2024 is a Referendum on National Sovereignty

2024 is a Referendum on National Sovereignty

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/13/2023

The United States is facing a fundamental and existential challenge. We will vote on it for the third time in 12 years on Tuesday November 5, 2024. The main question the US electorate will be answering aren’t about the border, economy, abortion access, foreign policy, or addressing concerns about synthetic biology although they all play a part. The question we will be answering is whether or not the United States will remain a sovereign nation state with sovereign powers able to be exercised by our leaders. The flip side of that decision is that if the US is not a sovereign nation state then it will be a territory controlled by the likes of the World Economic Forum and the United Nations.

Do you hate Donald Trump? Do you know people who hate Donald Trump? The hatred of Donald Trump is due to their hatred of national sovereignty. The hatred of one’s own nation state and the sovereign powers that go along with it is rooted in the concept of a New World Order and the one-world government, religion, and economic model championed by global and international interests. The people who hate Donald Trump hate anyone who desires the retention of the nation state, also known as the Westphalian system.

For 375 years the Westphalian system has been shown to have it’s weaknesses. Due to nations with different interests, resources, and ideologies within this system, economic wars, trade wars, and kinetic wars have erupted. Some nations have used their sovereignty to destroy their people, such as in China, Russia, Germany, and now the United States. Colonialism was a feature of international relations in areas far from the European and North American centers of Westphalian orientations. Chattel slavery was an institution the Westphalian system used for many of the years it has been recognized and instituted. The system is not and never was perfect.

Without it though, there would have been no place to escape the slave block. There would have been no need to drift away from feudal arrangements throughout societies towards a more capitalist orientation. Without the national sovereignties under the Westphalian system, borders wouldn’t really exist and neither would distinct legal systems which could provide relief to those who were oppressed in their own nations. Welfare systems, for as much as I despise them, would not have been possible without the nation state. Wars would have been even more frequent and even more local as feudal warlords decided to go to war against other feudal warlords for resources and labor.

In short, the Westphalian system has served to give the commoners of the world a better standard of living. The Westphalian system of sovereign nation states has facilitated the rise of Hitler’s Germany and Mao’s China but it also gave Switzerland the ability to not kinetically engage in World War II and the ability for the United States to exist at all. The problem states of the Westphalian system are not directly attributable to the Westphalian system itself though and neither are the blue-ribbon states. It is a framework of norms and relations between states and some of those states decided to engage in hostilities while others have used the system to engage in peaceful and prosperous relations with their neighbors.

The 2024 election; however, will determine if this system will survive. With the exception of Vivek Ramaswamy, the major players at the kid’s table in the Republican primaries, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Chris Christie would immediately withdraw the United States from the Westphalian system. There are a total of zero democrats who would not immediately do the same thing. There would be no major difference between a Chris Christie presidency and a second term for Joe Biden. Michelle Obama and Nikki Haley alike would gut the United States in the name of ceding our sovereignty to international and globalist interests – there would be no difference between the two of them in this regard.

Between 2017 and 2021, the United States was not a reliable global bastion. This is why democrats and large swaths of the republican party have vowed all out war against Donald Trump and those who also want to Make America Great Again. Trump, for all of his faults, understood that if there is no sovereign United States of America then it cannot be great again. This is so fundamental that many of us missed that fact but he provided us with plenty of examples. He removed us from some of the most harmful projects of the global government gestapos in the United States. The global gestapo screamed when Donald Trump stopped funding the World Health Organization, threatened the continued existence of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, took steps to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, and refused to continue to obtain US membership in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Trump’s desire to control US borders, use his own media sources to appeal directly to the US public, and to secure cheap, efficient, and abundant energy sources like gas and oil are all examples of his desire to retain the sovereignty of the United States despite what the rest of the world has decided to do. Despite his insistence that Warp Speed was a positive development, Donald Trump took a very hands-off approach to the biological war these globalists waged against him and the rest of the world in general.

The media compartmentalized these issues so that the masses wouldn’t catch the undercurrent of their paid-for propaganda. That undercurrent, now a rip tide, is designed to erode US sovereignty. If all of this is put into perspective at the same time it shows Donald Trump consistently exercising national sovereignty to the detriment of instituting global government in the United States. The same is true of other world leaders hated by the NWO as Donald Trump’s presidency has led to other nations electing candidates who are also willing to exercise national sovereignty at the expense of globalist interests. The global gestapos detest the air breathed by the likes of Italy’s Meloni, Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Hungary’s Orban, Russia’s Putin, Israel’s Netanyahu, and Argentina’s Milei because they are focused on making their nations great and not bowing down to every demand made by the globalist government.

Meloni doesn’t want to continue destroying families as the UN has directed their members to do. Bolsonaro did what he could to get rid of the corruption left over from decades of globally-aligned socialist dictators. Orban has decided that the borders of Hungary should be controlled by Hungary, not the European Union, the United Nations European lap dog. Putin, whether you think he is right or wrong, perceived a threat to his national sovereignty upon his western borders and took decisive action against it. Netanyahu has vowed to remove Hamas from power and has weakened an overly-powerful supreme court. Milei ran on a platform of fixing the economic disaster caused by Argentina’s decades of globally-aligned Marxist policies and is now implementing them. While all of these leaders have their blind spots, the global gestapo has declared war against them because of their efforts to exercise national sovereignty.

Understanding this global directive to destroy the sovereignty of the nation states puts a lot of other things into context. The idea that there are other places to run when edicts from the global elites destroy our ability to survive. Because the UN Sustainable Development Goals are global where can anyone run to escape them. The WHO’s global pandemic preparedness treaty is global and they will control the healthcare choices of 8 billion people simultaneously about five minutes after it is ratified and in effect. If you don’t want to eat maggot protein in five years then demanding beef and chicken remain agricultural products we can produce for ourselves or buy at the grocery store. Maggot protein, 3D printed tofu, and lab-grown meat (it is legitimately cancer) are what we will be eating, globally. The UN’s year 2000 document titled Replacement Migration is being implemented by having the ‘rich’ nations of the world forget they have a sovereign duty to enforce their borders and control immigration. It is a design to ‘mostly peacefully’ invade the nations most suited to throw off the yolk of the NWO.

Misinformation detection and censoring is a global development. Is it misinformation to ask about the legitimacy of the 2020 election and demand those questions be answered satisfactory? To the global gestapo it is, it’s why Donald Trump is being abused by one of their spiders named Jack Smith. It’s why the January 6 protesters have been sentenced to prison. Countless videos exist of Covid-19 protesters being arrested for the crime of being in public and rejecting mandates. There are far too many videos of militarized police forces arresting and fining business owners for staying open during Covid-19 and even live streams during which global gestapo agents arrested the streamers for stating facts about Covid-19. Parents who don’t want their children taught how to sexually gratify members of the global death cult are the targets of FBI investigations, arrests, and fines but it is labeled misinformation and censored. The enforcers of the misinformation codes are increasingly the globalist pond scum too stupid to recognize that while they deem what they don’t like misinformation, tomorrow they will be silenced as well and then we can all be slaughtered in silence.

Remember the global protests which featured mobs of marauding criminals demanding social justice with Antifa (Neo-Nazi) flags and BLM t-shirts? Elements within these groups burnt, raped, looted, assaulted, and even murdered those who they disagreed with. Our cities smoldered. The news reported that they were mostly peaceful standing 50 yards from a flame engulfed police precinct. They did this because that is what this global cabal wants – they want to burn everything down. If we have national sovereignty they are going to have a much more difficult time getting their way as national government go after the criminals perpetrating these and other crimes.

Donald Trump is by no means a perfect man, but he understands what is at stake in this election. What is at stake is the continued existence of the United States. Donald Trump represents the best shot the nation has to survive. All of the other candidates, except for Vivek Ramaswamy, have already declared all out war on the sovereignty of the United States to give it to global bodies. Ramaswamy isn’t fit because of his dedication to synthetic biology. He’s a transhumanist on the Republican stage. If there is one arena which will prove to be even more harmful to human beings than replacing the Westphalian system with the Great Reset, it is the development and use of AI, synthetic biology, robotics, and nanotechnologies with a focus on transhumanism. What is even more ridiculous is that these technologies are being created and used as more reasons to ditch national sovereignty in favor of the global gestapo making Ramaswamy a blatant and willing liar. These technologies still are in the backseat of the car being driven by the daddy of the imagined causes demanding the implement ion of global government though – the man-made scare tactic of anthropomorphic climate change fear mongers have used since 1992 and tried to use before that as well.

When we go to the voting booth on November 5, 2024, it is important to remember that we are not voting for Donald Trump or Joe Biden or anyone else. We are voting for the United States continued existence. The questions we should be asking ourselves are not being asked. Do you want your health decisions make by the WHO or by you? Would you like economic opportunities which are curtailed through the austerity of of the SDG’s or would you like to make the bulk of those decisions yourself? Do you want houses of worship to preach about how great Klaus Schwab and the ethics he demands we submit to are or would you like to worship G-d and engage in conversation with those who believe as you do based on your own free-will?

If the United States answers this question wrong, we will wind up living in 250 square foot ‘smart’ coffin apartments. We will rent rides. ‘Food’ costs will come out of our universal basic incomes. Banking accounts will no longer store wealth; they will hold the remaining balance of our digital credits biometrically linked to us and maintained by AI. At the end of the month, if the credits are unused, they will disappear. If misinformation is something you have been slapped with those credits will disappear and next month the credits will be fewer. We will all be walking medical experiments. Jobs will be temporary assignments and there will be no more careers. Education will be made a life-long endeavor and completely dedicated to psychological terror to weed out those who are not on board with being enslaved. Those refusing any of this will be sent to modern versions of the USSR’s gulags.

None of this would be possible without the support of academics and corporations. Academia has decided, long ago, that the world should follow whatever ethics they design. The global gestapo is that set of bloody ethics being applied worldwide. As an example, a consensus exists in academia that it is misinformation to debunk their claims about man’s contributions to climate change. According to these same people, it is an even more severe crime if any of us are unwilling to participate in the measures they have deemed ethical for humanity to take to arrest climate change.

Corporations, particularly the multinational ones, look to make billions of dollars justly and, more often than not, unjustly. They do this by ensuring that their business model dominates the entire industry and then seek government regulations to protect their status by making it impossible for entrants into the market to comply with those regulations. The global government cabal knows that corporations strive for these monopolistic situations and have wholeheartedly embraced fascism. They call it stakeholder capitalism. In reality it is a global fascist combine determined to not only destroy national sovereignty but you and me and everyone else.

Think back to the lockdowns for Covid-19. Remember those mask Nazi’s running around Target and the airports? Remember when we went to work and were forced to undergo a temperature scan? From the directional signs on the floors of grocery stores to businesses mandating Covid-19 tests and injections, it was the businesses and corporations which enforced all of these global campaigns to destroy national sovereignties and you. Whether it is AI, currency, social norms, or legal matters, the global gestapo wants to make those decisions for each of us and nation states using their sovereignty hinders their efforts. That’s what we are voting for.

Is it easier to change things that are not working in your home, at a city council, at the state level, or at the national level? Obviously the more local the leadership, the easier it is to make changes. Now, ask yourself, if these globalists get their way, will it be easier to change things that are not working for you at a global level with leaders who are not elected and corporations who are far more concerned with Environmental Social Governance compliance than their customers? That same local argument still holds. Without national sovereignty, the rigid conformity demanded by the global government will force all of us into line through regulatory capture, corporate fascism, shifting academic ethical frameworks, and national governments which kowtow to global institutions.

That is where Trump started with the MAGA movement. That is what he is campaigning on at the end of the day. He is saying vote for me so that we can have a country. The alternatives will leave America as nothing more than a vassal state of global institutions. This hatred of Donald Trump is not organic, nor is it grassroots. It is an agenda designed by globalists who hate G-d, hate the morality of G-d, hate the concept of national sovereignty, hate leaders that recognize the fundamental importance of the nation state, and overwhelmingly, hate you. Vote accordingly.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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