False Valor – Killing Taliban After Making ISIS

False Valor – Killing Taliban After Making ISIS

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/2/2022

The Obama administration’s vice-president was Joseph R. Biden. Sleepy Joe and his democrat operatives pulled off a coup in 2020 and installed an Obama mouthpiece in the White House. Recall that it was the Obama Administration which was funneling money and arms to ISIS in Iraq and Syria. When Donald Trump took office he stemmed that flow of money and ISIS quickly disappeared. But now we have Obama running a shadow administration through Joe Biden.

ISIS or a similar group has not risen up to dominate an area through violence and brutality, unless we look at the Taliban taking Afghanistan over once more. Not only did the Taliban reclaim Afghanistan after Biden’s administration abandoned the nation, he managed to execute 13 servicemen by proxy. The Taliban has re-instituted every brutal policy which was in place on September 11, 2001. The only positive about this is there is going to be much less heroin flowing out of Afghanistan.

Now Biden is gloating about how tough he is on al-Qaida. Ayman al-Zawahri was killed in a drone strike at a safe house in Kabul, Afghanistan on 8/1/2022. A predator drone fired two hellfire missiles at the residence, killing al-Qaida’s leader. The CIA led the strike and went to the site afterwards to confirm the kill. An anonymous senior official in the Biden regime said there were no US assets on the ground in Afghanistan. Someone is lying. The ground team sent by the CIA didn’t think anyone else was killed in the attack, probably another lie.

Back when Obama was his own mouthpiece, he spoke about predator drones in particular. The Atlantic, in a singular act of responsible journalism, condemned Obama, speaking at a White House Correspondence Ball in 2010, for uttering the words: “The Jonas Brothers [a crappy pop band] are here; they're out there somewhere. Sasha and Malia are huge fans. But boys, don't get any ideas. I have two words for you, 'predator drones.' You will never see it coming. You think I'm joking.”

Thousands of people have lost their lives to predator drones. In October of 2021, one of these drone strikes made international news. The strike murdered 10 people in Afghanistan who the US intelligence held no one accountable for and suggested that after the initial missile strike there were additional explosions. The youngest ‘ISIS member’ targeted was 2 years old and there were 2 of them at that age. A 6 year old was murdered as was a 7 year old. The United States apologized publicly, “Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, the head of U.S. Central Command, claimed full responsibility Friday for what he said was a devastating ‘mistake.’” No one in the United States was held accountable for the attack.

How does that affect you, reader? The intelligence apparatus which was created to fight the never-ending global war on terror is being turned towards domestic affairs. Amoral administration officials who never saw a law they did not seek to break are increasingly violating their charters. The FBI is going after parents speaking at PTA meetings to inform school boards their curriculum are damaging their children. The CIA and NSA are operating domestically and surveilling whoever they want, foreigner and citizen alike. The Department of Justice is acting as if only one political party is capable of committing a crime – the party which ideologically disagrees with Merrick Garland or Joe Biden.

So, let’s talk about guns, because there is a lot of democrat support for gun confiscation and there are some republicans in name only who are following along with their designs. If one of these bills ever passes both chambers of Congress, Joe Biden is as likely to prick his finger to sign the measure into law with blood as he is to sign it in ink. Biden would love nothing more than to have the CIA, FBI, NSA, BLM, ATF, and other intelligence agencies hunt down US citizens for gun confiscation. Of course, that would turn into a bloody affair. Biden would also love nothing more than to start rounding up his ideological opposition under any pretext possible. Adam Schiff, for example, is seeking to allow the military to carry out domestic policing functions in an amendment to H.R. 7900. I’m sure Biden would not reject wielding such powers.

But, the administration won’t be coming after guns. They will be coming after gun-owners. And they will use the post-9/11 intelligence apparatus to track gun-owners down. Like Obama promised, “'predator drones.' You will never see it coming. You think I'm joking.” This new age, the one we are living in, is all about information. Closely tied to that information is depopulation. We have failed in our duty to safeguard our information, largely because we were supposed to fail. The idea is to use information to identify and detect ‘threats’ to the US government, meaning anyone who disagrees with the direction of it’s current leaders. That opens anyone who is causing any problem to the regime up to being drone-striked. That’s gun-owners, that’s Biblically-inclined Christians, that’s anyone holding biologically based definitions of gender, that’s anyone who wants to slow down or stop illegal immigration, and the list goes on and on.

So, congratulations Joe Biden, your CIA violated about 500 laws and you killed a terrorist. It’s not meant to be celebrated; however, it is a call to action to demand the US government stop inventing AI-driven methods of killing people. As we are already seeing, the USA PATRIOT Act is, ultimately, to destroy anyone who is, in fact, a peaceful, law abiding, patriot. It’s being used increasingly against US citizens. This drone strike in Afghanistan serves, at least to me, as the latest reminder that, sooner or later drone strikes will be used by the US government against US citizens. They will make our guns inoperable by taking out the operators, they will destroy Biblically-oriented churches by destroying the pastors and preachers and rabbi’s along with the buildings, they will target traditional families for separation by destroying the head of the family, and the administration will deem any official-narrative dissident as a terrorist and take the appropriate steps to neutralize them socially, financially, legally, and physically.


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