Education In the Virtual Realm

Education In the Virtual Realm

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/31/2022

There are quite a few people in my life that have no idea what I am talking about. And then I have to explain to them what it is I am talking about, and then why I have concerns about it. One of the things that I see as an imminent threat to humanity is virtual reality. Most people are aware of what virtual reality is so I don’t have to explain that so thoroughly, but when I explain what it is to be used for in the near future people seem to have a disconnect.

Virtual Reality is going to be used to facilitate the lives we are used to living in real life. The idea is to create us in a digital space first. While I agree that it is impossible to create an actual human being in a Virtual World, the trick these people will use is the disconnect I mentioned above. All it takes is enough exposure in the Virtual Reality to feel comfortable enough to want to move there and all of a sudden there is no need to eat, sleep, or use the bathroom. Wait until AI is developed to stimulate the sensations of smell, taste, and touch. Sounds like the Matrix to me, because it is.

The plan is to move as many physical humans onto a Virtual Reality platform as possible. I think this will become more and more appealing to a wider range of people in the next 36 months. First, those wanting humans to live in Virtual Reality will promise that people will no longer suffer death. That will draw plenty of people who are not aware that their life on this earth is dependent upon their body and the senses and vibrations our bodies can detect – once they lose that body and move to a digital ‘utopia’ all that will disappear.

Those of us who are not going to fall for that lie will be pressured and then forced to migrate to Virtual Reality. ‘Due to the still increasing carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, and water vapor in the atmosphere it is advised that all activities take place in the Metaverse,’ or a similar statement pertaining to disease, war, etc… will be used to convince us. Those who don’t go due to pressure will be outright murdered by the lunatics setting all of this up.

Well, CoVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2, aka coronavirus) started this plan in motion. Many globalist objectives were completed. Millions died from the disease and the treatment of remdesivir and ventilators. Millions (in my estimate) have died from the gene therapy experiment called the CoVID-19 ‘vaccine.’ Millions more have been maimed and sterilized. CoVID-19 mitigation efforts showed the globalists where the problem areas are, why they are problem areas for the globalists. They are, right now, deciding how best to infiltrate, interfere, and inhibit any resistance to their plans.

Disease scares and psychological tactics and the responses to those stimuli were, and are, studied. In the United States two-thirds of the population took at least one of those bastards jabs. That was the response sought by globalists. The next step is to destroy the world economy and to keep banging war drums which portend World War III. We are in the middle of that. When there is no food, no jobs, no income, and nowhere else to turn, the globalists will step in and feed you today to do whatever they want with you tomorrow. One of the things they would like to do, as mentioned, is to move you to the Virtual Reality they are creating for us.

It’s not hyperbole. Go read anything written by these people within the last 5 years. And then consider these two articles Hong Kong University To Build World’s First Metaverse School and Singaporean Authorities To Hold Court Cases and Marriages in Metaverse. Both articles were published by Bitcoinist. The globalists are building humanity’s digital prison today.

From the first article:

“The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology announced Friday its intention to build the world’s first physical digital twin school buildings in the virtual realm, as HKUST joins the bandwagon of the next digital wave to improve learning experiences at its two campuses in Hong Kong and the Chinese city of Guangzhou.

“The metaverse is a collection of three-dimensional virtual environments where individuals can congregate, work, and play using digital representation of themselves, or more popularly known as avatars, allowing them to engage with others who are not physically present.”

The creation will be called MetaHKUST. It is slated to be opened on September 1, 2022. They gave a notice of 34 days of their intentions. The article is full of the fake promises made by the creators and users of blockchain:

“The relationship between the metaverse and NFTs was explained by Roy Kwok, cofounder and Business Director of Vplus Studio Corporation Limited. He defined the metaverse as ‘a second space separate from real space.’

“The metaverse is ‘a virtual replica of anything you can do in real life,’ as K-20 Educators founder and CEO Vriti Saraf puts it. It’s not controlled by any single entity and supports the coexistence of numerous independent systems.”

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology are going to create an AI capable of learning the habits of every single ‘student.’ That’s how digital twins are created – the AI learns YOU. Are the students really learning anything, or are they really masters for a short time, apt to be executed any time after their digital twin is able to confuse those who know the student-master? HKUST will own the metaverse we live in. Whoever deploys the AI’s will own our digital twin.

Who owns us in the real world? We own ourselves in the real world, or at least we are supposed to. God; however, seeing that Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, kicked them out of the garden, and punished all of humankind with death since then. We are not to be gods, we are to worship God. All humans in the flesh will die. Any faux human isn’t human at all, but a mere representation. A digital twin will only ‘die’ when the power goes out or the Metaverse’s and/or AI’s owners pull the plug and delete it, and a digital twin won’t worship anything.

In the second article, the idea of moving government services into a fake reality will absolutely force people to ‘travel’ there. As a side note, I would like to stress that there are several prime areas for setting this type of platform up – Singapore may be the most ideal of them all. Singapore is a technocracy, meaning that everything their government does is decided on by a panel of experts and then doled out to the people who are to follow the decrees exactly. Singapore is also very technologically advanced, has completely forgotten God, and is compliant to the decrees of their technocratic government. That said, the article states:

“It’s becoming quite intriguing how you can get the virtual form of several physical items and objects. There is even a possibility of getting your digital lands, houses, clothes, and other assets. Also, you can conveniently host events on virtual platforms.

“With the increasing progress through metaverse, a Singaporean government ministry proposes handling disputes in the virtual space. The Second Ministry of Law in Singapore, Edwin Tong, mentioned that issues like court cases and marriage proceedings could take place on metaverse. Also, he included that even government services can occur in the virtual land.”

The minister said this on July 20, 2022. Confirming that CoVID-19 was the initiation of this whole dehumanization process, the Minister also said:

“While reacting to legal services in the virtual space, minister Tong stated that such services are possible in the metaverse. In his explanation, the minister recalled that the pandemic had given rise to using online to resolve almost all issues. He stated that even some process that involves physical representation, such as dispute resolutions, is now possible online.”

The article displays how far away from reality humans have already gotten, in favor of Virtual Reality:

“Recall that Decenraland, a metaverse platform hosted its online wedding on metaverse at the beginning of the year. The marriage event had Rose Law Group making the legal formalities with up to 2,000 virtual guests in attendance.

“In a parallel development, the government of South Korea is planning for a launch into the metaverse. It has laid out $177 million as a developmental fund for a virtual platform where citizens can easily access government services.”

I enjoyed playing the Sims, but I never wanted to live in the actual game (except for being able to use the cheat code for unlimited money). How do sims hold each other and feel the lips of their new spouse? Does it work in the Metaverse? Will we have to start having Metaverse-caused revisions to immigration, marriage recognition, and nationality? And why would South Korea want to follow Singapore into Hell? They have the same thing going on in that country as Singapore does – Godless, obedient people – obedient to the point of voluntary servitude to the decrees of the government.

The Metaverse and Virtual Reality are not some future waiting to happen. It’s ALREADY HERE. I explained the outcome being sought through the technology, whether you wish to believe it or not, that’s up to you. But there is one more very disturbing thing about these articles.

Look at the pictures. In the upper picture (for the first article) there are people in VR goggles. Upon all of their faces is a mask; a dehumanizing psychological warfare tactic designed to further separate everyone from everyone else. The masks don’t stop disease, they actually increase disease by trapping larger particles exhaled which are then, again, inhaled, reduce oxygen intake to the body, and just look stupid. They also have this weird way of making me shake my head at anyone I see wearing one because the mask-loving sheep have adopted a life of slavery and being tyrannized over. The masks in the picture tie CoVID-19 to increased acceptance of Virtual Reality and the possibilities of moving there, as well as shows the iterations of dehumanization first masks, now fake reality given more importance than real reality, and soon no body at all.

The second picture (the one of the bottom) also features Virtual Reality goggles. It insinuates that the person is interacting with some form of electrical manifestation and loving it. This picture is actually a pretty fair representation of the truth. If your whole nation is given an avatar to create a digital twin, you still aren’t talking to, hearing, seeing, or even touching, feeling, smelling, or tasting that person. What is happening is your AI-driven avatar (digital representations created through electricity) is interacting with another AI-driven avatar. The picture raises the question, what happens when the AI decides it knows a person better than they know themselves and just takes the avatar over completely giving the person no ability to participate in Virtual Reality from real reality? That person will either more to Virtual Reality or learn to grow their own food and find their own water in this reality.

You have been warned of the dangers. Again, we are in a war between good versus evil and evil is really stepping up it’s game right now. Always keep in mind that evil seeks to separate a human from God. Virtual Reality will absolutely do that, and is ALREADY doing it. Make your choices now, good or evil – the time to sit on the fence is over.


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