cosmists create the Artilects to defeat the Terrans which also exterminates the Cosmists.

By no means am I as smart as deGaris, but I do see another way – two of them actually. In one scenario humanity in general realizes what is being created by the likes of DARPA based on Kurzweil’s plan and just ends it before it gets started, peacefully. Global bans on microchipping human beings and created cyborgs would be a great place to start. The first hurdle – define cyborg and adopt the definition into legislation. That means mass public awareness and a resounding, unified, demand that these types of technologies be prevented before they can even be researched. That scenario is unlikely, and perhaps, we have, as a species, already allowed the research of these technologies to progress too far to stop the extermination which is unfolding before us.

The other suggestion is to open our Bibles. I firmly believe we are very close to entering into the last of days. How do we prepare for that? The only way to prepare for that is to get close to God, close to His Son, and to have Him protect you. That means studying the Bible, praying, repenting, and worshiping God in manners pleasing to Him. Understand the redemptive power of His Son is just as important. It means being fearless and carrying out God’s will. Each of us have to ask Him what He wants us to do and then we have to listen to His answer. But before any of that, we need to understand and follow what it means to be holy in the eyes of God. It’s all there in the Bible – what it takes to be holy as well as what the evil manifesting upon the earth plans to do to the people upon this planet.

Numbers 6:24-26 (CJB):

‘Y’varekh’kha Adonai v’yishmerekha.
[May Adonai bless you and keep you.]
Ya’er Adonai panav eleikha vichunekka.
[May Adonai make his face shine on you and show you his favor.]
Yissa Adonai panav eleikha v’yasem l’kha shalom.
[May Adonai lift up his face toward you and give you peace.]’

Numbers 6:24-26 (KJB):

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:

The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.


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