Slate: Child Gr00mers in Print and on the Air

Slate: Child Gr00mers in Print and on the Air

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/1/2022

‘Mom and Dad Are Fighting’ is a podcast which comes out of Slate. The hosts, Zac Rosen and Jamilah Lemieux were joined by a complete nutjob (and that’s saying something because Zac and Jamilah are nutjobs too) named Autumn Brown on their August 1, 2022 podcast. Within this pathetic excuse of a ‘parenting show,’ a letter was addressed by the hosts which was received from the mother of a 4 year-old girl. The mother’s question was: “how do I talk about complicated gender theory stuff with an almost five year old?”

The answer is, of course, you don’t, and move on, the kid is four years old. Gender isn’t a thing to four year old girls, unless the child is being groomed. The hosts, of course, answered the question by stating that the child will let the parent(s) know how they identify over time and that the parent(s) need to be the safe space their child deserves. The hosts also state that the child doesn’t necessarily need to choose any gender because children can be non-binary. This is grooming.

Jemilah: “You just give them space to explore gender, presentation and language and television shows and comic books and all the things that children should be able to explore without being coded for. You know, since you’re a girl, you get to do this and your boy, you must do that while encouraging them to, you know, do what makes you feel happiest.”

Autumn: “What I’ve witnessed with my own kids and their gender journeys. My oldest child is non-binary. My oldest child was really clear from a young age that they, you know, did not identify with the gender that they were assigned at birth. Right. Like very, very clear. But the way that they acquired language, like the language of being able to identify as non-binary, was like through watching a video of a teenager talking about their gender identity. Right. And then three weeks later, they sort of they started coming to us being like, this is the word for who I am. You know what I mean?”

Also Autumn: “ Something. So, you know, it was just but now you can go on Netflix and find shows that have all different kinds of people in all different kinds of relationships, like everything is right there for the taking. So the good news is that you’re not even going to have to work very hard to get to get the kind of stuff that will benefit your child. You just do have to put in a little bit of that Google and legwork. And your only job really as a parent is to advocate for your kid and protect them and protect their ability to advocate for themselves. I guess that’s three jobs. So long as you’re advocating for them to have self-determination.”

Zac asks after these answers: “It makes me think about I totally hear and feel your worry about. You live in an overall red state and you can control how you parent and you doing so, so lovingly and beautifully, but you can’t control other people. So I relate to that. So what’s a better channel for for our worry? Like, of course we’re gonna worry about our kids. We’re going to worry about assholes being assholes. But what, what can we do as parents to not just, like, hope that someone doesn’t discriminate against them or make fun of them or shame them or whatever?”

Autumn chimes in again: “I mean, I’ll say I think all all of the statistics on this are really, really clear that like the most damaging thing that can happen to a child who is non-binary or trans is to not feel, affirm, not be affirmed by their parents, specifically hundred percent. Right? So it’s like, you know, and they’re they’re it’s can be counterintuitive, I think, for parents who were not anticipating having a non-binary trans child because they do go to the externalizing the fear of like what about what other people are going to do to my child? But it’s like it’s actually what you do that matters more than anything else. Your reaction is the most important thing. If they feel cared for and accepted and loved by you, if they if they experience that the relationship with us safe, they will be able to navigate everything else that happens.”

The hosts and Autumn then wax on about how the world is going to change for the better for the non-binary. They are grooming kids to think they are not what they are.

The hosts also have a bunch of book suggestions. Slate includes a link to a list of books compiled by BuzzFeed, another grooming publication. The book Slate suggested on air is titled Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica Love. This 40 page book is tailored for 2-6 year old’s and is about a young boy who sees ‘women’ dressed as mermaids and wants to follow suit. The boy in the story is ‘gender non-conforming.’ “Julián Is a Mermaid makes a fine addition to the best LBGT children’s books,” according to Brian Pickins. Just what 2-6 year old’s need.

Another book listed in the show notes by Slate is titled A Kids Book about Gender by a groomer named Dale Mueller. The ‘about the author’ section reads, “Dale Mueller is a lifetime learner, sex educator, and mental healthcare enthusiast based in Minneapolis, MN. They integrate their focus on trans advocacy, inclusion, and queer community building in all they do professionally, personally, and in their journey to become a therapist.”

One of the reviews of this perverted book, written by a child abuser, reads:

“Lily 11/20/2021


WOW! This is the kind of resource I was searching for. I am an elementary school teacher working to queer my curriculum. This book articulates concepts about gender and the fluidity and fluctuation gender can take for some trans and gender non-conforming folks. Particularly when working with young ones, engaging in conversations about identity, intersectionality, comfort levels rooted in their physical body, and what they notice about the culture and social expectations around them is HUGE. I love this book and I can't wait to share it with my coworkers and friends. STRONGLY recommend.”

Did you catch that? This child abuser is a teacher to elementary school children who not only wants to teach children about sex, but to teach them about queer sex.

The BuzzFeed list includes the books Jack (Not Jackie), Jacob’s New Dress, Princess Dinosaur, One of a Kind, Like Me, Peanut Goes for the Gold, Annie’s Plaid Shirt, The Boy and the Bindi, My Shadow is Pink, I’m Not a Girl, The Prince and the Dressmaker, It Feels Good To Be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity, Call Me Max, From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea, I am Jazz, When Aidan Became a Brother, BunnyBear, I Love My Purse, Who Are You: The Kids Guide To Gender Identity, Red: A Crayon’s Story, and Introducing Teddy: A gentle story about gender and friendship.

The only thing that any of these books do is suggest to young children that their body parts do not mean they are a boy or a girl. When you do that to a child, it is child abuse. All of the authors, publishers, illustrators, and others, involved with the creation or promotion of any of these books is, at best a child groomer and, in my opinion a child abuser. The authors and illustrators, along with parents and, especially teachers who read this type of garbage to their young children are absolutely child abusers.

But, why do these groomers and child abusers get away with their actions? First, very few of us are willing to hold those exposing children to this rubbish directly accountable. Second – it is part of the United Nations’ Convention of the Rights of the Child. In typical fashion, the treaty was signed by the United States (February, 16, 1995) but never ratified it by having Congress accept it. Nonetheless, many within the government and, especially those in professional circles, follow the UN’s guidelines. I advise you to read through it, but I will issue a warning – it is absolutely nauseating and destroys any parental right to raise a child appropriately.

A good portion of the Convention demands that children’s wishes are to be taken into account by the parents, caretakers, and state parties. If they do not, the treaty is being violated, and justice can be meted out to the responsible party. Thus, ‘teachers’ and other ‘professionals’ feel justified in grooming children so that it can be the children themselves making the suggestion they are whatever combinations of gender-fluid words they were taught to identify their gender as. Under the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the child’s preference must be acknowledged, accepted, and adhered to. The result is not one which supports a human future – it promotes living in a fake world and demanding that society as a whole accept and value that person’s false world the now mentally-ill child/young adult/adult is living in. Who is in the wrong according to the UN and the US government (and many other governments around the world)? Those refusing to accept the nonsense.

And why would Slate and BuzzFeed and thousands of others decide to promote this? Because they hate humanity and they hate God even more. They love perversion. They also love transhumanism, which is what instilling transgenderism and the requisite world outlook necessary to accommodate it. It destroys the birthrights of children before they even know what a birthright is. Teachers would rather teach prepubescent children that their only identity is how they decide to present themselves to the world, whether it be a female, a cat, a tree, of a dragon-headed unicorn. The same monsters perverting the youth, like Slate, also demand that everyone the dragon-headed unicorn individual meets acknowledges and reaffirms that idea. In doing so, Slate, and others, are attempting to destroy society in general with the next stop being legalizing pedophilia.

Write to Slate and tell them they have no business giving anyone advice on anything. In a world which still respected law, Slate and BuzzFeed ‘journalists,’ as well as the authors of this kind of trash would be arrested for child abuse. So would teachers. So would parents. Sexualizing children in ANY way is grooming. Doing it purposefully, and with the intent to create a mental illness in an entire generation of children, is absolutely child abuse and completely homicidal for humanity in general.

Want to read to your children? Start in Genesis and go straight through to Revelation. When it’s finished, start again. Only God will fix this and God will fix this through judgment, with justice meted out in spades. If our children are not prepared for the future, they will have no chance to survive, here on earth or after the wrath of God has passed over the land. Read 10 pages of the Bible a day, then teach your children how to read and write and to do math. The government’s schools want to teach our kids how to destroy their genitals and what pronouns they can identify with. Your choice.


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