DARPA Wants To….

DARPA Wants To….

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/22/2022

Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) is working on making missiles fired from jets faster. According to Popular Science, DARPA is planning on doing this by creating an engine that works on a rotating explosion. The explosion rotates and rotates around inside the engine to provide propulsion to the projectile. Tyler Rathsack of the Air Force Research Laboratory summed up the idea as:

“‘So what we do is we have a circular combustion chamber and when we initiate the initial light off for the engine in one part of the engine, that detonation starts to expand in a circle around the perimeter of the engine,’ said Rathsack, ‘and what you end up with is a detonation that revolves around the perimeter constantly chasing itself about 30,000 laps per second, what this does is provide use with perpetual thrust.’”

Neat-o. I cannot wait for Biden or someone like him to start bombing time sensitive targets like Christian prayer groups or states which decide to leave the United States with these things. If you think I am reaching, think again – DARPA only designs weapons for use against, well, all of us. You are reading this on their INTERgalactic NETwork….

It’s not like DARPA isn’t already working on different types of drones to accomplish this much more effectively. A Ted Talk from 2016 shows a video of multiple drones flying through the air simultaneously. Another video from May, 2022 shows a drone swarm controlled by China which are completely autonomous navigating their way through a dense forest they had not been in. This same swarm is also shown tracking individual targets. This video shows the point of all of this, it is a 7 minute video featuring a product called slaughterbots – autonomous drones with explosives inside of them which slam into the targets head, detonating the charge, and killing the target. DARPA Forward is a convention which will be occurring very soon. One of the presenters will be Ali Agha who has and currently is researching autonomous weapons systems, including drones. He will present on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 from 1:50pm – 2:35pm.

DARPA really starts to bug me when I start looking at the ‘health’ treatments they have decided to research. INTERCEPT is a plan to literally give people a ‘harmless’ virus which competes for viral resources to prevent their viral replication inside the body. In 2019, PREPARE sought to create DNA-based, mRNA-based, and/or gene therapy’s to fight the flu as well as other diseases. Panecea seeks to create drugs in a different way and with multiple purposes because they will modify multiple types of proteins at once. BETR is an ongoing research project which aims to heal wounded soldiers with a digitally monitoring a wound and ‘correcting’ any issues arising in the healing process. The NEAT program seeks to identify per-conscious ideas within individuals (sold, as always, as a way to decrease suicides within the ranks of those serving). NEAT is literally mind control, especially when it is paired with DARPA’s work on Obama’s Brain Initiative plans. The work in this area includes at least 11 separate projects and involves implanting something within a human to allow for some kind of greater functionality through a computer interface. There are literally hundreds of ‘health’ projects DARPA is working on and thousands of projects overall.

Every single one of these projects involves creating more lethal, precise, undetectable, and repairable weapons system including the human body. DARPA’s dream soldier, at least the fleshly versions of them, involve what is commonly referred to as the super soldier. Artificial human limbs, ADAPTER (altering sleep patterns more quickly and addressing food and water safety), Measuring Biological Aptitude (MBA), and mRNA based ‘solutions’ to diseases including DARPA’s Nucleaic acids On-demand Worldwide (NOW) project and a DARPA Forward presentation by Elena Dalla Benetta of U of California San Diego, “The development of a highly specific and programmable RNA-targeting platform with minimum off-target activity.” Moderna, the murderers of my father and hundreds of thousands of other, in conjunction with GE, have the contract to develop DARPA’s genocidal NOW project. These, and other projects, will be used in conjunction with one another to mutilate human DNA to create super soldiers capable of seeing radiation bands outside of visible light, supersonic hearing, brain-computer interfaces, increased strength, less need of sleep, less need of food and water, able to run faster, shoot straighter, and kill more efficiently with less or no hesitation nor sympathy.

I am trying to warn you with details about things that are actually happening in this world. This article, in particular is very important to me because I am describing actual research projects which will open our DNA up to whatever DARPA decides to do. In the meantime, they don’t give two craps about how many people have to die for them to get their inventions onto a battlefield. That battlefield always ends up being the citizens of the US. Look at the CIA operating domestically. The NSA operates domestically. Proposals are continuously being pushed forward to have policing done by the military. The police departments use military hardware daily. Meanwhile efforts have passed the House of ‘Representatives’ to take away hundreds of kinds of commonly used firearms, sign the American citizen onto a planned economic demise through banning affordable energy sources, increasing the cost of food and fuel, and decimating the value of the US dollar. The point of the Build Back Better plan and efforts of disarmament are to prevent any kind of formidable physical resistance to what DARPA is creating and the US government will not hesitate to use against its own, dissenting, citizens.

The Popular Science article got me thinking I should go check out what else DARPA is doing. I gave you a taste of what they are doing. I, and those like me, seek to prevent these types of technologies from becoming requisite in order to live upon this planet. I want to think with my God-given brain, feel with my God-given sense of touch, hear the chirping of birds in the morning, not a recording, see God’s creation, not mankind’s smart cities, and taste the sweetness and the bitterness of the fruits of the earth, not the fake chemical additives designed to mimic the taste of food. I don’t like the world we live in now. DARPA is doing everything within its power to make the world even worse to live in by further destroying God’s creation – especially DNA. And to know that every paycheck I earn, a portion is withdrawn for federal income taxes (making all of us serfs of the federal government), some of which provides DARPA with their funding.

Now, more than ever, we need to turn to God, ask for forgiveness, and to uproot the evil which has planted itself within the midst of our society and continuously manifesting its rotten fruit. I urge you to read the Bible – one day, I believe sooner rather than later, the people at DARPA will not be satisfied with imprisoning and demociding Donald Trump supporters, domestic ‘terrorists,’ and gun owners. DARPA will make available it’s Resident Evil creations to come for anyone professing faith in Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach), or God (Adonai). That means taking the Bible out of our hands and forcing us to bow to a leader on this earth with the intent of forcing all of us to worship that entity – refusal will be death. The Bible warns of this. I’m merely giving you a glimpse into some of the demonic technological ‘advancements’ being undertaken to get humanity to that point. Do not be deceived and also do not be disheartened because the Day of the Lord will come sooner or later. The evil upon this earth is rampant and only growing stronger with each day we all sit here, unaware, and without a clue about how to fight back.


Something is Going to Have to Give – Privacy or Surveillance


May God Let it Rain