BARDA – Biologically Accelerating the Radical Decline of America

BARDA – Biologically Accelerating the Radical Decline of America

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/18/2023

Every person on earth was reminded of why there is a Nuremberg Code, why there were Nuremberg Trials, and why the saying “never again” is still a phrase said by many. The medical establishment murdered millions of people. They created a chimeric virus. They released it upon the world. They ensured it spread far and wide. They turned nursing homes and hospitals into prisons. They murdered us with their overpriced drugs and medical procedures. They lied to us and silenced the truth. They shoved tubes down our throats and blew our lungs up, murdered us with gene therapies, and told us we are not permitted to earn a living with the intention of starving us to death. They shut down global trade. They claimed legal immunity from prosecution. They argued to murder people under the asinine guise of medical protocols which were nothing but euthanasia.

A little known United States Health and Human Services administrative office exists under the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Organization Chart called Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). Throughout the scamdemic the fascists at BARDA assisted and amplified the damage caused by the medical establishment. This federal administration has the blood of millions on their hands.

At the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 BARDA jumped all over it. BARDA immediately started giving pharmaceutical companies huge sums of money to develop vaccines and therapeutics, particularly Johnson & Johnson and Moderna. They not only gave them money, BARDA partnered with them – a clear example of fascism.

Rick Bright was at the helm of BARDA when the scamdemic started and is now working at NIH. Operation Warp Speed was started in March 2020 and by April 2020 Bright was out at BARDA and reassigned to the National Institutes for Health (another prime example of fascism and the medical tyranny which flows from it). Bright quit the NIH because, “the Trump administration “ignores scientific expertise, overrules public health guidance and disrespects career scientists.”” Another reason Bright stated for quitting NIH is he felt he was not engaged in meaningful work. He decided to become a whistle blower upon his resignation in October 2020.

According to BioSpace, “In a meeting with reporters after filing the complaint, Bright said, “I was pressured to let politics and cronyism drive decisions over the opinions of the best scientists we have in government.” The article described Bright’s perception of political influence and cronyism by alleging, “his early warnings about the dangers of the pandemic were ignored and that his opposition to President Trump’s touting of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment, cure and preventative for COVID-19 led to his removal from his position at BARDA.” It turns out the Bright has connections to Mike Pence who is a dyed-in-the-wool traitor to the Republic of the United States and ever American citizen.

Bright was replaced at BARDA by Gary Disbrow. Disbrow didn’t slow down the gene therapies which have murdered millions of people and maimed ten of millions of others. He doubled down on the effort and, as late as whenever the 2022 Honorees of the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal were interviewed, continued to believe that millions of lives were saved with the gene therapies. That service award has been given to people committed to lawlessness for a long time. It should come as no surprise as the sponsors of the award are the same sponsors and partners of the World Economic Forum. The WEF, for it’s part, loves the biomedical death and destruction caused by the gene therapies because the Great Reset was off and running to usher humanity into the Fourth Industrial Revolution. BARDA will double down on facilitating these efforts as well.

BARDA is a domestic institution funded through the expropriation of United States citizens’ labor. $4.5 billion went to Moderna and Pfizer out of over $14 billion spent by BARDA on Operation Warp Speed. Every organization they sent money to created something which hyped covidiocy fears, made themselves out to be the solution to those fears, and convinced millions to undergo the

The WEF and the World Health Organization can cheer-lead whatever they want but a domestic organization which is weaponized against all United States’ citizens is problematic at the least. BARDA was proposed by a so-called republican in 2006 named Richard Burr. He seems to have spent his time as a legislator in the federal government writing transhumanist developments into law and forcing the American citizen to fund the fascist relationships his legislation created. Burr wrote and passed several such pieces of legislation which are now law including BARDA, Given his track record and his willingness to commit treason against the United States of America, and his desires for global government, it should come as no surprise that Burr was a leading figure in the lies and persecution of Donald Trump. Unfortunately his legacy lives on through BARDA which is still invested heavily in murdering the entire world starting with every American citizen.

BARDA has always operated under the new normal which suggests that by killing ourselves we cannot harm ourselves. Thus, BARDA embraced the CDC’s recommendations that people be medically euthanized without their consent without the right to try alternatives like ivermectin so BARDA could keep on pumping money into death jabs and DNA-collection efforts. Now that we are done with the scamdemic and the world stands staring at these monsters realizing that their entire plan was to murder as many as possible and maim or sterilize all the rest BARDA has decided to braodcast their future actions.

Those future actions indicate a decidedly anti-human direction. BARDA Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026 starts off with a declaration of lawlessness and stupidity from the pen of Gary Disbrow himself. He doubles down on BARDA being a fascist government office by having written, “BARDA will fortify the nation’s health security with our partners, stakeholders, and workforce. This Strategic Plan establishes how this will be achieved in BARDA’s next five years.”

“Preparedness Rapidly develop safe, effective medical countermeasures accessible to all Americans,” is the first goal BARDA lists. Vaccines are mentioned 13 times in the four pages about meeting this goal. The section suggests gain-of-function research continue, medical implants be forced into people’s bodies, and the timeline for products to move from concept to the market be shortened further (safety is apparently all about speed). Efforts to get younger and younger children involved in these programs is mentioned. Also stated is BARDA’s intent to make it impossible to avoid receiving their ‘medicines.’

BARDA’s version of safety can only be summarized as murder. Once you are dead, you are safe from everything on this earth, because, well, you are dead is the only line of logic possible for BARDA to follow. mRNA technologies are gene therapies which still have never proven themselves safe nor even suitable for human use. Yet, despite the millions of people negatively impacted by mRNA death jabs, which now include flu shots, BARDA still maintains they are not only safe and effective but proven. They are proven to sterilize, cause hearth issues, destroy immune systems, wreck nervous systems, kill people but they will not provide an immune response to the disease they are supposed to prevent. Oh, and they mutate the human genome. And…. as long as the reprobates at the FDA ‘approve’ one of their treatments BARDA claims it is a success despite the FDA’s piss-poor record of determining what is safe and what is not.

“Goal 2: Response Enhance and maintain a sustainable, mission-ready response posture,” is all about fascism. They want to create more fascist relationships between themselves and ‘private’ partners. Test manufacturing, vaccine manufacturing, and making sure that any company supporting BARDA’s genocidal mission is well paid for their devotion are features of this section. Where therapeutics should be sought to deal with any health hazard situation which arises, there is absolutely no mention about them. The only therapeutic BARDA appreciates enough to even mention is monoclonal anti-bodies which have their roots in transhumanist design themselves.

In goal 3 BARDA tries to avoid stating what partner they dropped $500 million on to, “employ venture capital practices and methods to develop innovative [medical countermeasures] MCMs for public health emergencies that also have commercial markets.” The partner; however, turns out to be the Global Health Investment Corporation. No one at GHIC cares one bit about your health. They are fully intent on convincing all of us that the best way to be is dead and that we have a duty to act on that belief. They convinced billion of humans to take their death jabs under this ruse in a fascist partnership with BARDA.

If you are still searching for some type of smoking gun BARDA has aimed at humanity, look no further. “In 2012, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored the creation of GHIC and the launch of its initial fund, the Global Health Investment Fund, with the support of JP Morgan Chase.  The original vision was to apply well-established venture capital practices using blended finance to accelerate the development of products and technologies that would improve lives globally by addressing high-burden global health challenges.” The chairman and CEO of GHIC is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and worked at IAVI for 17 years trying to create an AIDS vaccine with Bill Gates help. IAVI exists for the same reason most other similar organizations exist – to reject actual cures and suppress actual research which would lead to cures.

BARDA not only has strong ties to Bill Gates, goal 3 also states some other really lofty goals. They plan on getting more heavily involved in flu vaccine development despite the fact that the flu vaccine has never once stopped flu. They are going to invest more in health surveillance. They are going to decide that any development they back will have tolerable level of ‘commercial viability’ (which explains why they hate cheap effective COVID-19 cures like ivermectin, steroids, and vitamins). BARDA also plans on addressing racism by fully engaging in racism which is fully in line with their mentality that in order to not have a heart attack people should decapitate themselves.

Their final goal in the Strategic Plan is, “Goal 4: Workforce Build and support a world class workforce.” BARDA sums up their entire operation as a charade in this section. “BARDA’s track record of success in supporting the development and regulatory approval of MCMs is rooted in the dedication and scientific acumen of the individuals that constitute the BARDA organization.” There is no science behind their efforts. There is only Darwin, Galton, and humanism behind it and a blind belief in the worship of science. This scientism has been a root cause in all of the travesties in history – from Babel to the fall of Rome to Stalin’s USSR. BARDA doubles and triples down on it. These gene therapies are murdering people and BARDA sits there saying they are safe and effective to this day. The only way BARDA can consider itself successful is if their goal is murdering people.

The rest of the document is BARDA patting themselves on the back for their efforts in murdering people with untested gene therapies and illegally disseminating DNA samples across the world. Throughout the document BARDA demands that people start accepting digital healthcare because they are quadrupling down on it. By doing this, BARDA is ushering in artificial intelligence determining the course of our treatments should we get injured or ill. They are also demanding that people stay isolated from one another.

There is a bright spot here. BARDA is not permanent. It is up for re-authorization this year as a matter of fact. Preparing for the Next Public Health Emergency: Reauthorizing the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act is the title of the discussion in the US Senate Committee on Health, Labor, Education & Pensions. Par for the course, the head of the committee is the most worthless person in the Senate because Bernie Sanders looks like he has a foot in the grave, has never worked an honest day in his entire life, loves the USSR’s education system, and has no business managing his own pension let alone any one else’s. Sander’s should be disqualified from the committee; however, they heard from US HHS, CDC, FDA, Yale, John’s Hopkins, and Public Citizen (which is angry at Pfizer for not getting the death shots out fast enough nor to as many people as possible). The ranking member of the committee, Bill Cassidy, cannot seem to bend over far enough to appease bipartisan efforts in this area. The committee agreed that BARDA needs to be expanded in their scope.

Our senators need to be called up and when legislation to reauthorize BARDA appears, it needs to be left unfunded. We need to call them and we need to demand that outcome. First, BARDA is fascist and operates illegally and unconstitutionally. Second, their mission is to murder people. The desires of their partners is to murder people. The Senators and House Members who vote to reauthorize BARDA are condoning murder. BARDA doesn’t need money – every single person at BARDA needs to be prosecuted for subversive activities, treason, and murder and every single partner with BARDA need to be investigated for the same. Mitt Romney, Bill Cassidy, and every democrat on this committee should also be investigated similarly.

If there still needs to be a case made against BARDA, I will refer the reader to review Anthony Fauci’s current efforts. If you thought for one second that Fauci was done murdering people, you’d be wrong. He is negotiating the surrender of the United States to the World Health Organization under the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty. If something could be worse than BARDA, worse than Fauci, worse than Bill Gates, the WHO, and that mass-murderer, Tedros, who runs it, fit the bill. The Pandemic Preparedness Treaty would make anything the WHO declares to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) completely subject to their own discretion, including when it starts and if it ever ends. What’s super fun is that BARDA’s five year plan reads almost exactly like the WHO treaty in that the outcomes are to be the same. Any public health determination made by either is to be strictly adhered to – sanctions should be imposed on whoever disagrees.

Call your federal representatives and demand that BARDA gets fired by the representatives of the American people. Pray to God that they are because BARDA would like nothing more than to get you to die at their hands after they have you reject God in favor of their scientism and the deadly results of their efforts.

Bless God and God bless.


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