Red Flag Gun Laws

Gas-Lighting Should Not Green-Light Red Flag Gun Laws

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 6/21/2022

19 states – Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Illinois, Indiana, Florida, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island – already have red-flag gun laws. Those in italics only allow law-enforcement to use the red-flag gun laws. Those states in bold allow for people outside of law-enforcement and the troubled individual’s household to make the call to seize guns.

California’s version of this law is expansive. Passed in 2014, it allows law enforcement, immediate family members, employers, coworkers, and employees and/or teachers. Since the bill was passed, 8 years ago, 65 people lost their lives in 11 mass shooting incidents according to Mother Jones. Between 1982 (when the list starts tracking mass shootings), and 2014, 32 years, 92 people were murdered in 12 mass shooting incidents. Extended over 32 years, the data since California’s red-flag gun law was passed is on track to record 44 total events with 260 dead.

Connecticut was the first state to decide their citizens don’t really have due process, passing their version of red flag gun laws in 1999. Law enforcement, household members, family members, and medical professionals can make the report of who is allowed to possess weapons. In the last 23 years, Connecticut has suffered from 2 mass shootings claiming 36 lives. Prior to the law being passed, 4 people were murdered in a lone incident over 17 years.

Florida passed their red flag gun laws in 2018. Between 1982 and 2018 there were 10 incidents which took 116 lives. Since 2018 there have been 2 incidents claiming 8 lives. It this trend continues there will be 18 incidents with 72 deaths from 2018 until 2054. Only law enforcement is able to determine those who should have their guns removed.

New York has red-flag gun laws resembling California’s with law enforcement, district attorneys, family members, household members, and school administrators able to petition for the removal of firearms. New York did not have their law go into effect until 2019. Since the law came into effect, one incident occurred which killed 10. Prior to 2019, there were 4 incidents claiming 30 people’s lives. If this trend continues, NY will have 9 incidents with 90 dead.

Overall the Mother Jones list contains 132 mass shooting incidents. 1,507 people have died from those 132 mass shootings between 1982 and June 2022. The average year these 19 states passed their red-flag gun laws was in midway through 2016. 14 of the 19 states with these laws passed them in 2018 or after. After each of these states passed their laws, they still suffered 140 deaths in mass shooting incidents. 39 of those 140 deaths occurred in states which passed their laws in 2018 or later.

Since passing these laws, tens of thousands of firearms have been confiscated from people who have been deemed a threat to themselves or others. Whether or not these people really were dangerous is unknown. Firearms seized through red-flag laws involve no due process. Authorities with guns show up with their guns and a court order and take weapons out of the home of those deemed dangerous which increasingly includes anyone thinking red-flag gun laws deprive individuals of their due process, represent gun confiscation, and may think the US government is basically a terrorist organization.

Taking the guns is not always a piece of cake though. In 2018 Gary Willis was murdered by Maryland police officers serving their due process-destroying confiscation order.

Revenge is also an issue that these unconstitutional laws spur on. There are cases in which a police officers guns were petitioned to be seized because of a shooting incident in which that officer killed her son several years prior. The petition was thrown out. A doctor who felt threatened by a patient who was dissatisfied with his treatment successfully petition to have the patient’s weapons removed.

The gun-grabbers have decided to use a multi-pronged attack upon the liberties of law abiding gun owners. They are claiming that mass shootings will disappear, which clearly is not the case, as well as stopping suicides from occurring, which is also not happening. I’m not getting into the mental health of suicides, but suffice it to say, men use firearms to commit suicide while women typically cut. Hanging, however, is incredibly effective. Attacking police officers with knives or hatchets is incredibly effective. Drain-o works. Boiling bleach or making homemade mustard gas works too. Are we going to have police start taking shoestrings and cleaning products out of people’s homes too? I have watched people attempt to strangle themselves to death with ripped apart t-shirts tied around their neck and ankle with the rest of the shredded t-shirt connecting the other two pieces.

When is that lying puke David Hogg going to show up demanding a ban on t-shirts?

Also extremely bizarre is the fact that the same people who are proposing to nationalize confiscating guns with red-flag gun laws are the same people who promote murdering babies in the womb, euthanasia, sacrificing babies even after they are born and still calling it abortion, and demanding everyone take the murderous mRNA shots even by coersion and quarantine camps if needed. Some of these same people have repeatedly called for the United States to initiate a global nuclear war. They aren’t confiscating guns to save lives. They are confiscating guns to make us more compliant to their whims which are predicated upon violence and the threat of violence for not complying with those whims.

We are being gaslighted. The politicians in the Senate drafting a so-called bipartisan gun control bill are using tragedies to push for the disarmament of US citizens. They are counting on emotially charged, knee-jerk reactions from the population so they can capitalize on the amount of control they can levy upon US citizens. Demonizing guns will not fix anything. Confiscating guns from the US population will start a Civil War. Not addressing why these murderers commit their murders will only see more murderers committing more murders, including mass casualty events, including by firearm. At it’s root, murders occur because of passion and because of a lack of seeing the value of human beings. The latter cause basically boils down to a lack of objective truth, a lack of morals set down by a power greater than man, i.e. God.

This nation has a problem with Godlessness and an adoption of Humanism. It’s not a gun problem. If Congress repealed the 2nd Amendment tomorrow, provided the US government won the Civil War that would ensue, they would have to ban axes, knives, acid, rope, cords, guitar strings, pianos, chainsaws, and wood chippers in the immediate future. Rocks can kill. Fists can kill. Strychnine, bleach, pharmaceuticals, fentanyl, and CLR will kill too. Electricity can kill. Drinking too much water can kill a person. Our world is dangerous. When someone’s actions have the potential to end a life because of those actions, it’s a crime called murder if the result is death. It’s not about the method, it is about the intent. How do we get people to stop wanting to commit murder in the first place?

Call your sheriff and ask them if they plan on participating in this nonsense. Call your governor’s offices and demand they not take money to enact and enforce red-flag gun laws. Get your city or your county to declare themselves a gun-sanctuary area. Even better would be getting governors to declare the whole state a gun-sanctuary.

If we really wanted to see a swift reduction in murders, there would be a death penalty possibility in every state for first degree murderers. At the same time, instead of confiscating guns, the US government would send an $800 voucher for purchasing a firearm and getting trained to everyone 12 years old and older in the United States. If the US really wanted to be progressive in this area, they would fire 90% of the IRS agents they employ and offer them to be one of the 50,000 licensed firearm instructors employed by the US government to train the citizens. Loving mandates, maybe democrats and RINO’s like Adam Kinzinger and Lidsey Graham could get behind mandating THAT. Maybe gun laws can start looking a bit more practical after that happens. I’d love to see a law stating that anyone leaving their domicile must be armed with a minimum amount of firepower. I think that we would quickly recreate what Tocqueville mentioned about the politeness of the American citizen if everyone were armed.

And read your Bible. Always put God first. Because too many have turned their backs on God, we have too many contemplating getting their 15-minutes of fame by committing horrific acts of murder. I am not aware of a magic phrase to get people to turn towards God, but planting the seed, to me, is the most important part. People won’t change their minds about the basis of their life unless they decide that what they are doing is not working for them and initiate those changes on their own. If and when these people get to that point, maybe they will decide to give God a chance. Maybe they won’t. It’s between God and them, all we can do is to plant the seed.


Red Flag Gun Bill


Abortion At Home