Streisand and the Left

How the Streisand Effect Keeps on Biting the Left in the Butt

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 6/17/2022

Want to see how the Streitsand effect works in real life? I’ll take you through an article that appeared on the Los Angeles Daily News’ website on June 16th, yesterday, titled Anti-vaccine Beverly Hills doctor sentenced to prison for Capitol riot.

The anti-vaccine doctor’s name is Simone Gold. Have you heard her name before? I have, but in passing. The name of the organization she started to fight against vaccine mandates and government tyranny is called America’s Frontline Doctors. I have definitely heard of America’s Frointline Doctors but there are millions who have not, who now will because of her presence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

So, thank you Los Angeles Daily News. That is some really good PR for a really important movement.

It is incredibly disturbing that Gold was sentenced to 60 days of jail time, 12 months of supervised release, and $9,500 in fines. She walked into the Capitol building, gave a speech in one of the halls, and gave another speech in a lobby. It is murky as to whether she was arrested on Jan 6 or later in January, but she served two days in jail.

While Gold plead guilty to the misdemeanors she was charged with, her cameraman, John Strand has not and is still locked up. He has a trail date set to begin on July 18, 2022 – 558 days after his arrest.

This article also contains five other very curious aspects. One is how corrupted and evil our judicial system is. The judge in this case, a DC-based US District Court swamp creature called Christopher Cooper handed Gold’s sentence down. “The judge told Gold that her anti-vaccine activism wasn’t a factor in her sentencing. Cooper said Gold wasn’t a “casual bystander” on Jan. 6.” Both of these claims are bogus, but Cooper, wanting to be patted on the back by the monsters who can give him a promotion, decided to lie to everyone and sentence Gold harshly. That’s a good boy Cooper.

Cooper’s evil and ignorance was put on full display when he stated, “‘I think that is a real disservice to the true victims of that day,’ he said.” What victims? Ashli Babbitt? Cooper, the coward dressed in black wouldn’t touch that case with a 1,000 foot pole. There is clear evidence of murder taking place with Ashli Babbitt.

Maybe Cooper is referring to one of the more than 300 people who are still locked up in a DC jail. Overall, 800 have been charged with federal crimes, 300 of them have plead guilty, and 200 of those have been sentenced. Some of those 500 still have no trail dates set. One is reported to have been beaten so severely he suffered a broken jaw and now suffers from a seizure disorder and is blind in one eye. Cooper isn’t talking about the real victims of Jan 6 – those dragnetted into a jail to never be seen again. The maggots who actually orchestrated the violent events are still walking free, meanwhile, like ‘Ray Epps,’ Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Maxine Watters. The real victims are the American people who had an election stolen from them and were denied recourse to address their grievances. They were locked up instead – very curious indeed.

A third curious point contained in this article is that the prosecutors in this case made the claim that Gold was profiting from her Jan 6 involvement and that her legal fees were being paid by America’s Frontline Doctors. The produced no evidence to support the claim; however, the prosecutors still made the claim. Gold’s defense lawyer said he was paid out of Gold’s pocket and donations made to America’s Frontline Doctors have been retained by America’s Frontline Doctors. What prosecutors are really doing is saying they dislike AFD so much that they are willing to destroy it with or without evidence.

Despite Gold maintaining that her time in the Capitol was peaceful, Gold’s prosecutors said during Cooper’s star-chamber sentencing:

“But prosecutors say she entered the Capitol immediately after a law enforcement officer was assaulted and dragged to the ground in front of her. Gold also joined a mob that was trying to break into the House chamber and later ignored police commands to leave Statuary Hall so she could finish giving a speech, according to prosecutors.”

The prosecutors in this case are evil too. They should probably be disbarred for the way they handled this case, but instead, Gold’s CA medical license is in jeopardy for ‘disinformation’ dissemination. Despite all of the video footage of the Jan 6 Capitol event, it was apparently never presented to Cooper. Instead Cooper allowed the prosecutors to say it happened and that’s the end of the story in his book. These prosecutors apparently didn’t even present any eyewitness testimony according to the article. Instead the court took the prosecutor’s word for it, which begs the question – what is due process and where was it present in this case? Did Cooper have a VAIDS-induced stroke and forget that there is a 6th Amendment? I get that Gold plead guilty and waived her right to a trial which limits the scope of the 6th Amendment but if Gold did not specifically admit guilt to the colorful and unsubstantiated claims the prosecution made for justifying their sentencing recommendations, the prosecution should not have been permitted to present it and Cooper has a duty to throw it out.

The other curious thing about all of this is that Gold claims her reputation has been destroyed, which it has. And, while she has moved away from California to a more friendly state, she still has to travel with bodyguards due to death threats being continuously directed towards her. Of course, the Daily News half-way doxxed Gold by including the town of her new residence in the article, which I won’t reproduce. Who is making threats? Democrats are making threats. Democrats should probably be getting arrested in droves for all of this, especially if the threats are credible. Of course they will not be arrested. They most likely won’t even be questioned.

But who knew this is the way that the US treats political dissidents? By political dissidents, I mean anyone who is not in-line with Joe Biden’s UN-directed visions for destroying America.

Again, I’d like to thank the Los Angeles Daily News for bringing all of this to the forefront. Simone Gold and America’s Frontline Doctors should both be household names. Judicial and prosecutorial misconduct should be more thoroughly exposed. The sheer ignorance and lack of searching for the truth in order to mete out justice engaged in by Cooper is disgusting and should be exposed. Democrats making threats to those they disagree with – to the point of the target of the threats needs a body guard – is illuminating and should be more widely known. The article also shows how little importance is placed upon election integrity because the sham narrative of January 6 is the established tactic approved of by the Bolsheviks in our federal government.

Los Angeles Daily News actually wrote the Streisand effect throughout this article. Whether it was intentional or not is irrelevant. They did it, and I appreciated it. I hope the Daily News article appears in print on their front page, and is picked up by the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, USA Today, and the LA Times so millions will be exposed to the thin veil of lies masking the truth bubbling just beneath the surface. It is an Associated Press piece, so my wishes may be granted.


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