Buy Local Applies to Banks Too

Buy Local Applies to Banks Too

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/15/2023

There is a banking panic. We were told last week not to pay any attention to it because the new regulations would prevent similar crashes in all banks. The problem with that line of logic is that Biden and the FED have teamed up to make every investment any bank made in the last 8 years a money loser for them. ALL banks are susceptible to the liquidity crises and having to sell assets at a loss to make up the difference. Even the top ten, the so-called too big to fail banks, are going to face this problem sooner or later. But, because people seem to have lost their minds, there has been a huge outflow of deposits from small, local banks being deposited into the big banks. If these smaller, local banks go under we will all be living in Hell.

The whole point of all of the high prices, exploding inflation, and, now, the bank crashes and potentials for bank crashes, is threefold. One of these is to cut venture capitalists, start-ups, and small businesses out of ushering in the policies, procedures, laws, and regulations of the Great Reset. The US government, under the Obiden regime, wants complete control of all of this to look better in the eyes of their global government overlords. Another reason is to consolidate and de facto nationalize the banks. The third reason is to usher in central bank digital currency (CBDC) and all of the fun tools the government would be able to implement against non-narrative-compliant segments of the citizenry.

So, anyone who went and took money out of their main street bank and put it into a wall-street bank – you’re an idiot because you have done exactly what the Biden regime hoped you would do. You are causing liquidity and reserve crises in small banks in local communities and giving the big banks more money to buy them up as the smaller banks fail. In the meantime, it is the small local community banks which would not necessarily be too keen to adopt the mark of the beast system the US government calls CBDC that you are helping to destroy while giving your money to banks which are all ready to go to CBDC. So, maybe, if that’s you, you’re not an idiot – you are guilty of assisting in the destruction of liberty, freedom, and, ultimately, the civilization that we live in. This is me being nice….

Now, I’m all for the destruction of the plan to implement the Great Reset. The banks crashing will do nothing to slow it down. While many of the investments venture capitalists make are an effort to get business in on the fascist cash cow the Great Reset is, having all of these small businesses is untenable for the federal government to control. In order to consolidate these Great Reset industries such as startups in biomedical surveillance, artificial intelligence, robotics, blockchain, pharmaceuticals, medical implants and many others, they are going to take away what has been an increasingly important source of funding – venture capital. The intent is to make them less valuable to be more easily purchased by the likes of IBM, Google, Microsoft, Moderna, and Pfizer. It is a lot easier to control a two hundred CEO’s and the boards of their corporations than it is to control tens of thousands of CEO’s and boards of corporations. Joe Biden is an unmitigated fascist and he has told us many, many times that is exactly what he is anytime he has ever mentioned ‘defending democracy. What he really means is allow him to dictate and to create public private partnerships (fascism) with all of the for-profit business entities in the country.

Consider what Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary stated on CNN on Monday. According to The Last Refuge, “The CNN panel was jaw-agape as Kevin O’Leary appeared earlier today to inform them the decision by Joe Biden to guarantee every deposit in U.S. regional banks is akin to “Joe Biden just nationalized the U.S. banking system.”” O’Leary isn’t wrong either, even though he tried to walk back the bluntness of his statement immediately. When the government takes an interest in something it starts making all of the decisions for that something. In the past it was the auto-manufacturing industry, food production, water sanitation, and healthcare to an extent. On Monday, it was the banks and it’s not to an extent. The US government, under the fascist reign of the head of the Biden crime ring, will now be deciding people’s credit worthiness, if a bank is in proper standing, and if one is even able to have a bank account. It seems like a demonstration version of the controls a CBDC would feature….

CBDC offers tyrants great incentives and enslavement for the populations it is foisted onto. It features a centralized blockchain monitored by artificial intelligence in real-time. The AI will decide, for everyone, if what we are trying to purchase is allowed. It will decide if where we are at is an acceptable place for us to even be. It will contain information on us regarding medical status, carbon allotments, and a social credit score. It will identify us on the blockchain by biomedical identification – heart rate, facial recognition, geospatial/geofencing, vaccine status for starters. If you break a rule you won’t be able to buy anything. The rules won’t be laws, they will be things like me stating, even in private, that Joe Biden deserves five minutes in an MMA ring to have whoever he is facing off against beat the Marxism out of him. Eventually the CBDC AI will flag a person who doesn’t believe in LGBTQ rights, banning firearms, Marxism, global government, transsexual story times, or baby murder so many times that the person will have no way to survive.

What should have happened is everyone should have taken their money from the big banks and put it into a smaller bank. If we hope to have any semblance of financial stability with a currency unable to be controlled like CBDC, this is what would have happened. This still could happen. Instead of destroying what currently exists – the US dollar – anyone who went insane and deposited into a Wall Street bank still has the time to think better of their decisions and put their deposits into a main street bank. Those who have always used the big banks could decide to start using the smaller banks too. If there need to be bank runs, let it be the banks working really hard in fascist relationships with the FED and US government be the ones to go bust.

Those top ten banks, from largest to smallest, are JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo & Co., US Bancorp, PNC Financial Services, Truist Financial Services, Goldman Sachs, TD Bank, and Capital One. As of January 4, 2023, JP Morgan Chase had assets of $3.31 trillion. On that date, all together, these banks had assets of over $12 trillion.

Citi, PNC Bank, TD Bank, Truist, US Bank, and Wells Fargo, six of the top ten US banks, just completed a proof of concept project orchestrated by the FED to turn their back-end money supply chain (wholesale money) into a CBDC system. The FED has determined it needs no Congressional approval for actually making this happen.

The US Treasury, under the ‘leadership’ of a perpetually treasonous and wealth destroying demon from the pits of Hell, Janet Yellen, has gotten in on the CBDC frenzy too. The Treasury recently (March 2, 2023) announced they were creating a task force to figure out the most appropriate way to roll-out a CBDC in the United States. The task force is going to be looking hard at the retail side of things (the retail side is what normal, working, human beings are involved with) to ensure that everyone in the country has as little ability as possible to escape the beast system they are shoving down our throats. The task force, as the Treasury announced, is being called together because of a March 9, 2022 executive order from the fascist ‘president’ titled Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets. CBDC isn’t a new desire for the regime, it has been established and is now seeking a cause for implementation. It’s not a coincidence that banks began to crash right at the time the CBDC’s are about to roll out. The crashes serve as cover for the tyrants implementation of the demonic CBDC.

The Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) opposes CBDC. They do so from their own standpoint – CBDC threatens their existence as I mentioned earlier. Their position goes, “ICBA opposes the creation of a U.S. CBDC, arguing that it would disintermediate community banks and pose privacy risks without improving on superior payment alternatives, such as FedNow. ICBA in September released polling conducted by Morning Consult indicating consumers support a regulatory framework for digital assets and are skeptical of the creation of a U.S. CBDC.”

Go put your money back into that local bank unless you want this CBDC rolled out even faster with even less debate and less oversight. Also know that those who will be bailed out by the US government will not be getting $100 bills deposited. They will be getting US Fed Coin, aka CBDC. Those taking their money from the smalls to the bigs will crash the smalls. Even if you declined to participate in this moronic small-bank crushing maneuver, your nationalized US banking bail-out funds will end up being US Fed coin – not US dollars. This is already being done….

Wired, owned by Conde Nast (another band of degenerative marauders seeking to abolish common sense), published a piece today titled, In Ukraine, Crypto Finds a Purpose. The byline reads, “The UN’s refugee agency has partnered with blockchain and money transfer companies to get vital aid to people displaced by conflict.” After describing the way that physical cash would need to arrive to those in need on pallets in war zones, and Zelensky’s refusal to allow capital to flow out of his country even if the assets are in a refugee’s account Wired explained the workaround:

“Recognizing these limitations, the UNHCR has moved to deploy an alternative system, partnering with the Stellar Development Foundation, a nonprofit that supports the growth of the Stellar blockchain network. The two organizations are working alongside money transfer company MoneyGram and Circle Internet Financial, issuer of the USDC stablecoin, to rig up a system for sending aid directly to Ukrainian refugees using crypto. Cryptocurrencies have often been dismissed as being useful only for financial speculation, but in Ukraine the technology may be a solution to a real-world problem.”

Stellar’s CEO is Denelle Dixon. She supports net neutrality which sounds like a good idea until one realizes that the FCC took a great amount of lee-way and self-appointed authority to create the rule which was not a problem for the Obama regime. It made it possible for the FCC (i.e. the federal government) to destroy communications channels for internet users at the internet-service-provider level instead of allowing for tiered pricing schemes for different types of users. Iun short she supports governmental tyranny instead of free market solutions. Stellar is the owner of the blockchain which Circle operates on.

Circle claims that it’s stablecoin is pegged to the US dollar or euro, depending on which one is bought, USD Coin or Euro Coin. They claim that it is always a 1:1 ratio – one of theirs will always be equal to one USD or euro. That isn’t true – on March 11, 2023 it was worth $0.8789. It’s value also fluctuates daily although generally not as dramatically as the 12 cents it fell by on the eleventh. Sounds great for currency speculators but not really very good for stability to me. It’s not surprising that it is Golman Sachs who is the major backer of USD Coin which basically acts as a fill-in for tokenized US currency until the US goes full panopticonic police state with CBDC.

MoneyGram is a devious organization which demands that open borders be provided to all who come. They are huge sponsors of the invasion forces entering all western nations from all non-western nations and the violence, crime, and cultural disturbances which come with those aliens. They are completely entrenched in the UN’s SDGs as well. The organization literally exists to destroy the social fabric and cultural cohesion of any community in which they are involved.

By hook, by crook, or by plain old force, the people behind ruining any ideas for economic independence at the individual, and even at the small and medium sized business level, is quickly disappearing. Blink again and it just may be gone completely. The idea is to get every one on CBDC and then really start tyrannizing us. If we hope to slow down CBDC’s rollout we will bolster small banks instead of creating runs on them. We will use these small banks to fund our small projects. We will grow as much of our own food as possible. We will find our own water supplies. We will create our own power sources. We will build our own distribution businesses serving our local communities and make deposits in our local banks, especially if they want no part in CBDC. We will, in effect, create our own, sustainable, communities for ourselves and be able to drive out those with ideas to link us to the systems the current class of tyrants wants to put us under. If we don’t we will be trading bottle caps like in the video game Fallout, we will be stuck in a bartering system which has its benefits but also has a lot of risks as well, such as ambushes, differing values for the same goods depending on the person one is trying to barter with, and availability of goods where they are needed.

Let’s keep our local banks locally owned and locally operated. All we have to do is use them instead of the big banks doing their best, in collusion with the FED and US government, to crush any chance the US citizen has to slow down or avoid altogether, the US issuing a CBDC. If we have any chance to stop CBDC we need to buy local and keep in mind that our local bank needs to be a huge part of buying local.

Bless God and God bless.




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