Get God While You Can

Get God While You Can

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 6/18/2022

You can call me a conspiracy theorist if you really want to. I don’t really think the label is necessary or accurate, but let me explain why you may be so inclined.

A paper from a Korean research team was published on March 2, 2022 titled “Stimuli-Responsive Adaptive Nanotoxin to Directly Penetrate the Cellular Membrane by Molecular Folding and Unfolding.”

What the paper describes, according to a July 16, 2022 Daily Star article, is “The nanoparticles powering the machines are made of gold, and repeatedly fold and unfold while inside a cell to destroy it—without any harmful anti-cancer drugs or medication required.”

The Korean paper’s abstract reads:

“Biological nanomachines, including proteins and nucleic acids whose function is activated by conformational changes, are involved in every biological process, in which their dynamic and responsive behaviors are controlled by supramolecular recognition. The development of artificial nanomachines that mimic the biological functions for potential application as therapeutics is emerging; however, it is still limited to the lower hierarchical level of the molecular components. In this work, we report a synthetic machinery nanostructure in which actuatable molecular components are integrated into a hierarchical nanomaterial in response to external stimuli to regulate biological functions. Two nanometers core-sized gold nanoparticles are covered with ligand layers as actuatable components, whose folding/unfolding motional response to the cellular environment enables the direct penetration of the nanoparticles across the cellular membrane to disrupt intracellular organelles. Furthermore, the pH-responsive conformational movements of the molecular components can induce the apoptosis of cancer cells. This strategy based on the mechanical motion of molecular components on a hierarchical nanocluster would be useful to design biomimetic nanotoxins.”

What I gathered from the abstract is that there is a nanobot embedded in biological materials which can enter cells. The environment within a cancer cell is different than in a healthy cell and the nanobot can then destroy the cells which are cancerous. That sounds great, but I have some questions.

Do the nanobots remain in the body after they destroy all of the cancer cells? Are the nanobots able to reconstruct their biological shells? Are they able to reconstruct themselves? Can they be reconfigured while in the body? Do the nanobots have communication technology in them?

But the devil is really in the details on this one. Creating nanobot treatments to eradicate cancer cells in this manner means that these things can be configured to enter any cell and would have the potential to destroy whatever cell it is in, healthy or not.

And here is where people will think I am a conspiracy theorist. Imagine murderers like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci teaming up to spray these things upon a human population from a drone or an airplane. Or maybe they would insert them into the food supply. Maybe they would put them into the water supply. The idea that an all-but-undetectable nanobot could be introduced into our bodies without our knowledge is highly problematic. The possibility becomes a probability when people like Gates and Fauci, who have no morals, no ethics, and millions of deaths attributed to them, get a hold of something like this and deploy it.

But why would they decide to do that? They hate God, they hate what He created. And they have no concerns about exterminating billions of people as long as they don’t get caught while they are carrying it out. But the scope of this problem is much larger than just Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, there are tens of thousands of individuals and groups who share ideas of exterminating billions.

The future of humanity is not being created for you and me. It is being created for a small elite class who seek to live forever in a technological utopia of their design and the slaves they need to maintain that utopia. If these elites cannot live forever in the bodies that God designed, they will live in an alternative body made of silicon. All of the technologies which have been permitted for the masses to use over the last several decades – virtual reality, digital twins, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart appliances, smart cars, robotics, alternative energy production technologies, metaverses, mRNA vaccines, normal vaccines, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology in the human body, biological weapons, and many, many more – is an effort by the elites to strip humanity of its will to exist. The elites are trying to create a world full of unthinking, ungodly, and amoral people who are passive while they are being led to the slaughterhouses. All of the technologies above are designed to limit individual choices and to surveil, monitor, control, destroy, and ultimately, exterminate humanity.

There are many people starting to smell the stench of the slaughterhouse as they get nearer to it. Some try to turn around and run from the stench, while others just resign themselves to it. Trying to wake up the hoardes of people resigned to entering the last door and those that don’t even know where they are being led is becoming increasingly more difficult by the day. Turning around and running will soon not even be an option because the rest of humanity will drag the individuals trying to flee with them. Look at what has happened with recent events – COVID jabs are the most revealing in this area. Other areas vividly displaying this is the demand we all adhere to the lie that there is global warming and it is humanity’s fault, experts are always correct, global bankers are the good guys, homosexuality and transsexualism is what children are supposed to be concerned about, and there is no media censorship.

If you called me a conspiracy theorist, that’s fine. If you didn’t that great. To anyone who read this far, first off, thank you, and second off, turn off your computer or put your phone down and go read your Bible for a while (I suggest the next 30 minutes). Do this daily until you have read the whole thing. The only reason the world is in the state it is in is because too many humans have decided there is no external objective truth. In other words, too much of humanity has decided mankind is god and that God created flawed beings they can ‘fix.’ Go read that Bible and let me know how that worked out any other time it was tried, whether here on earth or in heaven. Let us reason together.


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