Synchron – Stealing Birthrights

Synchron – Stealing Birthrights

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/3/2022

Pretty much everyone has heard something or other about Elon Musk. Whether it is endeavors into space, manufacturing electric cars and that super ugly ‘truck,’ social media posts about social issues, or cryptocurrency dealings, almost everyone has been exposed to Musk’s actions in some way. I agree with some of Musk’s social position, especially the ones where he encourages there to be more people on earth – there is no human future if there are no babies to replace the humans here now. But I will never trust Musk because of his development of Neuralink – a device which is surgically implanted into a human’s brain and is able to interface with it.

A competitor to Musk’s Neuralink, Synchron; however, beat Musk to be the first to actually implant such a device into someone’s head in the United States. Synchron’s device, a small wire mesh implanted into blood vessels in the brain called the Stentrode works in tandem with Neuro EP (which is short for Neurointerventional Electrophysiology). The FDA gave its approval for the Stentrode in 2004. Neuro EP is the platform in which the Stentrode data is able to be gathered, tracked, and analyzed. There are 72 patients worldwide with Stentrodes implanted into their heads and 26 peer reviewed articles.

There are three selling points which Synchron highlights. The first selling point is as a nueroprosthetic. This is made possible by a platform called, a receiver called the node, and a decoder called axon. In Synchron’s words:

“Our end user software,™, is a hands-free, thought-controlled platform that uses translated brain signals to restore motor capabilities to achieve digital freedom.

“The node consists of the stentrode™ and our internal receiver-transmitter unit that is placed in the chest under the skin. It records brain signals from the motor cortex and provides wireless transmission of raw data to the external devices.

“The axon wirelessly detects raw brain signals from the node and translates them into standardized digital commands that can be recognized by any Bluetooth device.”

The second selling point is called neuromodulation. According to Polar Medical,

“Neuromodulation is quite simply the process by which nervous activity is regulated by controlling the physiological levels of nerve activity through delivery of a stimulus, such as electrical stimulation or chemical agents to a specific neurological area....

“Neuromodulation works in two ways, either by actively stimulating nerves to produce a natural biological response or by targeting the area with small doses of pharmaceutical agent.”

The third of Synchron’s selling points is neurodiagnostics. Their website suggests they will be able to create maps of the brain. External nodes are still, at present, the most common way to monitor brain activity (EEG). ASET, The Neurodiagnostic Society, defines neudodiagnostics as a,

“health care profession that records, monitors, and analyzes nervous system function to promote the effective treatment of pathologic conditions. Technologists record electrical activity arising from the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, somatosensory or motor nerve systems using a variety of techniques and instruments. Technologists prepare data and documentation for interpretation by a physician.”

It seems as though that psychopath Yuval Noah Harari’s vision of health, “If we want to stop this epidemic, we need, not just to monitor people, we need to monitor what’s happening under their skin,” is coming true. “Humans are now hackable animals. You know, the whole idea that humans have, you know, this, they have this soul or spirit and they have free will and nobody knows what’s happening inside me, so whatever I choose, whether in the election or the supermarket, this is my free will – that’s over,” is another Harari quote [emphasis mine].

Synchron’s technology is definitely under the skin. It represents putting human bodies onto the Internet of Things directly instead of carrying around a cell phone that can easily be discarded. It also represents the future AI-driven hive mind in the third-dimension (real-life as opposed to digital twins or virtual reality). It will also assist in the fields of robotics, for some reason the movie Chappie comes to mind. There is a reason Synchron called their end-user software – the .io stands, universally, for input/output. Synchron is putting things INTO people’s heads as well. They are, so far, the leader in destroying the human race through AI input, and that’s it.

I’m not advocating for ALS or any other disease which brain implants seek to remedy. I would like to understand why these diseases develop, and how to avoid having them develop in order to prevent them, because I am most certainly advocating against this technology. The quiet part that Synchron and Nueralink isn’t telling anyone is that by doing this, recipients of the technology are selling their birthright to these companies. Being as though these diseases are neurodegenerative, it brings up questions about how informed the recipients could be and whether or not their consent can be given in the first place. These poor souls, former humans, have sold their humanity and their birthright out to be able to send text messages and shop online.

Synchron, meanwhile, will make money hand over fist; however. For now, they are restricted to demonstrating the safety of their product. Because the safety trials are restricted to a handful of qualified patients, and there seems to be some weird idea that if a medical intervention might benefit one person, it’s fine if 100 are maimed or die from the procedure, as long as the 100 incidents are covered-up, I’m sure the technology will be fully approved in the United States. Gaining approval is all that really matters, and the FDA has been packed full of homicidal maniacs – you do the math. Synchron will make money selling Stentrode, the devices which Stentrode needs to function, training doctors, surgeons, and technicians how to use the devices and platforms, and, most profitably, selling the data they gain from these former human beings to research labs around the world.

This God-forsaken package of technologies will sell like hotcakes once approval is actually given by regulatory bodies. Sold as a treatment for a plethora of neurological disorders and diseases, millions will be interested in selling their birthrights for a limited amount of autonomy.

“For [Tom] Oxley [CEO of Synchron], the most exciting part of working on the Stentrode isn’t the device itself. ‘The impact that the technology has had on our patients and their families and the patients with severe paralysis, is substantial,’ he said of the few individuals who have so far undergone the experimental implant. Restoring even a small part of function and autonomy is ‘a very impactful and moving experience for the patient.’”

Once more, a technology is being sold to humanity as a treatment which is more convenient for those suffering from certain ailments than to address the root causes of those ailments and mitigate them. ALS, for example, affects about 30,000 people in the United States, 0.00901 percent of the US population. 5.4 million were estimated to be suffering from paralysis in a 2013 survey, or 1.7% of the population. I want everyone paralyzed to regain function in their body but I do not see the benefit of creating such technologies to accomplish it. Creating cyborgs is not in the interest of humanity in general, no matter how noble the cause.

There is a question which is kind of an existential ‘what if.’ The question really drives home the point, at a personal level, of this entire development. You are a mother or father. Your little girl just started kindergarten. In class, 90% of the other children had enhancements which allowed them to seamlessly connect with the internet through their minds. These super-smart AI-enhanced internet-enabled kids made your daughter feel incredibly out of place because she couldn’t keep up with most of the other in class. Some of these kids even had running, eyesight, and/or hearing enhancements to boot. Of the three unenhanced others in your little girl’s kindergarten class, one has medical complications, one has parents who hold religious beliefs against human augmentation and enhancements, and one is too poor, despite subsidies. Your family has the money, but has not made a decision about whether to permanently alter your little girl’s entire life. She begs you to get her enhanced. She’s crying, and you have questions and hesitation. What is your answer?

For me, the answer is simple. I was born human, with my free will intact and I will die that way too, Yuval Noah Harari be damned. God made me the way I am, in His image, and God will take me home when He is done with me. You can call me the religious objector if you would like.

Along ethical lines, cyborgs are not human beings they are something other than human beings, and in my opinion, they are not better than humans, but worse. Cyborgs are worse than human beings because that implant in their head completely shuts off at least a full one-third of the human experience, the spiritual realm, the world of the heart. Why would a cyborg need any of that when their entire being is centered on their physical and intellectual attributes. Certainly, no AI is going to seek to advance spiritual richness and understanding. In reality there is a war against any spirituality (both chemically and socially), particularly when there is a reliance upon, and faith in, the redemptive and future-oriented teachings of Jesus Christ (Yeshua). The cyborgs will have an atheism imposed upon them by their AI dictator – piped straight into their mind. A race car driver is exuberant when they cross the finish line first – the car doesn’t really care one way or the other because it lacks the ability to care. I’d rather be a race car driver than the car, personally.

But, the question isn’t being posed to me, it’s something that you have to answer on your own. Thinking it through now is important, although the race to get these products to market and distributed to the masses for implementation is almost complete. Is your birthright, the birthright of your children, worth selling for an augmentation or enhancement?

God Bless you. Ask Him for guidance here, even if you don’t believe in Him. Humans, obviously, are not leading the majority of humanity into positive outcomes. God can save you, men cannot.


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