Synthetic Biology? That’s a Hell NO From Me.

Synthetic Biology? That’s a Hell NO From Me.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/15/2023

Synthetic means fake, made up, man-made. Biology is the study of life. Synthetic biology would thus be the study of fake, made up, and man-made life forms. That is exactly what it is. Every time I write about this I throw the entire field of study and everything related to it out on charges of crimes against humanity and the abject moral failure it entails. I want to persuade you to do the same.

I recently completed reading a book titled The Genesis Machine: Our Quest to Rewrite Life in the Age of Synthetic Biology by Amy Webb & Andrew Hessel. I opened the book knowing that it was going to make my stomach turn. What I didn’t expect was the amount of shilling for vaccine manufacturers, the non-existence of discussing any real concern regarding these technologies, and the sheer amount of dishonesty the authors engaged in.

The biggest lie that I encountered was an undercurrent running throughout the entire book. It’s not a unique phenomena to these authors, there seems to be a complete disregard for intellectual honesty when authors start talking about their plans to purposefully destroy and re-engineer DNA. The lie is that any of us will be around to see it. Webb and Hessel completely forgot to mention the part that, before any of their dreams can come true huge percentages of the human race must be exterminated first. That is a threat against you and I which is meaningless to the likes of Webb and Hessel because they don’t know you and me. The truly audacious factor in this is they don’t realize that because they willingly engaged in this deceptive work they are traitors to their own species and their masters will see no honor in them and thus no use for them. They will turn into statistics that no one is around to record anymore.

That is how I view them already – traitors to their species. They aren’t alone in their desire to destroy the DNA G-d created either. And all of those who are even remotely engaged in such work are traitors as well. At the risk of committing a thought crime, I would like to but a stop to all of their Brave New World visions by recalling another work from one of these types, Hugo DeGaris who authored the Artilect War.

In the Artilect War the world is basically split into two until it is split into three. At first there are the Terrans who want no part in the genetic mutilations being concocted in the labs around the world. DeGaris calls those creating these new life forms (as well as enhancements through implantation and xenotransplantation) Cosmists. The Cosmists want to create this stuff but don’t really want to use it. The people who want to do it are largely prevented from putting this anti-human garbage into their bodies. As the Cosmists invent more and more of this technology, the Terrans grow angry. The Terrans get so angry that they wage a kinetic war against those doing the research. They hunt the Cosmists who grow fearful of death and decide to allow those willing to end their humanity to actually do it, thinking these newly created Artilects will protect them from the Terrans. What the Artilects actually do is exterminate humanity, Terrans and Cosmists alike, the same way that humanity smashes a mosquito – without any thought of having destroyed the mosquito.

I though of The Artilect War frequently as I read through the 278 pages of what amounts to the obituary of the human race as G-d created us penned by Webb and Hessel. What they actually wrote about is called transhumanism. Because they are liars of the highest degree they would rather you not recognize that none of these technologies are intended for your benefit nor to gain an understanding of the dark places transhumanism and their transhumanist arguments come from. That is the conclusion I drew after having read the book and realizing the entire thing is about transhumanist technologies while also noticing the term is no where to be found.

Let’s go to the Bible. In the sixth chapter of the very first book there is a lesson about exactly where synthetic biology and transhumanism get their motivation from. The Bible is a bit more vague than I am going to be – the fallen angels bore children with human women, created entirely new forms of life, and destroyed the DNA G-d created in doing so. In other words, all the way back in the time of Noach, thousands of years ago, we are confronted with the idea that the human gene pool was tainted and destroyed by angels rebelling against G-d. Genesis 6:1-8 this is related:

In time, when men began to multiply on earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were attractive; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. 3 Adonai said, “My Spirit will not live in human beings forever, for they too are flesh; therefore their life span is to be 120 years.” 4 The N’filim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; these were the ancient heroes, men of renown.

5 Adonai saw that the people on earth were very wicked, that all the imaginings of their hearts were always of evil only. 6 Adonai regretted that he had made humankind on the earth; it grieved his heart. 7 Adonai said, “I will wipe out humankind, whom I have created, from the whole earth; and not only human beings, but animals, creeping things and birds in the air; for I regret that I ever made them.” 8 But Noach found grace in the sight of Adonai.

What happened next is the first rain to have occurred on earth. Mountain tops were under the deluge after the forty days and nights of continuous downpour. But Noach found grace in G-d’s eyes and he, his wife, and his three sons and their wives survived the cataclysm. Part of the reason they survived is because they were not tainted by the genetic mutilations the fallen angels caused. The other part was that they walked with G-d….

Before the book started the authors immediately tried to appeal to the emotions of the reader. Neither of the authors could produce children. Webb had a series of miscarriages and Hessel had a vasectomy at the ripe old age of eighteen. Both of them used other-than-natural means to create their children with their respective spouses. G-d had a reason for not allowing these two to have children but G-d doesn’t matter to them. Their desires have never been to be obedient to G-d. Their desires are to do whatever they want however they want, G-d be damned and that showed up brilliantly throughout the book.

After glossing over how, exactly, humanity used ethics and scientific ‘progress’ to delve head first into the demonic abyss which is promised through synthetic biology they tried to sell it as a good idea. They noted insulin and bringing woolly mammoths back to life. Designer babies were a topic they discussed at length, obviously, as these two both have them. They never questioned the morality of the technologies which allowed them to pick the best baby, they only noted that there will be people who have babies the natural way (the way G-d intended) which will be disadvantaged. Creating chimeras for medical research, engineering DNA-mutilated mosquitoes, and the biological mass-murder weapon known as the Covid-19 shot were all praised by the authors.

There are plenty of other disgusting examples of synthetic biology and the lies and deceptions the authors chose to engage in to promote it while completely ignoring the real harm that has already been realized because of it. After reading 135 pages about the demonic intentions of Webb and Hessel and the rest of the synthetic biologists out there, including those who want to destroy ALL life on earth by removing all of the carbon dioxide from the earth with synthetic biology, the authors present a chapter called “Nine Risks.”

The first risk they presented was about the possibility of the dual-use of synthetic biology technologies. The potential devastation from these mad scientists should provide more than ample cause to cease experimenting with life. Not for these two. After raising the issue, they offered no solutions to prevent catastrophic uses of synthetic biology except to hint that it should be restricted to be used only by those granted access to it. Basically, it was presented to scare the crap out of the reader so that our fear would drive us to our knees begging these Nazi’s to not murder us with newly created bioweapons. It also creates a brand new problem which I will call the CRISPR terrorists (which is what synthetic biologists are) where anyone with the splicer can create all kinds of brand new life forms like, say, Ebola Rhinovirus which has mortality over 90% through internal bleeding and spreads as easily as the common cold. And here we are thinking that these same people stopped making Zyklon-B. Some synthetic biologist almost certainly has this or something similar in a lab already just waiting to figure out how to avoid being murdered by it themselves.

The second is that “Biology is unpredictable.” This, again, is presented not to convince the reader that all synthetic biology should be stopped. It wasn’t presented to suggest that all of the chimeras these Satan-worshipers have created be set on fire and destroyed. It was presented to scare the reader. What would these man-made life forms do in the real world? The authors don’t answer this question either because no one has the answer which is exactly why these things should be destroyed and no more made ever again. Synthetic biology in general should be made a criminal activity punishable by death upon conviction.

The third risk reads, “Private DNA is a security risk.” The presentation under this heading doesn’t address the fact that many of those billions of DNA swabs used during Covid-19 were sold to whoever paid the lab the most money for the samples. That’s not the privacy they are concerned with because they are not ready for the public to fully understand how badly that will turn out. Instead, Webb and Hessel focused on elite leaders having their DNA collected without their knowledge. These are the people that matter to them. They could care less about any of our DNA. The authors instead wrote “Duke scientists developed programmable swarmbots, specially designed bacteria engineered to burst and release proteins on command” (page 151). Then they wrote about individual-specific biological weapons. Then they wrote about all of us having our entire genome linked with identification. No solutions were offered, only more reasons why synthetic biologists should go to trial followed by a well-used gallows.

The fourth of these risks pertain to regulation. They did offer a solution to the weak global treaties, sort of. They didn’t come out and say what they wanted straight because, as I’ve mentioned, they are liars. Webb and Hessel hint that a global regulatory scheme is needed. But, even more than that, these two proved themselves the arrogant assholes they really are beyond the shadow of any doubt on page 158, “regulators must accept that a new era in synthetic biology is already underway, and that this new approach to biology warrants a new approach to regulation.” In other words they are saying that they have created a huge mountain of problems that will only be fixed through global regulatory agencies given the power of enforcing their edicts as well. They are demanding there be a global police force to arrest the dangers of synthetic biology so that synthetic biologists can monopolize their anti-human work.

Which leads to their fifth risk – “Current laws stifle innovation.” These authors want to use the synthetic biology to absolutely destroy patent law. The first cause under this claim by Webb and Hessel was a problem created by synthetic biologists in the first place when they were stupidly awarded patents on living organisms created by mankind, not G-d. Now nobody knows who owns the patents on these detestable things nor the process used to create them. They suggest getting rid of the profit motive and the licensing fees associated with holding a patent altogether to fix this issue. The other issue Webb and Hessel bring us is the likelihood of the concentration of these patents being held by just a few international corporations. The authors promise a food crisis which could only be solved by using synthetic biology which may never materialize because of patent issues. If you take a look at the way fascism works; however, and realize that risk number four was a demand to have regulators determine who will and will not operate in the synthetic biology sphere, they are guaranteeing that this is the outcome.

In the sixth risk they authors go full woke. “The next digital divide will be genetic” the authors titled this risk. This is where they lie straight through their teeth by omitting the fact that none of this is intended for 95% of humanity. There will be the children created G-d’s way and then there will be whatever genetic goop they call their children. Whatever that goop is, it’s not human, at least not human in the way humanity has been human for 99.9999% of it’s existence on this planet. After making these claims the authors then claim that synthetic biologists will now be G-d:

“Technology-assisted pregnancy will also pit the world’s richest and poorest countries against each other. While that’s plenty fraught to begin with, let’s add a key compelling factor: in wealthy nations such as Estonia, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, where organized religion plays a diminished role in society, genetic selection and sequencing at birth will likely meet with less resistance from citizens. Technology-assisted pregnancy could become more easily accepted in such places. People in poorer countries, such as Malawi, Indonesia, and Bangladesh, will need to rely on sex for procreation. In technologically advanced, wealthy countries where religion plays a role – such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia – politicians and citizens will need to reconcile religious doctrine with the benefits of genetic selection and enhancement. Failure to take action could hamper their workforces, growth, and economic competitiveness” (pp 163-4). [emphasis mine]

The seventh risk is a promise of new geopolitical problems. Genetic enhancements, according to the authors, could lead to increased cognitive skills, say, in China, while the United States retains a shred of morality and refuses to engage in the practice. The authors attack Biblical morality in this risk as well as they point out that China has no religion while the United States does. Again the authors obscure what they are actually getting at here by failing to use the correct terms; super-soldier programs. Religion or not the United States as well as other major military powers around the world have invested a lot of time and effort so that their soldiers don’t need to sleep, eat, drink water, or defecate as as much or as often as the enemy’s soldiers do.

The authors lied again when they addressed “Super-mice and money-human hybrids” in risk 8. They noted that there have already been several animals in labs which have been injected with human cells and permitted to live. Where they lied is by pretending that this isn’t already a common practice which ha been going on for over 40 years. Go search the name David Bennett and you will learn all about how a human being (prior to his heart transplant) had a pig-grown ‘human’ heart stuck into his chest in January 2022 a month before this work was published. This is called xenotransplantation (I didn’t make the word up). Not only did the operation take place before the book was published, the authors had every opportunity to realize that human-animal chimeras already exist yet they chose to lie by suggesting that these are all future eventualities. Why not have bat sonar and hummingbird eyes as ‘upgrades’ in human beings. What does being a human being even mean to these people? Nothing apparently, we are just primates according to the authors. We would just have to deal with it the authors suggest.

The final risk the authors decided to address is “Society will break down from misinformation.” I’m sure that creating human-animal hybrids would effect a break down of society. I’m sure that massive deaths caused by a mutagenic superstrain of lab-made syphilghonnaheries wouldn’t collapse society. Society surely won’t collapse as billions are murdered and starved to death through the use of synthetic biology. No, no, no dum-dum it will be because of misinformation. According to these two knuckle-dragging liars (they made the claim so they are primates), Facebook's censorship program (they failed to mention the illegality of it as it was at the behest of US government agencies in the United States) and the questioning the 2020 election results constitute misinformation. They made the claim that questioning the 2020 election caused a riot (it was a protest) and that it was “the first coordinated attack on the legislature since the War of 1812” (p 170) because they live in Mr. Rogers make-believe land where the Weather Underground isn’t in their history books.

But, I personally want these two charged with aiding and abetting in the murder of 20 million people and I demand they be put on trial and they be hung after they are found guilty. I want to watch in on television. My father was one of these murder victims of the Covid-19 death jab that Webb and Hessel have decided to sponsor after their lethality has been confirmed. I fully believe they should be hung for having written the following passage in addition to the rest of the blessings and activities they have chosen to conduct in the name of synthetic biology. On pages 169-70 they wrote:

“Misinformation campaigns are now causing parts of society to collapse. In the wake of a deadly global pandemic, Americans had a miraculous vaccine – yet four out of ten people refused to get it. On December 14, 2020, the first person in America – a nurse named Sandra Lindsay – received a jab in her arm to deliver the vaccine. By the end of May 2021, when vaccines were free, widely available, and easy for anyone over the age of twelve to get, only a third of Americans – roughly 129 million people – had been fully vaccinated. During that same period, from December to May, more than 250,000 people died from COVID-19.”

Sandra Lindsay is a paid for shill pimping death to America. Webb and Hessel celebrate her efforts because they are murderers. They demand that 250,000 be the number of people recognized as having died from Covid-19, not with Covid-19 – a disease only detectable by testing for it. It also happened that there were kill floors established in hospitals where the lethal combination of remdesivir and ventilators were used to murder millions. On top of all of that, huge success was found in treating Covid-19 early with cheap, readily available medications in combinations such as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, z-pak, and vitamin supplements. But, according to these two arrogant murderers that the misinformation they would like to counter. And the only reason they could possibly even conceive that what I have written here is misinformation is due to one fact – they want to murder even more people because they know synthetic biology isn’t for us and they want it now.

The book wraps up with five scenarios made possible by synthetic biology. If this is the future they want, I’m out because it sucks. The first scenario is literally creating babies the same way they are created in Brave New World. The second is a stupid and woefully inadequate assumption of what would happen if we ‘cured’ death and aging (remember they lied throughout the book by pretending that it will be any of us who will forego aging and death when, in fact, it is necessary for 95% of us to be murdered). Another scenario describes the way that food is created out of atoms instead of grown or raised and served by AI-infused robots. Colonizing Mars because of climate change is the fourth installment of the scenarios these two butchers came up with. The final one involves a terrorist attack made by hackers who ordered a lab to create a highly lethal pathogen and had it mailed to another lab where, when it was opened, everyone died nearly immediately. The authors presented the death of the neo-Nazi biologists in the scenario as a loss, of course – you can’t kill their gods, they only demand you kill your belief in yours….

At the very end the authors offer concrete actions they think are necessary. The first of these is to just shove synthetic biology down everyone’s throat whether we want it or not. Even more, Webb and Hessel don’t really care if any of us participate in these discussions. Not only will they define the problems society faces they demand the sole ability to ‘fix’ them on a global scale. They claim to demand gain-of-function research be banned but then write that gain-of-function research should continue as long as it’s done with the watchful eye of the same murderous scumbags who brought us mRNA gene therapies, deadlier versions of Covid-19, and have hundreds of thousands of strains of lethal pathogens waiting to ‘escape’ their cold-storage units. They suggest creating digital ID’s linked to biometric data. Mandatory licensing requirements are demanded by these two so that whatever the latest plan to murder 7.5 billion-plus human beings can be done with strength in numbers just like the Covid-19 was done. They also demanded a synthetic biology czar in the United States so we can have another office with another blood-soaked criminal like Anthony Fauci, that companies immediately adopt synthetic biology surveillance and marketing tools, and that science be made easier to read and understand. Why would science being easier to understand be a bad thing you may ask – it allows for science to be turned into propaganda supported by consensus.

All that is necessary for these demons to get their way is, “Your life, reimagined.” These ‘people,’ and I only use that term in the loosest way possible – a large part of me rejects their claims of being human in the first place (nothing with a soul would think any of this is a good idea while purposefully lying to maintain that claim as these two authors did) – wrote on page 274:

“The genesis machine is powered on and running. It is leading us inexorably toward a great transformation of our societies and our species. In the coming years, new genetic technologies will challenge your core beliefs. You will have to make choices about whether to sequence your DNA, and whether to vaccinate your child using messenger RNA. You will hear a lot about whether genetic selection – and enhancement – should be allowed, and who should have access to the technologies promising to improve life. You’ll have to decide what you, too, think about these issues, and when the time comes, whether to enhance yourself. Climate change will impact your quality of life in ways that could change your job, your living conditions, and your community. When the time comes, will you switch to eating cultured meats? Do you trust genetically modified crops – and, if not, what would it take for you to change your mind.”

So let’s break this paragraph down by rewriting what the authors are really telling their readers. There are a bunch of Nazi’s creating chimeric Frankenstein’s in the real world. These Nazi’s are going to force us to destroy our societies and convince us to kill ourselves with their creations. Your DNA is most likely already sequenced without your knowledge and you have already had to decided whether or not you would play Russian-roulette-death-jab style with your child. You will get no say in about allowing genetic mutilations nor about who has access. These things will be developed and you will be be used as a living experiment which will eventually kill you which is not an improvement in life for you in particular. As fewer people exist, life will become harder as it becomes increasingly burdensome. You won’t have to worry about ‘enhancing’ yourself because you will be ordered to do so based of whatever pandemic fad is being touted at the time or will have already been exterminated. Climate change will impact nothing about your life but the austerity demanded to ‘fix’ this nonexistent ‘man-made’ problem will force you into being nothing more than an expensive commodity to the global elite production managers. Will you eat cancer – I hope not. Will you willingly eat vaccine-laced broccoli – I hope not. Will you change your mind? Again, I hope not.

Amy Webb and Andrew Hessel are deranged lunatics. They see all of this as ‘good.’ So, let’s return to the Bible for a moment to see if this is good. The last time humanity went down this road it rained for 40 days and nights and then we had a covenant made with us – the rainbow. The rainbow is a promise G-d will never again flood the earth. While the rainbow is good because it is of G-d, the flood certainly was not, at least from the perspective of everything on earth except for what was upon the ark. The reason G-d sent the flood was because of the evil being done on the earth. Isaiah 5:20 reads, Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness into light and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter! This is exactly what Webb and Hessel set out to do – call evil good and good evil. That which is of G-d is good and that which is not is evil. And even that which is of G-d is not entirely good as Yeshua himself instructed, “Why are you calling me good? No one is good except God!”

If we continue to go down this path we, as in all of the life on the planet, will be consumed in war, famine, plague, and fire. We won’t be universally flooded, that I am certain of. We will be wiped away from the face of the earth just as certainly as those in Noach’s time were; however. When? Only the Father knows. Why? Because of stupid, arrogant people deceiving many and preaching falsely. Specifically, these things will befall us because of our disobedience to G-d. Matthew 24:12 lays it out, and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. Webb and Hessel certifiably detest G-d to the point where they have knowingly engaged in open war against Him. How far away they have gotten from the teachings of G-d is not really important – that they are trying to drag us along with them is. On this planet I suggest we prosecute and persecute these murderers until they are in prison cells awaiting their sentences to be carried out so that humanity may survive. At the same time it seems we may have crossed a red-line that G-d will not work to stall….

The really important part is that we turn our faces towards G-d in obedience. Obedience to G-d, devout, sincere, and honest obedience to G-d, is this age’s ark. It has room for as many as will turn their faces towards Him and look upon the skies for the shofar’s deafening announcement of the return of the Messiah. The decision is yours to make because you do have free will despite what Webb and Hessel and the rest of the death cult would have you believe.

Bless G-d and G-d Bless and be not afraid.


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