Senate Gun Bill

How the Senate Gun Bill Should Read

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity– 6/16/2022

Each day that passes brings the United States closer to suffering under a giant step in the wrong direction regarding gun rights. The authors of the Bill of Rights understood this. They understood it so well, as a matter of fact, that they didn’t just write ‘people can own guns’ but wrote: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” The authors barred the federal government, and through the 14th Amendment, governments of those free States mentioned above, from infringing upon the ability of US citizens from bearing arms.

But lots of people have chosen to contort all of 2nd Amendment into whatever justifies their positions. They will claim the National Guard is the Militia. They are wrong, the Militia is the citizenry of a Republic (something they are also confused about – the US is not a democracy) and it is not my fault no State trains its Militia, but I’m ready for them to start.

Some claim that if all the guns were gone there would be no more gun violence. They are wrong because there will never be a point where all of the guns are gone – not until Yeshua returns and the world lives in the New Jerusalem.

Some just use their emotionally charged pleas to law-abiding citizens to give up their guns. Somehow taking guns from the good guys, will stop the bad guys from using their guns to do bad things. Who is going to stop the bad guy with a gun? The good guy with a gun, every time.

Lots of people think that there should be a classification system differentiating assault weapons and weapons of war from other firearms. This argument is nonsensical as the US populace doesn’t own the weapons our military carries onto battle fields. Constitutionally, the fact that US citizens are forbidden from owning modern military weaponry is repugnant.

And then there is what is supposed to be included in the still-being-drafted legislation in the Senate. The two Senators creating this pile of dog crap are republican-in-name-only Lindsey Graham and notorious gun-grabbing freak Richard Blumenthal. Both of these Senators have been, in the recent past, involved with attempting to get legislation passed to restrict gun rights. One of their most terrifying aspects of the legislation they are drafting is the red-flag gun provisions, which these two have already worked on together. Other regulations include mental health provisions, accessing juvenile records while conducting a NICS check, closing the so-called ‘boyfriend loophole,’ and requirements for Federal Firearms Licenses.

While what is reported to be included in the Senate version to deny individuals access to firearms is not as draconian as Jerry Nadler’s Protecting Our Kids Act which passed the House, the Senate version is bad enough. None of these reported provisions in the Senate’s sights will effect a reduction of crime. They won’t even prevent gun crimes. What these provisions will do is make it harder for those who follow the law to obtain legal firearms.

I understand the premise of red-flag gun laws. What it means is that rabid psychopaths are going to call in every gun-owner they can to have their guns confiscated. Law-abiding citizens have already had this happen to them and some of them have been murdered by the police who showed up to enforce the ‘law.’ Having these kinds of things on law-books violates the 2nd Amendment. They will also result in law-abiding gun owners being murdered by police following illegal orders. Sooner or later these extrajudicial gun-confiscating red-flag gun laws will see the forces showing up to enforce them getting shot at. Lindsey Graham is helping Blumenthal write a road-map to the second civil war in the United States.

What is the real answer to all of this? Get rid of all gun laws. Let the Second Amendment serve as the only gun law in the land. And get these gun-grabbing freaks out of office, we don’t need them. We need God, family, and guns. We need a moral society, not by force, by choice. This legislation will not stop evil people from committing evil acts. What will stop evil is good. Taking the potential for ‘good’ to prevail over the weapons of evil will only lead to the extermination of the ‘good’ by the evil.

The people trying to pass gun-regulations represent the evil. Being as though these same people are legislating their own ability to increase the areas in which government permits its only real ability – force, violent at times – to take away the only thing halting their tyranny is not lost on many of us. Any one voting to take away gun rights is a tyrant waiting to set themselves loose upon the populace without consequence.

It’s time to demand the US government follow the Constitution of the United States of America – the same document these wanna-be tyrants, with their secret service protection and armed private security, swear an oath to. These tyrants have forgotten that oath and failed this nation. And while they are protected by men and women with guns, they are demanding the rest of us rely on their discretion for protection. That situation results in dependence upon those who hate us for our own safety. How has that played out over history? Poorly, to put it mildly.

Anyone voting in favor of red flag gun laws needs to never again serve in any office of government at any level because what they are really committing is treason. They are aiding and abetting both foreign and domestic enemies. Keep that in mind when you are voting this November.


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